Tag: New Adult (Page 16 of 48)

BOOK REVIEW: A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses #3) by Sarah J Maas

BOOK REVIEW: A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses #3) by Sarah J MaasA Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses #3)
by Sarah J Maas
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Looming war threatens all Feyre holds dear in the third volume of the #1 New York Times bestselling A Court of Thorns and Roses series.

Feyre has returned to the Spring Court, determined to gather information on Tamlin's manoeuvrings and the invading king threatening to bring Prythian to its knees. But to do so she must play a deadly game of deceit – and one slip may spell doom not only for Feyre, but for her world as well.

As war bears down upon them all, Feyre must decide who to trust amongst the dazzling and lethal High Lords – and hunt for allies in unexpected places.

In this thrilling third book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series from Sarah J. Maas, the earth will be painted red as mighty armies grapple for power over the one thing that could destroy them all.

“This is Velaris,” I explained. “The City of Starlight.” 
His throat bobbed. “And you are High Lady of the Night Court.” 
“Indeed she is.” 

My blood stopped at the voice that drawled from behind me. 
At the scent that hit me, awoke me. My friends began smiling.

Out of the blue last week at work I was suddenly in the mood to pick up on where I had been on my ACOMAF audiobook, just to have some familiar noise playing in the background while I was working on a few mindless tasks. Well, SURPRISE surprise, one thing led to another and I was suddenly sucked back into the world of some of my favorite characters in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE. I realized while I had been finishing ACOMAF, though, that I had started to become a bit jaded. You see, this book did not live up to what I wanted it to be. Yes it is amazing and intense and features some GREAT scenes but it was almost too much. I think it fell into this trap of being a final book while also….not being a final book. Even though ACOWAR is the final book in Feyre’s trilogy, as we all now know, Maas is writing a few more books and novellas in this world, with these characters. In my opinion, she threw in wayyyy too many new plot points in order to end this trilogy but also set up for things to come in future books. UGH. I get it but again, I was disappointed and I don’t think I wanted to admit it to myself until I just started re-reading it.

“Because the books were full of magic, and things they wanted to keep humans from knowing.”

Because I don’t really even know how to begin reviewing this book, the “final” book in this series that has meant so much to me, I might just start by listing things I loved.

-Since the book was again in Feyre’s POV but there were so many things going on with so many characters that Maas let us see these other interactions through Feyre’s daemati powers (or through other things as well). I thought that was really well done and interesting!

-How sassy Az is. LOVED that he was the one to teach Feyre to fly. Good lord I loved getting to know him better. P.s. I ship him with Elaine x1000

-Getting glimpses into the other courts….how I need a story about Kallais and Vivienne and her becoming High Lady of Winter….we all know it’s going to happen

– Tarquin saying they’re alternating holidays with Amren and Varien..I died

-Getting kind of more Lucien again…also I want a book featuring him and perhaps Vassa???? Maybe?????


He said at last, “I’m a warrior. I’ve walked beside Death my entire life. I would be more afraid for her, to have that power. But not afraid of her.” He considered, and added after a heartbeat, “Nothing about Nesta could frighten me.”

Aaaaand then there were the things I didn’t like as much:

-As much as I am dying for all the rest, how I think Sarah added too much. I felt overwhelmed with the ending and all of the new characters and possibly threads and directions that she possible could go in

-Elaine…lol seriously though I was sick and tired of her until the very end when she did ~the thing~

-Jurian having this weird bullshit redemption arc….didn’t buy it AT ALL.

“One life may change the world. Where would you all be if someone had deemed saving my life to be a waste of time?” 

And other, long and random/not so random thoughts:

I fully enjoyed seeing her more vulnerable in this book. As for her whole reveal, guys, I am 100% fine with her being gay and I don’t know how more people weren’t. Didn’t feel “thrown in” like so many people are saying, wasn’t a “plot twist” –people were just calling it that on Tumblr. You guys, we only have ever gotten FEYRE’s perspective on things. And she’s been a part of the inner circle for a few months…how would she have picked up on anything but the very basics of all of their complicated relationships??? The only thing that REALLY bothered me about the whole deal is that Mor thought that she couldn’t have told any of them. ESPECIALLY AZRIEL. I’m pretty sure if it came down to it, he would have wanted her to just tell him so that he didn’t have to sit around pining for her, hoping that someday she’d change her mind. But now 500 years have gone by and he’s going to be fucked up when he finds out (even if he does start some tentative thing with Elaine). They all love her so much, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that they won’t accept ever bit of her, especially after she tells them.

HOLYYYYYYYYYYYYY CRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. They are my ship of ships. My OTP. My heart yearns for them. I had FORGOTTEN all of the little moments they share in this book. S:DLGJSODGJSEIOGJSEOPGJE$O. BUT. That being said, I recently, quickly re-read ACOFAS too and reading all of this good stuff just makes all of their interactions from that book even more fucked up. I mean I get it. Nesta 100% has a baaaaad case of PTSD after what happened with her father, after seeing this war. But fuck. It’s Cassian. If anyone knows what she’s dealing with, it’s going to be him. I am dying to any information on their book. Dying to know if they’re mates or if have always just had this weird bond because they have found each other worthy opponents from the very beginning. Sighh….

So yes. I did love this book. I love this book 4.5 stars worth and that missing .5 star was still almost enough to break my heart. I love these characters and I will happily re-read ACOMAF which is still my favorite until the day that I die. Thank you Sarah for introducing us to this court of Dreamers. I will never forget them.

Only you can decide what breaks you, Cursebreaker. Only you.

BOOK REVIEW: Clouded by Envy by Candace Robinson

BOOK REVIEW: Clouded by Envy by Candace RobinsonClouded by Envy by Candace Robinson
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Brenik has always been envious of his twin sister, Bray. Growing up as fairy-like creatures, known as bats, everything came easier to Bray. While Brenik spent his time in her shadows, never feeling he was enough. After escaping their world of Laith, and living on Earth for ten years, Brenik attempts to strike a deal with the Stone of Desire to become human. Though true humanity is not an option, he will accept the curse that will alter him to get as close as he can.

Living in a tree trunk for the past year hasn’t been easy for Bray, more so after her brother disappears again. When a human boy and his brother, Wes, find her, a new friendship is struck. Through Wes, Bray learns there can be more to life than waiting within a tree. But worrying over where Brenik has vanished to always remains in the back of her mind.

When Bray reunites with Brenik, she realizes she must help him break the curse after she discovers the need for blood is beginning to overpower him. The curse not only damages those who get close to Brenik, but it could also destroy whatever is blooming between Bray and Wes.


Clouded by Envy was not only filled with complex characters, but it was unlike anything else I have ever read.  It was such a unique book!  Especially since it was set in the 90s, I was obsessed with all of the mentions from the past.  So if you adore fantasy books and want to read something that is unlike anything you’ve ever read before, definitely add this one to your list!

Each day she had carved a new word into the wood: selfish, lost, hate, missed, broken, insanity, misunderstood, heart, longing, and Hook.

We followed siblings, Brenik and Bray, who were fairy like creatures that called themselves bats.  They came to Earth, after escaping from their world Laith, since their kind was being hunted down and slaughtered.  While they lived in a tree, a second round of neighbors now occupied the house next door. Their new neighbors were Wes and Luca and I couldn’t wait for all of them to meet!  But Brenik and Bray’s past set them up on two entirely different journeys.  One was filled with light and the other was filled with darkness.

Bray rolled to her back, still smiling, as she stared up at the ceiling. Her chest was still filled with happiness—more than in The Goonies when those kids found the ship of treasure.

Bray was such a joy to be around.  Her happiness was absolutely infectious and her interactions with Wes and Luca made me laugh and smile.  The more we learned about Wes and Luca, oh my heart. I liked them right from the start.  And I kept my fingers crossed that something would happen between Bray and Wes. It was all so innocent but at the same time magical.  Their moments together were tender and it felt like they were made for each other. Wes could be so serious and Bray was a bundle of fun, they complimented each other perfectly.  Well, except for the fact that he was a human and she was a fairy.

His head was a place he could not escape—an internal battle with no end. It wasn’t her— it was never her— it was always him. Brenik got that, but it didn’t stop it. Nothing did.

We alternated chapters between Bray and Brenik, and Brenik’s chapters had such a different feel to them.  Not only was he jealous of his sister, but he was completely self-centered and didn’t always think about the consequences for his actions.  He just wanted instant gratification.  Some of his moments could be so erotic and then it would take a turn down a dark and twisted path and I was left with my mouth hanging wide open.  I didn’t like Benik at all, but ironically his chapters were consuming.  His thoughts and the dark road he traveled down was impossible to turn away from.

Reaching forward, Wes placed his palm to her chest. “This is what makes you beautiful, Bray… Your heart.” He leaned forward and kissed the delicate area and caressed his way up, until he met her mouth.

On top of watching what happened to Bray and Brenik, there were also mysteries to figure out.  I had some guesses, and while I didn’t figure out Bray’s, I figured out what would happen with Brenik.  Since Brenik went down that darker path, I have to give a trigger warning for –View Spoiler ». Usually that sends me over the edge and makes me livid.  But it didn’t and when you read this story you’ll see why. So when I reached the end of the book, I was shocked what a trip the epilogue was! The ending left us at the perfect stopping point but at the same time we were set-up perfectly for a spin-off book. I for one am super excited and can’t wait to read it!

BOOK REVIEW: Yard Sale by Charleigh Rose

BOOK REVIEW: Yard Sale by Charleigh RoseYard Sale by Charleigh Rose
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I was freshly fired from my job and betrayed by my boyfriend.
It was a new low for me.
A one-night stand with an arrogant stranger was just what I needed.
I didn’t know that he was a famous snowboarder, or that he’d give me the best sex of my life.
I wasn’t ever supposed to see him again.
Fate had other plans.

I was young and rich with the whole world at my fingertips.
I was in my prime.
A one-night stand with a hot little tourist on the rebound was the perfect way to spend my weekend.
I didn’t know she’d leave in the middle of the night, or that I’d wake up wanting more.
I never thought I’d see her again.
Now she’s back.
She’s been keeping a secret.
One that will change everything.


Yard Sale was a quick and sexy story about Cam and Molly, who we met in Bad Intentions.  I had wondered what their back story was and I’m so happy that we got to hear it!  And while this was a novella, it sure didn’t feel like one. There was so much emotion and story packed into the pages that it showed me again why I have fallen so hard for this author.  Charleigh Rose creates stories that become entrenched in my heart and I love every minute of it!

“You said I had to let you leave, but, you didn’t say anything about not following you.”
I spin around and pin him with an impassive stare as I walk backwards.
“I can be tricky, too,” he says, wiggling his brows.

Cam aka Camden Hess was a professional snowboarder doing his own thing.  One night stands, riding hard and hanging with his buddies was his world. He had never wanted more from a woman than just a night, until he met Mollie Mabey.  They met in a bar and I loved the games they played with each other. There was attraction, lust and while Mollie felt it too, she didn’t make it easy for Cam.  I loved how she made him work for her!  

He’s gorgeous. And intimidating. And, I can only assume, a player. He’s everything I don’t need in a boyfriend, but he’s exactly what I need tonight.

I liked Mollie right away.  She had sass and didn’t fall all over Cam, like every other female seemed to do.  And when Mollie quoted Cher Horowitz from Clueless, she became an instant favorite of mine.  Plus, I adored her family and I knew she was good people since Sutton was her friend.  If you haven’t read Bad Intentions, Sutton was one of the friends in that book and she was kick ass, just like Mollie.

“Is this okay?” he asks, his voice thick and gravelly.
“Do whatever you want with me,” I whisper. And I want him to. I want more of this feeling, and I’ll chase it until the very last drop.

Cam and Mollie ended up having a one night stand and it was hot but also oh so dirty and kinky.  After that night, she left.  They didn’t think they would ever see each other again, but fate had other plans.  That’s all I can say there, but I have to gush about Cam. You’re going to love him!  Cam warmed my heart and quickly stole it. He was genuine and fierce. He loved so strongly and he went after what he wanted.    And when he was with Mollie, together they made me smile and laugh.

My heart says be careful, my head says impossible, but my body…my body is screaming at me to let Cam show it magic again. Because that night with him was pure magic.

Yard Sale can easily be read as a standalone, but there were epilogues in the back for the couples in Bad Habit and Bad Intentions.  So definitely don’t read that part of the story, if you haven’t read those books first.  There were huge spoilers. So of course I recommend this book and I’m so happy I have found another author that goes on my I will buy every single book they ever release list!

Love doesn’t wait until you have your shit together. It just happens. It’s up to you to decide how badly you want it.

PS The shops, the ice arena, the gondola, the lake, oh my gosh she was describing right by where I live.  Not only do the descriptions make the scenery leap off the pages, but it makes me so happy reading about places that hold such a special place in my heart.

BOOK REVIEW: Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

BOOK REVIEW: Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuistonRed, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
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A big-hearted romantic comedy in which First Son Alex falls in love with Prince Henry of Wales after an incident of international proportions forces them to pretend to be best friends...

First Son Alex Claremont-Diaz is the closest thing to a prince this side of the Atlantic. With his intrepid sister and the Veep’s genius granddaughter, they’re the White House Trio, a beautiful millennial marketing strategy for his mother, President Ellen Claremont. International socialite duties do have downsides—namely, when photos of a confrontation with his longtime nemesis Prince Henry at a royal wedding leak to the tabloids and threaten American/British relations.

The plan for damage control: staging a fake friendship between the First Son and the Prince. Alex is busy enough handling his mother’s bloodthirsty opponents and his own political ambitions without an uptight royal slowing him down. But beneath Henry’s Prince Charming veneer, there’s a soft-hearted eccentric with a dry sense of humor and more than one ghost haunting him.

As President Claremont kicks off her reelection bid, Alex finds himself hurtling into a secret relationship with Henry that could derail the campaign and upend two nations. And Henry throws everything into question for Alex, an impulsive, charming guy who thought he knew everything: What is worth the sacrifice? How do you do all the good you can do? And, most importantly, how will history remember you?

Thank you to NetGalley (for granting my wish!), Casey McQuiston and St. Martin’s Griffin for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I’m going to try and make this review as coherent as possible, but not promises. I’m honestly just so filled with emotions and glee and joy from this book. I have so many highlights from this book and they are all SO GOOD.

Welcome to 2018 and in a far better timeline than the one we currently find ourselves in (*sob*), the successor to Barack Obama is democrat President Claremont, a divorced and re-married bad ass lady, who made two wonderful, half Mexican-half American children in Alex and June.

We start this story in the months leading up to her reelection bid. Alex, the first son, makes a fool of himself, as well as his sworn enemy Henry, at Henry’s brother’s wedding. In attempt to show that there is no animosity between the countries, Henry and Alex are forced to show the world they are indeed, close friends. And cue the start of the enemies to lovers trope, in the best way possible.

“I think it’s amazing,” Nora says. “Sworn enemies forced to make peace to settle tensions between their countries? There’s something totally Shakespearean about it.”

“Shakespearean in that hopefully I’ll get stabbed to death,” Alex says. “This sheet says his favorite food is mutton pie. I literally cannot think of a more boring food. He’s like a cardboard cutout of a person.”

As you can imagine, as Alex and Henry are forced to spend time together, their feelings begin to blossom. While Alex had only been with women up until this point in time, I appreciate McQuiston not dragging out Alex questioning if he could possibly like other men. Alex pretty quickly accepted that he was bisexual; while I can totally appreciate this is not easy for many, it kept the story moving along nicely with Alex’s quick acceptance.

While Alex and Henry’s relationship is very much rooted in friendship as they put on a carefully cultivated PR trip in Great Britain, things really get going with Henry’s visit to a New Year’s Eve party in D.C. It eventually leads to one of the best first kisses I have ever read. There’s so much tension leading up to it and I devoured every interaction between the two.

“C’mon, it’s like in the hips. You have to loosen up.” He reached down and put both hands on Henry’s hips, and Henry instantly tenses under the touch. “That’s the opposite of what I said.”
“Alex, I dont’–“
“Here,” Alex says, moving his own hips, “watch me.”
With a grave gulp of champagne, Henry says, “I am.”

I mean, be still my swooning heart. I was a little surprised how quickly Alex and Henry got together (not that I’m complaining!) as I expected a little more build up. However, I really liked how much attention was given to the complexity of navigating their relationship. There are so many laugh out loud funny moments – I know I was grinning like a fool like 85% of this book.

How dare Henry come into Alex’s house looking like the goddman James Bond offspring that he is, drink red wine with the prime minister, and act like he didn’t slip Alex the tongue and ghost him for a month.

He kisses Henry until it feels like he can’t breathe, until it feels like he’s going to forget both of their name and titles, until they’re only two people tangled up in a dark room making a brilliant, epic, unstoppable mistake.

While most of the attention is on Alex and Henry’s relationship, there’s a lot of great subplots happening and excellent side characters. I absolutely adored June, Alex’s sister, and Nora, June and Alex’s best friend and Alex’s sometimes girlfriend. They are both wickedly funny and smart and incredibly real. I also adored Zahra, Amy, Bea, etc. There are so many excellent characters in their own right, even if they revolve around Alex and Henry.

There’s some also serious issues brought up, like the fact that Alex struggles with his mixed heritage, Henry struggles with anxiety and both struggle what it means to carry on a high profile family legacy.

If there’s a criticism to be made (besides giving me more books in this world), is that you can fairly easily guess the major plot points. There’s nothing terribly unpredictable about them, but honestly, I didn’t find myself caring all that much. They needed to happen and I was more interested in how these characters were going to handle them.

Take for instance Alex’s mother learning of his relationship and her immediate reaction was to make a powerpoint to lead their discussion, including this title for the ages:
She apologizes for not having time to come up with better titles.

If I didn’t love Alex’s entire family already, this would have certainly sealed the deal. The ending, while a bit cliche, was still entirely wonderful and really tied up the book nicely. As I said, before, I would love a follow-up book in the future to see what all these amazing people are up to. I truly did not get enough of them in fantastic 432 pages McQuiston gifted us.

While I certainly have started to read more romance stories in the last few years, I still would not certainly consider myself a big reader of this genre. I tend to only like contemporaries and they definitely need to be well-done and bring something different to the table. I’ve only found a few so far that fit this billing that I’ve enjoyed and Red, White & Royal blue is certainly at the top of these.

I can’t wait to get this in printed form and read it whenever I need a pick-me-up. I cannot say enough positive things about this book and from everything I’ve seen, just about everyone else who’s read this agrees. It’s sexy, it’s funny and it’s emotionally heart-warming.

“You are,” he says,” the absolute worst idea I’ve ever had.” Henry’s mouth spreads into a slow smile, and Alex kisses it.

Red, White & Royal Blue will be released on May 14, 2019.

BOOK REVIEW: Vicious (Sinners of Saint #1) by LJ Shen

BOOK REVIEW: Vicious (Sinners of Saint #1) by LJ ShenVicious (Sinners of Saint #1)
by L.J. Shen
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They say love and hate are the same feelings experienced under different circumstances, and it’s true.The man who comes to me in my dreams also haunts me in my nightmares. He is a brilliant lawyer. A skilled criminal. A beautiful liar. A bully and a savior, a monster and a lover.

Ten years ago, he made me run away from the small town where we lived. Now, he came for me in New York, and he isn’t leaving until he takes me with him.


She is a starving artist. Pretty and evasive like cherry blossom. Ten years ago, she barged into my life unannounced and turned everything upside down. She paid the price.

Emilia LeBlanc is completely off-limits, my best friend’s ex-girlfriend. The woman who knows my darkest secret, and the daughter of the cheap Help we hired to take care of our estate. That should deter me from chasing her, but it doesn’t. So she hates me. Big fucking deal. She better get used to me.


You were always mine.

Not so long ago a friend insisted I read The Kiss Thief. I’d been ignoring it with good reason (that reason being that I’m always always always let down by contemporary NA, it seems), but decided why not? I trust my friend. Thus began my journey through a book I didn’t think I could possibly love, leading to a curiosity that couldn’t be satiated until I got my hands on another of this author’s books-Is this woman my NA soulmate?

My Grandma once told me that love and hate are the same feelings experienced under different circumstances.

Turns out? This woman is a wizard, and I am under her spell. I was extremely sick with a savage head cold my Little gave me, and I generally can’t read when such occasions occur. The words are fuzzy, my brain doesn’t compute quick enough, feels are lost when they would have slayed me any other normal day. But. BUT. Somehow, even though the words didn’t go to my brain fast enough, this story broke through the fog and STILL gave me feels that were unparalleled to any NA I’ve read in recent memory. THAT is the work of something larger than myself, and I love this author for it. Bravo for being the first and ONLY author to write a book that broke through a sickness induced word coma.

I shook my head quickly. “I’m just not sure how you can be both nice and compassionate and a terrible asshole all at the same time,” I muttered.
He smiled. “It’s a hard job, but someone’s gotta do it.”

I loved The Kiss Thief-more than was safe for my own health-but when I picked up this book? It sang to my soul and dragged me down into the watery grave of obsession, because I literally could not get enough of each word spoken on every page. It was like there weren’t enough words, yet they were all so perfect no more could be said. Which is the best kind of predicament to be in, naturally, for a book DEVOURER such as me. But now, of course, I’ve spiraled into a void I can’t get out of, because literally no other book is going to compare now. Like, ugh.

The bottom line was I hated him. I hated him so much it made me sick to my stomach that I loved the way he looked, on and off the field. Hated my shallowness, my foolishness, at loving the way his square, hard jaw ticked when he fought a smile. I hated that I loved the smart, witty things that came out of his mouth when he spoke in class. Hated that he was a cynical realist while I was a hopeless idealist, and still, I loved every thought he uttered aloud. And I hated that once a week, every week, my heart did crazy things in my chest because I suspected he might be him.

I have to say that this book is way more trigger-happy for people than TKT ever was, which is why I told my friend to probably stay away from this one. What ignites my passion and hunger would surely repulse any sane human being-or, at least, my said friend. Vicious was…well….freaking vicious. He was crueler, less sane, and way colder to reach his goals. And, if I think about it, der??? It shocked me at first, but then I remembered something-Senator Wolfe Keaton was underhanded and dirty, sure, but he was, above all else, a good standing and well-liked politician of the public’s eye. OBVIOUSLY these two characters differ, seeing as Barron (Vicious) was just, well, a spoiled, self-entitled, destructive both physically and mentally, partying rich boy brat.

Vicious was right. I was a liar.
Because I told myself I could do casual.
When there was nothing casual about what I felt for him. Not even one bit.

Clearly a misguided (and yes, I’ll go there-misunderstood) soul, I couldn’t help but fall for him, now could I? This book gave me the closest/strongest vibes that reminded me of one of my favorite books of all time (Yes, I have issues), Punk 57, that I’ve had in a while. They’re nothing alike, yet, the back and forth, the anger, the savageness, the filthy, hot, dirty sex scenes. Come on. I’m a f****** goner, ya know? I’m TRASH for these types of books (not the sex, I just mean the enemies to lovers mixed with the story line and heat), and they are just so few and far between. And, while I loved TKT, that was technically older-ish, whereas this was, too, but we got that HS vibe as well, that underlying layer of why things were the way they were between these two, and I am so here for it. All of it. Even the bad, dirty, nasty. Because of it, even.

I love possessive dickheads in books. I do. I’m sorry. I’m a failure to womankind, surely, but I. Do. Not. Care. It’s alarmingly hot, okay?

You’re mine.
You were always mine.
Because she was mine.

Yes to this? All of it? Can I read more of it? And I’m a sucker for it. No shame in my game, and judge as you will, cuz this chick ain’t a changin’.

But, besides all of this, I suppose this is a more ‘sophisticated’ (baha this book as sophisticated) way of me being able to enjoy YA without being considered kind of weird. It’s a past and present deal, which I generally loathe, yet it was done so frikkin’ well that, after my initial disappointment, I totally forgot because the book took me out of my own body and into their skewed version of the world, and I fell so in love none of my peeves mattered. I loved this book, wholly, and I now would not change one thing about it because-be still my beating heart-I consumed it and would re-read it in a second just to get the same feels again.

I realize that this isn’t necessarily realistic-it’s not-and that if a girl were in this situation, she obviously would need to RUN AND RUN FAST…but isn’t that what fiction is? A fantasy? A way to escape the world? No, I would not want a Barron Spencer chasing after me-he’s batshit crazy, okay-but to read about it? To just immerse myself into a nonexistent world? I dig it. It’s fun. It’s addicting as hell. And it’s shameful. But it’s my guilty pleasure read-I hardly read any of these all year long, tending to fall prey to my YA fantasies-and I am entitled to it now and again. No, I don’t think it’s a good book to let my daughter-or any young girl, for that matter-read. But it’s simple. I won’t suggest she read it. There. It’s easy, honestly-monitor what your kid reads as much as you can, and teach them what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s all we can do-the book won’t cease to exist no matter how much some people may will it , so as long as I do the best as I can for my children, then I may as well enjoy what this author has to offer-and it’s pure gold.

Yet here he was, in my house, in my room, near my bed. Even if he’d come here just to threaten me some more, he’d still made the trip. I got to him.
He was in my veins.
But I’d managed to crawl under his skin.

Now that that’s out of the way-this woman writes the hottest intimate scenes ever. At least, the hottest I’ve read in a while. And the ones from this book? They made me a total and utter mess. It was sick and depraved and I do not give one crap about it. It’s been a long time since I’ve been affected by a book in such a manner, and I’m almost (but not really) ashamed to admit…this one got to me. And I’m not even one to generally enjoy these scenes, because they scarcely measure up. But this woman? Wow. That’s all I can say without sounding like a total pervert lol.

All in all this book had it’s ups and downs, I suppose (for some), but I never once lost enjoyment, even through my hazy fog days. I looked forward to it every minute of the day I wasn’t reading it and didn’t want to put it down until I absolutely had to. To say this book gave me life when I was down and out would be an understatement, so I’ll go as far as to say it brought me back to life. There. BOOM. I said it. It made me unsick, and if that’s not worth a read, I don’t know what is.


So. Fucking. Good.


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