BOOK REVIEW: The Bookworm Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts

BOOK REVIEW: The Bookworm Crush by Lisa Brown RobertsThe Bookworm Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts
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This spinoff of The Replacement Crush featuring Amy and Toff is sure to melt your heart.

Shy bookworm Amy McIntyre is about to compete for the chance to interview her favorite author, who hasn't spoken to the press in years. The only way to win is to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight, but that level of confidence has never come easy.

The solution? A competition coach. The problem? The best person for the job is the guy she's secretly crushing on…local surfer celebrity Toff Nichols.

He’s a player. He’s a heartthrob. He makes her forget basic things, like how to breathe. How can she feel any confidence around him?

To her surprise, Toff agrees to help. And he’s an excellent teacher. Amy feels braver―maybe even brave enough to admit her feelings for him. When their late night practices become less about coaching and more about making out, Amy’s newfound confidence wavers.

But does Toff really like her or is this just another lesson?


Surfer Boy + Bookish Girl = Cutest Story Ever!
I laughed, cried, sighed and fell madly in love, so it’s no surprise that The Book Worm Crush became an instant favorite!  This story was the perfect mix of being cute and fluffy while also being deep and emotional.  And with characters that leaped off of the pages and easily stole my heart, sigh, I absolutely loved this book.  If you’re looking for one last summerish read or if you love ya romance that is swoon worthy then definitely pick this one up!
God, he was a cliché . So was she, with her ridiculous crush on him. Maybe they belonged together after all, like the Instagram commenter suggested.
Yeah, right.


Amy is a heroine everyone can root for. She was sweet, shy, loved books, and she was not only a book blogger, but a bookstagrammer too.  So I understood how she felt about wanting to win a contest to meet and interview her unicorn author. She knew that she had to step out of her comfort zone if she wanted to win.  And who better to help coach her on winning and being confident then local surfer celebrity, Toff.  It shouldn’t matter that she’d crushed on him since they were little kids.   Or that she got even more shy and nervous when he was around.  But after the book started off with a huge bang, go raccoons lol!, I knew Amy had it in her to step up to the game and even possibly win.
She wasn’t sure how much longer she could pretend to be immune to Toff— fake, real, and everything in between. Her resolve was fading, which was no surprise.


When Amy and Toff were together, I couldn’t stop laughing.  There was a whole lot of banter and joking around going on.  And even though Toff was the confident, flirty one, I couldn’t stop grinning any time Amy would throw him off his game.  Their interaction was smile inducing and I felt like I was in on all of their inside jokes.  Btw Bonnie and Clyde was the cutest nicknames ever!  As Toff helped Amy with the contest challenges and becoming more confident, I loved watching their friendship grow.  Even if there were a lots of bumps along the way.
He willed her to look him in the eye, hoping she could tell he was serious for once. She took a breath and met his gaze. The energy between them shifted, like an electrical storm descended right over their table, crackling with lightning bolts.


Toff was charismatic, insanely talented, and absolutely gorgeous, but he had a guarded heart.  He got through life joking around and not being too serious.  And surfing, competing and girls were his life.  But when Amy came crashing into it, she started to shake everything up.  And as we slowly got to know Toff inside and out, I found myself falling even harder for him.  Yes Toff had some growing up to do, but his progress pulled at my heart and made me love and root for him that much harder.
Being with her felt so good. Easy. Fun. Fiery.


You guys, I loved every single tiny thing about The Book Worm Crush.  Not only did we get to switch back and forth between Amy and Toff, but there was also so much book talk.  And while this story was absolutely adorable, it had a strong emotional side too.  I kept finding myself getting hit with all of the feels.  I was sitting on a beach reading and couldn’t stop crying.  And then later on I was not just crying, but sobbing.  This story truly has it all!
As Toff sat across from her, she drank him in. Suntanned and smiling, blue eyes sparkling, he made her heart skip a beat. Confused or not, she was going to enjoy this. Enjoy him. Them.


So if you’re a fan of ya, romance, gushing about books or falling in love then definitely add this one to your tbr.  With all of the book love sprinkled throughout the pages, I think book lovers will be just as obsessed about this book as I was.  And while this book is a spin-off from The Replacement Crush, you definitely don’t need to read that book first.  This can easily be read as a standalone, but I fell madly in love with that book too.  So I recommend them both!  So when you pick this book up please come and obsess with me.  I desperately need to talk all about Amy, Toff and of course penguins too!
PS I loved Amy’s younger brother, Brayden!  He was sneaky, hilarious and constantly cracked me up.  He is someone I’d love to read about when he’s older.  I can’t even imagine all of the trouble he’d get into as a teenager lol.
Happily Ever After, Happy for Now, whatever this was, Amy was embracing it.
No regrets.


PPS  There’s a video scene and it was so funny that I re-read that chapter four times.  Yup, it was that fabulous!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*


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  1. T.H. Hernandez

    I concur with every word you wrote. I absolutely adored this book!

    • Jen

      Yay yay yay, this book was beyond fabulous!! I still need to go back and read her How (Not) to Fall in Love ♥.

  2. Raven@dreamyaddictions

    Wonderful review, Jen! I enjoyed the replacement crush and I didn’t know there’s a spin off to it. I really need to check it out! I’m glad you loved it!
    Raven@dreamyaddictions recently posted…Monthly Wrap Up | October [2019]My Profile

    • Jen

      It has all the summer feels and is absolutely adorable! Plus, Toff got his own story and we got to see all of our favorites from The Replacement Crush *yay*!

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