Tag: Thriller (Page 15 of 16)

BOOK REVIEW – I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1) by Barry Lyga

BOOK REVIEW – I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1) by Barry LygaI Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1)
by Barry Lyga
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What if the world's worst serial killer...was your dad?

Jasper "Jazz" Dent is a likable teenager. A charmer, one might say.

But he's also the son of the world's most infamous serial killer, and for Dear Old Dad, Take Your Son to Work Day was year-round. Jazz has witnessed crime scenes the way cops wish they could—from the criminal's point of view.

And now bodies are piling up in Lobo's Nod.

In an effort to clear his name, Jazz joins the police in a hunt for a new serial killer. But Jazz has a secret—could he be more like his father than anyone knows?

The fact is, I love Dexter. Wait – I mean, early Dexter. Not the I-wonder-out-loud-while-doing-the-thing-I’m-wondering-out-loud-about-Dexter we’re forced to stand in the end. What Dexter? Come on! See, everything is in the voice-over and Oh, dear. Don’t get me started about the dumbest thing the show became in the end.

So, I loved Dexter. I love everything serial-killer related. Therefore I was prepared to love this book. It didn’t disappoint. I guess here’s the moment where I must warn you that even though it’s YA, this story isn’t for the faint of heart because we come across some really disturbing and gore scenes. But then, the serial killer deal must have already warned you, right?

Do you think we can turn someone into a serial killer? How much does our upbringing influence our actions? Can we turn our back on faith? Is faith a real deal or just a bunch of irrational fears? Can we fight our interne violence lurking?

“The killer was a badass. Talk about supreme confidence. Jazz couldn’t help it; he sort of admired the guy.
People matter. People are real. People matter…

Crime : Larceny.

Indeed after a slow start, this book was such a page-turner that I gave into it hours long without thinking about anything else, hooked as I was. Isn’t it the perfect larceny? No?

What? Just look at the definition.
felonious taking or stealing : okay, I was completely willing. There’s that.
of someone else’s personal goods or property : Hours of my time
valued above (for grand) or below (for petty) a specific amount (which is $100 in many States) : my time is worthless, duh, meaning it’s priceless.
with the intent to deprive the owner permanently of the goods or property. I’m pretty sure that’s permanent, except for some lucky characters of SF novels.

Now, do I regret reading it? Not by a long shot.

Crime scene : Lobo’s Nod

Here’s a little village where nothing never happens. Hmm. Well. Except that thing – you know, the arrest of one of the biggest serial-killer of all times – aka Jazz’s father. Okay, there’s that.

Motives of the crime : Play with your mind

This book appears to be some psychological and thought-provoking thriller, as we are immerged in Jazz’s somehow disturbed mind, getting an insight in the mind of that particular kid who’s been raised by a monster. Of course I loved that, what do you think?

Suspects : There’s enough depth in the characters to make them enthralling and interesting to follow.

Jasper ‘Jazz’ Dent, teenager, raised by a serial killer, who’s continually afraid to cross the boundaries between good and evil. Oh, man, talk about daddy issues. What a tortured kid, and for reasons. Being in his head, hearing his father pieces of advices, following him while he tries to act as a human, to read people correctly in order to appear normal, to be normal, to kill no one, because People Matter guys… That was fascinating to see him struggle between his desire to be good and the darkest parts of his mind who made him wonder…. If… If he gave in… If he let them flow… What would happen?

“And there were the urges. The feelings. The memories. The things that he’d been taught and then forgotten, but that lurked somewhere in his brain’s basement, ready to strike like stalkers in the night.”

Haunted – Jasper’s haunted. By this father’s actions. By the way he was raised. By his fears to become a real legacy for his serial killer of a father. By this knife he can’t help but see in his nightmares. Haunted. Broken in a way nobody can understand. Because he won’t let them see.

Don’t get fooled though : Jasper is no innocent victim. He’s manipulative and flashing his mega-watt smile comes just as easily to him as breathing – he became a master of “looking normal”, and has a millions expressions in his arsenal to use when needed. As his father, he’s charming, handsome, and looks completely above suspicion. Actually he reminded me of Dexter in the way he has to read people to know how to act sometimes : Is Connie happy? Hmm, yeah, she seems to be. I mean, the girl does smile. That’s a good sign right? (Little tips : that’s not always a good sign). He’s got also this dark humor I loved in Dexter, this ability to see life through a twisted glass, to see people as they truly are, free of their false pretenses… Or so he thinks.

Jasper, always on the edge of… Jasper, for whom I ended caring deeply.

Howie, best-friend of sub-mentioned Jazz, likes cracking inappropriate jokes, and suffers from hemophilia. This loyal kid cracked me up something fierce.

G. William, State sheriff – too nice to be true, but then, guilt and pity can do that to people, I’ve been told.

Connie, Jazz’s girlfriend, is a stronger Rita (yes, Dexter’s Rita, remember?). As Jazz expresses it, she’s his anchor, his human part, somehow… The one who’s not afraid to tell him that this killer joke, now, wasn’t the best idea he could have. Can he swear never telling it again? Yeah? Good. In my opinion she’s perfect for him.

About their relationship, it seems important to mention that contrary to many YA books, the author didn’t take the simplistic approach of the overwhelming romance we often find : indeed instead of creating a new romance, he chose to show us the developments of an already existing relationship, adding more depth to its treatment in my opinion.

“Maybe it was a guy/girl thing.
He hoped that’s all it was. What if it was a predator/prey thing? A human thing? What if he was losing his connection to her? God, don’t let that be.”

► Evidences aka what you must know about the plot

✔ There’s a serial-killer running in the wild, and Jazz’s mission is to catch him. Or so he thinks. Did I guess who the killer was? Nope, but then, I’m all kinds of stupid with thriller sometimes, and most of the readers guessed earlier. Now, I don’t think guessing would spoil the read because what’s important here is the journey through Jazz’s mind in my opinion. That’s where this book is filled with originality. You want to read a regular investigation? Go in the bookstore, check the thrillers. There’s tons of them. Will you find other Jaspers? I don’t think so.

✔ I can’t deny that the way police officers let Jazz investigate can appear completely unbelievable, being a teenager and all.

✔ Of course we can wonder WHY in the world doesn’t Jazz hide or, I don’t know, moves in another town. Let’s face it, if he did I wouldn’t write this review, because there would be no book, so, well… Moreover, I really think that guilt can grandly influence people behavior, so his need to show that he’s good, that he isn’t like his father? That’s believable to me.

✔ I developed an unhealthy crush on Jazz. Bad me.

: Why, of course I recommend.

BOOK REVIEW: Black Iris by Leah Raeder

BOOK REVIEW: Black Iris by Leah RaederBlack Iris by Leah Raeder
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The next dark and sexy romantic suspense novel from the USA Todaybestselling author of Unteachable.

It only took one moment of weakness for Laney Keating’s world to fall apart. One stupid gesture for a hopeless crush. Then the rumors began. Slut, they called her. Queer. Psycho. Mentally ill, messed up, so messed up even her own mother decided she wasn't worth sticking around for.

If Laney could erase that whole year, she would. College is her chance to start with a clean slate.

She's not looking for new friends, but they find her: charming, handsome Armin, the only guy patient enough to work through her thorny defenses—and fiery, filterless Blythe, the bad girl and partner in crime who has thorns of her own.

But Laney knows nothing good ever lasts. When a ghost from her past resurfaces—the bully who broke her down completely—she decides it's time to live up to her own legend. And Armin and Blythe are going to help.

Which was the plan all along.

Because the rumors are true. Every single one. And Laney is going to show them just how true.

She's going to show them all.

**ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

I am not the heroine of this story.

Wellllll….here we go. If anyone follows my reviews, even a little, they know I hardly ever rate below a three. Hell, I hardly rate a three. Even less frequently do I rate a book a one-I mean, like, twice….in the last two years. So, to say I am shocked at my visceral reaction to this story is an understatement. I expected, at worst, maybe some indifference.

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Maybe a little bit of dislike. But I never ever EVER expected to hate this story so much. I didn’t expect to hate this story at all. And I am so so so sooo sorry….but I loathed this book to the bottom of my soul.

I respect this author’s voice and her journey, but I just couldn’t respect the content of this particular work. Not because of the narrator’s choice of whom to love, but because of her actions and how she spoke.

I don’t smile. When I show teeth, it’s to bite.

How much better of a person are you, really, than those who wronged you if you seek revenge in the most vile ways possible? How are you being any better of a person? This is fiction, sure. I know that. But, the whole time, I felt dragged down, depressed and oh so heavy as I read each and every page. Everything the narrator did made me feel so full of sadness that it became this deep, guttural emotion that I couldn’t contain. I would snarl, I would glare, I became angrier and angrier…and felt heavier and heavier. I was in a swirling inferno of rage with each page that passed as I learned more about our ‘unreliable narrator.’

That’s the real poison, truth. Keep that shit inside and you’ll see. You’ll wither and die.

But the worst thing of all? As we were finding everything out, piece by piece, bit by bit, we were supposed to begin to identify with the main character (I think?), to feel for her, but the more I began to learn about Laney, the more I began to feel for the enemies. Yes, what they did was deplorable, unforgivable, but what she begins doing almost feels worse to me. I grew this deep rooted connection with the God damn villains, with the people I despised, if only because I couldn’t stand to see what this girl was doing to them…and herself.

Maybe the only person who could understand a villain was another villain.

In a lot of ways, well, about 90% of them, this story was about sexual discovery and being who you are. I respected that from page one. But, and this is where it gets very very difficult to explain without pissing people off, I did feel that it was the WHOLE story. Let me explain: In Unteachable, Raeder’s other hit novel, Maisie had SOME of the same problems as well, including sexual prowess. But, aside from not being ridiculed in front of the whole school like Laney was, Maisie’s voice didn’t center around sex. It wasn’t all she thought about. In this story, I felt like we were drowned in Laney’s sexual desires, which is okay, but that’s all I really felt there was, for a long while. And by the time we got to the meat, the unraveling of the mystery, I was mildly heavily disgusted with the main character’s actions. Not just sexually, but with everything. It wasn’t about boy or girl, or girl and girl, or girl boy girl, for me. It was that sex and drugs were constant, every page variables in this story, and that wasn’t necessarily what I signed up for. I knew there would be scenes I was uncomfortable with, but I didn’t know how deeply the character’s affliction or fascination was. I’m okay with erotic books, sometimes, but I wish I’d have known just how erotically charged the WHOLE story would be.

Strength is not in the body, it’s in the mind. It doesn’t lie in flexing your muscles and crushing those who oppose you. It lies in being the last one standing. By any means. At any cost.

The characters. I hate to admit it, but I’ve never disliked a main character so deeply in my whole life. I make it a job to love or respect the MC’s in a story because I picked up their book, this is their story. I even loved Jorg from The Broken Empire series and he was an evil little shit. The truth is, I never have disliked, or hated, in Laney’s case, an MC so strongly before, if at all. And I really really think that speaks volumes. I felt more obsession, savagery, and possessive jealousy than any love in this story, and that makes me so sad because I know so many others found that solace for this deeply controversial story.

Oh, and if this bothers you, even a little (not me, since I was warned)…
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Then I suggest you don’t read this story.

That’s not to say everything turned me off in this book. I have always really adored Raeder’s writing style. It’s very poetic and beautiful and you feel swept up in her words. When you pick up a Leah Raeder novel, you know the writing is going to blow you away. At times, only for this story, I did feel a little bombarded with the descriptions, overwhelmed even, but the writing was still beautiful and it really completed the voice that the author wanted to convey. I really do enjoy her writing and I loved her previous work, so I didn’t want to discount that.

The sky looked like layered sherbet, creamy peach melting into raspberry and blueberry, shading the world in soft, milky tones. The sun was an eye-smarting bead of white light trembling at the horizon.

Okay. Well. There you go. I’m the type of person who really doesn’t like to make waves and worries constantly about what people will think of me when I rate badly. But, there’s literally no nice way to say you disliked a book that you are rating one star. There’s no way to mince your words because that one star says it all in flashing neon lights: This story wasn’t for me. No matter which way you slice it, I didn’t find much to identify with. I can only hope others find this story a great comfort and a wonderful read-it just wasn’t for me.


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HOLY SHIT! I GOT THE ARC. I can’t believe it ! This is epic.


That is all.

View all my reviews

BOOK REVIEW – The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

BOOK REVIEW – The Girl on the Train by Paula HawkinsThe Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
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A debut psychological thriller that will forever change the way you look at other people's lives.

Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning. Every day she rattles down the track, flashes past a stretch of cozy suburban homes, and stops at the signal that allows her to daily watch the same couple breakfasting on their deck. She’s even started to feel like she knows them. “Jess and Jason,” she calls them. Their life—as she sees it—is perfect. Not unlike the life she recently lost.

And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Unable to keep it to herself, Rachel offers what she knows to the police, and becomes inextricably entwined in what happens next, as well as in the lives of everyone involved. Has she done more harm than good?

۰•●  One sudden disappearance.

۰•● Two train journeys a day while Rachel seeks happiness out of her life. Morning, evening, morning, evening. All these fucking useless days. I suffered for her, because she’s so lonely and hopeless – yet her story could appear to be banal. Alcoholic, divorced, ashamed. So much shame on her shoulders, so much shame but not the force to change, not the force to fight. Because why fighting? Why fighting when we’ve nothing to gain? Why? I couldn’t help but ache for her, in a way that I’m not accustomed to feel. Who could we call, who, to help her?

Are there people out there who are able to help someone without wanting a paycheck in exchange? A money paycheck, a virtuous paycheck, a reconnaissance paycheck, a foil to make you look good paycheck? All different but all the same old shit.

“I have never understood how people can blithely disregard the damage they do by following their hearts. Who was it said that following your heart is a good thing? It is pure egotism, a selfishness to conquer all.”

۰•● Three unreliable narrators who make us wandering blind throughout the whole story. The creepy factor is always here between the lines, while we start getting hints of truth, the tension slowly growing until we can’t help but suspect each and every one of the characters we meet. Okay, maybe not the police officer though. Or yeah? I don’t know anymore, and trust me, you won’t either. Despite the fact that I guessed a great part of the end toward the 70% mark, the story never became boring – that’s quite the opposite, actually.

“They’re a match, they’re a set. They’re happy, I can tell. They’re what I used to be, They’re Tom and me, five years ago. They’re what I lost, they’re everything I want to be.”

۰•● Three women whose lives are shattering.

۰•● Four men’s smiles I didn’t trust at all.

۰•● Five reasons to read it.
① To savor this compelling writing, which makes this book literally unputdownable.
② To travel through this fast-paced and haunting story.
③ To meet these fleshed-out, multi-layered characters.
④ To start an excruciating journey into the worst side of human lives – or is it the most banal, in fact? The truth we’re hiding in the light of the day? This despair we don’t want to aknowledge?
⑤ You just want to know what happens, don’t you?

۰•● Six feelings I endured. Angst. Despair. Anger. Heartbreak. Shame. Fascination.

“The holes in your life are permanent. You have to grow around them, like tree roots to grow around concrete ; you mould yourself through the gaps.”

۰•● Seven for a secret never be told.●•۰

۰•● A million quotes. I had to choose, though.

BOOK REVIEW: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

BOOK REVIEW: All Our Yesterdays by Cristin TerrillAll Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
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What would you change?

Imprisoned in the heart of a secret military base, Em has nothing except the voice of the boy in the cell next door and the list of instructions she finds taped inside the drain.

Only Em can complete the final instruction. She’s tried everything to prevent the creation of a time machine that will tear the world apart. She holds the proof: a list she has never seen before, written in her own hand. Each failed attempt in the past has led her to the same terrible present—imprisoned and tortured by a sadistic man called the doctor while war rages outside.

Marina has loved her best friend, James, since they were children. A gorgeous, introverted science prodigy from one of America’s most famous families, James finally seems to be seeing Marina in a new way, too. But on one disastrous night, James’s life crumbles, and with it, Marina’s hopes for their future. Marina will protect James, no matter what. Even if it means opening her eyes to a truth so terrible that she may not survive it... at least, not as the girl she once was. Em and Marina are in a race against time that only one of them can win.

All Our Yesterdays is a wrenching, brilliantly plotted story of fierce love, unthinkable sacrifice, and the infinite implications of our every choice.

I hated this. No, wait, I loved this. No, no-I hated it….Right? Still, even after having finished a day and a half ago, I still don’t know what I think of this book. It played with my heart on the deepest emotional level possible…and, for once, I don’t know if that was a good thing.
Dealing with matters of the heart are messy. There is no way to make rational decisions when your heart is split down the middle-I believe that with my whole soul. And, believe it or not, I’m not even talking about a love triangle. This is a good old-fashioned torture of the heart, a total mind-fuck…and I’m not sure I handled it all that well.

When I picked up this book, I thought I was starting a run of the mill dystopian/sci-fi fantasy novel. Honest to God, I might have rethought my decision to start this had I known how it would rip my heart into shreds. I keep telling my friends all the events of the book and we all came to the same type of stuttery, open-mouthed, grappling for words conclusion-Even after countless reviews and a neurotic fetish with making sure it fit all my criteria (I do this for every book I’m about to read, lest I make bad decisions), I still wasn’t prepared for what this book was truly about. If you simply read the blurb, you see it’s about two different couples in two different times, so to speak. You realize it’s all about time travel and deciding what you would change if you could: Are you really fixing something if you go back in time and alter the past? But what that damn dirty blurb doesn’t tell you is this-This book is far deeper than even it’s author lets on. This book has such raw, magnetic moments that you can’t help but to be manipulated by each individual character and each individual motivation. This book is so multi-layered that you won’t know what side you’re on, who you’re rooting for, or who you should be rooting for. The simple truth is this: there is no good or evil, it is simply what your present self knows the future to be. It’s what you’re willing to do, what you’re willing to sacrifice to make the world a better place-even if it destroys you to have to do so. Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW – Monsters of Men (Chaos Walking #3) by Patrick Ness

BOOK REVIEW – Monsters of Men (Chaos Walking #3) by Patrick NessMonsters of Men (Chaos Walking #3)
by Patrick Ness
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Re-read with Jen (again) (shut up just shut up 😉 )

♥5 Stars♥

Again, I am blown away by how magnificent this series was. The world that Ness created is so complex, intricate, and altogether heartbreaking that you can’t help but fall for these flawed characters. Time and again they are faced with extreme circumstances and forced to make decisions no child should ever have to be faced with-they make mistake after mistake-and they come out stronger than before each and every time. I felt all the same emotions as the first time, even with knowing what happens…that’s what makes a book stand out, what makes it shine: It’s ability to make you feel time and time again no matter how many times you’ve read it. Heartbreaking, soul-crushing and all-consuming, I can’t imagine if I’d never read these. Unforgettable and utterly compelling, I will read these over and over….and never once get tired of this magnificent story. In all? This series is an absolute win.

Todd, the boy who won’t kill, with his all encompassing love for Viola even at the expense of his own life if it came down to it, will forever be a favorite character of mine-no matter how many books come and go…he truly is a remarkable and feeling young character…and I adore him.


♥4.5 stars♥

Ah, Jeez. What can I possibly say to sum up such an amazingly epic series? If someone had asked me six months ago if I would read a series centered around war and corruption, I would have looked them dead in the eye and said, “No effin way” (‘Cept I wouldn’t say ‘effin’;)). The most surprising thing, however, is that I have placed this series among my top favorites. Now, I know I’ve been slinging around the word ‘favorite’ a lot in recent history, but this ‘favorite’ is unique all on it’s own. This series has one of my, you guessed it, favorite characters of all time-Todd Hewitt.

When I finished last night, I was an emotional wreck. I was bawling my eyes out because of that unforgettable ending, that ending that will
stay with me forever
. I didn’t think I could possibly write a review that could explain the ferocity with which this series ingrained itself into my soul. I love it I love it I love it, and that doesn’t even cover the half of it.

But, and I’ve already said this, Todd is one of my all time favorite characters, and he doesn’t deserve anything less than a decent review in his honor.

Where to begin. Redemption. Lies. Doubt. Betrayal. Love. Trust. Hope. Told from three different POVs, we get an insight to every aspect of this war. A war that was completely unnecessary. A war that will ruin more than one life in the big scheme of things. A war that has Todd and Viola separated and fighting for their lives AGAIN. They see each other, but they are working on different fronts, trying to coax both sides so it will not be an all out bloodshed. But then we have a third side-a loose cannon, if you will. And with that third side comes the third POV.

I’ve thought all along that while I love dual POVs, I love Todd’s POV the most-it’s what made me fall in love with the series in the first place, so I longed to be inside his head for more than a few pages at a time. I wanted to see what he thought, what he wanted, what he was going to do. I felt somewhat bored at the beginning with all the switching of POVS-yes, the whole book was action-packed, but I just found one of the POVs to be a bit monotonous.

By far the most powerful theme in this book would have to be the question of who to trust. Some characters have claimed they work hard for redemption, while others act power hungry and will do anything to keep the upper edge-no matter what the cost. My mind was spinning the. Entire. Story. The characters become desperate under the circumstances, and with that desperation comes the need to choose a side, choose the side that will or won’t save someone who has taken a dramatic turn for the worst-is this person telling the truth? Will the medicine work?…or will it inevitably kill the one person Todd loves most in the world?

Todd was just a young boy, barely a man in TKONLG, and we saw that through his inner noise-his voice. Here we are, three books later, looking at how he has grown in such little time. Making decisions that even some grown men will never have to make, he has matured beyond his years. Even in the face of corruption and death, though, is his inner strength and beauty-that willingness to see the good in even the most evil of people, that yearn for all animals, that need to redeem himself of his past misdoings, and to ultimately create peace in a new world where everyone can live not in fear, but together as one united people.

This series has touched me so deeply on a level that I didn’t even know I possessed. Maybe the fact that Todd would do literally anything for Viola, anything for his horse, resonated within me so deeply I will never forget. And as I slept on this ‘you have to be a glass half-full type of person’ ending, I decided as I woke that I’m okay with it. Every time I think of that damn end I feel a pull on my heart strings and a drop in my stomach, but overall, I’m ecstatic. I loved it. The whole thing. Even the end of it all. I respect it, and it will never leave my mind. I will never, ever, ever forget…and I guess the easiest way for me to sum up is to say the things that I’ll never forget-an homage, if you will:

+Todd-the boy who can’t and won’t kill
+Todd’s loyalty, dedication, and love for Viola
+Viola-the rip in the noise that set all these books in motion
+Manchee-the talking dog-his ruddy good dog who would do anything to save him
+The love between Ben and Todd, that father/son connection that tore me up
+The cliffhangers at the end of Every. Single. Damn. Book.
+The struggle with which Todd fought mind control
+Even, yes, I’ll say it, Davy Prentiss Jr.-the boy Todd saved from himself

I might think of more to say later on, but at the moment, this feels like a natural point to stop-a natural way to say goodbye to my beloved fictional world I’ve come to both fear and love. So with a heavy heart, I say goodbye to them all, and hope for nothing but the best. Isn’t that how the whole story began….hope? And that’s how it all ends-
and a heap of ruddy fucking tears.


*bawling* I don’t know what I’ll rate this one. I don’t know what to think or say or write. This series has touched me on a whole different level….one of my all time favorites. But…:I don’t know if I can ever write an adequate review for this one. Guess I’ll see how I feel in the morning.

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