by Amy Engel
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Beyond the fence. I am still alive. Barely.
My name is Ivy Westfall. I am sixteen years old and a traitor. Three months ago, I was forced to marry the president's son, Bishop Lattimer—as all daughters of the losing side of the war are sold off in marriage to the sons of the winners. But I was different. I had a mission-to kill Bishop.
Instead, I fell in love with him.
Now I am an outcast, left to survive the brutal savagery of the lands outside of civilization. Yet even out here, there is hope. There is life beyond the fence. But I can't outrun my past. For my actions have set off a treasonous chain of events in Westfall that will change all of our fates—especially Bishop's.
And this time, it is not enough to just survive...
The Revolution of Ivy was such an entertaining Dystopian that I quickly devoured! I enjoyed where the story went and how everything was fabulously wrapped up! But while I was flipping through the pages, I desperately wanted Bishop back in the picture. And I wanted even more for Ivy and him to get their happily ever after. But I definitely questioned whether that was a possibility. Not because Bishop didn’t come back, since we’re told in the synopsis that he does, but because I was unsure whether Ivy could get her shit together so they could unite as one. Ivy was definitely my biggest struggle in this book. But everything else, eeks, it was so much fun!
Too weak and too angry. I hold my good arm out from my side, beckoning into the hot, still air. “Come on,” I yell. “You want me? Come and get me.”
Ivy was thrown out. Bishop thought she was trying to murder him, and her family let her take the fall. She was truly all alone. The situations Ivy found herself in, right after she was thrown outside of the fence, oh my gosh, I was panicky for her. I kept thinking, okay, that’s enough for now. And then bam, something else would knock Ivy’s world off kilter and I questioned whether she could survive what was happening to her. Ivy proved that she was tough as nails. Her endurance and need to survive was impressive!
I know now that I can survive out here. The question is whether I have the strength to really live.
Ohhh survival. It’s such a hard subject, since not everything is black and white. I really, really struggled with some of Ivy’s choices. She did what she had to do to survive. Or at least what she believed she had to do to survive. And oh man, that was such a hard pill to swallow at times. I definitely got angry with Ivy, actually livid is a better choice of word. I wanted to make her reconsider some of the choices she made. And while she did come around, it took longer than I wish it did.
Bishop’s jaw tightens, but he only sounds incredibly tired when he says, “I just want to be with you. Walk next to you, Ivy, wherever you’re headed. That’s all.”
Let me say, I was so ecstatic when Bishop came back. His faith and devotion to Ivy was beautiful. His understanding of how she worked and what she needed was breathtaking. Bishop was everything that was good in their world. Yes he made mistakes, yes he suffered from some of his decisions, but his heart was so pure and in such the right place. But, I have no clue how he tolerated Ivy during the time that she treated him like garbage. She was horrid to him, and there was Bishop, waiting for Ivy to come around and love him. I found myself mad at Ivy again, for how she treated Bishop. And I don’t want to go into all of the details, cause spoilers, but just know that because of a past boyfriend, I got Ivy. I understood the way she was. And I was able to forgive her because of that understanding. But I don’t know if everyone else will be as understanding to Ivy as I was.
My voice already sounds more my own. Stronger. I point to the knife in Ash’s hand. “I need one of those. And lessons on how to use it.”
Not everything was all doom and gloom in Ivy’s new life or her attitude (haha) because she met two characters I absolutely loved, Caleb and Ash. I liked them the moment I met them, even if Caleb was being a grumpy the first time we met him. What developed between the three of them was so natural and it made me love every single scene that Caleb and Ash were in. They added so much depth to the story!
I can live with blood on my hands.
So if you’re looking for a quick, fun dystopian to pick up, you may want to give this one a try! The story itself was entertaining and that last quarter of the book was so fast paced, I loved it! It made me even have tears in my eyes and I felt a plethora of emotions in my heart. Oh, that ending was perfect! But just realize that you may need to work on your patience with Ivy, even though she does grow throughout the story. It just takes a while. Or a little longer than a while. But ultimately you’ll get to meet Bishop, sigh. And he is definitely someone you will want to meet!
Reading Order & Links: Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #) |
![]() The Book of Ivy #1 Review: Jen | ![]() The Revolution of Ivy #2 Review: Jen |
Awesome review Ms Jen! I’m getting both of these as soon as I get paid tomorrow!🤗
I hope you enjoy meeting Ivy & Bishop and that you can tolerate Ivy a tad bit more than I did in the 2nd book lol. 😉
I really loved this second book, too—but I definitely get that some people might have been frustrated with Ivy.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Bite-Sized Reviews of the Rest of the Books I Read in 2016 (Including The Beauty of Darkness and Glass Sword)
I remember you loving this story! They’re such fast books to read and I can’t wait to discover more books by this author in the future. Her newest book coming out this year, oh I’m so on the fence, I’m definitely intrigued but nervous about the content. I was hoping you would read it first lol! 😉
I don’t want to read the spoilers, but I’m glad you liked this one too! 🙂
AngelErin recently posted…2016 End of the Year Book Survey!
The only thing you need to know – why it wasn’t a 4.5 star like the 1st book – is that Ivy annoyed me at times. BUT I still loved the story-line and all of the other characters and even Ivy a lot of the time. I was being whiny about her attitude. 😜 But I still recommend this book! 😃