Author: Anna (Page 31 of 48)

BOOK REVIEW – Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst

BOOK REVIEW – Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth DurstDrink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst
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Pearl is a sixteen-year-old vampire... fond of blood, allergic to sunlight, and mostly evil... until the night a sparkly unicorn stabs her through the heart with his horn. Oops.

Her family thinks she was attacked by a vampire hunter (because, obviously, unicorns don't exist), and they're shocked she survived. They're even more shocked when Pearl discovers she can now withstand the sun. But they quickly find a way to make use of her new talent. The Vampire King of New England has chosen Pearl's family to host his feast. If Pearl enrolls in high school, she can make lots of human friends and lure them to the King's feast—as the entrees.

The only problem? Pearl's starting to feel the twinges of a conscience. How can she serve up her new friends—especially the cute guy who makes her fangs ache—to be slaughtered? Then again, she's definitely dead if she lets down her family. What's a sunlight-loving vamp to do?

Truth be told, not only Drink, Slay, Love is loads of fun, but it has way more depth than it appeared at first. Trust me, if I was able to enjoy it even though 1)I don’t like vampires and 2)I’m bored by PNR more often than not lately, there’s a good chance you will too. Let’s take a look at what you have here, okay?

An alpha female vampire MC, who’s at the top of the food chain and intends to stay there, even though she starts feeling – UGH – emotions (so annoying). I loved Pearl : she’s unapologetic, selfish, kick-ass, smart, and hilarious. What not to love?

“I hope I haven’t hurt your feelings,” he said.
” I don’t have feelings, at least not the inconvenient ones.”
“Okay,” he said. “I hope I haven’t hurt your ego.”
“Yeah, that part of me is a bit miffed,” Pearl said. “What exactly is not hot about me? You’re a teenage boy. I have boobs. What part of the equation is missing?”

A freaking fantastic unicorn!! Of course I was giggling like a complete moron, what do you think! View Spoiler »

Not a drop of slut-shaming!

Friendship that overtakes the differences and a complex dynamic between the characters.

“Bethany beamed at her, and the other three girls looked as pleased as cats with milk. She met their smiles with her own until a terrible thought occurred to her :
Oh, crap. I have friends.”

Off-the-wall depiction of high school life : Don’t get fooled by the appearances, because if almost all the stereotype are present (first of all the different cliques), each and every one of them is dismantled and OMFG IT’S AWESOME!!!

Clothes : “Antoinette selected jeans plus a formless sweater. “This says, ‘Too hot to care what I wear. Worship my wit instead.’ Best if worn without a bra.”
“I’d like a simple, ‘I’m human. Move along.'”

Traditions : “It’s a corsage,” Tara said as she breezed past them into the ballroom. “You wear it on your wrist, and you pretend it doesn’t itch like hell.”

High-school power hierarchy : Actually, I’m going to let you discover this one on your own^^

An adorable male-lead whom you’ll want to hug even if he has a little hero complex.

“You’re just the whole package, aren’t you? Kind to kittens and puppies. Don’t park in the handicap spot. Never leave the toilet seat up. I’ll bet the girls melt every time you walk by.”

Yeah, well, his chivalrous personality sure didn’t appeal to Pearl at first.

“Again he radiated sincerity nearly as bright as the sun. She wondered if all humans were this intrusively nice. It was obnoxious.”

Nope. Nope nope nope.

But then, View Spoiler »

No instalove. I mean, Evan is food for fuck sake. Would you fall in love with a chicken? Huh? That’s what I thought. Icing on the cake, the romance stays light, believable (they don’t trust each other at first sight, thank you very much) and never overtakes the plot.

A false love triangle that never feels like a love triangle, because there’s no feeling between Jadrien, the vampire hot piece, and Pearl. They’re betrothed, that’s all. Traditions and all that stuff.

“Surrender?” she said.
“To you,” he said, “I surrender my heart and soul.”
She rolled her eyes. “Very romantic, considering you have neither.”

Family pressure. Hierarchy. Expectations. Vampire’s life isn’t as easy as food’s human’s life you know.

“She wondered what kind of punishment constituted a “detention.” Mother had several holding cells, each a lightness nightmare. Pearl had been in one once for shoplifting at the mall.”

Hilarious dialogues that made me smile so big and again, giggle. I know, I’m ridiculous. Bu-bu-but UNICORNS! Bahahahaha.

► I’ll stop there, but trust me, if you need to relax, this book is exactly what you need.

BOOK REVIEW – What They Always Tell Us by Martin Wilson

BOOK REVIEW – What They Always Tell Us by Martin WilsonWhat They Always Tell Us by Martin Wilson
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James and Alex have barely anything in common anymore—least of all their experiences in high school, where James is a popular senior and Alex is suddenly an outcast. But at home, there is Henry, the precocious 10-year-old across the street, who eagerly befriends them both. And when Alex takes up running, there is James’s friend Nathen, who unites the brothers in moving and unexpected ways.

Sometimes we read books whose wicked plots and twists, while blatantly aimed to make us feel something, fail their purpose and sometimes, sometimes, we come across a quiet book which lead us to strong and real feelings.

What they always tell us is that kind of books, and that’s why, even though I have issues I can’t overtake, lowering my rating below 3 stars wouldn’t be fair in my opinion. I mean, I ate it up for fuck sake! Indeed contrary to many readers, my main problem wasn’t the pacing, because I was never bored. It’s a quiet book for sure, not our standard roller-coaster, but I do enjoy reading this kind of books sometimes, especially when they manage to make me feel, as it was the case here.

This being said, despite my utter involvement in Alex and James’s lives (well, mostly Alex’s, if I’m being honest), I can’t help but feel cheated somehow, as the last 25% disappointed me and left me almost empty. Don’t you hate it when you’re LOVING a book and then you’re only waiting for it to end? WORST. FEELING. EVER. Although I adored the first half, I began to slowly change my mind, finishing it in complete exasperation.

This story deals with bullying and the importance of family in a believable and touching way, as we follow James and Alex, two brothers who try to build their relationship again after Alex became suddenly an outcast. Even if James never was my favorite person (mostly he’s a know it all jerk for me, especially when it comes to girls – what a slut-shamer he is, I can’t even), I understood the need and the interest to get his POV too.

Alex though. Alex broke my heart. Alex made me smile so big. Alex made me cry, too.

▧ What I really appreciated was the way bullying was portrayed, because to me it was realistic – Sometimes being ignored, laughed at, quietly belittled can be more hard to live than many persons acknowledge it, sadly, and Martin Wilson does a great job to picture the thin line between “friendship” (see the quotation marks? Yeah?), teasing and bullying. To be frank, I didn’t get what Tyler’s deal was (apart from being an asshole, that is), but we don’t always understand why people act that way in real life too unfortunately.

“Tyler, in particular, used to bombard him with stinging comments, punctuated always by an empty “Just kidding, Alex.”

➸ This sort of passive-aggressive comments is so common – and there they were supposed to be still friends. Damn. The guy pissed me off.

▧ Moreover, what we get here is a portray of realistic characters, with their flaws and their best parts. When I say that they sounded like real teenagers to me, that means that they sometimes think the most stupid things (trust me) – that I had to roll my eyes a few times, actually, but I didn’t mind, because for once, I could have imagined them being people actually living.

▧ As for the romance, I must say that Alex and Nathen’s gradual and growing relationship was fantastic to follow. They were the cutest, really, and I shipped them from the beginning to the end. Indeed I loved how Nathen tried to break Alex’s shell without never being intrusive or judgmental. He was the best, really, even if he irked me with his addiction to the word BUDDY (for real – how many times can he say that?). The ending frustrated me so much though.

▧ I love when YA doesn’t try to do YA. That is to say, a dick’s a dick, that kind of things (the first shower scene made me laugh way too much for my own good – I don’t even know if I was supposed to laugh. Oh, well)

The whole subplot with their young neighbor was messy, especially towards the end where it was completely ridiculous. Let me sum it up : there’s Henry, a little boy about 10 years old who moved with his mother at the beginning of the year and who’s having a hard time fitting in at school. Nobody really knows why they’re here and what his mother does for a living, therefore of course, of course, unfortunately, people can’t mind their own business, and you know, speculate about them and wonder why they move around the country so much. Not to mention that the mother is gorgeous so you can infer in what place people’s guesses go. Sigh. Add some drama lama in the end and you’ll get an annoyed reader (yes, me). Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy the friendship building between Henry and the two brothers but the whole drama with his mother got to my nerves, especially in the end because it stole the show and frankly? I didn’t care.

The lack of world-building. Yes, you read correctly, I wanted more world-building in my contemporary – or is it, really? After reading it I looked up the date of release and it was released in 2008, not so far away then, right? Now, tell me, did the teenagers had not cell phones and internet in 2008? Huh? Of course they did. Therefore from what I picked in the book (and trust me, there’s almost nothing other than the lack of things) I can infer that the story is set in the 90s and therefore I would have LOVED to get some pop culture references or something, anything, really, to help me put the story in perspective because yes, I do think that it’s important when we deal with how people react, especially when it comes to tolerance. That’s why I’m shelving it as historical romance.

The ending was unsatisfying at best, and mostly frustrating. Look, I’m not usually bothered by open ending but as I said earlier, what maddened me was the fact that we focus on the neighbors’ subplot and I didn’t fucking care about that. Finally, and it’s my own inner brat talking, why the fuck do we get James’s POV for the last chapter?

► I wanted Alex’s so bad, and I don’t give a damn if I’m being a sulking brat at this point.

BOOK REVIEW – Fell of Dark by Patrick Downes

BOOK REVIEW – Fell of Dark by Patrick DownesFell of Dark by Patrick Downes
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A book that challenges the word "powerful" and obliterates it

Written in searing prose, this is the story of two boys: Erik, who performs miracles, and Thorn, who hears voices. The book chronicles their lives as their minds devolve into hallucinations, and shows the way their worlds intersect, culminating in a final stand-off.

This debut novel offer a raw, insightful look at the forces that compel us to act against our will. Even more so, it captivates and dares us to look away, knowing full well we can't.

► Trust me, if a book can become an instant favorite and yet make me wary to recommend it, it’s this one. From what I could read, the opinions are mixed (just look at the ratings) and I can’t say that I don’t understand why – anyway, sorry if it comes out with know it all vibes, but to me? This book deserves more praise, because it challenges yourself as a reader and delivers a complex cast of characters that I’m not likely to forget anytime soon. And if we get our new vampire or cute romance every week in the new release charts (we do), I can’t find another book like this one – how powerful it is for a compliment, tell me?

“Speak only when they’re something worth saying. Speak only when it’s necessary. When is there anything worth saying? Can you tell me? When is it necessary?”

After reading several reviews, the complaint that emerges the most is the fact that there’s no plot. With this I both agree and disagree (and now you can wrap your head in your arms and yell, because I do realize that I’m telling anything and everything with this sentence).

Yes it has no regular, well-wrapped plot, as we follow slices of life from two different narrators, Erik and Thorn, throughout several periods of times. Therefore if you expect a beginning, a middle, and a end (exposition – rising action – resolution) you’ll probably end disappointed.

However, I never stopped thinking that the path that we readers followed was making sense but perhaps I’m just that sort of weird. Maybe. Boris Vian and André Breton have owned my heart all my teenage years, after all. So, who knows – surely not me.

“I wish all the voices I hear inside my head would melt down into one voice, a voice I can trust.”

Nevertheless, what I do know is the fact that Fell of dark was such a gripping, compelling read that I couldn’t put it down from the moment I started it, even though I only planned to steal a glance at it.

As for the writing, I found it absolutely incredible, and I’m weighing my words here. Actually, this is the kind of books that make me overjoyed to be able to read in English, because I’m not sure a translation could do justice to all the beautiful experimentations Patrick Downes uses, from the haunting metaphors to the short and even one word sentences. I loved it to pieces, as in my opinion nothing is useless and every sentence serves its purpose, whether it’s to make me think or feel.

“You people. You people.
Youpeopleyoupeopleyoupeople. Cowards, every one of you. What, what, what, what keeps your legs from breaking under all the weight of your fears and lies and hatred? Human beings. I’m not one of you. I’m outside your fences. I’m running around you at the speed of light, you goddamn beasts. But you think I’m the monster.”

I felt everything – every struggle the characters must face, and trust me, there’re plenty. Indeed from Erik’s letter to its future wife to Thorn’s wanderings through the several voices spreading from his head, what Patrick Downes offers us is a poignant descent into madness that managed to break my heart and made me tearing up at the most random moment. Now, that’s what I call a brilliant author, and I’m not too shy to write it : Patrick Downes, I admire you.

► To be frank, the only reason that prevented me from rating it 5 stars is the ending, which was strangely anticlimactic in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about what happened in the end, no. But the truth is, I expected another way to relate it, something else than the dialogues that left me feeling almost empty. Anyway, it’s a matter of personal taste, so perhaps you’ll like it more. Please tell me.

BOOK REVIEW – Crushed (Soul Eaters #2) by Eliza Crewe

BOOK REVIEW – Crushed (Soul Eaters #2) by Eliza CreweCrushed (Soul Eaters #2)
by Eliza Crewe
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Meda Melange has officially hung up her monstrous mantle and planted her feet firmly on the holy and righteous path of a Crusader-in-training. Or, at least, she’s willing to give it a shot. It helps that the Crusaders are the only thing standing between her and the demon hordes who want her dead.

The problem is, the only people less convinced than Meda of her new-found role as Good Girl are the very Crusaders she’s trying to join. So when a devilishly handsome half-demon boy offers escape, how’s a girl supposed to say “no?”

After all, everyone knows a good girl’s greatest weakness is a bad boy.

I’m the black sheep of the crowd on this one, and to be frank, it’s the first time I pondered if I would post a review or not, because at first I felt like I wouldn’t be able to explain my feelings. But it was without counting my complete inability to shut up. Hey, everyone has his own flaws, right?

Just – hear me out : I can’t deny that Eliza Crewe does an INCREDIBLE job at ruining all the stereotypes we can expect in a PNR, and for that, really, BRAVO. As you will see, I developed more my reproaches because let’s face it : most of readers agree with what I loved. No need to explain again why Meda is amazing.

Awesome facts about Crushed

No TSTL heroine, but Meda, basically the most powerful weapon living on earth and a believable selfish person by the way (believable because really? How many selfless people do you think there are on Earth? Huh? Am I pessimistic? I am pessimistic). Not to mention her sarcastic thoughts and her craving for freedom. Favorite scene? Her coloring-bonding with little children. PRECIOUS.

No instalove, but characters who struggle to trust each others, and WITH REASONS, because duh, war it is.

No girl hate, but FRIENDSHIP GUYS!! Woot woot! (I missed Chi, though)

▧ Armand is quite stereotypical but then, his puppy sexy eyes won. Well this and the fact that he doesn’t hide behind false pretences : you want a demon? You got a demon. Bad, bad me. Oh, and for ONCE here’s a French character who doesn’t annoy me (even if the French accent has no effect on me, of course). I even giggled a little at his “mademoiselle”

Mademoiselle. Do you know that officially this word isn’t meant to be used anymore in France? YES BECAUSE WE’RE ALL MADAMES NOW (yes, it’s in the law, for the official papers anyway). And I fucking love it. It’s no one business if I’m married or not, and I don’t need to be married to get the “adult word” that “madame” always was. Not to mention that men never had this kind of “young word”. But I digress, sorry.

“You arranged a murder?” Awww, that’s so sweet.
“Nothing elaborate, of course.” He grins slyly. “Didn’t want to overdo it on a first date.”
And he ruins it.”

Feminists vibes, which if subtle, were definitely here. My favorite of the bunch is …

“Some might call me a ‘tease’, but I don’t believe it. ‘Tease’ implies that I owe him something, that I should feel guilty. As if my flirtation is forced on him and he merely tolerates it for an eventual pay-out. That’s bullshit. We both have goals in our little game; why should his goal (sex) take priority over mine (to mess with his head)? Is it because he’s a man?”

YOU GO GIRL. *thumbs up*

Let me down facts about Crushed

▧ In my opinion the story dragged in the first half, and if I always loved Meda, the plot never captivated me. Look, I see what makes this book a favorite for a lot of my friends, I really do. This is a complete case of “It’s not the book but me”, because I have to admit that I wasn’t enthralled as I thought I would be. To be frank, I think that I’m not a PNR reader anymore – Plots involving demons and all that stuff just rub me the wrong way and that’s the same thing with Urban Fantasy : It’s not for me, not for now, anyway.

We don’t know enough things about the demons AT ALL. Maybe that’s just me, but I like to make my opinion by myself and as it is, I don’t know them enough. One might argue that DUH, demons are demons for fuck sake (!!!) but isn’t it the whole point of the series? If Meda gets to catch our attention and love because nothing is as simple as it seems, why couldn’t we learn more about the demons and their possible complex nature?  Because tell me, if the demons are bad and the crusaders are the good ones, what’s new to this? Let’s face it, we already know that the crusaders aren’t perfect, and I LOVE THAT. I only want for the demons to not be Manichean either, but perhaps am I asking for too much.

Miscommunications. Hey, don’t look at me. I never hid that it IS one of my peeves. I can’t wrap my head around situations where people only had to TALK to each others for the story to change.

▧ Was I supposed to not guess one of the end’s major twist? Huh? While it didn’t prevent me from liking the story, I can’t say that I didn’t see it coming. And frankly, I didn’t feel a lot of things. I don’t know. Oh, well. I can’t force myself to feel invested.

► Here I am – while I liked following Meda again, sadly the story didn’t hold my interest the whole time I was reading and yeah, I’m disappointed. But then, I’m clearly in the minority on this one, so don’t let my opinion stop you from meeting Meda, because the girl ROCKS.

BLOG TOUR + BOOK REVIEW + GIVE-AWAY – Under the Lights (Daylight Falls #2) by Dahlia Adler

BLOG TOUR + BOOK REVIEW + GIVE-AWAY - Under the Lights (Daylight Falls #2) by Dahlia Adler

BLOG TOUR + BOOK REVIEW + GIVE-AWAY – Under the Lights (Daylight Falls #2) by Dahlia AdlerUnder the Lights (Daylight Falls #2)
by Dahlia Adler
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Josh Chester loves being a Hollywood bad boy, coasting on his good looks, his parties, his parents' wealth, and the occasional modeling gig. But his laid-back lifestyle is about to change. To help out his best friend, Liam, he joins his hit teen TV show, Daylight Falls...opposite Vanessa Park, the one actor immune to his charms. (Not that he's trying to charm her, of course.) Meanwhile, his drama-queen mother blackmails him into a new family reality TV show, with Josh in the starring role. Now that he's in the spotlight—on everyone's terms but his own—Josh has to decide whether a life as a superstar is the one he really wants.

Vanessa Park has always been certain about her path as an actor, despite her parents' disapproval. But with all her relationships currently in upheaval, she's painfully uncertain about everything else. When she meets her new career handler, Brianna, Van is relieved to have found someone she can rely on, now that her BFF, Ally, is at college across the country. But as feelings unexpectedly evolve beyond friendship, Van's life reaches a whole new level of confusing. And she'll have to choose between the one thing she's always loved...and the person she never imagined she could.

“The thing is, K-drama, sometimes you just have to accept that no one else’s opinion means shit, you know? Sometimes you just have to do what makes you happy and say fuck to everyone else.”

► These characters sound so REAL to me, I can’t even express how much I find this fantastic. Yes, I have to admit that it took me ages to warm to them, but in the end? In the end I’m glad to have had the opportunity to follow them.

Josh is this guy we see in a Reality TV show and ask ourselves what the fuck he did to deserve (Haha, talk about a super prize) to show his life on TV. The fact is, I’m not objective because I hate that stuff. I have zero interest in anything celebrities related, especially when it comes to their love life/partying/children. I don’t fucking care about that. So, you know, I should hate him. I should despise him – I don’t. Truth be told, he annoyed and maddened me sometimes, but no, I don’t loathe him. Yet I did get pissed at his continual comments about girls doing blowjobs to him. I mean, was it really necessary to refer to them every time he was at a party? Every fucking time? I don’t think so. But move on.

So, yeah. Josh’s an asshole and a womanizer – sorry but there’s no other way to put it. Josh’s an asshole and yet, I doesn’t hate him, because first he’s unapologetic and doesn’t ask for people – including the readers – to love him and then he isn’t the love interest here. Don’t get fooled, I’m not saying that he’s that kind of super jerk but broken inside many authors LOVE throwing at us, because he’s not. He’s way more complex and interesting than that. According to me, although he doesn’t strike people as the unconfident type, he’s afraid and doesn’t trust himself for shit. In my opinion? He’s just feeling lonely but hey, I’m not a psy you know, only a teacher^^. Anyway – Josh struggles to become the person he wants to be, hell, he doesn’t even know who he wants to be, and to see him growing up was fantastic.

✘ I’m not gonna lie, Vanessa wasn’t my favorite person in Behind the Scenes. Not because of the scheme they had to play with Liam (in my opinion Allie should have said what she thought, but hey, who am I to judge?) but although she was an interesting character, I had a hard time relating to her and yes, I have to admit that to me she was quite a bore.

So, did she improve here? Well, I kind of hated her at first. She annoyed me so much. But in the end? Definitely. Even if she doesn’t become my favorite character, being in her head helped me to understand her better, and in the end, I’m glad to have gotten the opportunity to really know her, even if I wasn’t always feeling involved in her story unfortunately. I mean, I enjoyed her romance with Brin, but in my opinion we didn’t get enough time to really become involved in their relationship. I definitely wanted more of them together, let’s say.

✘ I know they aren’t under the lights here (Haha) but can I say that I was ecstatic to see Liam and Allie again? Well, let’s be frank, mostly Liam. Really, I don’t know under what spell I fell, but every time he appears I can’t help but smile like a complete moron. However, I have to say that to see their relationship’s evolution through Vanessa and Josh’s eyes worried me something fierce. Of course I understand that life goes in the way and that people, even in love, don’t always act perfectly but damn, that was painful for me, and sometimes I felt like Liam acted out of character. And… Oh, fuck that. I’m just gonna say it : I cared more about Liam than I did about Josh or Vanessa, and I’m not sure it’s a good thing. Is it because I love his character too much that I wasn’t able to completely invest myself in their story? I don’t know. Maybe. It’s just how it was.

✘ Finally, the other girls – namely Shannah and all – were portrayed as such stereotypical bitches, for real, and as in Behind the Scenes, it did bother me. Really, it made me wonder if I was just too naive about the girls living in that world – anyway, I can’t believe that they’re all like that, I can’t, and if I’m wrong, well, it’s on me.

► When I reread what I wrote about the characters, it occurs to me that you may wonder why I liked this book if I wasn’t their biggest fan, but THAT’S THE THING!I’ll take flawed but realistic characters over perfectly boring ones any day, as long as the author doesn’t try to justify their actions. Dahlia Adler never does that. Josh is an asshole? Sure. Nobody is forcing me to love him – yet he is complex and multi-layered, he evolves, so YES, he IS interesting as a character (and he did make me laugh so much, but then, I may have an horrible sense of humor, because you know, I’m French and all)

Well, despite the fact that I didn’t quite like it as much as Behind the scenesbut let’s face it, I’m such a fangirI when it comes to Liam, I can’t even believe myself, I thought it was a pretty courageous book, for starters, because it comes as a surprise.

Indeed this is NOT our regular contemporary romance. And this is so much BETTER as it is.

✘ This is not about a guy who’s going to fix some girl – or some guy, for that matter.

▪” /> This is about finding your place in the world.
▪” /> This is about difference and how to live in a world that put people in little boxes.
▪” /> This is about emancipation and how to learn to be true to yourself.
▪” /> This is about friendship and family – and what we’re ready to do to protect it.

And yes, we get to see Liam again but I have to stop being obsessed now. I swear, I will!

Oh, and by the way, this writing? I’m in love with it, and I shall read anything Dahlia Adler writes.


“Anyone who doesn’t want you to be happy with who you are is an asshole. Fuck pleasing everyone else. You only live once. Who are you gonna do it for?”

► What are you waiting for? Go discover these awesome books!

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I’m an Associate Editor of Mathematics by day, a Copy Editor by night, and I blog at The Daily Dahlia, YA Misfits, and the Barnes & Noble book blog. I also write contemporary YA (The Daylight Falls duology) and NA (The Radleigh University series). Rec-ing books is approximately my favorite thing in the universe, with macarons being a close second. Come say hi on Twitter, where I’m @MissDahlELama!
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