A Temporary Hiatus – Jen

These last few weeks have been completely brutal.  And because of what happened, I’m going to be stepping away from the blog for a while.  I’ll definitely be back, but for the next I’m-not-sure-how-long I need to spend it with family.  While these thoughts may seem out of left field, my surgery was the catalyst.  I had complications from surgery, and I had allergic reactions to almost every drug I was given.  I’ve never experienced that before, and I WAS TERRIFIED.  Drugs I never had problems with in the past caused hives, inability to be woken up for periods of time, breathing problems etc.  And new drugs caused me to be violently ill, my eyes to almost swell shut, double vision etc.  While I was stuck in the hospital and now in bed and on the couch at home, I spent a lot of time thinking about how for the foreseeable future, I just want to spend every minute with my family.

Now I’m counting the days until I can be an active participant in my family’s life.  Because I’m currently 17 days post-op and I’m SO far from where I want to be.  I’m stuck on the couch, for a good portion of the day, and it’s breaking my heart that I can’t play or drive my little boys to all of their activities.  My mom, thank goodness for her, has been here taking care of them for me.  But I’m looking forward to the next week or so when I can start living and enjoying life with them again!

So thank you so much to everyone out there who has become my friend, has trusted me with reading their ARCs, and for all of the beautiful blogging memories.  I’ll definitely​ be back, but till then you can always come find me and chat with me on Goodreads.  Goodreads takes not even a few minutes of my time, so that’s the medium I’ll keep using in the meantime.  But thank you so much again for all of your friendships, and I will miss you all dearly during my hiatus.


PS I do have two more post that are scheduled for April, they are both ARCs.  One is my favorite Lauren Layne book so far about polar opposites who have the most amazing banter and chemistry.  And the other is a soulful, emotional book by Brigid Kemmerer. 🙂

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  1. T.H. Hernandez

    Oh my gosh, Jen…I’m so sorry. This sounds like a nightmare. Yes, it’s amazing what a medical issue will do to remind you of priorities in life. Big hugs, my friend, and take care!

    • Jen

      Nightmare is the perfect word to describe these last few weeks. And it’s so amazing how these ‘events’ are a great reminder to slow down, watch our babies grow and just relax. Thank you!!

  2. Kim

    Oh My Gosh Jen! I’m so sorry! I’ve been wondering if something was wrong. You just rest, and take it easy with your family okay? Everyone will still be here when you get back. Lots and Lots of Love!

    • Jen

      I know, in my 2.5+ years of blogging I’ve never just up and disappeared, but it’s all been so difficult and challenging. And it’s going to take a while to get back to normal, I finally accepted that. I’m now on a much delayed healing path per my doctor, so I just have to breathe and take everything slow. Lots of love to you and thank you!

      • Kim

        I’m glad to hear your on the road to recovery. Just take care and we’ll see you when you get back.😘

        • Jen

  3. danielle hammelef

    How terrifying! I’ll keep you in my prayers! Every day I pray for those who are preparing for and recovering from surgery. I hope you recover fully and quickly!

    • Jen

      Thank you so much Danielle for keeping me in your prayers. That means so much to me, thank you!

  4. Raven

    I’m so sorry! It really sounds like a nightmare. I hope you get well soon and come back to your normal health.
    Raven recently posted…Monthly Wrap-Up | March 2017 + Giveaway Winners!My Profile

    • Jen

      Normal health sounds amazing right now! I can’t wait to even be semi-normal and be allowed to drive a car or walk the distance in a grocery store. Hopefully this month, fingers crossed! Thank you Raven!

  5. Cookie O'Gorman

    I’m so sorry you’ve been going through all this, Jen. Those unexpected complications and not being able to do things with your family…geez, I can’t even imagine, but I know it must be hard. I really hope you feel better soon!

    • Jen

      I just have to keep reminding myself to take one day at a time, that it has to keep getting better, and lots of positive thinking. Slowly I’ll get to where I want to be. Thank you so much for all of your kind words! 🙂

  6. Christy Luis

    Oh no, oh no! So sorry to hear this, Jen. I’ve been wondering how your surgery went 😓 Rest up my friend and cherish that family time. Thank you for updating us! Will keep you in my prayers!

    • Jen

      Thank you so much my friend! I didn’t want to put this in my post, because it’s kinda a lot already, but last week I hurt myself doing more than allowed since we had to take my 6 year old to the ER on Tuesday, 5 hours of the flu and he was unconscious while sick….then my husband got it Friday (he hasn’t had the flu since 2007), my youngest got croup, I tested positive for strep and then that night I got the flu and the doctors were threatening me that if I got sick 2 more times I was going to the ER because of rupturing my internal stitches. I lucked out by getting one away and didn’t have to go in, thank goodness. In my whole life, we’ve never had this much happen to us. It was insane and has also slowed down my recovery yet again. BUT everything has to be a piece of cake from here on out right?! I can’t wait to get back to our normal, easy going ways and being happy go lucky again. Thank you so much for keeping me in your prayers, it means the world to me!!!

      • Christy Luis

        What a nightmare 😱 It must have felt like a personal apocalypse!! I’m so sorry! Oh my gosh you’re so positive Lol “Piece of cake,” indeed!!! I imagine you’re right, though- nothing could be worse than what you already had to deal with! I hope all of “the boys” are doing much better- and I’m soooo glad that you didn’t end up rupturing your internal stitches, wow! That’s a blessing, at least. Hoping and praying everything goes much better from here on out my friend!!

        • Jen

          That’s a good way to put it lol. I always try and keep my positive attitude, but it definitely faltered that weekend, there was too much going on. But this week is going much better and tomorrow I got cleared to walk to the end of my block and back, which I’m very excited for! Thank you, Christy!!

  7. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    I’m so sorry to hear this, Jen. I can’t imagine what the past few weeks has been like for you. I’ll be praying that things finally start to calm down for you. We’ll miss you while you’re gone, but of course we want you to focus on getting better and spending time with your family!
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 4/2/17My Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you, Nicole! I just got cleared to walk to the end of my block for tomorrow, so I’m very excited to start moving around again! Baby steps, but at least it’s moving forward again. 🙂 Thanks!!

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