by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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It's a beautiful day for a war.
As the mortal world slowly slips into chaos of the godly kind, Alexandria Andros must overcome a stunning defeat that has left her shaken and in doubt of their ability to end this war once and for all.
And with all the obstacles between Alex and her happily-ever-after with the swoonworthy Aiden St. Delphi, they must now trust a deadly foe as they travel deep into the Underworld to release one of the most dangerous gods of all time.
In the stunning, action-packed climax to the bestselling Covenant Series, Alex must face a terrible choice: the destruction of everything and everyone she holds dear... or the end of herself.
5++++++++++ stars
My heart skipped a whole beat, and then sped up in recognition. Ah, I knew that voice. My heart and my soul knew that voice.
There was a time not all that long ago when I was grappling around trying to find something awesome to read…and I was out of inspiration. I had previously read the Lux series by this very author and had fallen in love, so I thought I’d take a chance and jump-jump into a story I had no clue what the blurb was talking about and give Armentrout another opportunity to amaze me-and amaze me she did.
In the darkness, Aiden placed his hand over where mine rested on my stomach, and it stayed that way through the night.
Nine months later and here we are at the end of the Covenant series, and I’m both happy and sad to say goodbye to Aiden, Alex, and Seth-three people who have invaded my heart and haven’t let me go since I picked up the first book.
I never would have thought that her Lux series could be surpassed, and I’m not saying it has been, but it’s damn close. A world corrupted by laws that put pure-bloods on a pedestal and halfs in servitude for the smallest mistakes, we are swept into this crazy place where a young girl will strive to rise above these outdated laws and restrictions to fight for the love of her life. Isn’t forbidden love always the best?
As a pure-blood, he was untouchable to me even though I was the Apollyon, and even now he risked everything to be with me. He was my strength when I needed him to be, my friend when I needed someone to talk me down, my equal in a world where by law I would always be less than him, and honest to gods, he was the love of my life.
We have Alex, the half-blood who fell for a pure-blood and knew it could never happen. A girl who was so strong willed she:
-Made it on her own with no protection from the covenant
-After falling dangerously behind with her training and studies, she came back and rose above the odds-earning a spot at the covenant again.
-And ultimately, she became the second Apollyon; an anomaly that almost never happens. But how can there be two….?
I could read everything in his eyes. There was so much pain in them that it broke my heart, but I didn’t understand why.
Aiden had to have been such a goody two-shoes in school-the kind of kid who’d raised his hand with the answer to every question. Dork. I loved him.
And then there is Aiden, the pure who fell hard for the half, the pure who offered to train her when no one else would, who pined for that forbidden romance in secret, but wouldn’t be so selfish as to put Alex’s life in danger-because that’s what it is: a matter of life and death. Pushing her away when she needed him most, they both suffer from unnecessary heartbreak that pulls you even deeper into this amazing series and makes you beg for more. He would lay down his life to save her, risk it all with a secret compulsion, battle alongside her only to make sure she lives to see another day-even though he is the one who is really in danger of dying.
”I was selfish in wanting you, knowing what it could mean for you. I was selfish the first time I kissed you, touched you.” The shiver his words brought forth didn’t go unnoticed by him. A dimple appeared. “I was selfish the night I came to your bed when you were at my parents’ house, and I’ve been selfish every day since then. The only time I hadn’t been selfish was when I pushed you away, and that’s the day I regret most.”
Annnddd Seth, the pesky first Apollyon who waltzed into Alex’s life unannounced and charmed his way into her everyday routine. More than once I found myself wishing he would just disappear into oblivion and never come back. He was always a distraction for Alex, someone to challenge her feelings for Aiden, and I never really liked that-but it securely added another intricate layer to these stories that was so desperately needed. Looking back I realize just how much more fun his presence made everything, and I love that he was a part of the journey to where they all are now.
Car keys dangling from his fingertips, Seth passed by us. “If you two can stop making doe-eyes at each other for a few minutes, we’re all ready to go.”
Aiden straightened, his gaze narrowing on Seth’s back. “Jealous is an ugly thing.”
“So is blind ignorance,” Seth shot back, rounding the front of the Hummer.
A story of power, self-sacrifice, love, loyalty, and strength of will, I couldn’t have loved this final installment more if I tried. Redemption of certain characters and the desperate nature of each person’s willingness to save one another resulted in an even deeper love for this story that was completely unexpected and caused my heart to expand to epic proportions. A race to the finish where no one is safe, even the Apollyons, we watch the story unfold as each character seals their fate, for both good and bad. Sentinel took my breath away more than once with it’s expressive storytelling and ability to make me feel, making for an emotional finish, where nothing can ever be the same, and no one is guaranteed to survive.
It was a beautiful day for war.
There is really no way to express how much I loved this series in one review, because we saw each character grow, mature, and become what they were always destined to be. I laughed, I cried, I bawled, and I frantically wished for the best in the worst of scenarios. I was both surprised and overjoyed with the finale of the Covenant series, and I could even read it again right now. It was just that good. Forever engrained into my soul, I will never forget the joy I felt when I read each installment. For those who haven’t read the series, you are truly missing out on characters that will captivate and compel you, influence you, make you fall in love with them and consume you, and I am so glad I took a chance to find out why each and every one of them is so special-I will always love this series with all my heart and can’t wait to see what Jennifer comes out with next, because I’ll be the first in line, no matter what the blurb entails.