by Karina Halle
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Come Alive didn’t seem to have the effect on me that it did on everyone else. While the beginning was adorable and Pex was in an ignorant bliss, the rest of the story closed up and swallowed most of the preconceived warm and fuzzies evoked from the beginning of the story and left me feeling bored and somewhat reminiscent of the times where Perry was our narrator.
As I said above, the beginning started off somewhat strong-Dex and Perry are happy and starting fresh after all their earlier mishaps, hoping for a bright future…together. Neither of these characters ever believed they would be where they are now, and they are basking in the unbelievability of their tentative relationship. I really enjoyed seeing their feelings show for each other at the same time for once. There was only one glitch (well, actually many glitches, but that’s beside the point) that really bothered me about their new relationship.
The fact that we had, YES I said had, to hear it from Dex’s POV, really didn’t work for me.
I’d much rather have heard how happy and scared Perry was about everything in their new relationship. Now, I know that literally no one agrees with me except a dwindling few, but I am speaking as candidly as I possibly can without sounding like I hated the story, because I didn’t. It just wasn’t my favorite. As a matter of fact, it was probably my least favorite of the series.
With Dex’s POV the story felt disjointed, jumpy, and disconnected. I missed Perry as a character, because ultimately it felt like she wasn’t truly part of the story. She would be in a scene, but she’d hardly say anything and when she did, it was snide, snippy, or dull. A normally fun, relatable, and vibrant girl was dulled by the turn of a POV, and that makes me sadder than anything.
It’s like when an author is writing from a girl’s POV, they want so fiercely to portray how great the guy is, that they do an excellent job with the male’s facial expressions, breaths/exhales, emotions evoked from their intense eye contact-they build an absolutely amazing male lead. But whenever they switch the roles, it’s almost as if the girl no longer matters. We were built up to love her as a narrator, then we are left with a dull filler in the story where the main heroine used to reside. It’s as if the author thinks: “Hey, they know Perry, why shove her facial expressions, emotions, and what makes her, her in their face? They only care what Dex is thinking.” Wrong. I want a two way street. I want equality in the writing and I want to feel the same way I do as when I read from Perry’s perspective. I don’t want one vibrant personality only, I want the whole cast to shine. I’ve seen this too many times from male POV-a crash and burn-and I wish it was different, I really do.
Keep the male perspective (and vice versa, if that’s the case) in chapters and quick peeks, because it makes the readers want more; because when we finally do get male POV, it’s almost never what we expected, and then our favorite stories are forever ruined in our eyes.
I didn’t mean to make this so long, so I’ll wrap it up. I love EIT. It’s one of my favorite series and I was bound not to like one sooner or later, but I just never thought it would be because it was from Dex’s POV.
I can’t wait for Ashes to Ashes to come out soon, and it will be back in Perry’s POV. I can’t wait to see her reaction over a certain something at the end of CA-it’s sure to be epic. Hopefully these two can make it work, because they really are an adorable couple.
I’m thinking either 3.5 or 4. The ending was enough to keep it at 4 I think, but I will see how I feel tomorrow when I write my review-
I just think male POV is better left in small chapters and teasers. I will explain my thoughts tomorrow, but I just wasnt as happy with this one as I thought I would be. I actually missed Perry’s POV. I love sexy dexy, but he made me a tad mad…again! Haha
More tomorrow!
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