BOOK REVIEW: Bad Habit (Bad Love #1) by Charleigh Rose Bad Habit (Bad Love #1)
by Charleigh Rose
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I was infatuated with Asher Kelley the moment he came tumbling through my brother’s window five years ago.
Even bruised and bloodied, he was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen.
We couldn't ever be together.
I was too young, and he was too untouchable.
He was too troubled, and I was too naive.
But the heart is rebellious, and mine decided it didn’t care about any of those things.
As I got older, harmless flirting turned to stolen moments in dark corners.
Until one day, he was gone without a trace.
Now, three years later, he’s back.
Callous and cruel.
He’s my brother’s best friend. My parents’ worst nightmare.
I should hate him.
But like a Bad Habit, I can’t quit him.

I was drawn to Briar Vale from the first time she looked up at me with stars in her big, blue eyes.
She was just a kid, nothing but elbows and knees, but she was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen.
We could never be together.
I was too old and she was too off limits.
She was too good and I was too fucked up.
Eventually, the temptation became too much to resist.
I risked everything for a kiss and she betrayed me.
Three years have passed and I’m forced to see her again, but now she's all grown up.
She’s my best friend’s baby sister. My downfall.
I hate her for what she did.
But she's always been my drug of choice


Bad Habit was a forbidden love story that was filled with angst and had a strong hate to love vibe.  I was beyond addicted and loved every single minute of it!  The story had lots of drama that kept me glued to the pages and the characters quickly reached deep into my heart.  It was so easy to feel every single one of their emotions. This book was exactly what I was looking for! I absolutely loved Bad Habit and I can’t wait to discover the rest of Charleigh Rose’s books!

This thing between Briar and me is like a runaway train. It can’t be stopped, and it’ll take us both straight to hell.

Asher Kelley, aka Ash, was her older brother’s best friend.  Briar Vale always thought it was one-sided until one fateful night he came stumbling into her house bloody and injured.  Again. She was 14 and Asher was 18. And while he fought it, something happened between them, and then he disappeared without saying goodbye.  But three years later, he came back. Asher seemed livid at Briar and Briar couldn’t ignore all of her old feelings that rushed back into her heart.  This time, there was no escaping each other.

“Relax.” I discreetly grab one of his hands, uncurling his fingers and rubbing his palm with my thumb. His hard eyes soften at my touch, and being the one person who can get through to him when he’s like this cracks the last piece of my hesitant heart wide open. It’s his. It’s always been his. I just wish he’d realize it.

Asher quickly owned my heart and his tortured soul spoke to me.  He lost his mother at a young age and he was raised by a drunken father who liked to use him as a punching bag.  Thankfully he could escape to his best friend’s, Dashiell aka Dash, house. And Dash was Briar’s older brother. Dash and Briar both loved Asher as though he was a part of their family.  Even if their parents didn’t.

My initial thought is to say no. I tell myself that I shouldn’t let her get attached. But who the fuck am I kidding? We’re beyond attached. She’s in my head, my fucking veins, and in whatever’s left of my heart, whether either one of us likes it or not.
“I’ll be here.”

Anytime Briar and Ash were near each other, the air would literally crackle with electricity.  Moments between them were risky, forbidden and it was all so extremely hot.  There were a few scenes that even shocked me *fans face*.  But Ash could be so hurtful to Briar. He would be the biggest douche bag ever and then he’d go back to being addicting and charismatic without even trying.  No matter what he did to her, Briar and I kept getting pulled in further.

I don’t hold back. I fuck her like I hate her, because part of me still does. I don’t fully understand the depths of my feelings for Briar, but make no mistake, I’d kill for this girl.

Their story was not an easy path.  There was so much love and hate mixed together.  Ash could definitely be his own worst enemy but thankfully Briar started to get a backbone.  But no matter what they would fight about, they’d find themselves touching, kissing and more.  There was so much longing between them that the moment they would even touch it would get erotic.  Then the next moment, Ash’s walls would go back up.  He’d go back to hating Briar and Briar would be heartbroken.  

“Tell me, Briar,” I whisper, getting closer to her ear. “Did he make you come from a kiss like I did? Does he know what you sound like as you do? Because I can still hear you. I can still see you.”

Throughout the story there were some flashbacks and I loved how it showed how close Briar and Ash were.  Yes he was her brother’s best friend, but he was also hers too.  They found comfort and confided in one another. You could see that they deeply cared for each other and it was obvious that Briar loved Ash with her whole heart and soul for years.  We got to watch as things changed between them. How tension found its way into their relationship and it turned into now. So when there were moments of the old Ash shining through, I got why Briar kept putting her heart on the line again and again.

Bad habits are easy to make and impossible to break, and Asher was the worst addiction of them all. I let him crawl inside my body, and he burned me from the inside out, leaving nothing but ashes in his absence.

There were so many other characters that added to this story, Dash, Nat and Adrian each stole my heart.  So if you’re looking for a seductive and sexy read this is definitely your book! Yes there was an age difference, some lack of communication and lots of drama, but I loved it. The characters spoke so deeply to me and this story was so heartbreaking perfect that I loved every single thing about Bad Habit.  Bad Habit was extremely emotional and I can’t wait to binge read the rest of Charleigh Rose’s books.