BOOK REVIEW – Beautiful Redemption (Caster Chronicles #4) by Kami Garcia & Margaret StohlBeautiful Redemption (Caster Chronicles #4)
by Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl
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Wow…what an ending to Ethan and Lena’s perilous journey. On the edge of my seat, as always, when reading this series, I could not devour these pages fast enough to see what was to become of all the characters I grew to love and admire. I just knew the authors weren’t going to end it the way they should for each character, and yet, somehow they did-thank god for that.

A story centered around a love so strong, that even being worlds apart doesn’t alter their feelings or drive for one another. Invoking a journey that is so passionate, so foolhardy, literally risking it all to be with the one you love. Who says death is the only outcome?

In this novel, there is so much worse than death, and Lena and Ethan are both willing to risk it all for one another. I was so drawn to this novel…all of them really.

There are so many love stories out there, and even more paranormal love stories. But few, for me, have compared to this. The love they share is so raw, so emotional, and I can’t help but be consumed by it. This series has literally broken my heart (just with Ethan’s thoughts), torn it apart, and then pieced it back together again. I have cried more with this last novel than I ever had reading a book-it’s actually a little embarrassing. No one will probably respond as I did, but that’s what makes this one of MY favorite series. This story, above others, spoke to me, and I love it for that reason.

Hoping for a decent ending, because in these books, a decent ending would be more than fair, I was fulfilled and felt at peace with the final pages. While there is some sadness, there is a sense of joyfulness that cannot be overshadowed by the final bits of tragedy that the authors chose to bestow upon us. It’s like everything went the way it was supposed to and all the puzzle pieces fell in place-all is just in the world-as much as it can be in a Caster world centered around Gatlin.

So many other series end with a cop out or never finish what they started, leaving unanswered questions that plague us everytime we think about them. Not with this novel. The authors stitched everything up..literally. They left us with an explanatory last chapter and an epilogue, and they even revealed what Link was doing in Ethan’s basement when he was nine years old…lol…I thought they’d never tell us! I am very happy I finally decided to read this series and I will think about it frequently and fondly in the future. It will, now and always, be one of my favorite series.

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