Tag: Mythology (Page 5 of 6)

BOOK REVIEW – Cruel Beauty (Cruel Beauty Universe #1) by Rosamund Hodge

BOOK REVIEW – Cruel Beauty (Cruel Beauty Universe #1) by Rosamund HodgeCruel Beauty (Cruel Beauty Universe #1)
by Rosamund Hodge
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I do like a wife with a little malice in her heart.

A dark, twisted spin on a childhood fairy tale, this book has been on my radar for a long time now. I anxiously awaited it’s release, counting down the days until I would get to dive head first into a book that has a spin on the classic tale of Beauty and the Beast. I began to worry as the release date approached-what if my expectations were too high? What if I got excited for nothing? Why are the ratings already lowering??? I couldn’t have been happier with the result of the story and it was well worth the wait.

I was the girl who had broken her sister’s heart and-for a moment-liked it. I had left somebody in torment and liked it. I didn’t want to keep being that person.

Beautiful, poetic writing with a dark undertone to the whole story, we are swept into a world where the courageous Nyx is being sent to the ‘Gentle Lord’s’ house to be his wife-and to kill him to free all of Arcadia. All her life Nyx has known that she was going to be bargained off to the dark castle for the ultimate sacrifice. She has never complained or questioned her duty, all the while building up long term resentment towards her father, mother, and twin sister.

“You must betray one of us. I suppose which one you pick depends on whom you love the most.”

What I loved most about this story, though, is that Nyx didn’t whine. She didn’t complain. She never wanted to back out of her responsibility…until she fell for him. Until she fell for Ignifex, the man she is destined to kill in order to save the people she has vowed to sacrifice her life for. It was both admirable and heartbreaking to watch her struggle and determination to keep her vow all the while falling in love with the man that can’t live. The man that reigns over her land and her freedom.

If you desired someone, if he comforted you, if you thought he might leech the poison out of your heart, was that love? Or only desperation?

A tale of a soul-shattering love that could never possibly work, this book owned my heart. We have this broken shell of a man, a demon, someone completely incapable of feelings, for how many bargains has he made that ensure the demise of the people of Arcadia? Surely he is a heartless monster that could never fall for Nyx, his latest bargain…until he does.

He opened his eyes and stared up at me as if I were the door out of Arcadia and back to the true sky. “That’s what makes you my favorite.” He reached up and wiped a tear off my cheek with his thumb. “Every wicked bit of you.”

Honest to God, there are no words. I am literally a rambling, bumbling mess that can’t think of anything to satisfy how I truly felt about this book in just a review. There are no words to describe how beautiful this love story was…and more than that, it was a story of that desperate need to do what’s right, to do what she has always been trained to do. But how can she do that with this beautiful shell of man who is transforming before her eyes? Who inevitably has fallen for her as she has fallen for him? Can she kill this vulnerable demon who has grown to trust her and finds comfort in her embrace as things go bump in the night? Will she really be able to kill him?

“Where you go, I shall go; where you die, I shall die, and there I will be buried.”

I wasn’t lying when I said I was speechless. I have been so excited to write this review since Friday night, and here I am with a keyboard in front of me and no words seem to suffice. So I will just say this: this story was breathtaking, magical, and twisted beyond words, it bordered on tragic, making me tear up with the inevitability of what was to come, of what needed to be done….it was almost too much to bear. More than once I freaked out about the decision that Nyx was going to have to make…begging my Ipad to not let this possibly happen. And….there’s just nothing more to say. Although this review didn’t say much, this story speaks for itself.

“Though mountains melt and oceans burn, The gifts of love shall still return.”

A warning, though: if all you care about is the male lead or the progression of love in the story, this book is not for you. There is more than just two characters, and there is more at stake than just a budding forbidden romance. There is a backstory and mythical elements that shape how they act and what they do. It is beautifully built, but not all about the romance. It is about the choice of a young girl and the struggles she faces with the decision that has been thrust upon her shoulders-if you are not okay with this, then don’t bother.

BOOK REVIEW – The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

BOOK REVIEW – The Scorpio Races by Maggie StiefvaterThe Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
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Again…I think I’m leaning towards 4.5 Stars

The water horses are hungry and wicked, vicious and beautiful, hating us and loving us. It is time for the Scorpio Races. I am so, so alive.

Man. I know I’ve been cashing out 4.5s like they are so easy to give…but this book just deserved more than a 4, but not a 5. And what’s beyond ironic, to me, is that I absolutely loathe books where an animal (namely a dog or cat) get harmed, and in this story, more than just little dogs and cats get ripped apart. But, and this is a massive BUT, I think that Maggie’s writing just makes me so happy that I just can’t help but to love everything she produces. Thus far I’d have to say that her Raven Boys series holds my heart, but with this thrilling and absolutely beautifully written novel, I still found myself falling head over heels for our two main characters, Sean and Puck (Kate).

I don’t know if I’d want to be comforted, if I’m being honest. If I’m being forced to eat soot, I want to know that somewhere else in the world, someone else has to eat soot as well.

My favorite thing about Maggie’s stories is her ability to create characters that move me, that make me eager to scan to the next page just to see what they say or what’s happening with them. I think it’s safe to say that Maggie Stiefvater is officially one of my favorite authors. Not for a while have I been moved by such beautiful story telling in not just one, but three different books by the same author. She is magnificent, and every time I have finished one of her stories, I catch myself scanning her other books, attempting to lock in another novel of hers I will read soon. I cannot express in mere words what her writing does to me, but I can assure you that it’s exponentially satisfying and I always come away happier than I was before reading one of her novels.

The truth is, I feel myself being fascinated and repelled by her: She’s both a mirror of myself and a door to part of this island that I’m not. It is like when the mare goddess looked into my eye; I felt that there was a part of myself that I didn’t know.

Puck is living her dream-she has a beautiful, loyal horse, she lives in her Mom and Dad’s home after they passed (which is unfortunate), and she lives on the island she loves. The only catch? Now her older brother, Gabe, wants to leave the island and head for the mainland…and Puck and her younger brother, Finn, are stuck with the possibility of losing their home and all their most prized possessions-namely, Dove, her horse. So when the Scorpio Races come around, Puck finds herself entering as not only the first woman to enter the races, but as the only person who can save their home, and in the process, hopefully sway Gabe to stay with her and Finn.

The island is a cunning and secretive thing. I can’t say what it has planned for me.

Sean is a four time Scorpio Race winner and the person that everyone on the island comes to for help with the water horses that emerge from the sea. They are deadly, cunning, and near impossible to contain, but Sean loves them and the sea with all of his heart, and that is why I grew to love him as a character so much. His loyalty for the horse he has grown to love is beautiful. And more than that, his loyalty to Puck, even during the race where he needed to win because this is the year it mattered most, brought me to tears. I just don’t even know what all to say about him.

“I don’t trust the ocean either; it would kill me as soon as not. It doesn’t mean I’m afraid of it.”

The romance between these two was so sweet and tender that I caught myself getting all goofy with my smiles when I thought no one was looking and highlighting more than I probably ever should lol. It gave my stomach butterflies like crazy and caused my girlie side to emerge, quickly erasing all the devastation and grime woven into these pages.

I say, “I will not be your weakness, Sean Kendrick.”
Now he looks at me. He says, very softly, “It’s late for that, Puck.”

It was gruesome, terrifying, and frightening beyond words-but not how you’d expect. There were parts that disturbed me beyond belief and had me cringing in disgust, but I just can’t fault the rest of the book for those not-so-far-and-few-between parts, because I adored these two characters and the family so much. I rarely discount these facts so easily when reviewing or rating, but I just loved the writing and Sean and Puck and Dove too, too much. Broken record, I know.

It vibrates in every raindrop, throbs in the clouds overhead. It’s a howl like venom, a paralyzing promise. This storm has driven the island mad.

I loved this story. There comes a moment at the end of a book where I have been debating for the entiiiiirreeeee time on whether I loved, hated, liked, whatever, and have to decide what and how to rate. There were two moments that sealed how I felt about this story. 1) When Puck and Sean fell for each other. It was innocent, it was the joining of two lonely people who haven’t had anyone who truly gets them ever, it was the moment when I couldn’t put the book down, and it was one of the two deciding factors on whether this was a 3.5 or a 4.5 star story. 2) The final chapter and what came of Corr and Sean. I was crying happy and sad tears (again) and I closed the book after that final, fateful page and felt peace, happiness, loyalty, and contentment. I couldn’t have been happier with that beautiful and sad final page. And that….is why I gave TSR a 4.5. It deserves every praise, despite the lack of pull towards certain readers-it never once pretends to be something it’s not, and I love it for that fact.

BOOK REVIEW – Rebel Belle (Rebel Belle #1) by Rachel Hawkins

BOOK REVIEW – Rebel Belle (Rebel Belle #1) by Rachel HawkinsRebel Belle (Rebel Belle #1)
by Rachel Hawkins
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I had a noble cause, all right. But it wasn’t Grove Academy. It was David Stark.

Well….this was quite exceptional! I was merely perusing my feed last week and then all of a sudden came multiple positive reviews for this book. I have been seeing nothing but good things about this story so I figured I’d see what all the fuss was about-and I was more than pleasantly surprised. So many books these days take themselves too seriously and come across as pompous or as if they are trying too hard. It was refreshing to read a book that had both humor and spunk but didn’t portray an heir of cheesiness….I do so loathe cheesiness.

I’d been found guilty of Unladylike Behavior, Nephew Endangerment, and, if the look she shot my boots was any indication, Improper Footwear.

I think my favorite thing about this story was most assuredly Harper’s narrative. She was witty, sarcastic, and fun. I loved how light the story felt even as everything came crashing down on her-she is the picture of perfection with her 4.0 GPA, popular and perfect boyfriend, acting as student body president, and….well…that’s just to name a few things she is involved in. One of the issues many people have when they are reading a book is how vain the main character is-but not once did I feel that Harper was annoying or overly into herself. She was aware of her social status and what she had to lose, but her inner monologue showed that she never took it for granted.

David’s grin slowly faded and his fingers fiddled with the edge of his T-shirt, pulling it up over his bicep a little. Since when did David Stark have biceps? How did you get any muscle tone when all you did was type and be annoying?

I really liked this about her and could identify with her when her life started to change into something she couldn’t recognize-After that one fateful night at the homecoming dance she’s been waiting so long to attend, nothing is ever the same when her school janitor passes his powers onto her. She and her boyfriend are spending even less time together, her grades are starting to slip and for once, things aren’t so cut and dry-All of a sudden she has to spend time with her sworn enemy-the ever annoying David Stark. Even worse?? Her new destiny is devoting her life to protect him…when all she has ever wanted to do was stab him because of the ridiculous articles he continuously writes about her.

“Don’t get me wrong, Mary Beth is…well, she’s not objectionable or anything, but she’s not…”
My hands were tight around the teacup, the heat radiating on my palms. “She’s not what?”
David tugged at his lapels again before leaning back in his chair. “You.”

This is where the ‘love triangle’ came in. Harper has the guy she’s always wanted. They are perfect together and he is both sweet and kind to her. But what happens when she starts to get even busier and has even less time to spend with him? And how will she explain her new-found appreciation and excessive amount of time spent with David Stark? And what’s worse-what will she do when she realizes that spending time with David isn’t so bad, but in fact fun and like they should have always been friends? She starts to feel butterflies when they are in close proximity whereas her boyfriend doesn’t stir up the emotions he once used to. Maybe they really didn’t ever have that much in common…whereas David and she have been circling each other since Kindergarten through vicious articles, snarky attitudes, and a nasty rivalry that everyone else sees as an underlying attraction. I never really cared for her current boyfriend-it was obvious the author was leading up to something between David and Harper, and I found myself continuously rooting against her guy. He wasn’t mean per se, and he wasn’t whiny, but he definitely was annoying and I could never connect with him. In the end, I did feel bad for him because he does truly love Harper. I wish these authors didn’t feel the need for love triangles so often, but I know life isn’t always perfect and we don’t always get to choose our paths-life throws you unexpected curve balls at every turn and Harper was handling it the best she could.

The letter opener was near the door, so I picked up the nearest weapon I could lay hands on: a stapler.
I lifted it, going for “menacing.” I admit it lacked a certain elegance, but hey. It was worth a shot.
David placed his hand on my arm and pushed it back down.
“Just…that’s embarrassing for all of us,” he replied.

I don’t think there was anything wrong with this story except that maybe I would be sitting there reading, and I’d get excited about what could possibly happen in the current scene and then it just wouldn’t happen….sure, that’s part of the surprise, but I still had a level of excitement I was wanting to reach and when the scene didn’t quite reach that far, I did feel a tiny pang of disappointment.

“I was bringing this by to say sorry for yesterday. To both of you,” I added as Saylor moved forward. “You know, for the…the car driving and the recklessness, and the-the grabbing…”
With my free hand I started making this clutching gesture. I was talking about grabbing David’s shirt, but it looked like I was milking a cow.
Or worse.

Overall a really fun, quirky, and action-packed debutante read. I loved the southern drawl and the feeling of a tight-knit community with zaney aunts and an underhanded sense of danger. I enjoyed almost every bit of this story and can’t wait for book two!

BOOK REVIEW – Eon: Dragoneye Reborn (Eon #1) by Alison Goodman

BOOK REVIEW – Eon: Dragoneye Reborn (Eon #1) by Alison GoodmanEon: Dragoneye Reborn (Eon #1)
by Alison Goodman
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“No one can ever truly know what is in another man’s heart.”

Okay….it so doesn’t feel right to give this such a low rating when I loved the beginning and really liked the end but….why push up a rating when I don’t even know what to say?? I can’t hide behind a three or four every time I have trouble deciding what to rate something. It’s come to that time where I’m reading a wide array of books and different genres and the lines are starting to blur-I’ve had to start rating (not always) more harshly and, unfortunately, this book has fallen into this current time period where I’m done sugar coating my ratings.

There was a saying that a man’s true character was revealed in defeat. I thought it was also revealed in victory.

The thing is, it’s quite unfortunate that I wasn’t more enthralled with the story. It went a little something like this: The beginning-Loved. Eon/Eona? Loved. The secret she was hiding in a horrible society? Loved. The middle of the story? Began to lose interestquickly. The end? Finally what I’d been waiting for. Now, see, call me stupid (again), but I really, really trusted the reviews. When I see someone say they were on the edge of their seat the entire time I guess I envisioned a ton of action and peril and fighting aaaaaannddd….that was minimal, at best. There was deception, which I loved, but then hardly any action to follow these new found errors in people’s demeanor. I kinda thought that was the whole point of their society? If you are deceptive, there is punishment or pain….yeah? Clearly I went in with my eyes wide open and I really needed to…close them a bit. Because when it came down to it, not that much happened. Sorry, but there it is-my glaring problem with the story.

My dragon was the Keeper of Truth. The irony made me shift in my chair.

I suppose, aside from lack of action, my other problem was the replacing of action with dialogue. Dialogue and more dialogue and more more more talking. Jeeeeezzzz, just…I don’t know. I had to skim quite a bit. And, okay, call me (again) stupid, because I know their culture and how harsh they are, but when View Spoiler » it really pissed me off and sickened me. I knew stuff like that could happen, but, when it actually happened I was just totally turned off by it. It’s like, you don’t take that action the whole story and then it happens in that particular fashion??? Sickening. And, sadly, that’s probably quite common.

“Are you frightened now?”
I nodded, shame flushing my skin.
“Is it going to stop you?”
“That is the courage of a warrior.”

Now, I must say, generally if I don’t love or connect with a book I don’t continue onto the next book. But. But. I really liked Eona. I loved her, in fact. I also really enjoyed the Prince (when he was in it). There is more action and peril to come (again, trusting those dastardly reviews) and, *GASP*, romaaaannnccceee….so I will continue on. And I think that says something, the fact that I want to finish the series. I liked it just enough and have went through the same thing with other series, so I know there’s a chance I just might fall in love with the next book…and I sure hope that happens.

BOOK REVIEW – Rebel Belle (Rebel Belle #1) by Rachel Hawkins

BOOK REVIEW – Rebel Belle (Rebel Belle #1) by Rachel HawkinsRebel Belle (Rebel Belle #1)
by Rachel Hawkins
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Harper Price, peerless Southern belle, was born ready for a Homecoming tiara. But after a strange run-in at the dance imbues her with incredible abilities, Harper's destiny takes a turn for the seriously weird. She becomes a Paladin, one of an ancient line of guardians with agility, super strength and lethal fighting instincts. Just when life can't get any more disastrously crazy, Harper finds out who she's charged to protect: David Stark, school reporter, subject of a mysterious prophecy and possibly Harper's least favorite person. But things get complicated when Harper starts falling for him--and discovers that David's own fate could very well be to destroy Earth.


This book was just what I needed! It seems like the last few books I’ve read are overly emotional or had me holding my breath because I was scared for what was going to come next. I was in need of an easy read that was going to make me giggle and smile and that’s exactly what Rebel Belle gave me! While I definitely didn’t feel everything the main character felt – such as being nervous during times of danger – it didn’t bother me. Usually that is a huge sign implying I’m not a fan of the book because I’m not connecting with the main character but that was not the case in this book. Rebel Belle was so entertaining, constantly had me smirking, Harper and David were great characters and I liked how the story progressed, so the fact that I didn’t connect with Harper didn’t bother me in the least!

All superheroes have origin stories, like how Bruce Wayne’s parents get killed and he goes to Tibet or whatever, and Superman is an alien, and Spider-Man had that radioactive spider. Me? I kissed a janitor in the school bathroom.

I adored Harper Jane Prince. Watching the events unfold through Harper’s eyes is a blast and amusing. She reminded me so much of Cher from Clueless and that made me like her that much more. Harper is a little obsessed with her image – making sure she looks super cute each day, getting great grades, dating the hottest guy in school and being the head of almost every organization known to man. Then when the bathroom scene from the above quote happens all of her plans for her life get thrown up in the air and she is left struggling with how to proceed from there. She gets stuck spending more and more time with David Stark and that in and of itself is hilarious!

David scowled at me over the rims of his ridiculous hipster glasses – the kind with the thick black rims. I hate those. I mean, it’s the twenty-first century. There are fashionable options for eyewear.

David Stark is the nerdy but kinda hot guy. His attire was entertaining to visualize and he is so sweet, innocent and a tad bit bratty that you don’t know if you want to pinch his cheeks or kick him upside the head. He is insanely smart and he’s constantly giving Harper a run for her money to become Valedictorian. Those aren’t the only strikes he has against him. He seems to know how to get under Harper’s skin and it doesn’t help that the two of them have been bickering since Kindergarten. They had this innate way to make me feel like a High Schooler all over again and that I was knee-deep in the middle of their drama.

I didn’t knee him in the groin, although I didn’t rule that move out. Instead I…ugh, this is so embarrassing. I head-butted him. I know, like a soccer hooligan or something.

The other characters in the book either created a meh, like or hate emotion from me. MB was one of those girls that you just love to hate. That girl drove me crazy and unfortunately we’ll probably be seeing more of her in the future books. Overall, I enjoyed this book way more than I thought I would. It was such a cute, sweet, easy read and I enjoyed being in Harper’s life.  While I originally thought I’d continue the series, not connecting with Harper has made me second guess that decision.  I think I’ll pass on finishing the remaining books on Rebel Belle but I hope you enjoy them if you continue on!

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