by Sylvain Reynard
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“I would have done whatever it took to save you.” His voice and his expression were grave. “Even if that meant I had to spend an eternity in Hell.”
After an amazing first installment, I don’t think anything could have truly exceeded my expectations. I started this second book with high hopes and an excitement for the blossoming relationship between Dante and Beatrice Gabriel and Julia and was left feeling a little underwhelmed by the relationship content in the middle of the story.
I love angst-I do. But when unnecessary and over-the-top things happen, I begin to feel a little more than just frustrated. I love G & J, and I love the way they interact. The love they share is beyond beautiful and beyond words. More than once I have found myself fantasizing
‘What if Gabriel was real???’ and wondering what kind of life I would have if that were possible. So when I felt the repercussions of their previous actions in GR, I was more than sad and a little depressed.
“Your love makes me beautiful.”
“Then let me love you forever.”
But it wouldn’t be a true Chelsea review if I didn’t gush about what I loved-with every novel there is both good and bad, and I always feel like both sides of the spectrum need to brought into the light. The love scenes presented in this story were artfully done and in good taste, because that’s what they were doing-making love. Ever present in most romantic stories these days, the use of the word ‘fucking’ has became the way intense or lustful/pent-up sex scenes are described. Never for Gabriel and Julia, though. The way Reynard handled their relationship is admirable and noteworthy, and I have grown to adore what they have as a couple. There is truly something special about their shared heated looks and the mature pet names Gabriel uses for Julia. We don’t see many loves like this, so it makes it all the more special when we pick up a novel of this stature with such a unique writing style.
“Never Leave.” His voice dropped, and he turned to face her.
“I’m more worried about losing you.”
He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Then you have nothing to worry about”
Today marks the day that book 3 comes out, so I will be scampering my way into the last book for a final cut on J & G’s relationship. They have went through so much in such a little time, and I think it’s time for them to finally be happy-as happy as they can ultimately be. I’m so excited to see what is to come, and I can only hope for the best for one of the sweetest romances of our time.
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