BOOK REVIEW: The Seashell of ‘Ohana (Spirit of ‘Ohana #2) by Mary Ting

BOOK REVIEW: The Seashell of ‘Ohana (Spirit of ‘Ohana #2) by Mary TingThe Seashell of 'Ohana (Spirit of 'Ohana #2)
by Mary Ting
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Since Abby became a widow in her mid-twenties, she's spent the past four years raising her son and working long hours at the gallery she owns with her sister in Kauai. She doesn't have time for a social life, nor does she want one. Until the handsome Ian Bordonaro comes back to town.

When Abby finds out Ian is grieving the death of his mother, she feels an instant connection. She knows his pain too well, and not many in her life understand what she's been through. Their friendship grows, but a lingering sense of guilt prevents Abby from moving forward.

Will she surrender to grief and give up her second chance at happily ever after? Or will finding a rare angelwing shell intact on the beach be a sign it's time to open her heart again?


With fabulous characters, sentimental moments and so much heart, I loved this book!  The story played out like it was destined to be a Hallmark movie and I couldn’t put it down.  The Seashell of ‘Ohana was filled with family, friendship and so much love!  If you love sweet and sentimental adult romance, definitely put this one on your tbr!

In the darkness. Just the two of us under the gorgeous moonlit sky, I could paint this. This view. This moment. But this feeling … My heart hadn’t settled back after its leap into the stars, yet.

Abby was a widow who had moved to Hawaii to raise her son.  Working with her sister at their art studio, and being involved in her son’s life, was her whole world.  Yet that world also included Ian.  Ian was her sister’s boyfriend’s best friend.  And while the previous book was about Abby’s sister, and I can’t recommend Where the Wind Chimes enough, you can easily read this book as a standalone!  With a little help from her sister and friends, Abby and Ian found themselves together longer then a moment at the grocery store.  There was a definite spark between them, but Abby was conflicted about moving on. Thankfully Ian had nothing but patience and heart on his side.  So I kept my fingers crossed!

Abby: Thank you for the beautiful flowers. You didn’t have to do that.
I was going to put the phone down, but a text pinged.
Ian: I had to do something to bribe you to hold my hand during horseback riding.
I smiled and swiped my fingers fast over the letters.
Abby: No need to bribe.  That’s what friends do.
Ian: Then Lee is a terrible friend. He won’t hold my hand.
A small snicker squeaked out of me, and Liam turned to look. I sent a laughing emoji, and he sent me a heart one back.
I stared at the red beating heart a bit longer than necessary. 

Ian was my favorite! He was such a good man who was kind and thoughtful. And readers will melt watching how Ian included Tyler, Abby’s son, in the conversation. He made Tyler feel seen. Just like he did with Abby every time they were near each other. I knew that Ian was perfect for Abby. But at the same time, I was nervous for Abby. She was interested in Ian, but her heart still felt broken from the passing of her husband. Abby was loving, focused and I loved how involved she was with her son. Yet she was definitely guilty of putting her sons needs before hers. And I got it. But I was thankful when Ian would step in and show her it was okay to allow herself to find happy moments too, with things she wanted. They balanced one another out so well!

Swim? Before I could process his words, he hoisted me into his arms. I swallowed a breath and wrapped my arms around his neck as he ran toward the ocean.
“Ian!” I hollered.
Trust me.
I did trust him, so I stopped kicking and surrendered.

I loved Abby and Ian’s moments together. While Abby tried her best to keep Ian in the friend category, it was impossible to deny their chemistry. Yet, it felt like there was a much deeper level between them. As if they were destined for one another. And the HEA at the end of this book, swoon! It will leave readers happy! So with sentimental moments that will leave you smiling, a heartwarming sister relationship and gorgeous scenery, The Seashell of ‘Ohana was such a huge win! With a few tears, smile and laughter, this delightful romance was so easy to devour! Have fun getting lost in this sentimental Hallmark romance, when you pick this one up!

“I would wait a lifetime for you, Abby. My heart was an empty sky, but you gave me the moon and the stars. Steve was your first, but I want to be your last.”

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*


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  1. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    Reading your review , I can absolutely see this as a Hallmark movie. 🙂 It sounds like Abby would be easy to sympathize with – and Ian sounds like such a good man. Between the great sister relationship and the swoony romance, this one sounds like a winner!
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…The Sunday Post #313 | November 27, 2022My Profile

    • Jen

      It would make the perfect Hallmark movie! And it was such a huge winner ♥!

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