by S. Walden
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An edgy, forbidden romance that explores what happens behind closed doors. One mistake can transform your life and alter your path, leading you in directions you never dreamed possible. What would you do if you met a man that was so absolutely irresistable….and then found out later that he was going to be your teacher for the rest of your senior year of High School?
More than once I found myself asking what I would do if I found myself in the same situation. On one hand, we are taught there’s a certain age where things become acceptable, a certain age where you’re old enough to decide what you want to do with your life and where you want to take it-what path you want to pursue. Should a girl that is soon to be a legal adult indulge in a secret affair with her calculus teacher? Absolutely not. It’s just not acceptable in society, and it is assumed that the teacher is a pervert or a predator-I mean, the girl is in High School, after all. But on the other hand, the idea of an illicit love affair with a man who adores and cherishes me, despite our substantial age gap? Errrrmmm…..yes, please. If she/I is eighteen, doesn’t that then become her/my choice? It’s a fine line-how do you really distinguish what’s right or wrong? You don’t. There will always be the opinions of your parents and older influences around you, and there will always be those who believe they have the right to do as they please once they turn eighteen, and that’s what this story is all about: Blurred lines.