BOOK REVIEW: A Brush with Love by Mazey Eddings

BOOK REVIEW: A Brush with Love by Mazey EddingsA Brush with Love by Mazey Eddings
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Nine out of ten dentists agree, Mazey Eddings's rom-com A Brush with Love makes your smile brighter!*

*not scientifically proven

Harper is anxiously awaiting placement into a top oral surgery residency program when she crashes (literally) into Dan. Harper would rather endure a Novocaine-free root canal than face any distractions, even one this adorable. A first-year dental student with a family legacy to contend with, Dan doesn’t have the same passion for pulling teeth that Harper does. Though he finds himself falling for her, he is willing to play by Harper’s rules. So with the greatest of intentions and the poorest of follow-throughs, the two set out to be “just friends.” But as they get to know each other better, Harper fears that trading fillings for feelings may make her lose control and can't risk her carefully ordered life coming undone, no matter how drool-worthy Dan is.

Blood, gore, and extra-long roots? No problem. The idea of falling in love? Torture.


A Brush with Love was an emotional and adorable love story.  With characters that leaped from the pages and an easy to devour story line, I flew through this book in no time.  If you’re looking for a slow burn romance that has an anxiety rep, you need to check out this book!

Dan tamped down the pang of disappointment.  He could be patient.  He’d wait however long it took for her to let him in, brick by brick.

Harper was in her last year of dental school and leaving in five months to do her residency.    And right from the start we got to see her in the most captivating meet cute, I found myself laughing and cringing at the same time.  Harper and Dan had an instant connection, yet they both had so much going on in their lives at the same time.  Their love story was not always easy, but with the most patient book boyfriend ever and a group of friends that tried their best to push them together, this story was definitely intriguing.

Rules were her life preserver in the choppy storm of anxiety and she clung to them with white knuckles.

While I struggled connecting with Harper, she was kind, dedicated and such a hard worker.  And it hurt as we watched anxiety getting the best of her at times.  While Harper was laser focused on her schooling, she didn’t even think that a life with dating was an option.  Plus she rationalized that she was leaving in a few months, so why get attached to anyone.  But Dan was persistent in the best of ways!  He knew what he wanted and that was Harper.

“I’m going to be the best friend you’ve ever had.” He gently pinched her chin and brought her eyes to meet his.  They were filled with hunger and conflict.

Dan was the shining star in this story for me!  He was warm, friendly, endearing and helped push Harper out of her comfort zone.  I loved how patient, caring and thoughtful he was.  He was truly everything that is good in the world!  Dan always seemed to be there for Harper.  And while I was screaming at Harper just to give him a chance, she would still shut him out at times.  I completely understood why, but it hurt to watch Dan’s heart get crushed.

Holy shit did she want to tell him.  Tell him she knew she’d fucked up.  She knew she was fucked up.
But fear gripped her, the inevitability of rejection paralyzing her.  Because, really, who could love someone like her?

One of the things that intrigued me about this story was the feelings that swirl around meeting someone that almost feels like fate.  Or destiny.  And it doesn’t matter that you don’t want to be in a relationship or that it isn’t a good time.  Or that you’re still fixing yourself.  This person came into your life that fits you so well.  But at the same time, they shake everything up and all around.  That was Harper and Dan.  But I will say that it felt like Dan was more into Harper.  He put forth so much effort and heart time and again, and I wanted Harper to do the same.  By the very end of the book I was happy that Harper was finally the one to make that effort, but I would have loved for their relationship to not be so one sided.

“I constantly want to touch you.  Hold you.  Smother you in kisses.  I dream about you.  Think about you – it’s just you.  Twenty-four seven.  Only you.”

So if you’re looking for a story that is not only cute, but packs a lot of feelings into the pages, then you may adore A Brush With Love!  The story was absolutely unique in regards to being in a dental school setting.  And the anxiety rep was so real that in a few of the scenes it took my breath away.  While Harper and I didn’t connect, I still adored Dan and their friends.  This was my first book by Mazey Eddings, and I’m definitely looking forward to her next story!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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  1. Sam@wlabb

    I liked Harper and what she was achieving, but I thought the character’s anxiety sometimes hijacked the story. Dan was fantastic, and I adored Harper’s core group of friends too. This was a solid read for me regardless.
    Sam@wlabb recently posted…Spell the Month in Books: March 2022My Profile

  2. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    Even with your reservations abou this one it totally sounds like one I will try at some point. Great review!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Review: Love on the Lake (Lakeside #2) by Helena HuntingMy Profile

  3. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    It’s really hard for me when I don’t connect with a main character. It makes it tough to be fully invested in the story. But Dan sounds like a super sweetheart! Book boyfriend hall of fame! 🙂
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