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Maybe I’d once dreamed of a perfect Gardnerville too, but I’m older now and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that there’s always a price to be paid.
There really really really isn’t a way to express how I feel about this book and there is literally no shelf to place this on because I can’t even explain it without spoilers galore. It was unique, engaging, confusing as hell and altogether heartbreaking. I don’t quite know when I started to feel for this main character or even her elusive sister, Piper, but at the end of it all…I had tears in my eyes and a deep ache in my heart. I didn’t expect it, either. All of a sudden the conclusion came about and I was completely fine, then out of nowhere I felt this tingling sensation in my eyes and an ache in my gut. And I think that’s where my respect for this book really started to settle in.