BOOK REVIEW: Air Awakens (Air Awakens #1) by Elise Kova

BOOK REVIEW: Air Awakens (Air Awakens #1) by Elise KovaAir Awakens (Air Awakens #1)
by Elise Kova
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A library apprentice, a sorcerer prince, and an unbreakable magic bond...

The Solaris Empire is one conquest away from uniting the continent, and the rare elemental magic sleeping in seventeen-year-old library apprentice Vhalla Yarl could shift the tides of war.

Vhalla has always been taught to fear the Tower of Sorcerers, a mysterious magic society, and has been happy in her quiet world of books. But after she unknowingly saves the life of one of the most powerful sorcerers of them all—the Crown Prince Aldrik—she finds herself enticed into his world. Now she must decide her future: Embrace her sorcery and leave the life she’s known, or eradicate her magic and remain as she’s always been. And with powerful forces lurking in the shadows, Vhalla’s indecision could cost her more than she ever imagined.

Now that I have time, the gravity of what I promised lays heavily on my shoulders. How am I not going to fangirl about a guy?? What’s the point otherwise? I mean, obviously I have a ship and obviously it was my favorite part about the book-I mean, duh-it’s me we’re talking about here. And yeah, sure, there are fifty million things I guess I could talk about, but why bother if I can’t talk about what I want to?

So, alright whatever, fuck itAll I want to talk about is Prince Aldrik, so that’s what I’m going to talk about. Short, sweet, and to the point.

The prince spirited her away the next day, and two days after that. Each time there was some clever excuse, and when those ran out he simply materialized between the shelves in the library and they would slink off together like children.

In a sea of fantasy, Aldrik, wait, scratch that, Prince Aldrik is exactly what I have been looking for. He’s snarky. He’s sarcastic. And, let’s face it, he’s one of those misunderstood bad boys. I. LOVE. THAT. He’s dark-haired and silver tongued and…well, I’m sure you get the picture. Every time he was in the story my heart was pounding and my stomach erupted in butterflies. I really couldn’t ask for more in a story, especially during this busy time for me.

“You are my friend, whatever this commoner’s friendship is worth.”
When he spoke it was slow and deliberate, little more than a whisper. His voice had a richness to it that she had never heard before. “It is worth very much.” His eyes consumed hers.

I will admit that, at one point early on, I put this down because I just wasn’t feeling it-I mean, the writing is nothing special and I’ve never really been a fan of ‘I am’s instead of I’m and other such contraction draw outs. But, honestly, sometimes all you need is a book that makes you smile, swoon, and wish for your ship to sail. And, for that, this book was everything. Onto the next.

*disclaimer* Was in middle of starting second paragraph when I heard news that extremely upset me so this won’t be a good review like I had wanted. I also lost the will to care. At least it’s just the first book. *shrugs*


I am SO in love. Thank you, Brittney…..Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouuuuuuuuu!!!!!

I am so beyond words happy I trudged through and got past that…odd…beginning! Everything after had me all smiley and giddy and excited and a totally happy little monkey. I cannot WAIT to write a review on this….I’ve not seen the guys’ names much in reviews in specifics so this is going to be REALLY hard for me.

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Challenge accepted.

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  1. AngelErin

    Oh I’m glad you got through it and ended up really liking it! I’ll have to keep that in mind whenever I make my way to reading this one.
    AngelErin recently posted…Come Celebrate With Me! GIVEAWAYS For My 1 Year Blogoversary & 30th Birthday!My Profile

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Yes! Don’t count it out too early!!! Aldrik is WELL worth the wait! 😀

  2. Es

    Hi! I’m considering reading this series but I was wondering if there were any sex scenes in this series? If so, how descriptive do they get?

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