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BOOK REVIEW – I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1) by Barry Lyga

BOOK REVIEW – I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1) by Barry LygaI Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1)
by Barry Lyga
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What if the world's worst serial killer...was your dad?

Jasper "Jazz" Dent is a likable teenager. A charmer, one might say.

But he's also the son of the world's most infamous serial killer, and for Dear Old Dad, Take Your Son to Work Day was year-round. Jazz has witnessed crime scenes the way cops wish they could—from the criminal's point of view.

And now bodies are piling up in Lobo's Nod.

In an effort to clear his name, Jazz joins the police in a hunt for a new serial killer. But Jazz has a secret—could he be more like his father than anyone knows?

The fact is, I love Dexter. Wait – I mean, early Dexter. Not the I-wonder-out-loud-while-doing-the-thing-I’m-wondering-out-loud-about-Dexter we’re forced to stand in the end. What Dexter? Come on! See, everything is in the voice-over and Oh, dear. Don’t get me started about the dumbest thing the show became in the end.

So, I loved Dexter. I love everything serial-killer related. Therefore I was prepared to love this book. It didn’t disappoint. I guess here’s the moment where I must warn you that even though it’s YA, this story isn’t for the faint of heart because we come across some really disturbing and gore scenes. But then, the serial killer deal must have already warned you, right?

Do you think we can turn someone into a serial killer? How much does our upbringing influence our actions? Can we turn our back on faith? Is faith a real deal or just a bunch of irrational fears? Can we fight our interne violence lurking?

“The killer was a badass. Talk about supreme confidence. Jazz couldn’t help it; he sort of admired the guy.
People matter. People are real. People matter…

Crime : Larceny.

Indeed after a slow start, this book was such a page-turner that I gave into it hours long without thinking about anything else, hooked as I was. Isn’t it the perfect larceny? No?

What? Just look at the definition.
felonious taking or stealing : okay, I was completely willing. There’s that.
of someone else’s personal goods or property : Hours of my time
valued above (for grand) or below (for petty) a specific amount (which is $100 in many States) : my time is worthless, duh, meaning it’s priceless.
with the intent to deprive the owner permanently of the goods or property. I’m pretty sure that’s permanent, except for some lucky characters of SF novels.

Now, do I regret reading it? Not by a long shot.

Crime scene : Lobo’s Nod

Here’s a little village where nothing never happens. Hmm. Well. Except that thing – you know, the arrest of one of the biggest serial-killer of all times – aka Jazz’s father. Okay, there’s that.

Motives of the crime : Play with your mind

This book appears to be some psychological and thought-provoking thriller, as we are immerged in Jazz’s somehow disturbed mind, getting an insight in the mind of that particular kid who’s been raised by a monster. Of course I loved that, what do you think?

Suspects : There’s enough depth in the characters to make them enthralling and interesting to follow.

Jasper ‘Jazz’ Dent, teenager, raised by a serial killer, who’s continually afraid to cross the boundaries between good and evil. Oh, man, talk about daddy issues. What a tortured kid, and for reasons. Being in his head, hearing his father pieces of advices, following him while he tries to act as a human, to read people correctly in order to appear normal, to be normal, to kill no one, because People Matter guys… That was fascinating to see him struggle between his desire to be good and the darkest parts of his mind who made him wonder…. If… If he gave in… If he let them flow… What would happen?

“And there were the urges. The feelings. The memories. The things that he’d been taught and then forgotten, but that lurked somewhere in his brain’s basement, ready to strike like stalkers in the night.”

Haunted – Jasper’s haunted. By this father’s actions. By the way he was raised. By his fears to become a real legacy for his serial killer of a father. By this knife he can’t help but see in his nightmares. Haunted. Broken in a way nobody can understand. Because he won’t let them see.

Don’t get fooled though : Jasper is no innocent victim. He’s manipulative and flashing his mega-watt smile comes just as easily to him as breathing – he became a master of “looking normal”, and has a millions expressions in his arsenal to use when needed. As his father, he’s charming, handsome, and looks completely above suspicion. Actually he reminded me of Dexter in the way he has to read people to know how to act sometimes : Is Connie happy? Hmm, yeah, she seems to be. I mean, the girl does smile. That’s a good sign right? (Little tips : that’s not always a good sign). He’s got also this dark humor I loved in Dexter, this ability to see life through a twisted glass, to see people as they truly are, free of their false pretenses… Or so he thinks.

Jasper, always on the edge of… Jasper, for whom I ended caring deeply.

Howie, best-friend of sub-mentioned Jazz, likes cracking inappropriate jokes, and suffers from hemophilia. This loyal kid cracked me up something fierce.

G. William, State sheriff – too nice to be true, but then, guilt and pity can do that to people, I’ve been told.

Connie, Jazz’s girlfriend, is a stronger Rita (yes, Dexter’s Rita, remember?). As Jazz expresses it, she’s his anchor, his human part, somehow… The one who’s not afraid to tell him that this killer joke, now, wasn’t the best idea he could have. Can he swear never telling it again? Yeah? Good. In my opinion she’s perfect for him.

About their relationship, it seems important to mention that contrary to many YA books, the author didn’t take the simplistic approach of the overwhelming romance we often find : indeed instead of creating a new romance, he chose to show us the developments of an already existing relationship, adding more depth to its treatment in my opinion.

“Maybe it was a guy/girl thing.
He hoped that’s all it was. What if it was a predator/prey thing? A human thing? What if he was losing his connection to her? God, don’t let that be.”

► Evidences aka what you must know about the plot

✔ There’s a serial-killer running in the wild, and Jazz’s mission is to catch him. Or so he thinks. Did I guess who the killer was? Nope, but then, I’m all kinds of stupid with thriller sometimes, and most of the readers guessed earlier. Now, I don’t think guessing would spoil the read because what’s important here is the journey through Jazz’s mind in my opinion. That’s where this book is filled with originality. You want to read a regular investigation? Go in the bookstore, check the thrillers. There’s tons of them. Will you find other Jaspers? I don’t think so.

✔ I can’t deny that the way police officers let Jazz investigate can appear completely unbelievable, being a teenager and all.

✔ Of course we can wonder WHY in the world doesn’t Jazz hide or, I don’t know, moves in another town. Let’s face it, if he did I wouldn’t write this review, because there would be no book, so, well… Moreover, I really think that guilt can grandly influence people behavior, so his need to show that he’s good, that he isn’t like his father? That’s believable to me.

✔ I developed an unhealthy crush on Jazz. Bad me.

: Why, of course I recommend.

BOOK REVIEW – Stolent Songbird (The Malediction Trilogy #1) by Danielle L. Jensen

BOOK REVIEW – Stolent Songbird (The Malediction Trilogy #1) by Danielle L. JensenStolen Songbird (The Malediction Trilogy #1)
by Danielle L. Jensen
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For five centuries, a witch’s curse has bound the trolls to their city beneath the ruins of Forsaken Mountain. Time enough for their dark and nefarious magic to fade from human memory and into myth. But a prophesy has been spoken of a union with the power to set the trolls free, and when Cécile de Troyes is kidnapped and taken beneath the mountain, she learns there is far more to the myth of the trolls than she could have imagined.

Cécile has only one thing on her mind after she is brought to Trollus: escape. Only the trolls are clever, fast, and inhumanly strong. She will have to bide her time, wait for the perfect opportunity.

But something unexpected happens while she’s waiting – she begins to fall for the enigmatic troll prince to whom she has been bonded and married. She begins to make friends. And she begins to see that she may be the only hope for the half-bloods – part troll, part human creatures who are slaves to the full-blooded trolls. There is a rebellion brewing. And her prince, Tristan, the future king, is its secret leader.

As Cécile becomes involved in the intricate political games of Trollus, she becomes more than a farmer’s daughter. She becomes a princess, the hope of a people, and a witch with magic powerful enough to change Trollus forever.

What I loved in Stolen Songbird can be summed up by the sentence above. Indeed, what’s better than a book which shows the ability to surprise you?

“I think it is our nature to believe evil always has an ugly face,” he said, ignoring my question. “Beauty is supposed to be good and kind, and to discover it otherwise is like a betrayal of trust. A violation of the nature of things.”

What you expect : Regular Trolls
✔  What you get : WIN! Absolutely not the ugly and stupid creatures Trolls are known to be.

Now, I know a big amount of readers were annoyed by the fact that the Trolls aren’t like we could expect but come on. COME ON. Regular Trolls? They’re so fucking lame and stupid. I mean, how in the world could I have been interested in the story if the Trolls were what we’re told they are in other fantasy books? How? During what I love to call my “fantasy days”, when the only books I read except for the classics I studied in Uni were fantasy books, I met a lot of Trolls, and let me tell you, I never ever felt a spark of interest toward them. Never. The guys are morons big ugly creatures used as villains more often than not, and damn, I grew tired of this shit. The “Special Guy” (yes, guy, because have you noticed that Special Girls aren’t that frequent in Fantasy?) must fulfill the World Saving mission he’s been asked to? He met fucking Trolls in the journey. And let’s the battle begin. Sigh.

Excuse me if I prefer BY FAR the way Trolls are portrayed here : clever, designed to rule the world, filled with magic, not sexist (yes, that’s important), and, yes, “handsome”, because it seems to be the major problem for a lot of persons. Not for me. Oh, wait. Am I the only one who think that a lack of symmetry can be completely freaky? Okay, Tristan is handsome. And I’m not complaining because let’s face it : I don’t ship overly beautiful male-leads but come on : a troll like I used to read about in fantasy would have been an awkward love interest, I must admit, because they are STUPID MORONS, remember. Is it bad if I hope that Tristan had more scars, though? Yeah? Well, sue me.

What you expect : A conceited Troll Prince who’s going to fall in love at first sight.
What you get : WIN! The incarnation of what I love in male-leads, no less.

Let me tell you, Tristan is THE guy, as he is *take a huge breath* sarcastic, strong-minded, protective but not creepy, sexy, adorable and selfless. He is Ash’s material, and I’m weighing my words here. One could say that he’s far too perfect, but in my opinion he’s not, because he does have flaws. The thing is, his flaws are the kinds that I love. He hides the truth and doesn’t give his trust easily? Thanks god he doesn’t! He’s a master of deception? I ship that. In life and in books, I often find myself hating when people tell stories about themselves, about the way they are, so special, little things, while their acts say otherwise. In my opinion, Tristan shows bravery, the real courage that is to accept to show a sick image of himself to protect those for whom he cares, as Jérôme says. Oh, and he made me laugh. And swoon. And ache.

“The one, the only, as they like to say,” Tristan said affably, brushing off his coat where I’d bumped into him.
“Which ‘they’ would that be?” I asked.
“Oh, you know. Them.” He waved a hand in the air, dismissing the question.”

Annnnd I’m leaving it at this otherwise my review would only be more and more declarations of love for Tristan, and you don’t want to read this, do you?

What you expect : A TSTL heroine with no other purpose that falling in love
What you get : WIN! A brave and funny female-lead we can relate to.

Cécile is full of awesomeness. Oh, look at this : Cécile. I still don’t understand why all the names are French in this book but that cracked me up at the beginning, because what is supposed to look exotic feels just … random to me. But then, I agreed with a friend the other day because as a fantasy reader I’m sometimes appalled by the names which are chosen, Terkana, Urkira, Putrok (I’m totally creating these), so the way they used French names here is somehow refreshing. French’s exotic, guys. Or not, buuuut that’s another story.

“Oh? And what feelings, pray tell, does this represent?”
I lifted my chin and looked him straight in the eye.
“My feelings for you, dear husband.”

So, Cécile. Let’s make a little list of what I loved in her, shall we?
• Be careful, because that might astonish you, but the girl has a life she doesn’t want to leave behind, and her opinion doesn’t change when she meets the magnificent Tristan. I know, I know, how fierce of her, right?
She’s never TSTL in my opinion. I mean, yeah, she does make mistakes and knows some instant-jerk reactions, but even if I was worried and mad at some point, never, at any moment, wasn’t I able to understand why she reacted in such way. Actually, she reminds me of Megan from The Iron Fey series, and although I realize that a lot of readers didn’t like her, I always thought that her mistakes were understandable and above that, fucking realistic. Have you never react without thinking of the consequences because you were upset? Nope? Ha, if that’s the case, you’re far better than me in a lot of ways.
She’s not straight-on bitchy to other women, and she manages to develop girls friends. Fuck YEAH!
• She knows how to defend herself from sarcastic comments *rubs hands*

What you expect : Instalove & Instalust, if you’re lucky like that.
What you get : WIN! A realistic, cute and adorable romance.

▶ Indeed I absolutely loved how their feelings gradually increase, without the sudden trust that never fails to annoy me in several YA books, nope. They’re bonded together? Correct. Do they trust each other first time they meet? Oh, Fuck no, because you know what? Trust must be earn, as in real life : how amazing is that? Moreover, the “I’m going to let everybody think that I hate you” trope? I’m such a sucker for that shit!

What you expect : A story focused on the main characters
What you get : WIN! Interesting and well-portrayed secondary characters

What you expect : A slow-paced, about 500 pages read
What you get : WIN! Such a page-turner that you wonder how in the world it could really be 500 pages.

To say that the story was captivating would be an understatement : the plot is well-wrapped and the ending brings just the right amount of closure and angst, making you want to read the sequel immediately.

What you expect : Miscommunication driven angst
What you get : FAIL! Miscommunication driven angst

▶ Lack of communication driven angst never fails to piss me off, and Sigh. There was a moment where I was both worried and mad, because while I could understand Cécile’s instant-jerk reactions, I was appalled at the same time because never before she let her temper drive her actions. What? I wasn’t expecting that, dammit, she didn’t make me accustomed to such behavior!

Annnnd that’s where I’m feeling unfair because let’s face it, if she had made me used to this kind of stupid (sorry, but it WAS stupid) behavior I wouldn’t have loved her but she didn’t so I did like her and then I felt stabbed in the back. Oh, well. I’m just going to accept that sometimes I’m worse than a spoiled child. There.

Moreover, as much as I appreciate the fact that the secondary characters were multi-layered (Anaïs included), I failed to understand some of their reactions at some point, reactions that I found out of character.

What you expect : Unoriginal plot and world-building
What you get : I can’t say that the plot isn’t original, it wouldn’t be true. However I can’t deny either that the world contains many similarities with The Iron fey series. As it is, I can’t really complain because hell, I loved this series, but I would feel dishonest if I didn’t bring this issue.

• A human MC in a world ruled by magic
• These people can’t lie, and their promises are unbreakable, because you’re bonded by them
• A hero who isn’t who he seems at first, and acts as he hates the heroine to protect her
• The Trolls can be wounded by iron.
• There is a Summer and a Winter Court.

There. The similarities ARE here. Now, did they prevent me from enjoying the story? Of course not. Writers always take inspiration in other works, and that’s for the best, if they don’t end copying another book’s plot and calling it their own. Here it’s far from plagiary, therefore I’m completely okay with that.

PS : A friend just told me that some readers thought that the Trolls here might be Fae in disguise. That’s a smart theory, which would explain a lot of things. I guess we’ll see 🙂

“Correct again. Remind me to choose you for my team if we ever play charades. I like a stacked team.”
Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
stolen songbird danielle jensen
Stolen Songbird #1

hidden huntress danielle jensen
Hidden Huntress #2
warrior witch danielle l jensen
Hidden Huntress #3

BOOK REVIEW – The Rosie Project (Don Tillman #1) by Graeme Simsion

BOOK REVIEW – The Rosie Project (Don Tillman #1) by Graeme SimsionThe Rosie Project (Don Tillman #1)
by Graeme Simsion
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Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. He is a man who can count all his friends on the fingers of one hand, whose lifelong difficulty with social rituals has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. So when an acquaintance informs him that he would make a “wonderful” husband, his first reaction is shock. Yet he must concede to the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and he embarks upon The Wife Project. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which he approaches all things, Don sets out to find the perfect partner. She will be punctual and logical—most definitely not a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker, or a late-arriver.

Yet Rosie Jarman is all these things. She is also beguiling, fiery, intelligent—and on a quest of her own. She is looking for her biological father, a search that a certain DNA expert might be able to help her with. Don's Wife Project takes a back burner to the Father Project and an unlikely relationship blooms, forcing the scientifically minded geneticist to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie—and the realization that love is not always what looks good on paper.

From the moment I finished it I knew I had one critical task to perform : To review this project book.

Although the timing is particularly annoying, I realized that the several options I faced made my choice incredibly clear.

Not reviewing this book, resulting in damage to this book’s fame, which would be appalling due to the fact that it’s fucking awesome.

Rescheduling this review to another time, resulting in loss of memories and leading to a probable abandonment of the task in the long term.

Reviewing this book, resulting in loss of time to read others books, including Stolen Songbird which I already started (with good vibes), fact that increased my eagerness to resume it.

After a prompt analyze of this data, I take the decision to write this review which will be as evidence-based as possible, that is to say, close to none. ← Please refer to option #3 to understand why.

Subject 1 : Don, narrator.
Gender : Male
Age : 39
Appearance : Average, but the presence of a six-pack due to extreme Aikido training deserves to be mentioned. The clothing is practical, highly influenced by a) the weather, b) that’s about it. Please don’t talk about jacket if your meaning is limited to “conventional jacket”, otherwise you would have to face an hilarious misunderstanding. Now that I think about it, please mislead us, that’s too deliciously funny to forget.

“But why, why, why can’t people just say what they mean?”

Relationship status : After realizing that many women didn’t get his over-organized way of living, Don decided to start the Wife Project, following the batshit crazy idea where women have to apply to a questionnaire – I KNOW!! – to decipher if a relationship would be sustainable.

Sub-mentioned project will lead to :

a) Awkward and head-desk situations which still always remain smile-inducing and never maddening (it seems important to mention because the Wife Project can appear to objectify women (it does – but that’s clear from the beginning that Don is wrong). Well, you’ll probably be annoyed by him at some point, but don’t worry, subject 2 is coming.

b) As previously mentioned, hilarious misunderstandings.

“I turned to see him – he was large and angry. In order to prevent further violence, I was forced to sit on him.
‘Get the fuck off me. I’ll fucking kill you,’ he said.
On that basis, it seemed illogical to grant his request.”

c) Adorable and swoon-worthy scenes from the moment subject 2 is introduced. Yes, because there is EVOLUTION in Don’s character. I know, big word, right? Exciting.

Subject 2 : Rosie, troublemaker.
Gender : Female

Oh,  FUCK THAT. I’m not a scientist by any means. You want to know who Rosie is?

Let me tell you : she’s an utterly likeable female lead who’s going to bring the unexpected in Don’s life, shatter his (numerous) believes and stereotypes, and make you love her in the process. Smart, strong-minded, sarcastic, sure of her value as a person, the madness she personifies stirs up the winds of freedom in Don’s life and damn, I enjoyed that something fierce. Note that by madness I mean “not as overly strict as Don”, so her description can be applied to any woman who doesn’t want to be imprisoned in an artificial straightjacket, and loathes that some guys think that women are only good to cook and fuck. I say yes to this.

Controversies : The Butterfly Problem.
At this point you might wonder why I’m only giving it 3.5 stars. The fact is, as awesome as I found the idea and the execution of it, I felt underwhelmed at times. In a word, it lacked feels for me. As it is, I’m able to point that’s The Rosie Project is an original and cute read, but the butterflies were too rare, even if they were here for sure (note that several scenes will make you Awww out loud). What can I say? I need my shoot at butterflies. However, I can’t deny that the character of Don, the fact that’s his POV, drives this lack of feels so maybe that’s the point, you know? That’s why I rounded up my rating to a 4.

Results : Why should you read this book?
Because The Rosie Project is a tale of metamorphose, by the acceptance of others for who they truly are and the acceptance of who WE are. Can I say? For all his awkwardness, and surely because of it, Don is an adorable and heartbreaking character whose desire to fit in moved me – because the world we’re living in doesn’t always accept differences and that’s a shame in my opinion. A fucking huge one.

In a word? Such an originally written cute romance.

“I asked you here tonight because when you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

BOOK REVIEW – Charm and Strange by Stephanie Kuehn

BOOK REVIEW – Charm and Strange by Stephanie KuehnCharm and Strange by Stephanie Kuehn
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No one really knows who Andrew Winston Winters is. Least of all himself. He is part Win, a lonely teenager exiled to a remote boarding school in the wake of a family tragedy. The guy who shuts the whole world out, no matter the cost, because his darkest fear is of himself ...of the wolfish predator within. But he's also part Drew, the angry boy with violent impulses that control him. The boy who, one fateful summer, was part of something so terrible it came close to destroying him. A deftly woven, elegant, unnerving psychological thriller about a boy at war with himself. Charm and Strange is a masterful exploration of one of the greatest taboos.

Note that I’m not usually the biggest fan of books that hold the truth too long but damn, I enjoyed this one way too much to complain.

How to cook an incredible and dark mindfuck?

TAKE an unreliable narrator who I *cough* loved? Am I bad? I mean, to say that the guy is pretty fucked-up is an understatement – even at 10, if I dare to say it. But still, *take a huge breath* I absolutely enjoyed following him and trying to understand his actions – I’m not even talking about his thoughts, otherwise I’d be going round and round in circles, and you don’t want to see that, am I right?


That’s what I thought.

“From what I can tell, morality is a word. Nothing more. There’s the things people do when others are watching and the things we do when they aren’t.”

What can I say? I find myself in awe of writers who are able to make me CARE deeply about tortured and slightly evil souls, and I can’t deny that here I rooted for Drew since page one, despite his obvious flaws and his batshit crazy behavior at times.

PUT HIM on the layer of several storylines, let’s say, two, settled at 2 different times :
– when Drew was 10 and lived with his family.
– and nowadays, when he attends a boarding school at 16. What? I’m not going to comment on this.

Both storylines bring more and more questions to fulfill this psychological mystery which is Win’s life, and won’t let you indifferent.

ADD A FEW PINCHES of vague sentences like “I know what you’re going through lately”, “I’m such a dangerous person”, “I saw what you did!” and also a lot of “what are you talking about?”, “Is it bad if I like you still?”, “Screw real life I just want to know what happens” ← those are mine.

MIX it all well with a powerful and addictive writing, which blends poetic and sharp sentences in a master way, and haunted me from the beginning to the end.

SEASON with paranormal mental hospital coming of age elements. What? There : I don’t know! Happy now?

FRY the mixture with several awful characters, a creepy and disturbing plot and some crazy feelings – and underneath, the violence lurking. Always, always this violence we can’t outrun.

Congratulations! You’ve been mindfucked pretty well.

You’re welcome.

Warning : Don’t get fooled by my review, this book deals with pretty heavy subjects. And it does it masterfully. Hence the 5 stars rating.

“I am of the sea.
I am of instability.
I am of harsh, choppy waves roiling with all the up-ness, down-ness, top-ness, bottom-ness, contained within my being.
I am of charm and strange.”

BOOK REVIEW – The Deal (Off Campus #1) by Elle Kennedy

BOOK REVIEW – The Deal (Off Campus #1) by Elle KennedyThe Deal (Off Campus #1)
by Elle Kennedy
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She’s about to make a deal with the college bad boy...

Hannah Wells has finally found someone who turns her on. But while she might be confident in every other area of her life, she’s carting around a full set of baggage when it comes to sex and seduction. If she wants to get her crush’s attention, she’ll have to step out of her comfort zone and make him take notice…even if it means tutoring the annoying, childish, cocky captain of the hockey team in exchange for a pretend date.

...and it’s going to be oh so good.

All Garrett Graham has ever wanted is to play professional hockey after graduation, but his plummeting GPA is threatening everything he’s worked so hard for. If helping a sarcastic brunette make another guy jealous will help him secure his position on the team, he’s all for it. But when one unexpected kiss leads to the wildest sex of both their lives, it doesn’t take long for Garrett to realize that pretend isn’t going to cut it. Now he just has to convince Hannah that the man she wants looks a lot like him.

What do you mean by “You got the wrong book here?” Because I heard that confessions were fashionable these days. So let’s go, shall we?

Confession # 1 : I kinda liked it.

But don’t say anyone, you hear me?

I know, I KNOW. The fact is, if The Deal is by no means a perfect book, and if I had issues I will explain, I enjoyed my read more often than not. That’s something important to stress in a New Adult book, don’t you think? That’s what I thought.

Confession # 2 : I might have rolled my eyes a few times here. ░

Who am I kidding? I totally did.

► First things first, let me tell you that the beginning was cliché as hell. Let’s look at it, shall we?

Through the first 20%, we see – WAIT FOR IT –
✔ a college hockey player who happens to be 1) a manwhore, 2) rich, 3) with daddy issues
✔ a music-major MC who 1) is immune to manwhore mentioned above, 2) is sarcastic with him, 3) was previously raped
Hot chicks who only want to screw manwhore mentioned above because 1) he’s hot, DUH and 2) He has an enviable popular status which is nice to share
✔ a fake relationship aka the favorite twist of Harlequin

Yes that was violent and yes I was annoyed. Truth to be told, if friends who I trust hadn’t swear to me that the cliché hell would end, perhaps I would have stopped my read. Things being what they are, I continued on, and I don’t regret it at all. Continue reading

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