BOOK REVIEW: The Marriage Game (Marriage Game #1) by Sara Desai

BOOK REVIEW: The Marriage Game (Marriage Game #1) by Sara DesaiThe Marriage Game (Marriage Game #1)
by Sara Desai
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A high stakes wager pits an aspiring entrepreneur against a ruthless CEO in this sexy romantic comedy.

After her life falls apart, recruitment consultant Layla Patel returns home to her family in San Francisco. But in the eyes of her father, who runs a Michelin starred restaurant, she can do no wrong. He would do anything to see her smile again. With the best intentions in mind, he offers her the office upstairs to start her new business and creates a profile on an online dating site to find her a man. She doesn’t know he’s arranged a series of blind dates until the first one comes knocking on her door…

As CEO of a corporate downsizing company Sam Mehta is more used to conflict than calm. In search of a quiet new office, he finds the perfect space above a cozy Indian restaurant that smells like home. But when communication goes awry, he's forced to share his space with the owner's beautiful yet infuriating daughter Layla, her crazy family, and a parade of hopeful suitors, all of whom threaten to disrupt his carefully ordered life.

As they face off in close quarters, the sarcasm and sparks fly. But when the battle for the office becomes a battle of the heart, Sam and Layla have to decide if this is love or just a game.


With an enemies to lovers vibe, and forced proximity, The Marriage Game was a lot of fun!  I listened to the audiobook and was swept away.  From the beginning, I found myself laughing.  I absolutely adored Layla Patel!  She was someone I would want to be besties with.  And the moment Sam showed up on the pages and stepped in to help out, I was a goner!  Layla and Sam together were everything…. fighting over the office, going over her resume, attending dates together, I loved every minute of it!  The tension between them was alive and intense.  I had so many favorite moments and Layla’s family and Sam’s friends just added another layer that made their story leap from the pages.

“It also says here that you’re a good girl.” His voice dropped to a sensual purr and he leaned toward her. “Are you a good girl, Layla? You seem very bad to me. If you need a husband who can keep you in line, you’ll have to up your game.”

Yet I did have a hiccup.  After 75% something happened, but I don’t know all of the details.  And questions about that weren’t brought up, so there were no answers.  It left my gut churning with the what ifs.  The story closed with a fabulous ending, yet the unknown about something just hit me too hard.  Regardless, I will definitely be trying another book by Desai, and I hope I love every part of it!

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1 Comment

  1. Lisa+Mandina+(Lisa+Loves+Literature)

    So, I read the third book in this series and loved it. I own a copy of the second book, but haven’t read this one. I need to go back and read it. Great review, I’m wondering if what happened at 75% that bothered you has anything to do with any of the other books maybe?

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