Tag: New Adult (Page 10 of 48)

BOOK REVIEW: Darkroom (Moo U #7) by Kate Willoughby

BOOK REVIEW: Darkroom (Moo U #7) by Kate WilloughbyDarkroom (Moo U #7)
by Kate Willoughby
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As a top draft pick from a family of hockey royalty, I'm under so much pressure that I’m losing my edge on the ice. I need something to snap my brain out of this self-destructive stress-loop. That’s where Indi Briscoe from my photography class comes in. She’s flirtatious and funny one moment, sweetly shy the next.

But she’s cagey. She has secrets. Also? She’s a virgin. Did I mention the pressure thing? Maybe I’m crazy for starting something with her. But we can’t seem to help ourselves...

Warning: this standalone novel contains heat, heart, familial expectations, extreme milkshakes, and a hamster with deep thoughts.


I have been so deep in Moo U hockey over the past week and a half that I am going to be so confused reading another series with different characters when I pick up my next book, lol! I will say that I am very impressed with the range of topics that themes that this series has presented so far. There have been a lot of very different characters experiencing very different things and I really appreciate that.

This book features Indi and Hudson. Indi was born in China and adopted by an American couple when she was a baby. She has a port-wine stain on her face that she now covers up very thoroughly with makeup after being bullied for years as a kid. For a good chunk of this book she also denies any and all attempts to connect with her Chinese heritage until her roommate helps her realize that part of the reason why she has so vehemently rejected that part of herself is because she associated it with her birth parents having abandoned her at a Chinese orphanage. Delving into that part of herself really got to me because I’m sure plenty of other people struggle with that very same part of their identity as well after being adopted, especially if it was from a country other than the one they now live in.

Hudson comes from a hockey dynasty. There has been a member of his family in the pros since the league was formed about a hundred years ago. He struggles with some really intense pressure and anxiety over preforming well in front of others and also find out over the course of the story about a medical issue involving his hearing that also really takes a toll on him as well.

While I overall really enjoyed reading about how all of those aspects of life affected and shaped Indi and Hudson both separately and together, there were times that I became frustrated with Indi especially. It’s brought up one time by her mom after she blows up at Hudson but it could really be overwhelming for me when she went from 0-100 with her anger and verbally lashed out at people. Sure it was realistic but I just didn’t vibe with her as much as other characters. Still, it had a great ending and I was so happy for how both of their journeys were wrapped up by the end!

Huge thanks to Heart Eyes Press for allowing me to read this eARC in exchange for my honest review!♥

BOOK REVIEW: Halftime (Moo U #6) by Kim Findlay

BOOK REVIEW: Halftime (Moo U #6) by Kim FindlayHalftime (Moo U #6)
by Kim Findlay
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There’s no halftime in hockey, but maybe there’s one in love…

Drunk dialing your girlfriend to tell her that you didn’t really cheat is a bad idea--a lesson Seb Hunter learned the hard way. It was no surprise when she cut him completely out of her life. Now he’s finally moved on, and he’s looking forward to sophomore year at Moo U. Until his ex arrives on campus.

For goalie Faith Devereaux, cheating is a hard pass. She grew up knowing all too well how destructive infidelity can be. She’s gotten over Seb and picked the college of her dreams. The fact that he’s a student there will not be a problem. Hockey is her priority. Not guys, not dating, definitely not exes.

But when an exhibition game forces them into close proximity, it isn’t long before their old attraction flares. Regaining trust is hard, though, when the heart plays a good defensive game.

But when the goal is love, one more shot might be all they need.


I feel like I’ve mentioned this in previous hockey romance reviews but it is freaking hilarious to me that I have become to entangled in these books and I know NOTHING about hockey. Seriously. Like the fact that Faith also played hockey in this one made it 10x better to me for whatever reason and again, it’s not because I am a rea life hockey fan lolol. Really though, this book, along with Sarina Bowen’s, Bombshells has me so excited for future books featuring players from the women’s league. I really love that dynamic and learning more about how much of an unfair advantage those ladies are at compared to their male counterparts.

To get more into this story though, we start out the book about a year before the main events actually happen. Faith (who has grown up with seeing her dad cheat on her mom for YEARS) gets a drunken call from her boyfriend, Seb. He’s so drunk and distraught that he’s not making any kind of sense but from what she can decipher, he’s cheated on her. Not wanting to deal with that shit in her own relationship and life, she completely cuts ties and blocks him on every platform imaginable.

Fast-forward to a year later and the beginning of the semester at Moo U. Seb is at the rink with a few of his teammates when he catches sight of a goalie. A female goalie. One whose very movements on the ice were as familiar to him as his own. He did NOT know she’d be attending and high tails it out of there. The two ~of course~ end up bumping into each other and eventually wind up back in each other’s lives.

Let me first start out by saying, THANK YOU Cooper. He’s Seb’s best friend, teammate, and roommate and helps play matchmaker throughout the entire damn book LOLLL. At one point he says, “The two of you are worse than Romeo and Juliet. If there was any poison around here, you’d both be dead.” Wiser words were never spoken. Even though these two have always had explosive chemistry, obviously the cheating thing is problematic. Just as I had expected/hoped. Seb didn’t cheat on Faith. He was drunk and missing her, a girl crawled into his bed, and when he realized it wasn’t her, he FLIPPED out. Of course, the fact that Faith THOUGHT he had for an entire freaking year isn’t just going to go away.

I am glad that they did talk about that and that she came to terms with how that could affect their relationship down the road. Seb really was an all around great guy, possibly even one of my top favorites of this series so far. He was kind, loving, honest, and I just wanted to wrap him up in a tight squeeze considering how he felt forgotten within his own family. I really thought these two were great together and the quote that I added below that is from the epilogue 10000% solidified how much I loved this book. It seriously gives me goosebumps every time I read it.

The puck dropped. My wife deflected the first shot on goal. My daughter and I cheered.
It was perfect.

Huge thanks to Heart Eyes Press for allowing me to read a copy of this eARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

BOOK REVIEW: Overtime (Moo U #5) by Kat Mizera

BOOK REVIEW: Overtime (Moo U #5) by Kat MizeraOvertime (Moo U #5)
by Kat Mizera
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Hotshot hockey star Patrick Graham has been groomed for the pros since before he could walk. Fast forward to his junior year of college, and he’s having the time of his life. What could be better than pucks, partying, and having his pick of campus women? But if Patrick doesn’t buckle down and get his grades up, he could find himself benched for the championships. Could a beautiful brainiac be the solution to his problems?

Nineteen-year-old Master’s student Ellie McGinn could do so many things with her biology degree, but her mother is pushing her toward a future she doesn't want. Tutoring a hockey hottie seems like the perfect opportunity to start making her own choices and living life on her own terms.

When learning turns to yearning, will they be ready to face the heat and heartache that love can bring?


She reminded me of old-fashioned ice cream sundaes and drive-in movies, which made no fucking sense, but that’s what came to mind when I looked at her.

This specific trope is one that, if done poorly, I find so incredibly unrealistic. Kat Mizera though–she hit it out of the park. Sometimes authors just capture that one specific moment where the two main love interests have a single interaction and you can FEEL their spark. The energy. The connection. That’s how I felt with Patrick and Ellie. I honestly don’t even know how to explain it other than I knew it was going to be a good book even just based on this one interaction.

I was especially nervous because Paxton’s book wasn’t my favorite and Patrick was kind of a dick in that one and that one just wasn’t my favorite in general. Unsurprisingly we saw a totally different Patrick in this story. I loved how straight up smitten he was with Ellie–so cute. I also loved watching her being able to experience life. I can’t even image what it would have been like to go to college at that young of an age all the while have that much of an overbearing mother. It was clear that she loved Ellie and wanted the best for her but…sometimes parents want very different things for their children than what they actually need. The fact that Ellie eventually just took charge and made some big decisions for herself was great. (Also loved the support she got from the WAGs from the Vegas team).

I was also so relieved that the twins finally cut their asshole dad off at the end. My heart hurt for them SO BADLY. Good riddance.

Overall, great addition to the Moo U series!

Huge thanks to Heart Eyes Press for allowing me to read this eARC in exchange for my honest opinion! ♥

BOOK REVIEW: Gametime (Moo U #4) by Jami Davenport

BOOK REVIEW: Gametime (Moo U #4) by Jami DavenportGametime (Moo U #4)
by Jami Davenport
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One drunken night and one case of mistaken identity turns a friendship inside out...

You’ve seen the hockey twins around campus--they look identical, but you can tell them apart by their actions. Patrick is the one who’s busy charming women. Paxton is the one in the library.

Until one night when Paxton parties a little harder than usual. Next thing he knows, he’s waking up naked next to Naomi, the girl of his dreams. He bares his heart before an awful realization sets in. He’s not the twin she thought he was...

Naomi is the only child of a hockey legend. Partying hard is the best way she knows how to rebel against her controlling father. After a particularly crazy night, she realizes her big mistake. Her hookup isn’t the guy she’s been crushing on. It’s Paxton, her friend, the guy who gets her, who she can always count on. The guy she’d never want to hurt. And yet, the sex was good. Better than good.

Now she’s wondering if the wrong twin might be the right one after all . . .


Ugh it really pains me to rate this a three but I couldn’t in good conscience give it anything higher. I honestly think it was a case of the “It’s not you, it’s me” for the trope. That or I’m just getting older and now that I’m not actually in college and haven’t been in some time I can’t handle as much of the hot shot sports swagger/ college party and hookup scenes like I used to. Mainly though, I couldn’t get over the fact that Naomi slept with the wrong twin (WHO WAS ONE OF HER BEST FRIENDS) and didn’t know it until she woke up and licked her way down to his tattoo that was obviously Paxton’s hockey number and not Patrick’s and the two got to live in that awkward moment together. From then on I was like nope–no thanks, lol. I really think most people will like this one. I still obviously loved seeing Paxton’s journey coming out of Patrick’s shadow and his work with Garf (lol love that guy) to become the best player he can be and prepare for the pros. I loved seeing grumpy ass Kaitlyn, sweet, loyal Lex, and the rest of the team, too. I just really couldn’t be convinced by Paxton x Naomi.

Huge thanks to Heart Eyes Press for allowing me to read this eARC in exchange for my honest review!

BOOK REVIEW: The ​Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and Ash #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

BOOK REVIEW: The ​Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and Ash #3) by Jennifer L. ArmentroutThe ​Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and Ash #3)
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Bow Before Your Queen Or Bleed Before Her…

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes book three in her Blood and Ash series.

She's been the victim and the survivor…

Poppy never dreamed she would find the love she’s found with Prince Casteel. She wants to revel in her happiness but first they must free his brother and find hers. It’s a dangerous mission and one with far-reaching consequences neither dreamed of. Because Poppy is the Chosen, the Blessed. The true ruler of Atlantia. She carries the blood of the King of Gods within her. By right the crown and the kingdom are hers.

The enemy and the warrior…

Poppy has only ever wanted to control her own life, not the lives of others, but now she must choose to either forsake her birthright or seize the gilded crown and become the Queen of Flesh and Fire. But as the kingdoms’ dark sins and blood-drenched secrets finally unravel, a long-forgotten power rises to pose a genuine threat. And they will stop at nothing to ensure that the crown never sits upon Poppy’s head.

A lover and heartmate…

But the greatest threat to them and to Atlantia is what awaits in the far west, where the Queen of Blood and Ash has her own plans, ones she has waited hundreds of years to carry out. Poppy and Casteel must consider the impossible—travel to the Lands of the Gods and wake the King himself. And as shocking secrets and the harshest betrayals come to light, and enemies emerge to threaten everything Poppy and Casteel have fought for, they will discover just how far they are willing to go for their people—and each other.

And now she will become Queen…


You always had the power in you.

The Crown of Gilded Bones was an epic continuation of the From Blood and Ash Series! Betrayals, lies, and secrets wove their way through this book. While friendship, love and trust were there too. I loved how it all came together and created a story that was stunningly brilliant and magnificently crafted! It gave me chills, caused tears to fall down my face, and made me to laugh out loud so much, sometimes at the most inappropriate times. If you’re a fan of this series, or are contemplating picking it up, I can’t recommend it enough! It’s definitely one of my top favorite series ever!

I opened my eyes as the wolven stopped, lifting their heads to the sky. Their ears perked. My one-handed grip on the reins tightened as Setti pranced nervously beneath me as I reached down, placing my hand over the small pouch at my hip. The ridges of the small toy horse pressed against my palm. I stared at the banners, at the crest that represented Casteel and I, as large, winged shadows fell over the armies of Atlantia as they rode west.

This story was action packed and EVERYTHING I could have wanted and more. With my heart in my throat, it felt like I was watching a movie play out. We ended up getting so many answers to questions from the first two books and we got to learn everything right along with Poppy. I loved that she was in the dark too and that we got to piece things together with her. I also loved seeing how much she grew! From wanting to learn how to ride a horse by herself, to discovering mysteries from her past, to even watching her harness her powers, she was impressive! My love and admiration for Poppy grew, especially when she learned to use her voice and put others in their place that deserved it! And standing strongly by her side was her husband Cas, who I am beyond obsessed with.

“You know, don’t you?” He searched my eyes with his. “What you mean to me? What I feel for you?”
He wiped away another tear with his thumb. “I never knew it could feel like this. That I could feel this for someone. But I do—I love you.”

Cas was seductive and lethal as ever. We got to see the depths he would go to keep Poppy safe.  He loved her with his heart, soul and every single thing that he was! And while my heart broke for the both of them at times, I loved how they became a formidable team. They talked and worked things out together. They were truly equals in their relationship. Poppy and Cas became the ultimate couple! And while the first two books were sexy….you guys!! This story seemed even more sexual! Poppy and Cas could go from sweet to beyond sensual *fans face*. I loved their moments together. I loved that they tried new things. And I loved a water scene the most, oh it was soooo hot! This book was seductive and so many fans of this series are going to love some of their more erotic moments!

That primal power surged, invading all of my senses. It silenced every emotion inside me until only one remained: vengeance. There was nothing else. No empathy. No compassion.
I was me.
And yet, I was something else entirely.

We got to spend time with so many of our favorites like Kieran.  I loved watching his relationship with Poppy grow!  Plus I kept my fingers crossed that we would get to see Ian and Tawny! But there was so much unknown. Who could Poppy and Cas truly trust?!  I found myself shocked to the core quite a few times over how things unfolded. Twists and turns collided with seemly innocent scenes that left me staring at the pages. Betrayal. Death in places I never thought of that hurt. Plans in place that rocked their world and left me terrified for Poppy.  And so much more.  My heart shattered at the unfairness of their world.  I cried so many tears. Yet, I kept hoping for retribution for certain things. Because this is Poppy and Cas. No one will stand in their way or not be punished for their wrong doings. I had so much faith and what unfolded was legendary!

“You will bow before your Queen.” Casteel eyed the Atlantian coolly. “Or you will bleed before her. It is your choice.”

The Crown of Gilded Bones will sweep you away and become an instant favorite! Especially since there was so much light in this story! I was beyond giddy multiple times over how things played out. And a few scenes had me laughing so hard I had tears coursing down my cheeks! You guys!!!! I want to say so much more but I also want you to discover all of these precious and heartfelt moments yourself. Just know that this story was filled with countless smile inducing and swoon worthy moments!  But that ending?! Muahahaha, it was heart stopping and I will be counting down the days until I can read the next book!

“What is going on with you two?” Jasper asked.
“Apparently, there’s a Willa who wrote a sex diary of some sort,” Kieran said with a sigh. “It’s Poppy’s favorite book or something.”
I turned to the wolven as Casteel made a choking sound again. “It is not my favorite book.”
“Nothing to be ashamed of if it is,” he said with an indifferent shrug, but I tasted his sugary amusement.
“A sex book?” Jasper repeated.
I was going to wither up and die right here.

PS I love that Journal! New passages were read and *fans face again* they were beyond scorching HOT!

More Favorite Quotes:

“Well,” Casteel drew out the word. “That will not be a quick death.”
Watching the stone turn black in the moonlight for a moment, I looked at Casteel. “I was wrong before. Some don’t deserve the honor of a quick death.”
One side of his mouth quirked, hinting at a dimple as his gaze flickered over my face. “Such a stunning, vicious little creature.”

He was beautiful. He was brave. He was intelligent. He was kind and accepting. He was ferocious.
And he was mine.

“Let me guess,” he said. “You have a question.”
I frowned as I crossed my arms over my chest.
“What?” He glanced over at me.
“Nothing.” I exhaled heavily. A moment passed. “Kieran?”
“I have a question.”
He sighed, but there was a slight curve to his lips. “What is your question, Poppy?”

It was okay to be nervous. Who wouldn’t be in my situation? But I wasn’t afraid.
Because they were right.
I was brave.
I was fearless.
And I ran from no one and nothing—and that included a crown.

“I wish we weren’t about to have this meeting because I really want to fuck you on this table right now.”
My eyes widened.
Gods,” Kieran muttered, sitting back as he dragged a hand over his face.

A tremor rippled through me. The hum in my chest pushed and expanded, and my heart—my soul—twisted because I already knew. Oh, gods, deep down, I already knew the answer. I cracked as I drew in a too-shallow breath.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Reading Order & Links:

Amazon (click on covers) & iBooks (click on titles)

From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash Series) #1


A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire (Blood and Ash Series) #2


The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and Ash Series) #3

A Shadow in the Ember Ash (Flesh and Fire Series) 


The War of Two Queens (Blood and Ash Series) #4

A Light in the Flame (Flesh and Fire Series ) #2


A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash Series) 


A Fire in the Flesh (Flesh and Fire Series) #3

Visions of Flesh and Blood (Blood and Ash Series) #5.5
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