by Cynthia Hand
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Damn it. I just finished and I don’t know what to think. It was good-most definitely. But cleary, CLEARLY I must read on to see what will become of this now convoluted mess. It’s definitely what I feared-a love triangle. Or is it? I’m not quite sure what to make of the ending. I’m thoroughly confused with what I’m feeling.
Clara is on this Earth for a purpose, a destiny if you will, and she has to put together every piece of the puzzle to be able to fulfill it. There’s a fire, a boy, and a forest. She and her family find themselves moving to Wyoming where Clara is to fulfill the almighty prophecy, the purpose of her being. From there we are thrown into her world as a high school student struggling to fit in and ultimately get closer to the boy she is meant to save.
I found this novel to be a very well rounded story with very little room to become boring. In fact, I was fully engrossed in the story and devoured it in 24 hours. I started reading so quickly near the end that I swear I read over some important information (a bad habit of mine) that I should have probably grasped hold of-oops.
However, my largest gripe is that there are two incredibly attractive, sweet boys. I hate this. I hate when there are two viable boys to choose from. It nags at me as I read, no matter how strong a connection is between the two people who seem to really care for each other. I always find it hard to get attached to one, because alas, all of a sudden something catastrophic happens and all of a sudden the lead heroine is in love with the other guy. So, of course I’m skeptical at this point, and I hate that unsure feeling. But I must say I do love one boy in particular, and he seems to be running in the forefront at this moment, so for now, that is fine with me. But be warned, I guarantee it will be heartbreak city if something happens, and there are still at least two more books as far as my knowledge goes.
Overall, this was a fun story that didn’t go as dark as it could have (except for a certain furry creature whom we have no idea if he lives or not-she kind of left us hanging there-tune in for that update…), and I thoroughly enjoyed that aspect-for now. Personally, I like a litte climactic suspense. I’m sure the author is saving that for the rest of the series…I just hope there isn’t a massive amount of heartbreak. I don’t handle that well lol. So as I finish this review, I find my fingers itching to purchase the next in the series, oh wait, just did ;). With that, I will start Hallowed and attempt to gain a sense of what will come of this angel-blood, Clara.