by Jamie McGuire
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Eeehhhh….I don’t really know how to rate this-It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad. It was just..ok-and that makes me sad becuase after the first, I figured the intensity would only pick up. Instead, it goes into great detail about Nina’s history and the history of…well….I suppose religion? I wouldn’t know because suffice to say, I skimmed at least 50% of this novel-I know, tsk tsk. I just couldn’t get into the story. Which sucks. A lot.
I love Claire, and I love Jared. I even love Ryan(now), but even these great characters couldn’t save this heavy-in-religious-history novel. I just felt bored the whole time. Near the end I will give it kudos, because all of Nina’s dreams finally seem to come in handy when the action ensues-brief, but thorough action.
Lastly, I am going to say I don’t know why there is so much love for this Kim character. I disliked her in the first and I loathed her in the second. She is a very obnoxious, in-your-face annoying character. Just because she is a little in the know in the second does not give her more of a right to be even snarkier. That’s all I will say on her character.
All in all an ok novel, just not really a novel I would recommend to those around me. If it weren’t for Jared I doubt I would finish the third and final installment in the series, but I am an avid reader through and through, and I will finish this series…eventually. I would rather start others on my TBR list before I come back to Eden, which says a lot :/ I never separate series if I don’t have to. Some will love it, some will hate it-guess you’ll have to read to figure out which one of those categories you are.
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