the kindest

We’re continuing our celebration of our 4th blogiversary!  So in keeping with our Book Boyfriend theme, today we’re going to talk about some of Our Kindest BBFs.  Enjoy meeting some of our favorite men and and don’t forget to enter our fabulous giveaway below.  We’re giving away 6 books that we love!  And there’s extra entries with each post, in case you already entered in our last post. 🙂
PS – If you missed it, check out our Fiercest BBFs list here.

Isaac from In Harmony by Emma Scott
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Here is a boy who despite all of his troubled upbringing goes out of his way to care for others, from the neighbor boy with a similarly broken home, to his mentor/father figure and the heroine of the story, Willow. Isaac is tough when he needs to be, but he is also incredibly kind and loving.




Aiden from The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Okay, people, OKAY. Thus began my love affair of EVERYTHING MARIANA ZAPATA. Aiden is the silent killer. He’s the heart attack you didn’t see coming. My brain couldn’t compute the feels that erupted from this subtle powerhouse who’s more loyal and amazing than any football player I’ve known (okay, shut up). BUT MY HEART. BRAIN=DEAD. HEART=SHREDS. SOUL=Forever Aiden’s.

“Home is where you are. I would go anywhere for you if you wanted me there.”



Billy from Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns #1) by Kendare Blake
* Amazon * Goodreads *

Well would you looky here, frans. The kind, adorable, LOYAL Billy-the boy who was to court all the ladies…but falls for the rugged (and amazing-I-am-obsessed-with-her) Arsinoe. I can’t explain when and why this boy stole my heart-perhaps it was the time spent together, or maybe it was when he saw all that was wrong with the trials  and the people or whatever. But likely…it was that bow. I was a goner-hook, line, and sinker.

Until Billy comes ashore.
Her heart warms. He does not seem weak or injured.

Billy stands below the cliffs and looks up at her. He bows, deep and slow, and the crowd murmurs. Arsinoe holds her breath.

He bows only to her.



Thomas Cresswell from Stalking Jack the Ripper (Stalking Jack the Ripper #1) by Kerri Maniscalco
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Awww my smart, weird, and, again, loyal boy. He is always at Audrey Rose’s side. Always up for the next adventure-and their banter. I can’t. It’s just so cute. And his devotion to her….it’s unparalleled. I’m obsessed and that’s all there is to it.

Without lifting his head from his own journal, he said, “Not having any luck figuring me out, then? Don’t worry, you’ll get better with practice. And, yes”—he grinned wickedly, eyes fixed on his paper—“ you’ll still fancy me tomorrow no matter how much you wish otherwise. I’m unpredictable, and you adore it. Just as I cannot wrap my massive brain around the equation of you and yet adore it.”



Mason from Sugar and Spice (Glitter and Sparkle #3) by Shari L. Tapscott
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Mason was thoughtful, a good listener and such a good friend to Harper.  He could be so sweet and down to earth and exactly what she needed with her cynical ways.  And his sexiness easily possessed my heart! 

“We’ll have to be careful not to appear overly friendly in public,” he whispers, his words tickling my ear.
My mouth goes dry, and I swallow before I answer. “Shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t even know you. You certainly don’t know me.”
“Oh, but I plan to.”


Nicholas Wakefield from The Importance of Being Scandalous (A Tale of Two Sisters #1) by Kimberly Bell
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Nicholas was beyond intoxicating and spellbinding.  His words, mannerisms and slight touches had my heart racing.  I loved how he was there for Amelia and that they confided in one another.  Their friendship and trust was so beautiful.  But underneath that friendship simmered tension, since Nicholas had been in love with Amelia for forever.  

His words died off as she leaned in close, lips a hair’s breadth from his. The deep rise and fall of his chest as he breathed in drew her hand up in fascination. She played her fingers along the edges of his cravat. “I’m still interested. Are you certain?”
His hand brushed her rib cage. His thumb whispered against the underside of her breast. “It is not in my power to deny you.”



Ash from Ninja Girl by Cookie O’Gorman
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Ash was seductive while also being hilarious without even trying. And I quickly got caught up in his spell! his attempts at even just talking with Snow had me cracking up while also sighing at the same time and he is someone you must meet!

“You know, you’re kind of arrogant,” I said.
“And you’re kind of beautiful.” Ash smiled and nodded to the bar while I tried to recover. Who said things like that?


Liam from The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds #1) by Alexandra Bracken
* Amazon * Goodreads *

LIAM IS THE KINDEST BBF OF ALL TIME.  I mean seriously guys he spends the whole series doing nothing but loving Ruby, Chubs, and Zu. Even after his memory of Ruby is taken away, he unconsciously tries to find her.  Ugh that sweet Southern boy. I can’t wait until this movie comes out and I swear they better have done his character justice!!

“Cause, frankly, the way I see it, you and me? Inevitable.”



Arin from The Winner’s Curse (The Winner’s Trilogy #1) by Marie Rutkoski
* Amazon * Goodreads *

We don’t really see this kindness until after the initial rebellion starts but afterwards he is nothing but sweet to Kestrel.  He’s there for her when her own father isn’t and would have given EVERYTHING up for her.




***There will be 5 winners, and prizes will be sent via Amazon Kindle. The first winner drawn will get to chose which book they want first, and so on.  Prizes are ebooks of:
*An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
*Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
*Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman
*Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
*Angelfall, World After & End of Days (YES the whole trilogy!) by Susan Ee***

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  1. Raven

    Love this post! A huge “YES” for Thomas Cresswell and Ash! I loved both of these characters! They’re so much fun!
    Raven recently posted…The Ribbon Duet By Pepper Winters [Review]My Profile

    • Jen

      Oh I adored Ash, I always find myself loving the characters she creates. I’m so happy you loved him too!

  2. Danielle Hammelef

    I don’t share in any of your choices. My choice would be St. Claire from Anna and the French Kiss.

    • Jen

      OH, I know that Chelsea LOVES that book! I won it in a giveaway this summer and really need to find time to pick it up. I hope I love it as much as the two of you!

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