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At first, I didn’t know what to think about this book: Pat was obviously clinging to a reality that was nonexistent but he wanted so badly, and the people surrounding him clearly did not think his ultimate life goal of getting Nikki back was possible or ideal for the obviously traumatized Pat. He narrates that he has to improve himself for Nikki, that Nikki would be so impressed he is physically fitter, that he isn’t an “illiterate buffoon” after reading some american classics.
He never once thinks that he shouldn’t have to change everything about his personality to make this woman happy. Improve your attitude towards your wife? Yes. Always treat your wife with respect. Feel like you need to change based on the fact that Nikki and her snotty friends LAUGH at you because you haven’t read the Great Gatsby and such? No-I found that part sad and felt bad for Pat.
You find yourself wondering what traumatizing event happened for 3/4 of the story, and then when you do find out you (or at least I) end up feeling even worse for him. One thing is for sure- I decided to read Silver Linings with absolutely no idea if I would really like it or not (which is a big deal for me to take that risk), and not once in two days could I hardly put it down. I am so happy I took the risk of reading this quirky novel and despite some people’s opinions about Tiffany and how she “stalked” Pat, I liked her. I thought it was funny when she said she followed him as he ran because she was “scouting” him. Little things like this gave the story character. The only thing missing was, perhaps, that his Dad never did grow up and stop treating the mother and family like crap when the Eagles did or didn’t do well. I was otherwise content with the ending and I am glad he got his silver lining finale.
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