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Blue eyes.
In all honesty, there were several good things and several bad things about this book. I was up and down on whether I liked it or not and more often than not I was debating what I really felt while I was reading. I think that this is one of those books that became extremely infected by the ‘rating disease’. I was internally conflicted as I read every page on what I was going to rate this and it really effected the overall feel of the book. But then, that’s also a very telling sign-this book never 100% had me. I fell in love with Daniel from the moment we met him, but never once really connected with Ashlyn. There was a particular bar scene that sticks out to me from about the 20% mark (or so) and I can honestly say, it was the last moment when I felt fully immersed with BOTH of the two main characters. It was cute, flirty, and was beginning to give me the butterflies. The two characters gelled and I was excited to see where the story went from there, because if it was even a fraction as good as that scene, I knew I’d love the story….but it was never like that again.