by Chloe Neill
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Since Merit was turned into a vampire, and the protector of Chicago’s Cadogan House, it’s been a wild ride. She and Master vampire Ethan Sullivan have helped make Cadogan’s vampires the strongest in North America, and forged ties with paranormal folk of all breeds and creeds, living or dead…or both.
But now those alliances are about to be tested. A strange and twisted magic has ripped through the North American Central Pack, and Merit’s closest friends are caught in the crosshairs. Gabriel Keene, the Pack Apex, looks to Merit and Ethan for help. But who—or what—could possibly be powerful enough to out-magic a shifter?
Merit is about to go toe to toe, and cold steel to cold heart, to find out.
First of all, I am BEYOND ecstatic to be back in Ethan and Merit’s world. The mystery, the romance, the I-would-do-anything-for-you moments….they are divine. There is nothing like picking up one of these books-It’s like you’re coming home. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside no matter the content within-whether there’s devastation or break-ups or war, these books are just fabulous. I’ve yet to rate below a four. And, speaking of which, the only reason this isn’t a 4.5 is because I am about 20% into the 10th book and it is CLEARLY a full 5…so I didn’t think it would do the next book justice if I bumped this one up when it wasn’t as good as the next one. So, you know…..there’s that.
Me, after 8 books-
My excitement only grows *side smirk emoji*
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Some series are just too long. Some may say that’s the case with this particular series…but, in my opinion, after the huge altercation in book 4/5, they only got better and better as the series progressed. Book after book, issue after issue, we are FINALLY where we were meant to be. Some of you will understand that, some won’t. For those of you who know? Oh, yeah. It’s gettin’ spicy. 😉
So, to show my devotion and love to this series, I’ll give you some quotes, because everyone deserves a little Ethan in their life:
He glanced at my muddy pants and jacket. “And I presume my Sentinel would appreciate a change of clothes.”
“Cadogan’s Sentinel, if that’s what you meant to say, would appreciate a change of clothes. And a shower.”
Gabriel grinned. “She has your number, Sullivan.”
“And my heart, for better or worse.” He looked at me and smiled, ignoring the mixed company, and sent blood rushing to my cheeks.
No matter how foreign the world, the landmarks, the customs, I’d never be a stranger beside Ethan. Love bred the best kind of familiarity.
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