by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Only his memories can save her…
A great primal power has risen. The Queen of Flesh and Fire has become the Primal of Blood and Bone—the true Primal of Life and Death. And the battle Casteel, Poppy, and their allies have been fighting has only just begun. Gods are awakening across Iliseeum and the mortal realm, readying for the war to come.
But when Poppy falls into stasis, Cas faces the very real possibility that the dire, unexpected consequences of what she is becoming could take her away from him. Cas is given some advice, though—something he plans to cling to as he waits to see her beautiful eyes open once more: Talk to her.
And so, he does. He reminds Poppy how their journey began, revealing things about himself that only Kieran knows in the process. But it’s anybody’s guess what she’ll wake to or exactly how much of the realm and Cas will have changed when she does.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout revisits Poppy and Casteel’s epic love story in the next installment of the Blood and Ash series. But this time, Hawke gets to tell the tale.
A Soul of Ash and Blood wove an enchanting tale between the past and the present. It was a phenomenal addition to the From Blood and Ash Series! I thought I was prepared for this story, I was so wrong. New light was shone on scenes we thought we knew, things arose that left us with burning questions, and those final pages cumulated into a heart stopping ending! Cas’ story will capture your heart! A Soul of Ash and Blood was intoxicating, gritty, smile inducing and absolutely impossible to put down!
What he’d said was something I’d already learned the hard way, but his words…
They felt like a warning.
An omen of things to come.
The story started out in the present and within those first few pages my heart was already in my chest. I shouldn’t have been surprised that it was emotionally intense, or that I cried within that first chapter. Because while some of those tears were happy, there were others filled with sadness and scared of the unknown. Something wasn’t right with Poppy. Cas and Kieran knew it, and Nektas seemed to possessive knowledge that I wanted to pry out of his brain. That draken could be so blunt, but he cracked me up time and again! So as Poppy went into stasis, Cas took us back to before he met Poppy. I loved how JLA skillfully immersed us in a world we already loved, but through Cas’ eyes it was unique, addictive and so much more than I ever could have hoped and dreamed! As we alternated between the past and the present, this book turned out to be EVERYTHING I didn’t realize I needed!
Kieran shook his head as he turned his stare to the moon. “A Maiden with a wolven-bone dagger and, at the very least, no fear when it comes to using it?” One side of his lips tipped up. “Why do I have a feeling we may have underestimated her?”
I let out a short, low laugh. “Because I think we did.”
Cas took us back to before he met Poppy and was a guard. I loved his moments with Vikter, oh how I have missed him. Their interactions were phenomenal! But most of all I loved getting to hear Cas’ preconceived notions about Poppy, even as he got clues of who the Maiden truly was from others around him. And when he got to meet her in person, his reactions were all consuming and I always had to know how he would handle the next moment they were together! I could not stop smiling, I could not stop my shouts and screams of happiness, and it was impossible not to laugh at the most inappropriate things. Seeing violence through Cas’ eyes, well it was hard not to think how he thought haha. His anger and vengeance were electrifying and it seemed to bubble under the surface at times. I loved when things would get violent and each time I fell even harder for him. One thing that hurt so much though, was getting to see deeper into who Cas was. His past. The horrors. And how it haunted him in the present. It literally ripped me apart and I felt like I was drowning at times. I know Poppy said in FBAA what she had felt from him, but I didn’t realize how much it truly consumed him.
“I know you want to do something irresponsible and reckless, but you can’t kill him,” he said. There was no greeting. No need to ask questions. He knew why I was here.
“I’m not going to kill him,” I replied. “I’m only going to murder him.”
Kieran sidestepped, blocking me. “That’s the same thing.”
“No, it’s not. Killing someone implies it could’ve been an accident. What I’m about to do will be completely intentional.”
Getting to hear Cas’ explanations for the whys he did something was absolutely phenomenal! His dark, humorous thoughts were addictive! And watching him do things I had no clue he was doing, ohhhhhh be prepared to be surprised again and again by this story! But one of my favorite things was seeing Poppy through Cas’ eyes. How she affected him. How she seeped into his thoughts. And how his progression of thoughts towards her changed. It was consuming and will fill your heart with joy! You know how in FBAA we got to learn the world right along with Poppy? I felt that all over again with Cas. Yes he has knowledge for what is truly going on, but he was in the dark for other things. And watching as light was shown on certain aspects to Cas, it blew my mind. We got to see so many different sides of Cas. How he could be his own worst enemy. How he could be someone’s savior. How he could be their demise. And most of all, how he was able to enchant Poppy’s heart and soul.
Their blood was on my hands.
And as fucked-up as it sounded, I could live with that. I had to. But what was hard to swallow? That I’d caused her pain.
As the story unfolded, we got to see lots of fan favorite moments from FBAA, and scenes that weren’t in FBAA too. But some of those scenes that are our favorites, oh we were none the wiser. So when Cas filled in certain things, wow. You think you know something, but you truly don’t! And seeing how he felt through each of those times, fans of this series are going to be clinging onto his every word and thought! We also got to see Kieran through Cas’ eyes and watching Kieran handle certain situations was epic and shocking. There are no other words! And Emil. Oh poor Emil. I laughed so hard in a certain situation with him that I should probably feel guilty about, but I don’t haha. And while I went from desperately wanting to stay in the past, there came a point in the story where the present had us hanging onto every word and moment. And those final pages?! Hold on because it is heart pounding and left us desperately wanting that next book!
I wanted to be a good man who would walk away from what he knew he wasn’t worthy or deserving of. The kind Kieran believed I was. The type I had been raised to be. But I wasn’t a good man.
I was just hers.
A Soul of Ash and Blood will have you falling in love with Cas, Poppy, and this series all over again. Plus the steam in this book through Cas’ eyes *fans face*, it was scorching hot! I’m so grateful we got this story! And now I’ll be counting down till that next book releases!
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*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*
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I’ve been dying to read the book and I’ve pre-ordered it, but it won’t come in for a few days😭😭 Update the quotes! I’m dying! I need sustenance! Please!!🙏🙏😭😭
I just updated them *hugs*! I hope your book comes in asap!
I’ve only read book one, I have got to get going on this series because as soon as I picked that one up I was sucked in. Great review, although I didn’t read too closely for any spoilers!
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Yes! This story pulls you in so easily! I’m excited and also heartbroken that both the prequel and this series should be wrapped up next year. There are so many books in this series you get to enjoy for catching up! I’m jealous you get to experience them all for the first time!
This was my least enjoyed book from this series because there weren’t all that many reveals from Cas’ POV. There were BTS moments throughout the series that would’ve been interesting to learn from Cas or Kieran, but this story didn’t move beyond being a rehash of Book 1.
This is the second series of JLAs that I’ve read and I seem to choose the ones that don’t resolve. The final pages were gripping, but so much of the story is left wide open and far too much unanswered, which for this reader it’s frustrating. Will this story have an ending or is this going to be another “The Brightest Night” where the story just ends with all the loose ends fluttering about?
JLA creates wondedful imagery and solid characters which is why I keep reading her books. But maybe I need to stick with her stand-alones.
Within her monthly emails she has she has dates listed, and pre-orders up for the next books in this series. I highly recommend you join her emails so you can keep informed. Then you can see what is releasing next and you can understand her deeply emotional struggle with The Brightest Night. She has talked about it many times for why she has to put that series aside for now because of what the pandemic did to those around her. But for FBAA here is what she has coming next…..
*Visions of Flesh and Blood (Blood and Ash #5.5), Releases February 20th 2024
*Born of Blood and Ash (Flesh and Fire #4), Releases May 7th, 2024 (FINAL BOOK IN PREQUEL SERIES)
*The Primal of Blood and Bone (Blood and Ash #6), Releases summer of 2024 (FINAL BOOK FOR POPPY AND CAS)
*There is to be one more book in the Blood and Ash series but it’ll be about a different characters journey and doesn’t have a release date just yet
She has soooooo many completed series too…
Covenant and then Titan
Dark Elements and then Harbinger
Wicked and then Summer King
Wait for You
De Vincent
Gamble Brothers
There’s close to 40 books within all of those completed series. I can’t recommend all of those enough!