by Tiffany Snow
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Breaking up is hard to do, as Kathleen Turner discovers. After a falling-out with her ex, high-powered attorney Blane Kirk, she’s moving on the best she can. Unfortunately, someone from her past is set on revenge and nothing short of killing Kathleen will stop them.
Keeping his brother’s ex-girlfriend alive isn’t something new to assassin-for-hire Kade Dennon, but this time can he protect her from himself? She’s a woman he can’t convince himself to walk away from, no matter what it costs him.
Regret is a constant companion for Blane as he realizes the truth behind the lies he’s been told. Can love heal the past, or can some mistakes not be undone?
Murder reunites Blane, Kade, and Kathleen as the police put Blane in their crosshairs. Blane may lose everything unless he and Kade can find the real murderer before it’s too late. But if they can’t set aside their love for the same woman and work together, it will tear them apart.
In Out of Turn, Kathleen is caught between two warring brothers, and the consequences may be fatal.
*I have chosen to aptly compare this to a Katy Perry song as to express the nature of our beloved love triangle in the form of Katy Perry GIFS….and a FRIENDS one, because….reasons*
“I need you,” Kade said. “I’ve never needed anyone the way I need you. You and I have something, and if this is the only chance I’m going to get to convince you of that, then I’m going to take it.”
I can’t believe I’m saying this but….this might just be my favorite book of the series. Yeah, it was still super annoying when she was being abducted or bullied or having a knife drawn on her every other chapter, but for some reason this one just made me very happy. And also annoyed lol-that seems to be a consistent with this series, though.
No one had shot at me in weeks, or beat me up. I hadn’t been cut, punched, or slapped. No one threatened me, stalked me, or stabbed me.
It was a nice change.
Ya don’t say?
It’s no secret that the Kathleen Turner series is over the top crazy and wholly unbelievable. And anyone that has read even just one of my reviews knows that this is what annoys me most in books-cheesy dialogue, unrealistic scenarios yada yada. I mean, these are her thoughts on Kade while being with Blane, and even for Blane, too, a lot of times:
Girl has issues.
But where all the others in the series were about Kathleen acting like a total whore, this one separated itself (at least in my mind) as one of the only stories where I could, and I cannot believe I am going to say this, begrudgingly find a minuscule piece of respect for the harlot.
Choosing to be with either one of them at this point would ruin their relationship forever, wouldn’t it?
*Face palm*
It’s so funny, because she’s maybe even more morally corrupt than usual, but I respected her, here and there-not much, though, mind you. She went for what she wanted (we all know what the fuck she wants) and she didn’t get walked on the whole book *busts out laughing*. Okay okaaaaay, I can’t say that with a straight face-she maybe stood up for herself, but she’s still the neediest damsel in distress if I’ve ever seen one. I just liked how she did what she wanted, I guess-finally. I mean, she’s been bordering that invisible line in the sand for three books, why not step over the ledge and take the plunge? Seriously, though, this is her relationship with Blane, anyway-
I caught Blane looking sideways at the bread and noodles.
“So is there an assassin hiding in the frozen foods?” I asked snidely, my pride stung when I suspected he was looking down his upper-class nose at my food.
His gray eyes met mine. “None that I can see.” His serious reply took the heat from my snit and I heaved an inward sigh.
Oh look at me. Here I am harping on dear Kathleen, and, oh yes, she’s mostly to blame for this love triangle from hell, but the men are hardly on the up and up…take a look:
We have Blane, the overprotective, but probably most consistent, hero who is madly in love with Kathleen-but he sure fucks shit up a lot-I blame him for a lot of things. But not once has he let anyone believe he doesn’t love Kathleen-it’s been crystal clear from the beginning. Not like some people, who I will get to in the next paragraph. But, even after saying all that good stuff about Blane, he made me see red in this story, and I can’t say what, and I can’t say why, and I can’t say how, but just know that *COUGH WHORE COUGH* he does some inexcusable things in the aftermath of book three’s finale-no matter what happened, I do believe this is a blurred line I was speaking of.
“I’m not the hero, princess,” he said roughly. “Hell, I’m not even the good guy. Don’t try and pretend I’m something I’m not.” He untangled my fingers from his shirt and got out of the car.
And Kade. My beautiful, tortured, Kade. I adored him in this book….but he acted like an utter moron at times. And not just in this book, if I’m being honest.
He’s been my favorite-for more reasons than I can count-since book one. He’s dark, he’s mysterious, and he’s so sweet and tortured (I might be exaggerating on the sweet part-that’s just the girl in me making him sweeter than he is). But, as sad as it is to say, it’s wrong how he went after Kathleen. She was Blane’s girl and he was always all up on her. One minute he needs her like the air he breathes, and the next he’s pushing her away to be with Blane because it’s ‘right’. Can anyone say…
I mean, you can see he’s madly in love with her….why won’t he just go to Blane, or Kathleen for fuck’s sake, and say he’s in love with her and it’s killing him inside? Well, then, I suppose we wouldn’t get the trashiest books ever like the author so clearly wants to produce.
Kade’s fingers caressed my jaw. “It means you’re beautiful. Desirable. That I can’t keep my hands off you any more than I can tell my heart to stop beating. It means I listen for your voice when I know you’re near and love it when I can smell your perfume on my clothes at the end of the day.”
I dunno, guys. It’s hard when you’re reading a series that borders on mentally insane and you are actually enjoying it. It’s the oddest feeling. I love both guys, they are so frikkin’ addicting, and I don’t like Kathleen. She’s an air-head moron who can’t decide who the hell she loves to save her life (no worries, she has, like, fifty million lives to spare, and even if she didn’t, Blane or Kade always save her). But can I just say….
HOTTEST. SEX SCENE. EVER. Like…ever. And can I also just say-Finally. I was…I just…I loved…Agh. Nothing. That is all.
Kade straightened and once again took my hand. “Your choices are your own, View Spoiler »,” he said. “But hear this-if anything else happens that so much as harms a hair on her head, my face will be the last one you see.”
So, yeah. This book is no different than the rest, but for some reason I enjoyed it the most. Maybe because of the situation and turn of events in the aftermath of book three, but either way, it had me the most enthralled. You know my team, I’ve been on it since day one, but that doesn’t make it right. Still stupid, still completely unbelievable, she still does the most annoying shit, and everyone continues to treat Kathleen like a brothel employee….but eh. I liked it. Sue me.