REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Not Another Love Song by Olivia Wildenstein

I am so thankful to be on this tour! I fell madly in love with this book and I’m so excited to share my 5 Star Review of Not Another Love Song! So check it out and enter a fabulous giveaway. Enjoy ♥

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Not Another Love Song by Olivia WildensteinNot Another Love Song by Olivia Wildenstein
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An aspiring teenage singer finds herself playing a different tune when she falls for a boy who could jeopardize her future dreams in Olivia Wildenstein's romantic YA novel, Not Another Love Song.

Angie has studied music her entire life, nurturing her talent as a singer. Now a high school senior, she has an opportunity to break into Nashville's music scene via a songwriting competition launched by her idol, Mona Stone. Discouraged by her mother, who wishes Angie would set more realistic life goals, she nonetheless pours her heart and soul into creating a song worthy of Mona.

But Angie's mother is the least of her concerns after she meets Reedwood High’s newest transfer student, Ten. With his endless collection of graphic tees, his infuriating attitude, smoldering good looks, and endearing little sister, Ten toys with the rhythm of Angie’s heart.

She’s never desired anything but success until Ten entered her life. Now she wants to be with him and to be a songwriter for Mona Stone, but she can’t have both.

And picking one means losing the other.


Why did I have to develop feelings for someone who hates everything I love?

Not Another Love Song made me laugh, smile and fall in love.  From just those first few pages, I knew this book was going to be an instant favorite.  With an enemies to lovers vibe and music surrounding the story, I was mesmerized.  The story flowed so seamlessly and easily wove its way into my heart.  The relationships between friends, family and the romance……oh my gosh you guys, I found a new favorite author.  I went and added all of Olivia Wildenstein’s books to my tbr because she’s a beautiful storyteller!  If you’re a fan of young adult and romance, then you definitely need to add this one to your tbr.

Tennessee strolls by us, his gait even and so damn self-assured. The child in me wants to trip him. Not that I’ve ever tripped anyone. But if I had to trip someone, Ten would be that someone.

Music was such a huge part of Angie Conrad’s life.  She played the piano, sang songs, wrote music and her idol was a famous musician, Mona Stone.  Music ran in her blood and was woven into her life.  At seventeen, Angie felt so real to me.  Quirks and all.  Yes she was naive and insecure at times, and sometimes she saw the world through rose colored glasses.  But Angie’s heart was huge and I loved how she stood up for others.  Even when she was in the middle of an emotional mess in her own life.  Plus I loved how Angie’ thoughts could crack me up so easily, especially when it came to Tennessee Dylan.

“What about yourself, Tennessee Dylan? What sort of girls do it for you?”
“Hmm…” He lifts his hand, then runs the pad of his thumb over my chin, over the scab I camouflaged with foundation.
I think the band has stopped playing, but I could be wrong. The feel of his thumb, the smell of spice and soap lifting from his neck is confusing the heck out of my senses.
“Spirited ones,” he finally answers, voice so raspy my skin bursts into goose bumps.

The way Angie and Ten met, oh I loved it so much.  Fate can be so funny at times, I laughed out loud when they ran into each other the next time!  But you have to meet Ten, he had me from the first moment he graced the pages.  Ten stole all of my attention and I was enamored with him.  He was quiet yet mysterious.  He was thoughtful and gave me butterflies.  And he could be so swoon worthy, especially when he tried again and again with Angie.  He kept pulling me in and I wanted to know every single thing there was about him!  Ten was the ultimate book boyfriend who easily went on my favorites list!

I dip my chin and start playing it, wishing that every beat of the day were accompanied by a melody— a soundtrack to life. Music would spill from the sky, curl from the grass, and seep out of the asphalt.
Ten would hate it.
I falter and hit a wrong note.

Ten and Angie could butt heads so easily but at the same point, they meshed so perfectly.  Any time they were around each other, there was something there.  I melted when they talked, smiled when they were near each other and sighed when they didn’t fight what was between them.  So I desperately wanted to push them together.  The magnetism and connection between them was inspiring and gave me so much hope.  But there was a definite line in the sand, and my heart was holding out hope that Ten and Angie could make it work.  Somehow.

“I really wish you could make it easier for me to dislike you.”
He stops walking and pulls his shoulders back, pulls his head up.
Oh …
No …
I said that out loud.

Secrets, friendship, lies, love and bullying splashed across the pages.  Along with a mother daughter dynamic that was refreshing and true.  Friendships that resonated with me.  And a romance that I rooted for.  I loved this book with my whole heart, and even when I felt like I was going to cry and everything was broken, there were still so many where I couldn’t stop smiling.  Not Another Love Song was a beautiful love story that pulled at my heart, I can’t recommend it enough!

I might have to adjust my aim, shoot for the stars instead of the moon. Stars might not light up the world as brightly as the moon, but it doesn’t make their shine any less dazzling. I’d rather be a fleck of light in the darkness then not burn at all.

PS Nev.  Oh she’s a ray of sunshine and one of my favorites but I’m keeping my lips zipped about her.  Other then be prepared to absolutely love her!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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About Olivia Wildenstein:

USA TODAY bestselling author Olivia Wildenstein grew up in New York City and earned her bachelor’s in comparative literature from Brown University. After designing jewelry for a few years, Wildenstein traded in her tools for the writing life, which made more sense considering her college degree.

When she’s not sitting at her computer, she’s psychoanalyzing everyone she meets (Yes. Everyone), eavesdropping on conversations to gather material for her next book, and attempting not to forget one of her kids in school.

She has a slight obsession with romance, which might be the reason why she writes it. She’s a hybrid author of over a dozen mature Young Adult love stories.

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