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A young woman tries to heal her heartbreak by casting a spell to erase her ex from her past, but she wakes up in an alternate reality where she’s lost more than she wished for in this witty, whimsical friends-to-lovers debut.
What if one little wish changed everything?
When Gemma gets dumped by her long-term boyfriend, she reacts the way any reasonable twenty-eight-year-old would: by getting drunk with her sister, kooky aunt, and best friend, Dax. After one too many margaritas, they decide to perform a love- cleansing spell, which promises to erase Gemma’s ex from her memory. They follow all the instructions, including a platonic kiss from Dax to seal the deal.
When Gemma wakes up, she realizes that this silly spell has worked. Not only does it seem that she never dated her ex, but the rest of her life is completely unrecognizable. The worst part: Dax has no idea who she is.
To reverse the spell and get back to her old life, Gemma must convince her once-best-friend-now-near-stranger to kiss her. But as she carries out her plans, she finds herself falling for him—hard. Soon, Gemma begins to wonder whether she even wants to go back to the way things once were. What if Dax was The One all along?
This Spells Love was an absolutely adorable, addictively fun, steamy friends to lovers romance! I loved the characters, the storyline kept me guessing, and this book captured my heart so effortlessly. Kate Robb is my favorite debut author of 2023, and I can’t wait to read whatever she releases next!
His voice is so firm. Assured. “Stuart was not the guy.”
“You have to say that because you’re my best friend.”
“No.” He looks up at me with a look I cannot decipher. “It’s because I’m your best friend that I shouldn’t say that.”
From that first page, I clicked with Gemma. Her voice made me smile and laugh. She was so easy to like, and I wanted to be friends with her. Her older sister Kiersten was hilarious and I loved how strong their relationship was. They were each other’s best friends. And their Aunt Livi rounded them out in a way that made my heart happy, I loved how strong their bond was with each other. With her best friend Dax in tow, the four of them did a spell which had Gemma waking up in alternate reality. Cleansing her ex from her life truly worked, and her new life was so exciting! Yet….. Dax who was her best friend in the entire world didn’t remember her. With one month counting down to get Dax her to kiss, and back to her old life, everything spiraled in ways Gemma could never imagine!
Logically, I should be over the moon right now. I am living the manifestation of my dream. But yesterday’s fleeting few moments with Dax have me longing for a life where nights like that were the norm and not the exception.
“I want my best friend back.”
I was completely obsessed with the ride this book took us on, while also having so much anxiety for Gemma. She had no clue what the last four years had been like in this realty. There were people who know her, who she sure didn’t know back! Yet thankfully she still had her aunt and sister in her life. Their love and support were beautiful. Yet she didn’t have her best friend Dax to lean on. And not have him even knowing her cut so deep. How was she supposed to get him to kiss her, let alone even hang out with her? It all seemed like so much! As we watch Gemma try her best to get to know Dax, my heart was sinking. She came across in a way that had me laughing out loud, but wouldn’t get her anywhere with Dax. And just when it felt like the planets would align and she could have a hint of relief, nope, something else would shake it all up. The angst in this book was so beautifully done!
And I . . . I don’t know how to feel. The tiny part of my brain not bogged down with beer is screaming, Think about the consequences. The rest of me has been lulled into a dreamy haze by the deepness of his voice and the smell of his damn lotion. Every cell of my body feel like it’s tuned to the highest frequency.
I stop walking.
To catch my breath. Or steady my mind. Or stop my body from vibrating. I don’t know.
Dax was someone I easily liked in her other reality, but in this one we got to see other sides of him. He was so easy to love, and was a sigh worthy book boyfriend! Dax was sweet, kind, charming and stepped in to help others without a second thought. And as he allowed himself to be around or talk with Gemma, my heart would soar with hope! So as they spent more time around each other, it felt like the beginnings of something more than friendship. Almost like there was some heat thrown in there. So while I was laughing, smiling and falling for Dax right along with Gemma, I got her hang up that this was her best friend. She wasn’t supposed to have those types of feelings for him! Or was she?
“If we stop this here. Could you be only my friend?”
Dax closes his eyes, and for a very long moments, I’m worried he’s going to say no. Finally, he opens them. “Yes, I can. But to be very transparent, I don’t want to.”
“I don’t want to either.” The words leave my mouth, and they are so achingly true that I hold my arms out, close my eyes, and I jump.
I loved watching Gemma succeed in this new life. I was so elated for her when she would have the most wonderful day. And when Gemma’s relationship with Dax seemed to go somewhere, I couldn’t be happier for her! Gemma and Dax together were hot, steamy and so seductive! I loved that even when everything could be going wrong around them, there was still this intense desire and chemistry between them that couldn’t be ignored. So as the days went by, it was so easy to get attached to this life. To want Gemma to make the choice to stay here. Yet there was so much going on that I can’t say that also left me wanting for her to go back to her old life. I wasn’t sure how Gemma would proceed. This Dax was everything she never knew she wanted, yet so much hang in the balance so going back felt oh so right too.
He smiles when he sees me.
And suddenly, I know. We are the same here. The universe could make us live a thousand different lifetimes, and we’ll always find a way to be there for each other.
Sacrifice, love, friendship, and thoughtfulness laced through the pages creating a beautiful, memorable story. This friends to lovers romance is one of my favorite reads for this year! And it’s also one that I will definitely be re-reading again and again. I loved this story, the characters were so real, and that ending wow I did not see that coming at all. It made me want to jump up and down and cheer at the top of my lungs. I loved it so much! So if you love adult romance, definitely put this one on your tbr! I can’t recommend it enough!
PS I love Frank!
*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*
Yay! Happy to see you found another five-star read!
Yes! I can’t recommend this one enough, it brought me so much joy and happiness!
My response to your review – YES! I agree. Loved this book. It’s the second one I read where the character had to decide to stay or go back, and that was stressful, but Robb did an incredible job here. So glad you share my enthusiasm for this book.
I’m so glad you loved this one so much too Sam! And yes I had all the anxiety about that decision lol. I can’t wait to read whatever she writes next!
I’ve got a copy of this from my last Book of the Month Club order, I can’t wait to read it. Especially after this wonderful review!
YAY! I’m so excited you choose this book!