by Meg Cabot
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There's a hot guy in Susannah Simon's bedroom. Too bad he's a ghost.
Suze is a mediator - a liaison between the living and the dead. In other words, she sees dead people. And they won't leave her alone until she helps them resolve their unfinished business with the living. But Jesse, the hot ghost haunting her bedroom, doesn't seem to need her help. Which is a relief, because Suze has just moved to sunny California and plans to start fresh, with trips to the mall instead of the cemetery, and surfing instead of spectral visitations.
But the very first day at her new school, Suze realizes it's not that easy. There's a ghost with revenge on her mind... and Suze happens to be in the way.
But even on the ninth floor of Bellevue-which is where they lock up the crazy people in New York-I probably wouldn’t be safe from the ghosts. They’d find me.
They always do.
Alright so, it appears that everyone wanted to like my pre-review of fangirlish relations to when I was younger…so I don’t see a large point in writing a long-winded review when it seems everyone has mostly stopped by and saw all they wanted to see. But, along with those youngish nostalgic ramblings, I did want to say why I loved-and still love-this series.
It’s not often a person can look back at a book they read in middle school and say they still love it and it’s almost just as good as they remember. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Maybe I love it so much I’m blind to the fact that it is a little youngish. Maybe it really is just as good as I think it is. Maybe I am biased because I truly believe this author is a witty, sarcastic, and wonderful writer. Or maybe I’m just biased for Jesse. And Suze. I don’t know, and frankly, who the fuck cares?
“Oh, Suze. Not again.”
This series shaped a large chunk of my pre-teen years and gave me countless months, years, whatever of pining and wanting and dreaming of the beautiful Jesse. And, admittedly, my funny story for this is that I read book five first. ME. CHELSEA. The girl who hates spoilers and disorder and messing with the integrity of books. But I guess this just goes to show you that if you are a good author, you can make anything work.
I was OBSESSED with that fifth book, Haunted, and wanted nothing more than for Jesse and Suze’s story to continue. Little did I know, after a little bout of research at the local bookstore (aahhh the good old brick and mortar days) that I had missed four books before!! Imagine how excited I was. I mean, really. Plus, there was yet another book coming! Hey, don’t judge me too harshly. It’s not like I had GR to jump onto so I could see (Mediator #5)! And it certainly didn’t show on the book’s spine, I’ll tell ya that much.
“Yeah,” I said. “Yeah, this is my room now. So you’re going to have to clear out.”
“I’m going to have to clear out?” He raised one black eyebrow. “This has been my home for a century and a half. Why do I have to leave it?”
But in some weird way….I think that’s why I loved this series so much. It was developed and Jesse was in full-blown swoon mode and Suze was funnier than ever-and hey, there was lots of jelly at this point…me likes the jelly boys. So, you know, maybe my little heart needed this one first. *Shrugs* I dunno.
Just before I fell asleep again, I thought I heard something besides the owl. It sounded like someone singing the words Oh, Susannah, now don’t you cry for me, ’cause I come from Alabama with this banjo on my knee.
But that, I’m sure, was just my imagination.
Witty, light-hearted, fun, fast-paced, and humorous, I will never get tired of reading about Suze’s escapades as a mediator. I mean really, who gets to have a sexy, mysterious ghost boy as a roommate? Certainly not I….but I sure would have loved to have had a Jesse of my own.
Oh. My. GOD guys….that moment when you realize a childhood favorite is better than anything you remember and you get three times the feels because you can ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND IT BETTER and appreciate your young childhood BBF in the way he deserves AGHHHH.
Sometimes it feels like coming home when you pick up a book again…and that’s all you can really ask for. Those feels, they are unlike anything you’ve ever felt. SO unreal. And so worth it to re read these masterpieces from my childhood.
Ahhhh nostalgiaaaaaaaa ♥
O.m.g. My favorite book series EVER from when I was in middle school is being made into a movie! You know how many times I wished that would happen 10 or more years ago?! I used to pick out songs that would make up the soundtrack.
I will be there! Hope they don’t ruin it!
How did we survive before Goodreads and Google?!? You have convinced me that I need this book in my life! Great review!
Samantha recently posted…Strong Silent SEAL by Paige Tyler: Review
I KNOW, RIGHT??!!! GR and Google answer EVERYTHING. In a weird way, I’m almost glad I read book 5 first, though. It’s my favorite of the series! Weird. Ah I hope you can at least get a chuckle out of it if you decide to try it! Jesse is well worth it. 🙂