by Elly Blake
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All hail the Fire Queen.
Against all odds, Ruby has defeated the villainous Frost King and melted his throne of ice. But the bloodthirsty Minax that was trapped inside is now haunting her kingdom and everyone she loves. The answers to its demise may lie to the south in Sudesia, the land of the Firebloods, and a country that holds the secrets to Ruby’s powers and past…
Despite warnings from her beloved Arcus, Ruby accompanies a roguish Fireblood named Kai to Sudesia, where she must master her control of fire in a series of trials to gain the trust of the suspicious Fire Queen. Only then can she hope to access the knowledge that could defeat the rampaging Minax—which grows closer every moment. But as sparks fly in her moments alone with Kai, Ruby no longer knows whom to trust. The fates of two kingdoms are now in her hands.
He nodded, lips twisting in a slight grimace. “It frustrates Lord Ustathius to no end to find me here instead of in the council chambers. I told him this helps me think.”
“And does it?”
“Yes. It helps me think of you.”
It’s never my intention to belittle a book series on the second book (which I genuinely generally hate), or any of the books, really, if I love it with my whole heart. But, no, this was not a satisfying novel, no matter how much I wish it was so. I can’t love a book solely for the male lead, much as I want to, sometimes.
His lips twitched, the scar pulling taut in that way I found endlessly endearing. “And then there’s the matter of me having to duel with anyone who dared to stare at you. Which would be every man here.”
“They’d only stare because they’re afraid of me. They’re all waiting for me to melt something.”
“Ah, but, Lady Ruby, you already have,” he said, letting go of my waist to spin me in a quick circle. As I came back around, his hand returned to steady me. “You’ve melted my icy heart.”
I loved Arcus. I STILL love Arcus-even after Ruby’s typical heroine bullshit (yes, I cursed, which I have been trying not to do in my reviews anymore) where she feels the need to go against all reason, trust a complete stranger-a BOY stranger-and betray Arcus, in a manner. And yet, he still was an upstanding hero. He supports her-to an extent-because he loves her. And they still have their issues-their differences in powers and class-their worlds are different…yet he trusts her and would do anything for her, even when his whole court objects. To this, I say bravo, and I love him as a hero for it. Because, in the end, he let her do her thing, and that’s a beautiful sentiment.
“Home.” I sat trembling in the chair, his words and tone affecting me more than I wanted, making me want to curl up and weep in his arms. “I don’t even know where that is.“
“You’re my home,” Arcus said softly.
He was jealous, but not in a manner that held Ruby back from her dream. He was possessive, but only when he knew she wanted him-and only him-and he wanted the other male(s) to know it. And, finally, he would follow her anywhere. I just adore him….and I hope the final book does him justice, even as I found myself skimming this whole book because, alas, he was hardly in it (HOORAY FOR THAT SECOND BOOK PREDICTABILITY). Now, onto the copy of Nightblood I won in an Instagram giveaway-I am so excited! 😀
Eh. I knew this one wasn’t going to be a win because of the second book tropes: Distance from Hero, extra random hero, boring self-discovery blah blah. But she hurt Arcus-which is unforgivable. So, there it is.
Plus, my goodness. I am reading faster than I can review-I’m only, oh, SIX reviews behind?!