A Special Welcome To Our Newest Star-Crossed Lady!

We’re so happy to announce that one of our good friends is joining us here at Star-Crossed Book Blog.  We met Arielle a couple of years ago on Goodreads and we all really hit it off.  From her fun, lively, passionate reviews to her quirky personality, we just couldn’t help but to bond with her over our shared love of books.  I mean, how couldn’t we…we like almost all the same books, the same genres…and we even fight for the affection of all the same book [husbands] boyfriends (though Chelsea likes to think she has a claim on allll the boys)!!  Like we said.  Match made in heaven!  So you can learn a little bit more about Arielle, here’s what she had to say about herself –

Hi I’m Arielle (and yes I was named after the mermaid).  I’m a dog mom and soon-to-be, first-time human mom (!!!).  I love wine (currently missing that one), being in the sunshine, coffee, and you guessed it, a good book.  I work as a public librarian in the US where part of my job is to purchase children’s and adult non-fiction.  While that can be fun and challenging, it’s definitely not where my reading passions lie.

 Ever since high school I have been HOOKED on YA fiction.  From Cabot to Maas to Westerfield I have probably read close to it all.  While I don’t exclusively stick to young adult, as long as I can find something with an engaging plot, a romance of some kind, and QUALITY dialog, I will be satisfied.  Such books have helped craft who I am as a person and I know that I can easily say I would not be who I am today without them. 

 When I was offered an opportunity to join this blog I was ecstatic!  In the world of libraries, the process of recommending books to patrons is called reader’s advisory, and is one of the most important services that we provide.  It helps us (in my mind) spread joy.  That’s what I’d like to do here.  From my obsession with all things fantasy (and sci-fi and dystopian) to my secret trysts with the smutty stuff it’s my hope to help these wonderful ladies spread our LOVE for all things bookish.  My favorite authors include Tamora Pierce, Sarah J Maas, Nora Roberts, Alexandra Bracken, Maggie Stiefvater, and Elle Kennedy just to name a few on a VERY long list.

Please give Arielle a huge welcome.  We absolutely love her and we know that you will too!

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  1. T.H. Hernandez

    Awesome!! Welcome Arielle!

    • Arielle

      Thanks so much! 🙂

  2. Raven

    Welcome Arielle! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…Gunslinger Girl By Lyndsay Ely [Review]My Profile

    • Arielle

      Thanks, Raven! 🙂

  3. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    Welcome, Arielle! Anyone named after The Little Mermaid is perfect, in my book! 🙂 Look forward to getting to know you!
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…My Writing & Reading Goals for 2018My Profile

    • Arielle

      Thanks so much, Nicole! And I obviously agree lol. When I was younger I even tried dropping the extra -le so it would be spelled exactly like the mermaid! 🙂

  4. AngelErin

    Welcome Arielle!! :o)
    AngelErin recently posted…Can’t-Wait Wednesday-Cross Her HeartMy Profile

    • Arielle

      Thanks so much, Erin!!

  5. AngelErin

    Welcome Arielle!!! :o)
    AngelErin recently posted…Can’t-Wait Wednesday-Cross Her HeartMy Profile

  6. Alex P

    Congrats Air!

    You’ve always inspired my love for reading, and your spirit and passion has been evident since we were little munchkins. I look forward to reading you content, and am beyond excited to know your killer taste in books will now be shared with an audience!

    I only hope, now that you are famous, you’ll still have time to be my official Editor.

    • Arielle

      Awwww you’re the best. 🙂 I hope you will greatly enjoy my craziness lol and of course this will only improve my writing skills for when the time comes for me to help edit your book 🙂 <3

  7. Aimee (Aimee, Always)

    Welcome, Arielle! <3 I'm a new blog follower (just followed this super cute blog via Bloglovin') and I can't wait to read more from you all. Congrats on becoming a soon-to-be-mom!!!! <3 Hoping for great health for your baby. ^_^
    Aimee (Aimee, Always) recently posted…Warcross by Marie Lu: One Brain Transplant To-Go, PleaseMy Profile

    • Arielle

      Thank you so much, Aimee! I am so excited to have become friends with these ladies and am so glad I have found such great people to talk books with. It makes the experience that much more fun! And thanks for well wishes with baby. My husband and I are so stinkin excited it’s not even funny!! I personally will be excited to read all of my old favorites books to her lol.

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