BOOK REVIEW: A Song to Drown Rivers by Ann Liang

BOOK REVIEW: A Song to Drown Rivers by Ann LiangA Song to Drown Rivers by Ann Liang
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Her beauty hides a deadly purpose.

Xishi’s beauty is seen as a blessing to the villagers of Yue―convinced that the best fate for a girl is to marry well and support her family. When Xishi draws the attention of the famous young military advisor, Fanli, he presents her with a rare opportunity: to use her beauty as a weapon. One that could topple the rival neighboring kingdom of Wu, improve the lives of her people, and avenge her sister’s murder. All she has to do is infiltrate the enemy palace as a spy, seduce their immoral king, and weaken them from within.

Trained by Fanli in everything from classical instruments to concealing emotion, Xishi hones her beauty into the perfect blade. But she knows Fanli can see through every deception she masters, the attraction between them burning away any falsehoods.

Once inside the enemy palace, Xishi finds herself under the hungry gaze of the king’s advisors while the king himself shows her great affection. Despite his gentleness, a brutality lurks and Xishi knows she can never let her guard down. But the higher Xishi climbs in the Wu court, the farther she and Fanli have to fall―and if she is unmasked as a traitor, she will bring both kingdoms down.


A Song to Drown Rivers was not for me.  All of the elements were there…a heroine we could root for, a kingdom we wanted to see thrive, a hero we would fall for, political intrigue, and a retelling that would hold us in the palm of its hand.  Yet none of it worked for me.  I wasn’t able to connect to any of the characters.  I didn’t find myself rooting for anyone.  The political intrigue didn’t keep me interested.  And so many things felt glossed over, since this book spanned a few years yet was a relatively short story.  But the ending?  That was the final reason why this book didn’t work for me and I closed the story so disappointed.  Below are a few more of my thoughts….

This was not a romance.  If you believe that romances can end without a HEA or HFN, then we definitely have differing views of how we want a romance novel to end.  Yes there was some instalove within the pages.  But once you get to the ending, you’ll see why I was left broken hearted.  Yes there was something in those last few paragraphs, but that wasn’t near enough.

This was not a fantasy.  It read more as a historical fiction.  And while there were some paranormal elements towards the end of the book, that’s it.

How was it believable that she was a concubine for two years?  I really struggled with this point.  The most they did was share a few kisses and slept next to each other, but never did anything.  Maybe if this was aged as a younger young adult novel, then it would have seemed feasible?  But that’s not the case here.

The story felt like it could have been set anywhere.  As someone who was excited to immerse myself into a legend of Xishi, one of the famous Four Beauties of Ancient China, I felt like the story could have easily been set in countless places across the world.  It was missing the richness and depth I was looking for.

And lastly, what was the point of the issues with her heart?  As someone with a heart ailment, this didn’t sit well with me.  Was it just anxiety?  We never got any answers, and then after a while the issue seemed to just fade away from the pages.

So sadly, I don’t recommend this book.  I seem to be in the alone category though.  Maybe if this was marketed as a historical fiction and not a romantasy I would have gone in with a better mindset?  But even still, that ending just left me feeling wrong.  I need a HEA or HFN when I close the pages, and if I would have known in advance that it was sorely lacking, I wouldn’t have picked up this book. 

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: Bonded by Thorns (Beasts of the Briar #1) by Elizabeth Helen

BOOK REVIEW: Bonded by Thorns (Beasts of the Briar #1) by Elizabeth HelenBonded by Thorns (Beasts of the Briar #1)
by Elizabeth Helen
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Four beastly princes. One awkward bookworm. An enchanted world of fae, magic, and danger.

I’ve always loved fairytales. I never imagined I'd actually be in one.

When my father wanders into the enchanted realm of the fae, I know I have to go after him. And when he gets imprisoned, I'll do anything to save him... Even trade my freedom for his. I had no idea I'd end up imprisoned by four sexy fae who turn into beasts at night.

I have to win my freedom, and that means making a bargain with them. They must find their mates in order to break the curse. If I can help them do that, they'll set me free. Sounds simple, right?

It's not. Because against my better judgment, I'm starting to fall for these beastly princes. One is smart and sweet, the other mysterious and deadly, another flirty and confident, and the last prince... He's handsome, strong, has a wicked temper, and is dead-set against breaking the curse. Why does he want to keep me here forever?

But it's not just my freedom on the line. If I don't break the princes' curse soon, all the magic in the Enchanted Vale will be stolen by the evil—and stupidly hot—Prince of Thorns. And I'm not letting my princes stay cursed.

Not after I've fallen in love with them.


Bonded by Thorns was a why choose romantasy that never fully grabbed my attention.  I liked the characters well enough, but didn’t love them.  Especially since Rose could be difficult at times, I got whiplash from her reactions, and her self preservation could be fleeting.  

One imprisoned me, one threatened me, one tried to eat me and one, I suspect, wanted to do very indecent things to me.

While this Beauty and the Beast retelling was a fun quick read, there were quite a few holes.  Such as when The Prince of Thorns called her a princess and no one even blinked an eye or questioned it.  Why?  So while this book ended on a cliffhanger, I won’t be continuing on with this series.  Hopefully you end up enjoying this one more than me!

BOOK REVIEW: The Great Dating Fake Off by Livy Hart

BOOK REVIEW: The Great Dating Fake Off by Livy HartThe Great Dating Fake Off by Livy Hart
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One over-the-top Italian wedding. Two fake couples. And a million hilariously disastrous possibilities…

Nora D’Amato would do almost anything for her best friend. Pretend she’s smitten with him to get his overly invested Italian family off his back? Absolutely. Attend a wedding for said overbearing family? Bring it. Spend the next six days at a posh resort watching the bride and groom’s families hate on each other? Pass the popcorn.

There’s only one tiny little hiccup. Nora’s crush―and the object of some very inappropriate thoughts―is here, too. And looking so delectable that she could spoon him faster than stracciatella gelato in a heat wave.

But Sebastian Rossi isn’t available…officially. He’s here with his fake wedding date. And he owes her big time for keeping an eye on his nonna while he’s away months at a time for work. A week in the Adirondacks is a piece of overly frosted cake. Besides, it’s not as though he can have a real relationship when he’s constantly on the move. Definitely not with the cute bookstore manager he can’t stop thinking about.

And a wedding war zone with two feuding families is not the time or place for flirting or sexy sneak-arounds. Everyone is watching―whether it’s during the pickleball tournament, the angry patriarch showdowns, or even the bull-riding bachelorette party. This wedding is one slipped fauxcade away from catastrophe, and if Nora and Sebastian can’t keep to their own sides of the aisle, they risk exposing the very secrets they’re sworn to protect.


The Great Dating Fake Off  was smile worthy and so much fun!  Hart has a way of writing characters that you can’t help but love and a storyline that keeps you captivated and turning the page to see what happens next.  If you like fake dating….but with other people, adult romance, and books that make you laugh, then definitely add this one to your tbr!  

I take a deep, slow breath. Nora D’Amato is an occupational hazard to fake dating.

Starting out, I loved Nora and Sebastian’s meet cute!  The tension thrummed between them from the beginning, and I loved watching those sparks fly!  But fate had other plans, and they found themselves fake dating other people at a mutual wedding.  When they ran into each other again, I was screaming with laughter!  This book would make such a fabulous movie!

“Last night was…”
Those sea glass eyes snap up. “It was what?”
A bad idea.
Like I was finally awake after years of being asleep.

With a wedding that was hosting families whose feud spanned generations, nosy people everywhere, and fabulous friends, I adored this book!  While there were a lot of people within the pages, as a romantasy lover I didn’t have a problem following along with who was who.  Yet there was a huge hiccup…. Sebastian was leaving shortly after the wedding.  To another state.  Nora was someone who had moved around her whole life, and she finally found the place that she wanted as her forever home.  As they snuck around and fell harder for one another, I was so nervous how their happily ever after was going to play out.

This woman loves playing with fire and apparently, I’m more than happy to fall into the flames.

Every single time Nora and Sebastian were together, it was memorable.  Their scenes played out like I was watching a movie…. while waiting for them to get caught haha.  The sauna, the game room, the lake, the photo booth *fans face*, they had so many beautiful moments together.  All the while making me laugh so much!  And I adored how they just clicked.  They felt like lifelong soul mates.  Plus, Sebastian was the best book boyfriend!  He stood up for Nora, was thoughtful, kind and oh so sexy!

She’s left me speechless, but one singular thought plays in my head. Don’t let go.

If you’re a fan of angst and tension, it was so fabulously done in The Great Dating Fake Off!  And the steam was incredible too!  Plus, the emotional side of this book rounded out the story so well.  I got tears in my eyes twice; this book warmed my heart!  I’m so happy I read this story!  The Great Dating Fake Off was a romcom that will keep you laughing and smiling from that first page to the last, I can’t recommend it enough!

I will never stop wanting you.

PS I love that they played Catan, I adore that game!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: Prime Time Romance by Kate Robb

BOOK REVIEW: Prime Time Romance by Kate RobbPrime Time Romance by Kate Robb by Kate Robb
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Newly divorced on the eve of her thirtieth birthday, Brynn is sick of heartbreak. She thought she had found her happy ending, but now she’s living with a roommate, Josh, to afford her mortgage, and she’s trying to adjust to her new single life. At least she’s got Carson’s Cove to binge, her beloved 2000s teenage soap. The show ended unexpectantly on a cliffhanger after five seasons, and the two main characters, Sloan and Spencer, never got to declare their love for each other. The show is still perfect in Brynn’s eyes; despite all the drama that goes down, things always have a way of working out in Carson’s Cove . . . unlike her own life.

So when a birthday cake surprisingly shows up on her and Josh’s doorstep, Brynn makes a wish for the one thing she’s always wanted (but has failed to achieve herself): a happily-ever-after.

The next morning, she doesn’t wake up in her apartment. She’s in Carson’s Cove . . . and Josh is there too. Everyone seems to know them, except they’re not Brynn and Josh; they’re Sloan, the sweetheart of Carson’s Cove, and Fletch, the town’s bad boy. And to get home, they have to make Brynn’s wish come true by ensuring Sloan and Spencer, the hometown heartthrob, end up together at last. But as they spend more time together, Brynn and Josh realize that Carson’s Cove might not be as perfect as seen on television . . . especially when they start developing feelings for each other in a plot twist no one has expected. Will they stick to the script, or will real love change the story forever?


Prime Time Romance was an adult romcom, mixed with magical realism, that swept me away.  The characters were easy to connect with, the story-line was fun, and I closed the book happy with where the story took us.  If you’ve ever wanted to take a step into your favorite tv series, especially one that didn’t get the ending it deserved, this book is for you!

Sloan and Spencer were denied their happily ever after, and I can’t let it happen again.

By that second chapter, I already adored Josh.  He was such a good guy, and didn’t think twice about taking care of his roommate, Brynn.  Josh was hilarious while also being thoughtful, dependable and fun.  So when the two of them woke up in Brynn’s favorite tv show’s town, Carson Cove, I was glued to the pages wondering what was going to happen next.  

Spencer waves as we approach.
“Hey! You guys made it. I was starting to get worried.”
His open shirt catches in the breeze.
“You’re sure about him?” I ask.
Brynn’s smile falters for a second. Or maybe I just imagine it.

Once they realized that they couldn’t just go back home, and had to play these characters’ parts, I loved watching them grapple with their previous and current lives.  Brynn was now the local sweetheart and Josh the town’s bad boy.  Yet there were elements from both of those characters that reached deep into their hearts.  That made them second guess and see things in a new light.  And made them realize what they truly wanted.  I loved watching them grow in this environment and their story made me smile so much.

I’ve assumed that there is only one way to that happily ever after: fall in love with the perfect boy and get him to love you back forever. Now, I’m not so sure.

This small town romance was a quirky, adorable read that was so enjoyable!  I love how effortless her books are to enjoy!  Whether it was watching the friendship bloom between Brynn and Josh, to seeing them interact with the other characters, to just watching everything unfold, it was all so much fun!  As someone who died a little inside when I never got a true ending to a series I adored, *cough The OC cough*, this book made me so happy!  I can’t wait to read whatever Kate Robb writes next!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: Not the Witch You Wed #1, Not Your Ex’s Hexes #2, Not Your Crush’s Cauldron #3 (Supernatural Singles Series by April Asher

BOOK REVIEW: Not the Witch You Wed #1, Not Your Ex’s Hexes #2,  Not Your Crush’s Cauldron #3 (Supernatural Singles Series by April AsherNot the Witch You Wed (Supernatural Singles #1)
by April Asher
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A fake relationship between a magic-less witch and a wolf shifter turns to more in the start of a bewitching new paranormal rom-com series.

Magic-less witch Violet Maxwell wants nothing to do with alpha wolf shifter Lincoln Thorne―the man who broke her fragile, teenage heart. But when the two of them are forced by arcane Supernatural Laws to find mates, Violet and Lincoln agree to fake-date their way to a fake-mating in order to conjure themselves some time.

The joke’s on them. When old feelings make a reappearance―along with Violet’s magic―they both realize there’s nothing fake about their feelings. But there are old secrets and looming threats that could snatch away their happily ever after, again. One thing’s for sure: magic doesn’t make dating and love any easier.

In Not the Witch You Wed, April Asher brings all the hilarity and sweet, sexy moments you love in a romantic-comedy―plus a fun dose of magic―to this spell-binding new series about being sexy, single, and supernatural in New York City.


Not the Witch You Wed was a paranormal romcom that was so much fun!  It was a second chance romance that also had enemies to lovers, fake dating, and fated mates wrapped into the story.  I listened to the audiobook and absolutely loved the narrator.  She made the book come alive.  The characters were easy to love, the story-line was beyond enjoyable, and the steamy moments were done fabulously.

With fabulous dates between Violet and Lincoln that simmered with tension, and friends and sisters that added so much heart, this witch and shifter romance was a blast!  If you’re looking for something that’s easy to love, and leans more romcom than paranormal, definitely make sure you have Not the Witch You Wed on your tbr!


BOOK REVIEW: Not the Witch You Wed #1, Not Your Ex’s Hexes #2,  Not Your Crush’s Cauldron #3 (Supernatural Singles Series by April AsherNot Your Ex's Hexes (Supernatural Singles #1)
by April Asher
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In April Asher’s next Supernatural Singles novel, Not Your Ex's Hexes, a one-night-stand between a willful witch and a broody half-demon conjures an adventure that wouldn’t be complete without several magical mishaps.

For her entire life, Rose Maxwell trained to become the next Prima on the Supernatural Council. Now that she’s stepped down, it’s time for this witch to focus on herself. And not think about her impulsive one-night stand with Damian Adams, a half-Demon Veterinarian who she can’t get out of her head. Neither of them is looking for a relationship. But when Rose is sentenced to community service at Damian’s animal sanctuary it becomes impossible for them to ignore their sparking attraction. A friends-with-benefits, no feelings, no strings arrangement works perfectly for them both.

After a sequence of dead-end jobs, it’s not until Rose tangos with two snarly demons that she thinks she’s finally found her path. However, this puts Damian back on the periphery of a world he thought he left behind. He doesn’t approve of Rose becoming a Hunter, but if there's one thing he's learned about the stubborn witch, it was telling her not to do something was one sure-fire way to make sure she did.

Working―and sleeping―together awakens feelings Damian never knew he had...and shouldn't have. Because thanks to his ex's hex, if he falls in love, he'll not only lose his heart―but his humanity.


Not Your Ex’s Hexes started right where Not the Witch You Wed ended!  This time we followed the triplet Rose and what happened after her one night stand with Damian turned into more.  With the grumpy sunshine trope, friends with benefits, and fated mates, this steamy paranormal romcom was just as wonderful as the first!  And watching this story unfold was even more emotional than the first.  With community services, curses, and a fabulous grand gesture, this witchy half-Demon romcom was fabulous to listen to!


BOOK REVIEW: Not the Witch You Wed #1, Not Your Ex’s Hexes #2,  Not Your Crush’s Cauldron #3 (Supernatural Singles Series by April AsherNot Your Crush's Cauldron (Supernatural Singles #3)
by April Asher
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In April Asher’s next Supernatural Singles novel, Not Your Crush's Cauldron, a buttoned-up witch takes a stroll on the wildish side, sparking an alert that lands her a familiar Guardian Angel.

Olive Maxwell much prefers teaching about the Supernatural world to taking part in it and leaves the magical shenanigans to her two sisters. After assigning her college students a project designed to nudge them outside their comfort zones, Olive realizes she’s never once stepped a toe out of her own . . . and it’s about time that changed. Her first trip into the unknown? Moving in with her longtime crush and friend . . . tattooed, motorcycle-riding, and pleasantly pierced Baxter Donovan.

Bax Donovan, Guardian Angel not-so-extraordinaire, has acquired so many black marks on his record it looks like a Scantron test. He’s been given one last chance to keep his Guardian wings―a high-profile Assignment he knows all too well. Olive is usually as low-risk as it gets. Hell, she wrote the safety manual. But something landed her on the Guardian Angel Affairs radar, and he guesses it has something to do with the heart-pounding stunts she’s determined to check off her Dare I Docket list.

Keeping Olive out of trouble is about to be his toughest Assignment. He’s at real risk of shattering the only Guardian Angel code of conduct rule he’s yet to break: Don’t fall in love with your Assignment. And he isn’t so sure that’s a bad thing.

If love doesn’t play by the rules, why should they?


Not Your Crush’s Cauldron was a fabulous paranormal romcom that swirled with forced proximity, friends to lovers and a steamy forbidden romance.  I love that we finally got Olive and Bax’s story!  They had been staples in the previous two books.  So this witch and tatted up guardian angel mashup was everything I was hoping it would be!  Plus we also got Bax’s POV, and it was sigh worthy!  Their story had me laughing out loud so many times, especially the house warming gift part.  I’m so happy I binged this series and can’t recommend enough to read them in order ♥.

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