by Catherine Doyle
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A blood war rages on the streets of Chicago.
Protected by an infamous mafia family, Sophie is living a dangerous lie, pretending to lead a normal life. But the deceit can’t last for ever. Her heart belongs to a killer and Sophie’s the prime target of a rival clan. She’s determined to seek revenge on her mother’s murderers, but can she pay the price – can she be a mafiosa?
The third and final instalment in the explosive YA Blood for Blood series which started with Vendetta and Inferno.
Don’t get me wrong, I would fight tooth and nail for Luca, who was, again, amazing. I don’t think he’s ever disappointed me, and given my usual contempt for this kind of mafia ish male-lead, that’s saying something : he’s respectful, smart, protective in all the ways that count and absolutely adorable. Yet even him couldn’t make me stomach the absolute bullshit that was Mafiosa.
✘ The plot was erratic at best, throwing the most unbelievable twists in our face over and over, and if the whole series has been a rocky challenge to go through, at least it used to kept a semblance of consistence. Not so much in that last installment ; not at all, if I’m being honest. After we hit the 70% mark, nothing made sense anymore, and more and more I found myself side-eyeing the endless drama pilling up. Until then, I had been clutching my kindle and swallowing the distaste I felt for most of the characters, and I did enjoy several scenes (<3). But the nonsensical drama got to me in the end, and spoiled my read.
✘ Sophie’s behavior was so out of character that I’m still debating she’s been cloned, or something, and nine times out of ten I just couldn’t stand being in her head anymore. So much that I had to skim some parts, otherwise I’d have thrown my kindle on the wall. Sure, she did get better in the end, but it hardly lessened my annoyance. Too little, too late. And don’t get me started about the Falcones and the Marinos. I just – no. Their characterization was all over the place and as it was, I couldn’t comprehend their choices and reactions. Honestly, I got the impression that they would do anything, as long as it was convenient for the plot, and to hell with the coherence.
► Ultimately, the scenes that brought the biggest smile on my face – yes, they involved Luca, and yes, I’ll most definitely reread them – were too far in between for me to enjoy my reading experience. I’m not quite regretting reading the series, but god, I’m glad I’m done^^
I’m so sorry that thus trilogy ended on a low note Jen. I hate it when that happens.😞
That’s okay, it happens…. At least Luca was here with his awesome self and I don’t regret meeting him because… OBVIOUSLY, the guy’s a keeper ♥
I’m sorry that you didn’t enjoy reading the last book as much as you enjoyed the series overall. Thank you for such an in-depth and honest review. I just stumbled upon your blog, and I’m greatly enjoying its content.
I’m new (going on 4 months) to blogging and book reviewing, and I was wondering if you had any tips for newbie bloggers and book reviewers.
If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful day.
Thank you Breeny! I will look into this 🙂