by Eliza Crewe
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Meda Melange has officially hung up her monstrous mantle and planted her feet firmly on the holy and righteous path of a Crusader-in-training. Or, at least, she’s willing to give it a shot. It helps that the Crusaders are the only thing standing between her and the demon hordes who want her dead.
The problem is, the only people less convinced than Meda of her new-found role as Good Girl are the very Crusaders she’s trying to join. So when a devilishly handsome half-demon boy offers escape, how’s a girl supposed to say “no?”
After all, everyone knows a good girl’s greatest weakness is a bad boy.
► I’m the black sheep of the crowd on this one, and to be frank, it’s the first time I pondered if I would post a review or not, because at first I felt like I wouldn’t be able to explain my feelings. But it was without counting my complete inability to shut up. Hey, everyone has his own flaws, right?
Just – hear me out : I can’t deny that Eliza Crewe does an INCREDIBLE job at ruining all the stereotypes we can expect in a PNR, and for that, really, BRAVO. As you will see, I developed more my reproaches because let’s face it : most of readers agree with what I loved. No need to explain again why Meda is amazing.
▒ Awesome facts about Crushed ▒
▧ No TSTL heroine, but Meda, basically the most powerful weapon living on earth and a believable selfish person by the way (believable because really? How many selfless people do you think there are on Earth? Huh? Am I pessimistic? I am pessimistic). Not to mention her sarcastic thoughts and her craving for freedom. Favorite scene? Her coloring-bonding with little children. PRECIOUS.
▧ No instalove, but characters who struggle to trust each others, and WITH REASONS, because duh, war it is.
▧ No girl hate, but FRIENDSHIP GUYS!! Woot woot! (I missed Chi, though)
▧ Armand is quite stereotypical but then, his puppy sexy eyes won. Well this and the fact that he doesn’t hide behind false pretences : you want a demon? You got a demon. Bad, bad me. Oh, and for ONCE here’s a French character who doesn’t annoy me (even if the French accent has no effect on me, of course). I even giggled a little at his “mademoiselle” –
Mademoiselle. Do you know that officially this word isn’t meant to be used anymore in France? YES BECAUSE WE’RE ALL MADAMES NOW (yes, it’s in the law, for the official papers anyway). And I fucking love it. It’s no one business if I’m married or not, and I don’t need to be married to get the “adult word” that “madame” always was. Not to mention that men never had this kind of “young word”. But I digress, sorry.
“You arranged a murder?” Awww, that’s so sweet.
“Nothing elaborate, of course.” He grins slyly. “Didn’t want to overdo it on a first date.”
And he ruins it.”
▧ Feminists vibes, which if subtle, were definitely here. My favorite of the bunch is …
“Some might call me a ‘tease’, but I don’t believe it. ‘Tease’ implies that I owe him something, that I should feel guilty. As if my flirtation is forced on him and he merely tolerates it for an eventual pay-out. That’s bullshit. We both have goals in our little game; why should his goal (sex) take priority over mine (to mess with his head)? Is it because he’s a man?”
YOU GO GIRL. *thumbs up*
▒ Let me down facts about Crushed ▒
▧ In my opinion the story dragged in the first half, and if I always loved Meda, the plot never captivated me. Look, I see what makes this book a favorite for a lot of my friends, I really do. This is a complete case of “It’s not the book but me”, because I have to admit that I wasn’t enthralled as I thought I would be. To be frank, I think that I’m not a PNR reader anymore – Plots involving demons and all that stuff just rub me the wrong way and that’s the same thing with Urban Fantasy : It’s not for me, not for now, anyway.
▧ We don’t know enough things about the demons AT ALL. Maybe that’s just me, but I like to make my opinion by myself and as it is, I don’t know them enough. One might argue that DUH, demons are demons for fuck sake (!!!) but isn’t it the whole point of the series? If Meda gets to catch our attention and love because nothing is as simple as it seems, why couldn’t we learn more about the demons and their possible complex nature? Because tell me, if the demons are bad and the crusaders are the good ones, what’s new to this? Let’s face it, we already know that the crusaders aren’t perfect, and I LOVE THAT. I only want for the demons to not be Manichean either, but perhaps am I asking for too much.
▧ Miscommunications. Hey, don’t look at me. I never hid that it IS one of my peeves. I can’t wrap my head around situations where people only had to TALK to each others for the story to change.
▧ Was I supposed to not guess one of the end’s major twist? Huh? While it didn’t prevent me from liking the story, I can’t say that I didn’t see it coming. And frankly, I didn’t feel a lot of things. I don’t know. Oh, well. I can’t force myself to feel invested.
► Here I am – while I liked following Meda again, sadly the story didn’t hold my interest the whole time I was reading and yeah, I’m disappointed. But then, I’m clearly in the minority on this one, so don’t let my opinion stop you from meeting Meda, because the girl ROCKS.