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In the south, everyone has a secret--and murder is served with sweet tea.
The word's out: Ethan Wilder’s coming back to town, and the people of Bowie, Georgia are in a southern tizzy. Everyone knows the story. He shot and killed his sister four years ago, and people say his father, Jim Wilder, the biggest holy roller this side of the Mississippi, sent him packing for just that reason. Even if her death was unofficially ruled a suicide, Ethan’s return has everybody talking.
Seventeen-year-old Delilah Doherty can’t go anywhere without hearing his name. Born and raised in Bowie, Delilah knows firsthand about the gossipmongers and how they love a good scandal. The daughter of a wild child and niece of the local psychic, she’s also the only one who doubts Ethan’s guilt.
After Ethan saves her life, the two start a slow and steady burn neither can deny. But when Bowie's spiritual leader is nearly murdered, it rocks the small southern town to its core. Delilah and Ethan are caught in the crossfire, their relationship threatened before it's even begun. Someone has it out for Ethan's family. With everyone convinced of Ethan's guilt, it's up to Delilah to unravel the mystery before someone else gets hurt or worse...dead.
[scroll-box] “So,” Wilder said, “how much for the ride?”
I eyed him wearily. Seconds ago he’d looked like he was going to be sick. Now, he was teasing?
“Free?” He feigned surprise. “Wow Doherty, I didn’t know you cared.”
Alright, if he wanted to play, I wasn’t above a little teasing.
“Information,” I said, crossing my arms. Despite myself, I was still interested. “You like the truth so much, tell me something I don’t know, something about you. The real Ethan Wilder.”
“You mean, besides the fact that I killed my sister?”
His delivery was inspired, but I rolled my eyes.
“You did not,” I said.
“Oh?” His gaze narrowed. “You don’t believe me?”
“Not a chance.” I shook my head; no way did I believe that. “The truth, Wilder.”
Crossing his own arms, he said, “I’m gay.”
“You’re what?!” I nearly swallowed my tongue.
Ignoring my outburst, he went on.
“I’ve loved you, Delilah, half my life.”
At that, my heart skipped a beat. How could he say something like that so easily?
“I killed my sister.” He waited for his words to sink in. “If I told you only one of those statements is true,” he said, stare fastened to my face, “which would you believe?”
I thought it over. The first had to be a lie. I’d seen him with too many girls. No way Wilder was batting for the same team. I automatically discarded the second statement. It couldn’t be true either. I hadn’t met Wilder before this year, so his being in love with me for any extended period of time was simply impossible. His being in love with me at all was inconceivable. That left what he’d said about his sister. The idea flitted through my brain, in and out in less than a breath. The more I knew of Wilder, the more convinced I became that some terrible, terrible mistake had been made four years ago. I didn’t believe for a second he’d killed his sister, not even when he said it so convincingly. To think, the same person who’d jumped into that lake could be capable of such an unspeakable offense. No, whatever else he was, Ethan Wilder was not a murderer. He just couldn’t be.
Considering my options, I settled on the only possibility.
“So, you’re gay.” I shrugged. “No big deal. Next time I see Ronnie, I’ll let him know you’re fair game.”
Wilder laughed. The sound was real, filled with complete abandon. Hearing him laugh like that, knowing I’d caused that break in his cool façade, made a strange ache bloom in my chest. I wanted to hear that laugh again and again.
“You do that,” he said, stepping outside. “I’ll see you, Doherty.”
Unable to resist, I said, “Should I tell Ronnie to get your coffee from now on? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, seeing as how you love it so much.”
Wilder peered through the open door.
“I hate coffee,” he said seriously.
“You do?” I asked confused.
He nodded. “Always have.”
“Then why—?”
“I’ll see you.”
Shutting the door, he took his time walking up the stone pathway.
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About the Author:
Cookie O’Gorman writes YA romance to give readers a taste of happily-ever-after. Small towns, quirky characters, and the awkward yet beautiful moments in life make up her books. Cookie also has a soft spot for nerds and ninjas. Her debut novel ADORKABLE is out now! Her second book NINJA GIRL was released March 30,2017!
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Sounds like a good read.
It was a fun one!
I love Cookie O’Gorman’s books and I can’t wait to read this book!
Raven recently posted…April Most Anticipated Releases! [2018]
I hope you enjoy it!!
I can’t wait to find start this one. Been looking forward to it for ages!
I hope you enjoy it when you get to it! 😀
I really love Cookie’s books. My favourite was Sally’s story, it was lovely and funny <3
YES! I loooveeddd Adorkable-it was the BEST!