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RELEASE BLITZ + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY – Forever with You (Wait for You #5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Forever With You - RWB banner

This story was passionate, sultry, captivating and insanely seductive!  So of course I am excited to bring you the Release Week Blitz for Jennifer L. Armentrout’s FOREVER WITH YOU! FOREVER WITH YOU is a standalone New Adult contemporary romance being released today, and is the fifth book in the Wait For You Series, published by Avon Books, an imprint of HarperCollins.  Below find out more about Stephanie and Nick’s story, read a fun excerpt and enter a great giveaway!  And in case you missed it, you can check out my 5 Star review here.


Forever With You - Cover

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“Armentrout packs a powerful emotional punch in her fifth Wait for Younew adult contemporary (after Fall with Me)… Armentrout tugs at the heartstrings while delivering an intense, gripping tale.” –Publishers Weekly

“Armentrout presents an emotional installment in her Wait for You series…[she] does it again, presenting a fast-paced tearjerker that fans will devour.”–Booklist


Forever With You - RWB - Teaser 1



In the irresistibly sexy series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout, two free spirits find their lives changed by a one-night stand…

Some things you just believe in, even if you’ve never experienced them. For Stephanie, that list includes love. It’s out there. Somewhere. Eventually. Meanwhile she’s got her job at the mixed martial arts training center and hot flings with gorgeous, temporary guys like Nick. Then a secret brings them closer, opening Steph’s eyes to a future she never knew she wanted—until tragedy rips it away.

Nick’s self-assured surface shields a past no one needs to know about. His mind-blowing connection with Steph changes all that. As fast as he’s knocking down the walls that have kept him commitment-free, she’s building them up again, determined to keep the hurt—and Nick—out. But he can’t walk away. Not when she’s the only one who’s ever made him wish for forever . . .


And don’t miss the previous titles in the Wait for You Series!


[scroll-box]I cradled my drink as Cam sauntered back to the pool tables. My mind wasn’t made up on the whole visiting them thing yet. Maybe I would. Maybe I wouldn’t.
“Want another rum and coke?”
My lips curled up at the sound of Nick’s rich, deep voice. We’d been chatting on and off since I plopped my butt down on the stool, and he had seemed happy that I was there.
Total bonus points lottery with this guy.
“I’m good, but thanks.” The last thing I wanted to be was drunk. I smiled at him, pleased when his heavily hooded gaze dipped again. “Are you guys usually this busy on the weekend?”
I could see that small talk was something Nick excelled at, which made sense, considering his occupation. He was an equal opportunity charmer. Women flocked to him at the bar. The other bartender, the girl with the pink glasses, seemed to take it all in stride.
“Not sure if you really call this busy, but Saturdays usually bring a larger crowd.” He glanced down the bar before continuing. “So you went to school with them?” he asked, jerking his chin in the direction Cam had roamed off to.
“Yeah.” Leaning forward, I placed my elbows on the bar. “I had no idea they had connections here. Total surprise.”
“Small world,” he said, echoing my earlier thought. “But you’re not very close with them.”
It was a statement, not a question. “What makes you think that?”
“Well, if you were, I guess you’d be over there with them. Or …”
Nick was observant. “Or what?”
One side of his lips curled up as he folded his arms across his chest. The movement drew my attention. I was such a visual creature. Not that anyone would blame me right now. The black shirt he wore stretched around well-defined biceps. “Or you’d rather spend the time with me.”
The twisty motion in my belly cranked up a notch. “Am I that transparent?”
“In the best possible way.” He picked up a bottle. “I’m glad you did stop by. Every time the door opened last night, I looked up and hoped it was you.”
“Is that so?”
“I speak the truth.” His smile was lazy. “Did you finish unpacking?”
“Were there any more rat bastard combinations?”
I laughed. “There were a few more.”
“Kind of mad I missed out on them.”
“There’s always later.” I toyed with my glass as I met and held his stare. “So, Nick, do you have a last name?”
“Blanco,” he replied after a brief hesitation. “Do you?”
“Keith.” I grinned as he unfolded those arms. “I have another question for you.”
Moving in, he placed his hands on the bar. “Ask away.”
“Do you have a girlfriend?” My breath caught a little when he leaned in suddenly. Our mouths were close enough that we were breathing the same tiny patch of oxygen. “Or a boyfriend?”
Nick didn’t bat an eyelash. “Nope to both. How about you?”
Bonus points explosion!
“None,” I said, welcoming the tingle that swirled down my spine as his breath warmed my lips.
He tilted his head to the side, lining up his mouth with mine with just a fraction of an inch between us. I started to feel a little flushed. “You have plans tonight, Stephanie Keith?” he asked, voice deeper and rougher.
I shook my head as my pulse tripped all over itself in a happy little dance.
Nick’s grin spread into the kind of smile I knew left a trail of women in its wake. “You do now.”[/scroll-box]



Forever With You - RWB - Teaser 2



About Jennifer L. Armentrout:

Author Photo--JLA_J. Lynn

# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing, she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA.

She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.


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RELEASE + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY – Fractured Suns (Broken Skies #2) by Theresa Kay

RELEASE + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY - Fractured Suns (Broken Skies #2) by Theresa Kay

I am so thrilled to bring you the release day blitz for Theresa Kay’s Fractured Suns!  This series quickly flew onto my favorite’s list because it was filled with peril, heartbreak, action, lies, betrayal, love and redemption.  Continue on to see what this series is all about, read an excerpt that still makes me tear up, and of course enter a giveaway (that’s specific to our blog-yay) to win either Broken Skies #1 or Fractured Suns #2.  Enjoy and goodluck!


fractured suns theresa kay

Fractured Suns by Theresa Kay
(Broken Skies #2)
Publication date: September 18th 2015
Genres: Post-Apocalyptic, Young Adult

We came in peace. Lie.
We had no role in the Collapse. Lie.
I have always been honest. Lie.
I never lied to her. Truth.

Reunited with her brother, and surrounded by Flint, Peter and her new-found grandfather, Jax Mitchell has still never felt more alone. The choice to follow Rym back to the city to find answers and see Lir is an easy one, but their reunion is cut short and Jax is forced to leave Lir behind. She finds herself traveling with some unexpected companions and heading back toward a place she’d hoped to never see again.

After being imprisoned—and tortured—on the orders of his uncle, Lir hasn’t seen daylight or linked to anyone in weeks. After a lifetime of connection, the pain and loneliness is almost too much to bear. Elated that Jax actually came, Lir finds renewed hope and strength to continue fighting his uncle’s influence over the E’rikon, even when things look hopeless and Lir’s been branded a traitor by the very people he’s trying to save.

While Jax and Lir fight separate battles, their missions have more in common than they realize. It’s a race against time to stop men driven only by greed and power. But the people they trust the most might be the very people working against them—and “family” doesn’t mean what it used to. Will they recognize their friends from their enemies in time to save the people they love or will they lose each other in the process?


Reading Order & Links:

Broken Skies   #1
Add To Goodreads

Fractured Suns   #2

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I push the door open and slide through. The door closes behind me, leaving me in the dark, and my hand instinctively searches the wall for a light switch.

A familiar voice in the darkness. “Jax?”

I inhale sharply at the naked hope in that sound and the flare of elation that crashes into me from somewhere across the room. Squinting my eyes, I try to make him out. “Can I get some light here?” I say. “Not all of us can see in the dark.”

There’s movement to my left, and then a soft blue light fills the room. Not much, but enough for my eyes to finally find his.

“Hello.” Lir’s eyes travel over my face with a longing look. He steps forward until he’s within two feet of me, the closest we’ve been to each other in weeks.

If Rym looked tired, Lir looks exhausted. The charcoal-colored uniform he wears highlights the dark bags under his eyes and contrasts deeply with the paleness of his skin. The gold in his hair and eyes looks tarnished and dull. He’s lost weight, too—his features are more gaunt than angular.

“How have you been?” he says.

His almost nonchalant greeting is making it easy for me to hold on to the fire of my anger, and I inject my words with heat. “How have I been?” My voice creeps up with each word. “What the hell? You asked me to come here, to risk not only my life but everyone else’s, to ask me how I’ve been? I’ve been just peachy. How about you?” I close my eyes and take a deep breath, swallowing back the other words that are fighting to pass my lips: Why did you leave me? I’ve missed you. I’m sorry.

When I open my eyes again, he’s moved closer. I’m frozen in his gaze, a burn forming behind my eyes from the tears I refuse to let him see.

He lifts one eyebrow in a graceful arch. “Based on the context in which I have heard you use that word… I believe I’ve been peachy too.”

A sound that’s half laugh, half sob explodes from my mouth, and I throw myself into his arms. It’s the only thing I’ve really wanted to do since the moment I saw him, and though I know it’s stupid and impulsive, I can’t hold myself back anymore. There’s still a whisper of suspicion in the back of my mind, but I ignore it.

Lir jolts, a splash of cautious elation flowing from him, before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to his chest. One of his hands presses into the small of my back, a slight tremble in his fingers. He relaxes into the hug. His arms and shoulders loosen and his breathing steadies.


About Theresa Kay:

Theresa Kay

The only person she knows who had a subscription to Writer’s Digest at eleven and was always excited to write research papers, Theresa has been putting words to paper since a young age. Living in the mountains of central Virginia with her husband and two kids, she works as a paralegal by day, binges on Netflix at night and finds bits of time in between reading almost everything she can get her hands on and laundry to craft stories that tend to feature broken characters in sci-fi or paranormal worlds, with a touch of romance thrown in for good measure.

She’s constantly lost in one fictional universe or another and is a self-proclaimed “fangirl” who loves being sucked in to new books or TV shows. Theresa originally wanted to write horror novels as an ode to her childhood passion for Stephen King novels, but between her internal Muse’s ramblings and the constant praise for her sci-fi pieces from her writer’s group – The Rebel Writers – she knew she should stick with what was working.

Author links:

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BLOG TOUR + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY – Stepping Stones (The Stone Series #1) by Kacey Vanderkarr

BLOG TOUR + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY - Stepping Stones (The Stone Series #1) by Kacey Vanderkarr

Kacey Vanderkarr’s latest release is out! Take a look at what Stepping Stones is all about, read an excerpt where Onna and Everett first meet, and then enter a great giveaway! Enjoy!

BLOG TOUR + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY – Stepping Stones (The Stone Series #1) by Kacey VanderkarrStepping Stones (The Stone Series #1)
by Kacey Vanderkarr
Purchase on: Amazon
Add to: Goodreads

Onnaleigh Moore is part of a plan—and it isn’t hers. When her brother dies in a car accident, Onna is desperate to preserve the tatters of her family. Any hope of finding normalcy vanishes when her mother runs off and her dad turns to booze to numb his pain. Onna’s grief is crippling, but the boy who showed up just when she needed him is helping her cope.

Everett’s presence is comforting, though he knows things—Onna’s name just before they met, where she lives, and sometimes he comments on thoughts she doesn’t say aloud. She pegs him for a stalker, or maybe psychic, but the truth is deadlier than she imagines. As their feelings for one another deepen, Everett confesses a horrifying secret: Onna’s brother is only the beginning of the plan, and some fates are worse than death.


[scroll-box]Divorce. The word burrowed deep in Onna’s chest, barbed like the sharp quills of a porcupine. The sting radiated from her heart into her lungs, her head, her hands. She knew she should stick around and listen to her parents’ stumbling apologies and paper-thin explanations, but she couldn’t.

She burst through the front door into dazzling sunshine. The sky hung endless above her from horizon to horizon—perfect, crisp blue. She glanced back at the windows, rooms hidden by curtains and blinds. Houses were facades, masks to cover pain and heartbreak. She could stare at the glass all day, where cheery vines and flowers spilled from window boxes, and never see past the guise. Even now, her parents were probably sitting in cruel silence, debating how to avoid each other until one of them moved out.

It made her sick.

Sliding into the driver seat of her Grand Am felt like stepping into a sauna. End-of-summer heat collected in the car and made the interior stifling. Onna cranked the windows and cursed her parents for not buying her a car with automatic anything, and the air conditioner was broken. Her dad promised to fix it four months ago. Guess he was too busy planning the divorce to get around to it.

Onna pressed her phone to her ear before she backed out of the driveway. Caleb answered on the first ring.

“Baby sister,” he said, a smile in his voice. The knot around Onna’s heart eased. “What’s shakin’?”

She pictured him on the balcony of his apartment in Traverse City, feet propped on the banister, staring out over Lake Michigan. She stayed with him for two weeks in July, spending her days sprawled on the beach with a book in her hands while Caleb studied for medical boards. At night, they prowled the town and sampled swanky restaurants, and Cora, Caleb’s girlfriend, took Onna dancing at a beachside club.

“Caleb—” Onna said, wondering how to break the news.

“They finally told you.”

Onna nearly dropped the phone. An angry honk sounded from behind her, and she realized she’d stopped at a green light. Muttering, she passed through the intersection and pulled into a parking lot. The convenience store was dead, the lot deserted. The relentless heat drove everyone indoors where there was air conditioning and iced-tea and Saturday afternoon movie marathons. Neon signs advertising beer and cigarettes flickered in the window. The attendant inside leaned over the counter, watching her.

Returning to her conversation with Caleb, she hissed, “You knew?” The pause was long enough to serve as Caleb’s confession.

“Don’t be upset, Leelee.” He fell back on her childhood nickname, even though she’d asked him to stop. Onnie, Leelee, Leigha—her name, Onnaleigh Evelyn Moore, was too easily shortened. “They fell out of love,” Caleb continued. “We can’t expect them to stay together if they’re unhappy.”

“Easy for you to say, you don’t live with them. You didn’t see how Dad looked at Mom. You didn’t see him cry.” Onna closed her eyes. Tears burned behind her lids. She wished she were with Caleb now. He’d tell her a dirty joke or let her drink half his six-pack. He’d make it bearable.

Her parents always laughed about Onna’s devotion to her older brother. Whenever she hurt herself as a child, she ran to Caleb. From the time she could walk, Caleb was the one who kissed her scrapes and chased the boogeyman from beneath her bed. Even now, she called him with breakups and bad grades and for advice about everything. He was the only twenty-five-year-old male Onna knew who would listen to her ramble about boys, makeup, and what color dress she wanted for prom.

During Caleb’s drawn out silence, a vintage, kelly green Mustang pulled into the convenience store lot, all sleek lines and muscle. Onna groaned as the driver, instead of choosing a space near the entrance, pulled in next to her at the far corner. She wiped her eyes and debated rolling up the windows. There was nothing worse than crying in public, except having a witness. In the end, she settled for glowering at the driver as he emerged.

Much like his car, which was a sex-machine with four wheels, the guy was hard lines and hotness. He wore board shorts and a blue t-shirt over dark, olive skin. A longish crop of unruly brown hair hung to his eyebrows. Black aviators perched on a straight nose.

Onna swore she felt his gaze on her face. She sank lower into the seat and her cheeks heated. The guy nodded in her direction before crossing the lot and disappearing into the store. The doorbell’s jangle reached her ears, followed by Caleb’s worried voice.

“Onna? Hello?”

She swallowed, heart thudding against her ribs in a frantic dash to be free. The Grand Am’s vents blew hot against damp cheeks. She propped her door open and gulped fresh air. Who is that guy?

“I’m here,” she said, peeking over the seat back. She lost sight of the guy between the shelves.

“Cora and I are coming home next weekend. Can you survive until then? I have some time off saved for a special occasion, but I wouldn’t mind spending it on you.” In the background, the excited tone of Cora’s voice rose, and Caleb mumbled, “It’s Onna.”

There was a moment of deafening static, and then Cora was on the line. “We’re engaged!” she yelled.

Onna squealed. “You’vegottabekiddingme!”

“Not kidding. He got me a rock. I can hardly hold my hand up.”

“Lies,” Caleb said, voice far away. Another rumble of static and Caleb spoke again. “She was supposed to wait until next weekend.” His voice distorted as if he covered the mouthpiece with his palm. “You were supposed to wait… You know, wait. Should I spell it for you?”

Cora giggled and Caleb’s voice lifted to full strength. “Keep it to yourself. With everything going on…” he trailed off and suddenly Onna was back in the living room, seeing her mom glare at her dad while tension churned around them.

“Right,” she said, forcing brightness into her words. “Congratulations, Caleb.”

“Thanks. Hang in there. At least school starts soon. Senior year.” He faked a sob. “My baby sister’s growing up. Anyways, call me if you want to talk. Cora and I are headed out to tell her parents. She thinks her dad will chase me with a shovel.”

Onna was horrified. “He wouldn’t.”

“That’s what I said,” Caleb agreed, laughing.

“He’s got a shotgun,” Cora yelled.

She’d just hung up when the guy came out of the store carrying two jumbo blue slushes. Prickles crawled up Onna’s neck. She tossed her phone onto the passenger seat and closed her driver door. When she looked up, he was outside her window, dripping plastic cup held through the opening. A red swirly straw sat atop the melting blue drink.

“You looked like you could use this,” he said, leaning down so his face filled her open window. His mouth curled in a sexy smile that made Onna lose conscious thought. She wished she could see his eyes, but the lenses of his glasses were so opaque she couldn’t guess the color behind them.

“Uh—thanks?” she said, hoping he’d go away.

He pushed the drink closer. The sharp sting of cold condensation falling onto her bare legs jolted her from the stupor. She took the slippery cup, burning fingers brushing his freezing ones. Her stomach tickled.

“See you around, Onna,” he said, standing.

She watched him climb into his car. He rolled down the windows—also manual—giving her a view of an all leather interior and shiny four-speed shifter on the floor. The guy put the straw of his slush—also red swirly—to his lips and drank deeply. Onna thought she would die before that sip ended. Then he smiled, backed neatly around her car, and tore out of the parking lot.

**(Just so you know – she didn’t keep the slush! She threw it in the garbage! YAY Onna for not just blindly accepting a gift by a sexy guys!)**[/scroll-box]


About the Author:

Kacey Vanderkarr

Kacey Vanderkarr is a young adult author. She dabbles in fantasy, romance, and sci-fi, complete with faeries, alternate realities, and the occasional plasma gun. She’s known to be annoyingly optimistic and listen to music at the highest decibel. When she’s not writing, she coaches winterguard and works as a sonographer. Kacey lives in Michigan, with her husband, son, and crazy cats. Along with her novels, Reflection Pond and Antithesis, Kacey’s short fiction can be found in Sucker Literary Vol 3, and the upcoming Spark Vol 7, Ember: A Journal of Luminous Things, and Out of the Green: Tales from Fairyland.

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You can follow the rest of the tour here.

San Fran Golden Gate Author Event (Jennifer L. Armentrout, Karina Halle, Jaw Crownover and many more)

OH MY GOSH!  The San Fran Golden Gate Author Event was SO much fun!  I got to meet Jennifer L. Armentrout (Lux Series, The Covenant Series, Wait for You Series & more), Karina Halle (The Artists Trilogy, Experiment in Terror Series and most recently Racing the Sun), Jay Crownover (The Marked Men Novels & The Point Novels) and so many more authors!  I met up with an old friend, who now lives in the city, so that way we could fangirl together.  We grew up down the street from one another, but had drifted apart over the years.  Thank goodness for Goodreads, because it brought us back together again and we realized that we were BFF in regards to our book list!  Same favorite authors?  Check!  Same favorite books?  Check!

Upon arriving at the hotel, I have to admit there was a moment when I didn’t know what to say or think.  I went into complete sputtering fangirl mode!  While we were waiting in line to get into the event, Jennifer L. Armentrout and Drew Leighty walked through the lobby.  A simple enough act, but I was too excited to do anything lol.  Thank goodness I got my act together by the time we got to meet her!  We stood in line for almost an hour and a half and it was SO worth it! (That’s me in the white shirt and camel colored purse 🙂 )

*picture from DebbieReadandBlogs*

Jennifer L. Armentrout was so friendly!  She was easy to talk to and made me feel comfortable right away!  And the best part?  She spent a while talking to us.  She didn’t just sign books, take pictures and then we left.  Nope, we actually got to spend time visiting with Jennifer and Drew.  She filled us in about the Hatfields and McCoys in West Virginia, answered some of our questions about Apollycon, and then we even chatted about the show Moonshiners.    And we were stoked to find out that Drew complete agreed with us in regards to Kayne’s music-since he was performing in SF that night.  His new music just can’t compare to his old tracks!  So random, but those conversations were so much fun!


We also got to meet Karina Halle and she scared the living daylights out of me lol.  I told her that a scene in The Artists Trilogy had freaked me out so much that I woke up my husband who was sleeping – whoopsy.  When she found out where I was in the third book, Bold Tricks, Karina gave me the doom and gloom warning that I hadn’t seen anything yet.  That there was a scene coming up that was going to make me squirm and probably freak out even worse.  ACK!  Karina Halle was super friendly and we even chatted a little bit about painting our nails.


And then we met Jay Crownover.  Can I say that she is a badass?  Because she is!  She told us stories about her previous work experience in the bars and how it helped mold the characters and situations that she writes about.  She got to watch the guys in front and behind the bar hit on girls plus all of the drama that unfolded.  She saw so much.  She loved Astin and my story about reuniting over books!  It was her favorite story of the day!!


There were so many other authors that we spoke to whose books we haven’t read yet.  Sawyer Bennett, Mary Ting, Lauren Stewart and Dani Hart are definitely on my to-read list after we had fun chatting with them!

Sawyer Bennett told us about the amazing experience she had while shooting the covers of the books in her house.  How she had a mostly naked female cupping her breasts bending over with a guy unbuttoning his pants and lowering himself behind her lol.  Add in that some of the men were walking around her house shirtless…..well I was fanning myself while listening to her stories.

Mary Ting was HILARIOUS!  She was easy to talk to and I loved that she was sipping wine during the event!  And Lauren Stewart and Dani Hart were so sweet and friendly!  It was such a great group of authors to visit with!

Overall, I ended up with lots of swag, an ARC of JLA’s next NA book Forever with You (SCREAMS WHILE JUMPING UP AND DOWN!!!!!) and all my books happily signed.  I can’t wait to go to my next signing!


INTERVIEW+GIVEAWAY-The Veil (Devil’s Isle #1) by Chloe Neill



Here at Star-Crossed Blog we are so excited to be a part of The Veil blog tour! Many of you know Chloe Neill from her fantastic Chicagoland Vampire series centering around Ethan and Merit-Now we are introduced to a whole new world centered around Wraiths, Sensitives, and so much more, set in New Orleans! We all know what that means, don’t we?? Anything can happen.  Continue on to find out more about The Veil, check out my interview with Chloe Neill and enter TWO amazing giveaways that contain prizes that you will definitely want!  Enjoy! 



Seven years ago, the Veil that separates us from what lies beyond was torn apart, and New Orleans was engulfed in a supernatural war. Now, those with paranormal powers have been confined in a walled community that humans call the District. Those who live there call it Devil’s Isle.

Claire Connolly is a good girl with a dangerous secret: she’s a Sensitive, a human endowed with magic that seeped through the Veil. Claire knows that revealing her skills would mean being confined to Devil’s Isle. Unfortunately, hiding her power has left her untrained and unfocused…

Liam Quinn knows from experience that magic makes monsters of the weak, and he has no time for a Sensitive with no control of her own strength. But when he sees Claire using her powers to save a human under attack — in full view of the French Quarter — Liam decides to bring her to Devil’s Isle and the teacher she needs—even though getting her out of his way isn’t the same as keeping her out of his head.

As more and more Sensitives fall prey to their magic, and unleash their hunger on the city, Claire and Liam must work together to save New Orleans, or else the city will burn…

Here are the links where you can click to purchase The Veil, AVAILABLE NOW! 

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Powells | Books-A-Million | Kobo | Indiebound | Audible



I was given the opportunity to interview Chloe about her new and exciting series, so I tried to get a deeper grasp on where she comes up with all these wonderful ideas:

  1. What inspired you to write a story centered in New Orleans?

    As a former Arkansas resident, I visited Louisiana and New Orleans several times. I’ve always liked the strong sense of
    place–the music, the food, the very unique influences.  And like Chicago, it’s very easy for me to imagine supernaturals
    living there and being an important part of the community.
  2. If you had to choose your favorite quote from The Veil, what would it be?I really like this: “Something settled low in my gut, like my soul had rearranged itself, changed and shifted to account for
    him. For this man I’d never seen before.”
  3. We’re huge fans of your Chicagoland Vampires series, which is also paranormal. What draws you to this genre?Thanks! I really like thinking about magic and supernatural creatures, and how humans would react to their existence. I’d
    rather research and read things like that than anything else, and I think people really enjoy the escape of the
    supernatural. I know I do!
  4. What’s something we would be surprised to learn about Liam and Claire?Nothing that I can tell you about yet. 😉
  5. What is your favorite thing about this new series?The fact that I get to keep writing it, and learning more about New Orleans!Thanks so much for having me today!
Two Giveaways:

The fun doesn’t stop here. Want more chances to win? You can also enter THE VEIL Grand Prize Giveaway, which runs July 27 through August 7 on Chloe’s web site.

What is the Grand Prize Giveaway prize?

  • Fleur de Lis Amulet Pendant Necklace from New Orleans jewelry designer Mignon Faget
  • $50 Amazon Gift Card
  • THE VEIL 5″x5″ cloth screenwipe
  • THE VEIL tote bag
  • THE VEIL bookmark, sticker, and pen
  • Chicagoland Vampires bookmark, sticker, pen, keychain, and lanyard



And on top of all that, we also have a personal giveaway for everyone here on our site!

The packet will include:

  • THE VEIL tote bag
  • THE VEIL 5″x5″ cloth screenwipe
  • THE VEIL bookmark, sticker, and pen
  • Chicagoland Vampires swag, including bookmark, pen or sticker (while supplies last) and lanyard


Check out these other great blogs featured on THE VEIL Blog Tour Schedule!

Week One

Monday, July 27 – SassyCat’s Book Review | Paranormally Yours
Tuesday, July 28 – Fantasy Is More Fun | Reaffirming My Bookworm Status
Wednesday, July 29 – YA Book Nerd | Happiness is a Book
Thursday, July 30 – Star Crossed Book Blog | Dandelionn Wine Book Blog | The Book Swarm
Friday, July 31 – Parajunkee | All Books Considered | Wild Wordy Women |Professional Fan Girls

Week Two

Monday, August 3 – Dark Faerie Tales (Deadly Destinations Event) | Creative House Blog | True Bookies Review | Andrea Heltsley
Tuesday, August 4 – Reed’s Reads & Review | The Saucy Wenches | My Lifes, Loves and Passion
Wednesday, August 5 – Bad Bird Reads
Thursday, August 6 – Booklovers for Life | Spines & Covers
Friday, August 7 – The Book Nympho (Stomp v. Romp)



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