by Faith Andrews
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Sometimes dreams aren’t meant to be chased. Sometimes forevers change with one regret. But when it’s worth the fight—we always wind up back where we belong. Mia and Declan have struggled through infidelity, guilt, and betrayal. Declan wasn’t too proud to lay his heart on the line and show Mia that she is his everything, but can these two find a way to get past all the hurt, to heal old wounds, and get back to good?
I’ll do all I have to do to find my way back to you...
***3.75 stars***
**Spoilers if you haven’t read Man of My Dreams (Dreams #1)**
Sometimes it only takes one decision to forever change the events in your life. Hearts are broken, trust is lost, and love can be hard to find again. Mia and Declan nearly destroyed their relationship. But in Man of My Dreams, the epilogue showed us that they finally got their happily ever after in the future. But how did they get there? This book is the bridge that leads them to that happy future. Because after the mess they both created, they have a lot of work to do. Nothing can be swept under the rug, and they are still bound to hurt one another when all of the truths come out. But step by step, we get to watch Mia and Declan become the power couple they used to be.
Grace – The makeup hides the subtle imperfections on my face, but I’m not sure there’s anything fit to mask the flaws that mar me deep within. I hush the nagging voices in my head and tell them to take a hike. I want to enjoy this day.
Back To You starts right off where Man of My Dreams ended. Declan finally won Mia back by serenading her, she said goodbye to Noah, and they are on their way to the hospital. They have been thrown back into their lives full force and they haven’t even had any time to heal. After Declan has to take another trip to Hong Kong, he decides they desperately need to have some alone time. He books them a house on the beach for a week of healing and strengthening their love.
Declan – “You don’t think it fucking killed me to watch you pretty yourself up for another man? Or to play babysitter for you while you did God knows what with him? It was torture. It was infuriating. It broke me, Mia.”
Grace used to be so strong and determined. Now her past actions continually haunt her, and she is unsure and afraid of her future. The pain is so deep that she honestly doesn’t know if they can get past it or if they will have a repeat in their future. Maybe I’m wrong for thinking this, but I am actually thankful we got to see this side of Grace. She made my heart hurt for all of the pain she inflected upon Declan. Declan threw more than his far share at her, but for some reason I was able to forgive him easier. That could have something to do with the fact that I loved him in this book! My anger at the hurt that he caused her over the years subsided and I got to see all of the wonderful sides of him. We get to see the swooning, sexy Declan in full force! His actions and words were adorable, and I thank Grace’s lucky stars that he woke up his wife and won her back.
Grace – If I’ve learned anything this year it’s that you can’t live in regret or wonder ‘what if’ without it eating a hole into the marrow of your existence. It took a lot of heartache and too many mistakes to learn that lesson. But I have to believe that the heartache portion of our story is over. This story needs to continue with a pretty song and a love stronger than steel.
This was an adorable tale about finding love again. It was sweet watching Grace and Declan rekindle their love and work through the steps to fix their marriage. Now I’m just left wondering, we will ever get to hear about Noah’s happily ever after?
**ARC was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**
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