Tag: Mystery (Page 18 of 19)

BOOK REVIEW – Desires of the Dead (The Body Finder #2) by Kimberly Derting

BOOK REVIEW – Desires of the Dead (The Body Finder #2) by Kimberly DertingDesires of the Dead (The Body Finder #2)
by Kimberly Derting
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So here I am again with a short and sweet review. Violet and Jay are only continuing their journey from book one, and there’s no need to write a long, drawn out review about their undying love for one another and Violet’s ability to ‘sense’ the unsettled dead that call to her.

More than anything, this book was based around the growth of Jay and Violet’s relationship-the trust that is earned and given between a new couple. But Jay and Violet have been best friends since they were young, so the trust is already there in spades…until she has to tell Jay what she believes about his new friend’s family, causing a rift among them they’ve never experienced before.

I loved how the ‘killer’s’ POV was represented in this story-through the seven deadly sins. I thought it was cool how she began the incorporation of the sins into the mind of the weirdo that was supposedly stalking Violet. It did become a little forced and a bit of a stretch when the sins started to dwindle down to gluttony and sloth, but I still liked what came of the story because of this creativity. I do wish the author chose to keep the identity somewhat mysterious for us to figure out as readers in each installment of this series, but the story is still good enough to keep me interested without the mystery. Even with the ‘twists’ she generally throws in, they aren’t hard to figure out. But, as I said, I still thoroughly enjoyed the story despite the lack of unpredictability.

There’s still a somewhat corny feel to the story, but I think it was less so in this second one. I am used to the writing and it’s so subtle that I can hardly complain about it-I’ve chosen to continue the series so why not enjoy the light, fun read? I still love Jay and Vi, they make an adorable couple despite their little fight that ultimately tested how strongly they felt for one another, and I am excited to finish this series with books three and four on a strong note.

BOOK REVIEW – Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress #1) by Jeaniene Frost

BOOK REVIEW – Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress #1) by Jeaniene FrostHalfway to the Grave (Night Huntress #1)
by Jeaniene Frost
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*4.5 Color Me Surprised Stars*

My chin stuck out. Pride or peril, take your pick.

I’m not going to say that this was the most groundbreaking and extraordinary book I’ve ever read, but it had something I have been missing for a while now-a male lead that, while undead, was still the most loyal, sweet, endearing, and attentive guy I have read about in a while. Sure, I had to substitute his platinum hair for brown immediately….a discussion that was at the forefront of the buddy read thread since we couldn’t focus on anything but that dreadful hair color for quite a bit, but Bones managed to weasle his way into my daydreams as I sat mindlessly at work attempting to finish up so I could just get home and read. And that, my friends, was all I really wanted at this moment-a sweet guy that could take my mind off of every day life if only for a moment.

Cat is half human, half vampire. See, her mother was raped 22 years ago by a vampire, therefore setting Cat up for the ‘job’ she currently holds: killing every vampire she can get her hands on. She wants vengeance for her mother’s fragile state of mind about things that go bump in the night, and also that fact that she is part ‘monster’. Then one night she approaches Bones for her latest kill, and soon her world doesn’t seem quite so black and white as she had once imagined.

You stare straight through me as if I’m not even there. You look at me…and you don’t see a man. You see a vampire, and therefore accord me less substance”

Overall, I would have to settle my inner debate that I liked Cat. At first, I loved her. Then she started to grate on my nerves, because how many times does this awesome vampire guy have to save you, treat you admirably, practically drool all over you (in a non-clingy and very passionate and sweet sort of way) before you realize that he is loyal and not the monster you think his kind to be? That he is perfect for you because he has nothing but respect for you? I just hated seeing her continually hurt his feelings, and it started to become a problem for me. I liked at first that she wasn’t quick to jump in the sack with him-it’s nice to see a heroine not go all mushy right up front, but then after about 50% of the book, I was like, ‘Dude, okay. We get it-you are strong and not easily manipulated-NOW KISS HIM, YOU FOOL!!!’. Then as the story started to wind down, she started to become pretty badass, I will admit. I started to love her again, because that strong will was necessary. So, ultimately, I respected her as a character. (PS, I TOTALLY understand where Cat gets her stubbornness-Damn, but her mother annoyed the living daylights out of me)

“I’m saying I’m a moody, insecure, narrow-minded, jealous, borderline-homicidal bitch, and I want you to promise me that you’re okay with that, because it’s who I am and you’re what I need.”

It can be said that I’m a sap, that I cry at the drop of a hat, and in real life-maybe. But for books, I do have a little backbone when it comes to the tears and hysterics. FOR MOST BOOKS. Now, I knew what was going to happen at the end, because my curiosity knows no bounds and I always research just a little too much, but I STILL started to get a little misty eyed when things unraveled at the closing of the book. And I’m so happy I did-I’m so excited that I cared enough about these characters to give a damn about their well-being. It’s an accomplishment, and I will most definitely be moving forward to the next book tonight. (It should be noted that this is under my ‘tearjerkers’ shelf-I’m getting so blurry about the lines that decipher what needs to be on these shelves….for instance, this should probably be under my ‘cliffhanger’ shelf as well, but I’ve not been accurate on that shelf for a while-I don’t even know what a mild cliffhanger is like anymore because almost every book seems to have a cliffhanger now-ARRRGHHH)

So, no, this wasn’t the most earth shattering story I’ve ever read, but it made me happy. All I wanted was an escape from reality and a fluffy story where things aren’t so complex that I need to ponder them after I’m finished with each chapter, and that’s exactly what I got. A solid, fun group (or pairing) of characters in a somewhat perilous story where no one is safe…and sometimes that’s all you need.

BOOK REVIEW – One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress #2) by Jeaniene Frost

BOOK REVIEW – One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress #2) by Jeaniene FrostOne Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress #2)
by Jeaniene Frost
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Life’s a bitch and then one stabs you.

Ya know….I think these books are like a drug. I’m currently on book three (which is the best, thus far) and I can’t seem to think about reading anything else. I’m perfectly content to just daydream about Bones (the character, not the body parts, mind you) and how much he adores Cat. There’s just something so sweet about a guy who has been around for…forever, and she is the one he fell in love with. There’s just something so sweet and romantic about that and I can’t seem to get these characters out of my thoughts. Call me cheesy, but I’m right where I want to be-dreaming about Bones all day long.

“I knew without a doubt I’d fallen in love when we met. Then I knew I’d do anything to make you feel the same way.”

*spoiler for those who didn’t read book one*

The second installment starts four years after book one where we were left in turmoil of the unfavorable events of the ending of the first story. Cat has started working as a special agent in the government and is relocated in Virginia. After being threatened by Don, the man who is now her boss, she had to choose to leave Bones behind for his own safety-and her mother’s. But I think we all know that Bones isn’t so easily deterred or left behind if we remember anything from book one: If you run from me, I’ll chase you. And I’ll find you….

There’s something to be said for living instead of just existing.

Suffice to say that they find each other again and emotions are high when they do. As things begin to unravel, it becomes clear that they will need Bones’s help, and he begins to work with Cat and her team as well. This was such a funny turn of events. Not only because of the humor that came from Bones and members of her team, but just from the idea of it all: The vampire hunters are working with a vampire. lol

I opened my mouth-and had nothing to refute that with. Damn people who argued using logic. Talk about unfair.

I don’t know that there is much more I can say that wasn’t already said in my first review, seeing as how this is the same series, but I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again-Bones is something special, and he is something that doesn’t come around that often. Sure, we’ve all seen the overprotective paranormal alpha types, but there is just something that separates him from the rest. I can’t quite put my finger on it yet, but he is unique. And I just adore reading about him.

BOOK REVIEW – Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress #4) by Jeaniene Frost

BOOK REVIEW – Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress #4) by Jeaniene FrostDestined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress #4)
by Jeaniene Frost
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“I know you do,” he whispered. “And I love you. Always.”

Ooooooh boy, did this one ever piss me off. By far the most emotions pulled from me yet in this installment, I was seething for at least 20% of this book.
I’ll admit it-I get so engrossed in a story that if, say, something terrible happens to the heroine, it happens to me as well. So when a certain something happened, I wanted to rip everyone apart in the story.

“Kitten.” His voice was thick with something I couldn’t name. “This is the part…where you don’t have a choice.”

I think it goes without saying that each review I’ve written and rating I’ve dubbed for each story in this series has been a 4 or above. This series is completely consistent, and with each new installment, there’s a new hurdle that Bones and Cat must face together-and they are hardly ever cliche.

“All I’ve got is how I live. How I’ll die? That’s the problem of the guy who kills me.” -Tate (I LOVED that line ha)

The writing remains consistent and takes me to another world where I am happy to escape reality-that’s by far my favorite thing about this series. There are no typos. There is consistency in the character development. There is no changing for the sake of the other person-they are who they are and they remain a constant in their ever changing world. I know when I pick up a Night Huntress book, I’m going to get a very loyal male lead. I know Cat is going to be sarastic, fierce, LOYAL, and protective of those she loves, and I know she would do anything for Bones no matter the cost. And finally, I know there are going to be loyal family members and friends backing both Cat and Bones, and that in any situation, they will all come out of it together if at all possible.

“Never let it be said that you’re predictable, Cat.”

I absolutely love this series, and while I’m taking a break so it doesn’t lose the magic, I know it won’t be a mere month before I find myself picking up the next book and falling helplessly back into this perilous world again. I love each character for their uncanny ability to make me laugh, and that in itself is priceless.

BOOK REVIEW – We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

BOOK REVIEW – We Were Liars by E. LockhartWe Were Liars by E. Lockhart
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The four of us Liars, we have always been. We always will be.

I really don’t even know what to say when it comes to this book. In so many ways it had everything I have grown to adore in storytelling-a mysterious, not-as-it-seems story line, characters you never know if you can trust, beautiful, poetic writing, and overall just a vastly different way of delivering inevitable blows: slow, one-two punches to the gut. But with all this being said, there is one truth I can tell you about this story:
Everything I hate in a book, is this book.
Weird, isn’t it? How there can be so many things I love about a book, but more that I hate? I do so love a turn of phrase. 😉

It doesn’t matter if one of us is desperately, desperately in love.
So much
in love
that equally desperate measures
must be taken.

See, I have this fatal flaw where I literally feel guilty for rating a book low. Even now as I type out my reasons for rating this thusly, I feel guilty. But one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that when I clicked the 2 stars, it felt right. I have rated a few books that are written poorly with a shitty story-line 2 stars and in other books rated them 3 even though my feelings merited a 2 star rating. I feel that if a book is written well and I just didn’t love, it doesn’t deserve to be so low as a two: But I’ve found the exception. I can’t give this more than a two. I’m known to overrate for books that most likely don’t deserve it and STILL can’t give this more than two stars. The writing was beautiful and spectacular and the story was masterfully woven…but I felt like shit for every minute of it. I felt horrible and sad and depressed and, sure, I was so excited to see what the end was and, yes, I had been right in some of my assumptions, but I feel that while the end was awesome, this is a case where the end doesn’t justify the means.

“Do not accept an evil you can change.”

I wasn’t satisfied. I felt even more deflated, in fact. And more than that, the liars weren’t such bad liars. Whatever the fuck that means. View Spoiler »

One day I looked at Gat, lying in the Clairmont hammock with a book, and he seemed, well, like he was mine. Like he was my particular person.

I’m sorry to bring other books into this, but I am just so damn anal about what people think of me and my rating system. Ultimately, I want you, my GR friends, to see my reviews and be like, ‘Yeah, I trust what she’s saying and I can relate-she’s not being a total bitch for no reason.’ And I think if people can put into perspective my crazy method of thinking, it will help them to understand that while this one didn’t work for me, it might possibly work for them. So, here is a comparison where the reviews are mixed and I was entirely fair in my rating-View Spoiler » is the book I’ll compare. Now, I knew something horrific was coming in the aforementioned book, and, Hell, I was very damn depressed as I read, but I loved and enjoyed the story and the beautiful and vivid writing. It worked for me because, in my mind, the end did justify the means. Like….it was all built up and nobody wanted anything bad to happen, but you just knew deep in your bones something bad was coming, but at the end of it all…..did you or didn’t you enjoy the story? Did you enjoy the ride? Were there also enjoyable parts, or MORE enjoyable than disdainful ones? Did the story as a whole work for you?? It did. And that, my friends, is where WWL lost me. I don’t like to pay for depression-we get enough of that with the news, thank you.

She made me act normal. Because I was. Because I could.

I can’t really talk about this book. There isn’t a way to do so. But what I will say is, I bet this will be a spectacular movie. Honestly. And, most assuredly, I will likely be first in line to go see it. How does this make sense, you ask? Well…lemme explain. Look, it’s awesome that this book was all twisty and suspenseful and we didn’t know what was going on, but reading it was like stabbing my gut with knives at every twist and turn-in a movie, it plays out quicker and I won’t have to read all her inner depressing thoughts and instead it will be played out on-screen much more dramatically and….I don’t know. That hardly makes sense-but to me, it makes all the sense in the world-I’d rather watch the horrid truth that is this book on screen than ever have to lay eyes on this book again. In this case-the movie will be far superior to the book, in my humble opinion. And no, I didn’t rate this so lowly to make a statement-sometimes, you just don’t gel with books. I completely missed the boat on this one.

Maybe, maybe.
If only, if only.

And most importantly, why would I try to explain what this book is about?
It’s all a lie, isn’t it??

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