Tag: Mystery (Page 11 of 19)

BOOK REVIEW – Omens (Cainsville #1) by Kelley Armstrong

BOOK REVIEW – Omens (Cainsville #1) by Kelley ArmstrongOmens (Cainsville #1)
by Kelley Armstrong
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Twenty-four-year-old Olivia Taylor Jones has the perfect life. The only daughter of a wealthy, prominent Chicago family, she has an Ivy League education, pursues volunteerism and philanthropy, and is engaged to a handsome young tech firm CEO with political ambitions.

But Olivia’s world is shattered when she learns that she’s adopted. Her real parents? Todd and Pamela Larsen, notorious serial killers serving a life sentence. When the news brings a maelstrom of unwanted publicity to her adopted family and fiancé, Olivia decides to find out the truth about the Larsens.

Olivia ends up in the small town of Cainsville, Illinois, an old and cloistered community that takes a particular interest in both Olivia and her efforts to uncover her birth parents’ past.

Aided by her mother’s former lawyer, Gabriel Walsh, Olivia focuses on the Larsens’ last crime, the one her birth mother swears will prove their innocence. But as she and Gabriel start investigating the case, Olivia finds herself drawing on abilities that have remained hidden since her childhood, gifts that make her both a valuable addition to Cainsville and deeply vulnerable to unknown enemies. Because there are darker secrets behind her new home and powers lurking in the shadows that have their own plans for her.

“First you buy me a mocha. Then you let me help you hide a body. Now you take me to a biker clubhouse. Best. Day. Ever.”

Wow. Color me surprised : I certainly didn’t start Omens with high expectations and yet… It kept me on the edge of my seat right up to the end.

The first thing you need to know is that it is NOT Urban Fantasy by any means. Although I was more than okay with that because UF never was my favorite genre (that’s an understatement), the blurb and the shelves can be misleading and you would be disappointed if that’s what you expect.

Think… Criminal Minds meets Supernatural. A murder investigation with sparks of paranormal. A mystery that will keep you guessing the whole time, glued to the pages, where you need to pay attention at every omen and even every dream. Just sayin’.

“I sat there, feeling sick and shocked and angry, most of all furious with myself for being such a fool, such a damned fool.
This wasn’t a game. It was serious and ugly and I wanted nothing to do with it. And yet, in wanting nothing to do with it, I was a hypocrite.”

As for the writing, don’t expect purple prose or beautiful sentences here. Yet despite the pretty generic writing, I enjoyed it immensely for what it is : to the point, true. And it works : I genuinely laughed. Smiled. Feared. Freaked out. Ate it up.

If Olivia’s POV (in first person past tense) owns the show, the story is interspersed with passages in random people’s POV that are told in third person. How unsettling as it sounds, strangely it didn’t bother me at all but on the contrary I thought that it added interesting layers to the story.

But what I preferred were, by far, the dialogues. Indeed they were clever and funny in a non show-off way, the kind of private joke funny that doesn’t allow me to take a sentence off context and say LOOK AT THIS! THIS IS HILARIOUS! Nope. Yet in context? With all the characters’ dynamics background? I laughed. I giggled. At the most random parts.

To sum-up, we have :
An enthralling mystery to resolve ☑
An interesting background filled with fae folklore ☑
Several scenes really creepy ☑
A compelling writing ☑

In my opinion Kelley Armstrong handled her characterization perfectly : quietly, she set her characters in motion and just…. let the reader manage them, scrutinize them. I can’t express how much I loved how she let me forge my own opinion without never telling me who they’re supposed to be. Indeed she never tells us what to think, and that’s brilliant – and so, so rare. Actually it’s when we stumble upon books like this one that we realize how often we’re told how the characters are in many books : This character is nice. He is hot. She is mean. Not an once of this telling strategy with Omens characters, and I’m so grateful for that.

Both main characters are manipulative and selfish. BEST. FEEL. EVER. Oh, also, their banter is fabulous.

The heroine, Olivia, is relatable, believable, willing to be strong but quite stung by the news, as everyone would be : how would you react if you learnt that you were adopted and that your biological parents were famous serial-killers? Huh? Does she hide behind her soon-to-be-senator fiancé?

She’s going to handle it her way, thank you very much. Courageous this one. Frankly, I cared for her from the start. Don’t get fooled, though : she’s not our perfect little one, faaaaar from it, but she’s ready to do anything to unravel the truth and we follow her wanderings like nice puppets. Trust me, Gabriel is right : she does have a backbone, and I loved that.

“You’re not shooting the cat. It would leave a mess.”
“True. Also, the killing of small animals is the entrance ramp onto the serial killer highway.” I paused. “Damn. I bet the cat knows that. He picked me because I can’t hurt him, or I’d be fulfilling my biological destiny. So I’m screwed. The cat stays. Unless you’ll kill him…” I glanced at him. “How does fifty bucks sound?”

SPOILER ALERT : Don’t worry, nobody harms the cat. Yet. (I kid, I kid)

Now, Gabriel.

“My nephew is a manipulative, scheming, unscrupulous son of a bitch. And those are his good qualities.”

I’m a sucker for multi-layered and quite untrustworthy characters, that’s why it won’t come as a surprise that I’m completely drawn to Gabriel’s character, and not in a romantic way : here’s a man who is fascinating and not because he’s a love-interest but because what I saw of his personality (I know! Not eight-packs or other shining things guys always have *in books*) appeals to me and above that, intrigues me. The problem I usually have with controlling – or powerful – male-leads lies with the fact that the heroine spends more time drooling over them than standing for herself : there’s no romance here, therefore I can focus on his moral ambiguity without feeling the need to rage – I already said that : more than the characters alone, the characters’ dynamics are important to me and influence my reading experience. Let me get to know them first. We’ll see about the romance later (maybe).

“He had nothing to feel guilty about. If he knew one thing about life, it was this : look out for yourself. No one else would do it for you.”

Gabriel isn’t a “good” guy, and I sure don’t want him to be. He’s bossy, but trust me, Olivia knows how to handle him, and is even more bossy perhaps. To be frank, it pleased me to no end to see her snapping at him and analyzing his behavior. Really, I’m shameless : I loved seeing her destabilize him and push his limits (and I can’t wait to see how their relationship will evolve).

To sum-up, we have :
Strong and interesting heroine ☑
Captivating male-lead ☑
Well-developed secondary characters ☑
A cat (yes, that’s important, duh) ☑
Awesome dialogues between the characters ☑
Real character development ☑

Kelley Armstrong offers us a strong debut for Olivia and Gabriel’s story : I will definitely recommend it to any reader who loves mystery and good characterization. As far as I’m concerned, I’m off to read the sequel right now.

BOOK REVIEW: Turning Point (Kathleen Turner #3) by Tiffany Snow

BOOK REVIEW: Turning Point (Kathleen Turner #3) by Tiffany SnowTurning Point (Kathleen Turner #3)
by Tiffany Snow
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After her promotion from law firm Runner to Investigator, Kathleen Turner is learning the ropes of her new job from none other than assassin-for-hire Kade Dennon, a situation her boyfriend Blane Kirk is none too happy about. But the lessons with Kathleen take a back seat when Kade becomes a target. Previously untouchable, his enemies now know of the chink in his armor – his brother’s girlfriend.

And Kade’s not the only thing coming between Kathleen and Blane. From Blane's inexplicable defense of a man guilty of a horrible crime, to a mysterious stranger from Kathleen's past, to Kathleen' risky investigation into human traffickers, the obstacles mount against a relationship that's just begun to find trust again.

While Blane considers a job offer that would take him back to the front lines in the war on terror, Kathleen is determined to pursue her new career, with or without his approval. Unfortunately, her current case is far more dangerous than anyone knows. Someone close to Blane will go to extreme lengths to split them up, lengths that may prove worse than death for Kathleen.

Kathleen, Blane and Kade must atone for the sins of the past and the present. The fallout will force Kathleen to a turning point...in her career, and her life.


His body blocked mine where I stood. Tipping my head back, I looked up at him. His eyes burned a path down my body.
“Fuck bullets,” he rasped. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

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Well, well, well….here we are at that beautiful four solid star rating….but it’s still not enough to be above a true 3.5. I’m not sure it will ever be above that, seeing as I hear it only becomes worse (The love traingle, the unbelievable action, the solution to aforementioned triangle..). But, as I’ve said many times before, this series is a release. I’m not rushing to the next books to immediately move on and I’m only reading it during the week when I’m a little busier-This series is an escape-a moronic, albeit addicting, escape.

“Tell me you don’t want me,” he demanded. “Look at me in the eye and say you don’t feel the heat between us. Do that, and I’ll stop.”

Maybe since I’m not reading them in a row I won’t become as disillusioned as many readers did, and not rushing through them makes them a getaway, of sorts, when I do come back into this wonderful world of 9 lives for Kat and crazy, out of this world situations.

“Neither Blane nor I are your happily-ever-after, princess. Blane will break your heart, and I’m the guy your mom warned you about. Don’t kid yourself about that.”

I won’t say much, seeing as this is a long series and I’m sure I will just be repeating myself, but I will say that with each passing book, I feel worse and worse for the boys. For one? They are in love with a total fruitcake. I don’t hate Kathleen, per se, but I also don’t admire her. She is strong in her convictions to not hurt Blane, and she does love him, but she sure is all up on Kade a lot….which then makes me feel bad for Kade…who does it to himself

“You make me want things,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Impossible things.”

I mean, holy fuck, boys, she’s not a siren. She’s just a ditz that fell into the lap of someone who has forever changed her world.

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I understand it’s a romance…but there is no reason this chick is worth ruining a brother relationship over. I just…Okay, I’ll stop. Secondly, they obviously both want a future with a girl who can’t think past dinner. Thirdly, I feel a tad like she’s a bit self-righteous when she has no right to be (And then a lot of times she does have the right-I’m not kidding-there are a ton of scenarios zipping through here). And lastly, they continually risk their lives for her. That shit ain’t easy.

I snorted in derision. I was so not worth coming between them. Not that I thought I wasn’t a decent catch-I was pretty enough, and intelligent.

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But most troublesome, for me, is the look of torment on Kade’s face when he sees her and Blane schmoozing it up. Just…wow. It hurts, but I love it. Sick, I know, blah blah. I hate rooting against a relationship, and I hate even more knowing whom she ends up with (yes yes, bad Chelsea, BAD!), but I can’t help it-I love both boys and I am not ashamed of it. If I had to choose right now, though, just had to, it would be Kade. Ugh. I feel bad.

He glanced at me. I was already shaking my head. “But I know you won’t go. So someone needs to keep an eye on you tonight.”
“I volunteer,” Kade piped in. “Especially if she’s going to wear that.”
I shot him a glare. The last thing I needed, or wanted, was him antagonizing Blane.
Kade feigned innocence. “What? Hey, it’s better than what you wore in Denver.”
In my peripheral vision, I saw Blane’s hands tighten on the steering wheel. If I could have climbed over the seat and strangled Kade, I gladly would have.

I’m still waiting, though. I’m waiting for this dark knight that breaks even more out of his shell, because, at the moment, Kade isn’t being what I need him to be….but I’m hoping book four will rectify this. I hope hope hope we get to see a different side of Kade we’re only seeing in bits and pieces-because now? Blane is the only fully developed male lead, in my opinion.

“Don’t get your panties in a twist,” Kade said. “Oh wait, I forgot.” He leaned across the table. “You’re not wearing any.”
He took another swallow of his beer, his eyes glittering with mischief as he watched me.
“Thought I wasn’t supposed to remind you about that,” I said archly.
Kade shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. It’s all I can think about anyway.”

So eh. I dunno. Definitely an improvement on the boys in this one, but Kathleen continues to not shock me lol. I swear, with all this fighting over her, you’d think she had…hmm…no…I won’t say it lest you all become disgusted. I am still waiting for something to really wow me with this series…and I’m hoping it’s book four because I have NOT heard great things about five. Sigh. Guess we’ll see.

BOOK REVIEW: Turn to Me (Kathleen Turner #2) by Tiffany Snow

BOOK REVIEW: Turn to Me (Kathleen Turner #2) by Tiffany SnowTurn to Me (Kathleen Turner #2)
by Tiffany Snow
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When Kathleen Turner, office runner for the prestigious Indianapolis law firm of Kirk & Trent, started dating the boss she knew the risks. Senior Partner Blane Kirk is known for being a notorious player - the Baskin Robbins of dating with a different flavor every month. Kathleen is the happiest she’s been in a long time, especially as Christmas approaches, but she’s always known there was a termination date on her relationship with Blane.

She just didn’t expect that termination to be her funeral.

A festive afternoon of Christmas tree shopping turns life-threatening when Kathleen and Blane become targets for an unknown gunman. They make it home alive, but Kathleen realizes her boyfriend has been keeping secrets. The deadly kind.

Blane’s current case is drawing heated debate and stirring the pot of public fury. Kathleen is horrified by the threats – and worse – being directed at him. A former Navy SEAL stands accused of the wrongful death of an American citizen during a military operation overseas. The case has far-reaching political and military implications. Someone with a lot of money, and even more clout, wants Blane to lose.

As dead bodies of people connected to the defense start piling up, it becomes painfully obvious that disappearing witnesses and altered testimony are no longer enough for whoever is intent on guaranteeing the SEAL gets convicted. Kathleen and Kade, Blane’s brother and ex-FBI-agent-turned-assassin-for-hire, are on the trail of the killer.

Unfortunately for Kathleen, he’s already moved for the end-game – by painting a target on her...and pulling the trigger.


“Someone watched us have sex?” I asked in disbelief, my voice a high screech that I immediately regretted as my head throbbed. I felt violated and humiliated. What sick pervert would do that?
“I don’t think you’re focusing on the important part,” Blane said, his voice flat. “Someone tried to kill you.”

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Gahd, these books will be the end of me. I mean…there are just so many wonderful things and ideas, but then for every wonderful thing or idea there’s a retarded counterpart you just can’t help but to scoff at-and then it totally ruins EVERYTHING. So then why, you must be asking, would I choose to continue to book three? And my answer would be…

I have No. Fucking. Idea.

But then like most of my harebrained ideas, I never make much sense. I’m sure y’all are used to it by now, right? Welp, if not, get used to it. This series has 5 books-I’ve read two-and I still am all over the place on my feels. I’ve always tried to not be a total fickle piece of work, but some series just bring out your inner brat, ya know?

“I lied, you know,” he said casually.
My hand froze and my entire body went still beneath his.
“I did look.”

Speaking of brats…no, no I’m just kidding. But really….Kathleen is a total brat. How many times, for real, HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES must someone ask you to Just. Stay. Put?!

“Stay, Kathleen. Stay! Good girl, Kat. Good girl. You’re a good girl, aren’t you widdle, Kathleen? Who’s a good girl? Stay, Kat. Just…stay. Okay, I’m leaving now so why don’t you just totally disobey my wishes for you to live past the night and go start investigating this highly dangerous case?? Aw. That’s my girl. But really…stay.”

I mean….someone is stalking your ass and you choose to disobey not only your own personal protector, Kade, and your damned boyfriend, Blane…..but your own personal sense of preservation!!!! Why would you choose to walk out the door when you damn well know that you’ve found cigarette butts from your stalker outside your apartment???

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Bet you don’t see me,
But I can see you.

And oh man, guys, I am not naïve-I realize people make stupid mistakes and I know that I read books to escape reality, but when does unbelievability during Every. Damn. Scene. become too much? Well that’s subjective, ain’t it? So I’ll just tell you when enough is enough for me-When you almost:

-Get mugged
-Sliced and diced
-Shot at (more than once, I might add)

and omg that’s just off the top of my head!!! I swear to god this totally happened more than once:

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I. Swear. To. God. And it’s so fucking funny, honestly, I’m sitting here giggling like a loser because the sickest damn part is that I am actually STILL thinking about this stupid, infuriating, annoying book because in a deep, deep, deep, dark and even darker place…I love this series. Kind of. Maybe?? God I don’t even know!!! I read it, I roll my eyes, and then I long to read more about Kade after I put it down. I long to see Blane and he go head to head for her-for what fucking reason, I’ve no clue-She’s just….ugh!!!!! This chick WORKS that nine lives shit. I mean, something is ALWAYS happening to this clumsy bitch!!

“Enough,” he ordered.
“Fuck you,” I snarled.
His lips twitched at my defiance. He moved his face even nearer to mine, our lips inches apart.
“You feel that?” he nearly whispered, his voice low and intent. “You feel that rage inside? Burning hot in the pit of your stomach?”
Confused, I hesitantly nodded. What was he doing?
“That’s what’s going to keep you alive,” he said. “Hold on to it. Fear will only sign your death warrant. Stay mad, princess.”

And don’t even get me started on the writing-‘I walked to my car. I saw that a window was cracked so I assumed that I had left it open. I gently cracked open the door and peered inside-I wanted to be sure I was right and that my stalker hadn’t been in my car. It looked safe.’ Dudes….I wrote that myself, but I swear on my life that is what the writing is like (SOMETIMES). When we are stuck in her head for extended periods of time, it’s all ‘I I I I I’ and it breaks down everything. But when we actually have a conversation going with Kade or Blane? It’s perfection. I mean, okay, it’s cheesy as fuck, but that’s beside the point. Those parts are actually interesting.

“Protecting Blane,” I said softly, a rueful smile on my lips. “You’re a good brother, Kade.”
He studied me for a moment before murmuring, “I don’t know if that’s true anymore.”

Hmmm…but while we’re on the dialogue subject? Cheese. Total cheese. And with the boys, it’s the best kind of cheese. I would totally snort it like Chester the cheetah does with his Cheetos. But then other times? Pick a cheese, any cheese-Swiss, Gouda, American, Bleu (should the cheeses be capitalized? Errr)…oh, and is there a motherfucking cheating cheese? Because there is certainly some, ahem, cheating cheese in this one-Oops.

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Perhaps I am biased, but I knew who I liked in book one. Yes, my girls had me already thinking of the dark knight before I even started-The boy who seems to always be there for in the shadows. Shhh. Don’t judge, just love, accept.

”Sometimes knights wear black.”

And I guess part of my anger with this series is that I didn’t get why 90% of my friends loved Mr. K over beautiful B. Like…why? But now I see why everyone began to switch-if they weren’t already leaning that way already. And it makes me sad because how fucking manipulative-I don’t know. I just don’t. I love both dudes and they are clearly the only reason I’m reading this series (duh). But don’t insult my intelligence-if I hadn’t known who she ended up with already, I sure as shit would have figured it out with this one. How manipulative.

And the tree farm. Okay, I’ll admit it-I’m an Indiana chick and omg it is SO badass that they went to my tree farm! We go EVERY YEAR. But then…hmm….did I mention that…like…nothing was right? Lmao, how in the hell did that bitch get lost? No, for real, come on-How did she get lost in the woods? WHAT WOODS?! Oh gosh, just…no, I’ll stop there-it was ALL wrong. Don’t even get me started.

I smiled tiredly. “You have to tell him ‘Go toodles, Bits. Go toodles for Momma,’I said, pitching my voice high in imitation. “Or else he won’t go.”
-I mean…I just. I can’t even.

So yeah. I love the boys. I love the sexy. I love the turmoil. I do. Otherwise I wouldn’t be reading it. I do enjoy it-but at times it becomes too much. I love it in bits and pieces (namely, every time the boys are involved). It makes me happy, for whatever GD reason. I do think people could love this. My friends do. Hell, I even do for most parts (Kathleen notwithstanding). In the end? It’s:

Manipulative, moronic, and utterly pushy on who we should love…..

And I’m starting book three next week.

The irony isn’t lost on me.

Shut up.

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AGH. THAT FELT GOOOOOD (To quote Dale in Horrible Bosses…)



Soooooo yeah. Here we are. Again I am sucked in by Kade and Blane and their tsunami like love for Kathleen (which I STILL don’t get, by the way). And it’s still just as unbelievable and hilarious in it’s attempts to be clever. Yet..I will go on >.< lol

Sigh. Review to come tomorrow 😀

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BOOK REVIEW: No Turning Back (Kathleen Turner #1) by Tiffany Snow

BOOK REVIEW: No Turning Back (Kathleen Turner #1) by Tiffany SnowNo Turning Back (Kathleen Turner #1)
by Tiffany Snow
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Kathleen Turner has goals. She moved to Indianapolis to start seeing to them, but things aren't going quite as well as she'd hoped. She's a runner for a high-powered law firm in town, not the most prestigious of positions, but it and her part-time bartender gig at least pays the bills. And one of the senior partners is a dreamboat in that obscenely rich, disturbingly good looking, slightly snobbish sort of way.

Before she did a mortifying face plant in his lap during a meeting, she was quite happy ogling him from afar. After that...well...she was more about the avoiding. Mature, no. More likely to assure she keeps her job, yes.

She's made some friends in the few months she's been in Indy. One of those friends is her neighbor Sheila, though Kathleen can't say she's completely comfortable with Sheila's job choice as a high-dollar escort.

It's the middle of the night when Kathleen hears fighting coming from Sheila's apartment. As disturbing as that is, it's the ominous sound of silence afterwards that keeps Kathleen from falling back to sleep. Slipping from bed with the intention of making sure everything is okay, Kathleen knocks on friend's door, only to find Sheila murdered, her naked body sprawled on sheets stained crimson with her blood.

Shock and horror are followed by gritty determination when it becomes clear that Sheila's death isn't random and it isn't the result of a jealous boyfriend. It's the opening gambit in a web of murder, deceit, conspiracy, and fraud that stretches to the law firm for which Kathleen works. Maybe to the very office that Blane Kirk commands.

And Kathleen Turner, law office runner, can trust no one if she wants to survive.


Oh come oooonnn. This book, this series…it’s everything I’ve tried to shy away from with it’s cheesy dialogue, unrealistic plot and scenarios, insufferable and unnecessary love triangle, and completely unbelievable right-out-of the gate infatuations with the female lead. I didn’t believe any of it for a second….
And it’s exactly what I need while I’m down and out. I will continue on because I just damn well want to.

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Those boys. Ugh. So sexy. Just sayin’.

BOOK REVIEW: Charm and Strange by Stephanie Kuehn

BOOK REVIEW: Charm and Strange by Stephanie KuehnCharm and Strange by Stephanie Kuehn
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Who is Andrew Winston Winters? No one really knows. Least of all himself. He is part Win, a lonely teenager exiled to a remote boarding school in the wake of a family tragedy. The guy who shuts the whole world out, no matter the cost, because his darkest fear is of himself ...of the wolfish predator within. But he's also part Drew, the angry boy with violent impulses that control him. The boy who, one fateful summer, was part of something so terrible it came close to destroying him. A deftly woven, elegant, unnerving psychological thriller about a boy at war with himself. Charm and Strange is a masterful exploration of one of the greatest taboos.

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Wow. This is going to be a hard one to talk about. I mean, how do you explain a book that’s shrouded in mystery? We don’t know what’s real, what’s imagined, what happened…we are completely in the dark until all the pieces slowly start to fit together. Indeed this is a journey that I don’t see everyone loving, but, for me, it was absolute perfection.

There are wants and needs in this world, I think. There are hopes and guarantees. There are the things that are true and the things we need to believe in. And I’ve seen enough in my life to know I don’t believe in much.

Win’s story is utterly devastating. Whether it’s his past or his present-it doesn’t matter-his life is a sad one. We get glimpses of his past as a ten year old child, always craving positive affirmation from those surrounding him. We can already see he is somewhat tainted in the way he sees the world, which, again, is tragic, and we know something isn’t right. And I’m not just talking about the creatures…..

What is there to say when what’s inside of me is unspeakable?

More and more we begin to see his flinching responses and urges to glare and defend, but we aren’t sure why. And no, this isn’t spoilery or giving too much up-we see in the first two chapters that something, whether it’s easy to figure out or not (thanks a lot Goodreads users, for real), I had quite an easy time seeing what was coming. That’s not to say I knew everything, but I guessed the main issue at hand, as I’m sure many of you will, too. But, and I couldn’t say this any more perfectly than my wonderful blog buddy, Anna, did-It doesn’t matter if you’ve seen spoilers galore, Win’s journey stands on it’s own. From the moment you pick up this story, you know it’s going to be special-You just can’t figure out why.

I don’t want to die and I don’t think I can live.

Win was a character that I will likely not forget for a long time. I can’t explain the essence of Win without possibly spoiling the plot, but I can say that, without a doubt, I fell in love with him. His voice was one of a kind. His struggles, his loneliness, his self-deprecation….It was painful. And the whole time I felt his pain along with him. His stomach issues, his longing to belong as a child slowly slipping away as he becomes a teenager no longer wishing to fit in, but to push everyone away. I mean, it’s just so difficult to read…yet you just can’t stop.

How can the same God that created all this beauty have created me?

Like many books lately I am a tad disappointed in my lack of time to read. Reading in twenty minute intervals with my eyes barely staying open hardly bodes well for a shorter story and, like usual, it effected the flow of the story. This has been happening more frequently than I can handle and it’s starting to really aggravate me. I get that life happens, but come on….this was just a short little book and good lord it annoyed me how little I could get done at once. All I can say is that, while the beginning 50% was disjointed for me (as it’s supposed to be as to keep the reader on their toes, but I was even more disjointed with lack of time (See the bigger dilemma here?)), I got to finish the last 50% in one bug chunk and it made all the difference.

From what I can tell, morality is a word. Nothing more. There’re the things people do when others are watching and the things we do when they aren’t.

So, you know, I stand by what I’ve said. This story is wonderful and weird and it lets you go places rarely seen in such a light, but it is certainly not for everyone-not by a long shot. I think that, while this author is clever and unique, she isn’t ever going to be a favorite of mine. I loved this story-I did-but something about her writing makes me side-eye her frequently. And I really do think I’d have rated this 5 if I’d have had the time to enjoy it. But after the monstrosity that is Delicate Monsters and now this one, I think it’s safe to say she isn’t easy to relate to (book wise). Anywho, that being said and slung to the side, I’d love for everyone to give this one a try. Win’s story is unforgettable-you just have to open your mind.



Awwww look how cute the cover issssss….

Said no one ever.

Anna you know me so welllll >.<

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