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A beautiful and distinguished family.
A private island.
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.
A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.
A revolution. An accident. A secret.
Lies upon lies.
True love.
The truth.
Have you ever read a book where the style was so beautiful but you could never connect with the characters? Their emotions had absolutely no effect on you? That you were intrigued on figuring out the mystery but didn’t care if it had any ramifications? That everyone else loved it but you’re left thinking what’s wrong with me since I didn’t? Well, that’s where I am. It saddens me that I didn’t fall in love this book. Mostly because I loved the words, the descriptions, and the way the story flowed. E Lockhart’s writing style was unlike anything I have ever read before and I did truly enjoy this type of writing. That said, it doesn’t outweigh that I only enjoyed small parts here and there, that I could never bond with the characters and that even when I figured out what was going on I couldn’t force any emotion out. I have never felt so heartless before.
Every year the Sinclair’s spend their summer on their private island. They are blonde, they are beautiful, and they project a perfect life to the outside world. But inside the family, there is trouble. The sister’s fight, Grandpa tries to control situations and Cadence, Johnny, Mirren and Gat are called the Liars. But even in the midst of drama when they are on the island, the world around them tends to melt away. The Liars’ lives truly don’t exist to one another outside of the island but that doesn’t affect their friendship. So we spend our time learning how the family interacts and learning the ins and outs of what makes Cadence, her cousin Johnny, her cousin Mirren and her friend Gat tick.
I had come here to this island from a house of tears and falsehood
and I saw Gat,
and I saw that rose in his hand,
and in that one moment, with the sunlight from the window shining in on him,
the apples on the kitchen counter,
the smell of wood and ocean in the air
I did call it love.
This book is better left a mystery so I can’t say anything more about what happens except that once I slowly started putting the pieces of the puzzle together and had a good idea as to what happened my interest started waning even more. I am not a skimmer, but I wanted to skim ahead and see if my theory was correct. But I was too afraid that I would miss something important. Something that WOULD pull me back in. Something that WOULD make me feel completely immersed in the story. It never happened. BUT I know many people LOVED this book and it is a very unique read. So, to each is their own.
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