by Patricia Briggs
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Some cliches are cliches because they work.
Maannnnnn have I waited forever to read this. It’s one of those books I’ve held at arm’s length because I can’t decide if I would like it or not. Now that I’ve read it, I can honestly say with absolute certainty….that I’m still on the fence. I liked it, I really did. But then there were those moments where the author was building the world and the atmosphere and I couldn’t help but want to skim. I don’t care about the origin of all the wolves’ lives and I don’t care that there is a hierarchy among the pack…like this was all so beautifully done and not many people could complain about the world building but I’ve never been one to need lots of world building. I get bored easily and distracted at the drop of a hat…so I wanted a little more development in other areas…romantically, if you will.
I know, I know-Bad, Chelsea! but come onnnn I love the build up of the romantic angst between multiple characters and what’s to come in the next installments from said characters. I loved seeing the tension between the three main people-Sam, Mercy, and Adam. Sam is an old flame from back when she was 16, and Adam is the local pack leader.
I think back in the day (bahaha a year ago) I would have probably rooted for Sam. But here, now, I want nothing more than to see Adam and Mercy become an item…eventually. I have found recently I like more build-up than I do instant gratification, because these series tend to stretch out-seven books in this one, to be exact. SEVEN. So if they got together now, where would the fun in that be? Unless they broke up….and that would be no bueno-NO GOOD, I TELL YOU!
I think one of my other problems is a contradiction of my earlier thoughts….I like Adam and Mercy’s dynamic, but I don’t. Like, he always treats her like he should as pack leader-with respect….and I don’t like that lol. I want him to flirt with her or be somewhat suggestive with her or hell, I dunno, be possessive or some shit. I just wanted more.
I opened my mouth to make a smart comment, but Darryl caught my eye and made a cutoff gesture with his hand. If I’d had a really good comeback, I’d have said it anyway, but I didn’t, so I kept my mouth shut.
I loved Mercy. From her dry sense of humor to her kick-ass attitude, she really didn’t take shit from anyone. She was quirky and resistant and I found myself smiling at her demeanor more often than not. And she’s a mechanic. Mercedes the Volkswagen mechanic. That’s pretty cool. Even though I didn’t understand anything she said about cars other than makes and models, I still found it to be a unique and interesting plot point.
And here I am. I think I’m at a loss for words because I didn’t dislike the book, but yet I didn’t take a ton from it either. If you’re expecting the type of book you’ll finish and then take something profound from it, this isn’t it. This is the type of book you read just because. It’s fun, dynamic, witty…and it’s building up to something great. I just know it.
*On a side note, I do have to say one of my favorite characters died…it still makes me so sad, damn it!
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