Tag: New Adult (Page 28 of 48)

BOOK REVIEW – Second Position (District Ballet Company #1) by Katherine Locke

BOOK REVIEW – Second Position (District Ballet Company #1) by Katherine LockeSecond Position (District Ballet Company #1)
by Katherine Locke
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Four years ago, a car accident ended Zedekiah Harrow’s ballet career and sent Philadelphia Ballet principal dancer Alyona Miller spinning toward the breakdown that suspended her own. What they lost on the side of the road that day can never be replaced, and grief is always harshest under a spotlight...

Now twenty-three, Zed teaches music and theatre at a private school in Washington, D.C. and regularly attends AA meetings to keep the pain at bay. Aly has returned to D.C. to live with her mother while trying to recover from the mental and physical breakdown that forced her to take a leave of absence from the ballet world, and her adoring fans.

When Zed and Aly run into each other in a coffee shop, it’s as if no time has passed at all. But without the buffer and escape of dance—and with so much lust, anger and heartbreak hanging between them—their renewed connection will either allow them to build the together they never had... or destroy the fragile recoveries they've only started to make.

I wish I could have stopped crying but alas, I guess that’s what happens when you read such a poignant and beautiful story.

I regret nothing.

▨ I wish I could express how and why I think that Zed and Aly’s journey should be read, but alas, I have this ball of emotions boiling in myself right now and I’m honestly afraid to let it go.

I still welcome all the overwhelming feels because sometimes, you just have to.

I wish I could quote the hell out of this breathtaking and heartbreaking novel but then I would copy/paste the whole thing and alas, copyrights are a bitch.

Also, I really want you to try this book, and we wouldn’t want you to know everything already, would we?

This is, in my honest opinion, what New Adult should be about. No endless players and perfect girls who slut-shame like nobody’s business. No fabricated drama and decisions that make no sense. No idiotic male-POV that anger me on men’s behalf. No “that’s not gonna fit” roll-eyes-worthy bullshit, either.

▨ I wish more NA novels could stay clear of all this crap and offer us more characters like Aly and Zed, fleshed-out and endearing and realistically flawed. I love them to pieces.

▨ I wish I wouldn’t feel the urge to roll my eyes every time a strong issue is tackled in NA because I’m so tired of magic dicks and the likes.

► And yet, surprising and lyrical gems like this one make me remember – in the best way possible – why I never give up on any genre. Second Position is very character-driven, and is not perfect by any means (the secondary characters could have been more present & layered, and the plot is pretty simple) but I couldn’t care less. The raw emotions, the beautiful writing and our adorable couple outweigh all the little flaws by far.

Thank you, Katherine Locke. With all my heart, thank you.

BOOK REVIEW: All Broke Down (Rusk University #2) by Cora Carmack

BOOK REVIEW: All Broke Down (Rusk University #2) by Cora CarmackAll Broke Down (Rusk University #2)
by Cora Carmack
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In this second book in New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cora Carmack s New Adult, Texas-set Rusk University series, which began with All Lined Up, a young woman discovers that you can't only fight for what you believe in... sometimes you have to fight for what you love.

Dylan fights for lost causes. Probably because she used to be one.

Environmental issues, civil rights, corrupt corporations, and politicians you name it, she's probably been involved in a protest. When her latest cause lands her in jail overnight, she meets Silas Moore. He's in for a different kind of fighting. And though he's arrogant and infuriating, she can't help being fascinated with him. Yet another lost cause.

Football and trouble are the only things that have ever come naturally to Silas. And it's trouble that lands him in a cell next to do-gooder Dylan. He's met girls like her before fixers, he calls them, desperate to heal the damage and make him into their ideal boyfriend. But he doesn't think he's broken, and he definitely doesn't need a girlfriend trying to change him. Until, that is, his anger issues and rash decisions threaten the only thing he really cares about: his spot on the Rusk University football team. Dylan might just be the perfect girl to help.

Because Silas Moore needs some fixing after all.


I drop my head against the steering wheel and groan. So much for keeping things simple. “You are in so much trouble, Dylan Brenner.”

And trouble’s name is Silas Moore.

Oh em gee…This is a literal OMG. I started another book that made my eyes burn on the SECOND PAGE and thought shit, what will I read now?? So, on Friday at 10 pm (what…I have a life-I DO!), when my book didn’t work, I went to another that my lovely lovely Jennfier had bought me…and from page one on…I WAS A GONER.

“Are you hurt?” I ask.
A flash of a smile has a field of goose bumps sprouting along my arms. “You worried about me, Pickle?”
I throw my head back and groan.
“I’m going to kill him.”

One word, Y’all…one word: SILAS. I just…I can’t even. This book just popped out at me one day and I couldn’t help but mark it as TBR. I mean…football. But I never thought I’d actually read it, ya know?? I thought it was a filler that would sit there for years and eventually I would delete it on one of my epic TBR sweeps (just did one recently, Hallelujah!). But no, for some reason, on a late Friday night when I needed a pick me up, fate led me to this hidden gem…and I couldn’t be a happier little Silas fangirl. XD

Just fuck.
I could probably live the rest of my life only using that word and it would sum things up fine.

So, here’s the deal, I’m guna level with you all-I have written a LOT of fangirl reviews lately. A LOT. A LOT A LOT. And I am tired, lol. I HATE when this happens right when I read a wonderful book that was not only well-written and sexy, but surprisingly heartfelt and addicting without being trashy. I had so much to say while I was reading-I mean, from the first chapter I was out of breath from all the butterflies attempting to escape through my throat. There is just something so sweet about a boy that has always had it rough, who is fighting for something he thinks is so out of his reach, and finding the girl of his dreams while trying to achieve greatness. And, better yet, thinking he doesn’t deserve the girl who lights up his whole life.

His lips are still at my ear, and he lowers his volume so that Matt won’t hear. “I promise not to get you dirty. Unless you ask real nice.”
I don’t even…I can’t…Oh my God.

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Oh! And a little tidbit for those who hate this kind of thing (It personally has never bothered me): No slut shaming. Well….I didn’t think there was. Maybe I’m wrong? Anyway-My point in all this-I’ve written a lot of reviews for a lot of books in the last three weeks (the majority of them 5’s), and I am officially worn out on writing them lol. So, if this review falls short, in the end, it is not for a lack of perfection in this novel. No, the reason for shorting my poor, tortured Silas is because this bitch be tired. I am just…ugh. So tired.

His eyes really are far too pretty for a guy like him. Dudes who look dangerous should just be dangerous. Period. The end. They should not be dangerous and beautiful all at the same time. It leaves the universe out of balance, and it makes me do stupid things like stare.

I think the most charming thing about this story…is it’s writing. I mean, I don’t judge that harshly on books, really, but I certainly can appreciate a well-written and humorous story. The reason this is so wonderful, to me, is that the book didn’t merely rely on sex and witty banter and a smoldering hot male who only has eyes for our girl (He is a former manwhore-a plot I know most people might be tired of, but that I NEVER grow tired of, tee-hee). There was a lot of that-the sexy looks, the ‘I’m falling for you but I’ll take what I can get’, the broken and torturedness-but it wasn’t the only thing. And that, in NA, is amazing.

I will never be able to turn this girl down. Whatever she wants from me, it’s hers. No matter what she asks for, I’ll find a way to give it to her. She may not be mine, but somewhere along the way, I ended up hers.

The heart and soul of this story, though, is how much Silas wanted to make something of himself, to break the barrier of being just a brat who grew up in non-homes and trailers. He met Dylan in the oddest of circumstances…one might say they were immediately ‘handcuffed’ together

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(LMAO I AM SO NOT CLEVER BUT BAHAHA). And from that moment on, he was intrigued by her. Tied to her. Into her. And, most importantly, protective of her.

His tongue peeks out to worry at his swollen, busted lip, and I feel a wave of heat curl up my spine.
Totally inappropriate. Totally psychotic because he is way out of my league. Or I’m way out of his league, I don’t know. Either way, someone is out of someone’s league.

GAWD his protectiveness just got me. I ADORED HIM. He could get violent, an offense that almost loses his place on the team, but he never got where I think people reading this would get a bad vibe from him. He thinks with his fists first, especially when it comes to his girl, but never in a, hmm, psycho way. And, despite what I implied…no insta-love. Just no. Stop it. Stop thinking that. STOP IT! But boy oh boy…I was pleased with their first….encounter.

I want to make her come so hard that for the rest of her life, she remembers me anytime someone touches her. I’m going to leave my mark on her perfect body, beneath the skin where she’ll never get me out.
I want to ruin her for anyone else.
And I’m pretty damn good at ruining things.

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Dylan was also a character I really enjoyed. She knew what she wanted. She was goal oriented and into helping others who cannot help or speak for themselves. She never blew Silas off because he didn’t grow up like her, and she never felt above him…but this was also a part of the story in ways they need to overcome-Just to be clear. I can’t say she was as good as Silas, but *Scoffs* who is, am I right? However, she was a great heroine and she didn’t make me cringe, roll my eyes, or anger me in a way that endangered my enjoyment of the story. I loved her in a lot of ways, and she was always there for my beautiful broken football player.

Except I’m starting to think that the idea of “belonging” anywhere is false. We go through our whole lives thinking that we belong in one place and not in another. We think certain ideas and actions have to be relegated to the tiny little boxes we place them in. What if we just react instead? What if we take whatever the world gives us and instead of focusing on what it isn’t, we enjoy what it is?

So, you know, my fingers are ITCHING to type more about Silas and his jealousy and his fierce protectiveness and possessive tendencies and his loyalty and his loving nature and his longing to be good enough for her and…oopsy poopsy. My bad….

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But I think this said enough. And hell, if I need to add more tomorrow, I will. I mean, I get to add my quotes next and EEEEPSSSS that is my favorite part. Who wants to be too tired to enjoy re-reading my favorite Silas moments?? Not I. But, I digress-I just recently went on a deleting massacre of my TBR, and Cora’s other popular series, Losing it, was deleted because I knew I’d never read it and it had been on there since, like, 2012. But, you know…I think I might be re-evaluating that decision. Hmmm….is that a pig in the sky?? Because that has NEVER happened before. What? I can admit when I’m wrong.


I will never be able to turn this girl down. Whatever she wants from me, it’s hers. No matter what she asks for, I’ll find a way to give it to her. She may not be mine, but somewhere along the way, I ended up hers.

Ahhh!!! I am beyond excited I decided to give this one a try. Started another book, didn’t get any feels, picked this one up….and ALLL THE FEELSSSSS!!! Silas stole my heart from page one-SO unexpected!

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BOOK REVIEW: Love Show by Audrey Bell

BOOK REVIEW: Love Show by Audrey BellLove Show by Audrey Bell
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Hadley Arrington is the career-driven Editor-in-Chief of her university’s prestigious newspaper. Jack Diamond is a laid back student whose good looks have made things even easier than they need to be. She’s the girl who came out of nowhere and kissed him in the rain. He’s the boy who made her do something crazy.

When the stakes seem too high, they have to decide if they’ll let their love show or if they’ll walk away for good.


“I’m a little bit of a disaster, Hadley.”

“Then, you’re my favorite disaster, Jack.”

Ahhh….now that’s how you write a male lead. Sigh. Yes-It’s official. My first sentence in this review is about the male lead. And, ya know, there’s so much more to the story than him, but I can’t help but say he was my absolute favorite part. I know I tout a lot of men throughout the year, I’m, admittedly, a little shameless. It’s all in fun, though, you know?? It’s fun to imagine these men, whether you’re married or not, come on now, actually existing. They are the literal perfect men we seek in the world, and to see the finest of the fine emerging from certain stories…yeah, it makes me a tad giddy and breathless.

“He did it just fine,” I said.
“No, he definitely did it wrong,” he said. “Which is criminal. I could fix that though.”
“Excuse me?”
He looked at me. “I mean, if I were so lucky as to have the chance to sleep with you, you would be, you know, impressed.”
“You’re extremely arrogant.”
“Right back at you.”
“How am I arrogant?”
“What kind of person gives sex one chance and decides it’s not for them?”
“This kind.”

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And this isn’t even my real point-I just ended up going off on a tangent because I got lost in Jack fantasy land. For real…he’s that great. Just let me get to him when it’s his turn, though. I’m working super hard to build him up, a right he wholeheartedly deserves, because not many guys really compare. Again, my point is that this story had so much more than a beautiful book cover (it’s not in print anymore, boo, what the f) pretty faced college boy, and romantic adventure.

It’s funny how quickly you begin to talk yourself out of your own dreams.

That’s the thing I can’t quite put my finger on-Just how deep this story was. I can’t tell if it’s a stroke of brilliance, or a case of shit gone wrong. I’m more than aware I gave this an extremely high rating, but at a certain point in this book it stopped being so….light and fluffy. Jobs took precedent, choices had to be made, friendships were tested, loyalty was as delicate as glass, close to bending and breaking-but tougher than a diamond, grittier than dirt in it’s determination….and hearts were broken. Or should I say heart? Shit became real….and I wasn’t ready for it.

“What? It’s ridiculous. Control your emotions. Can you imagine if criminals went around saying they fell into hatred or jealousy and that’s why they killed four people or robbed the bank? We act like love is this uncontrollable thing. But when it comes to anger and all that ugly stuff, we’re expected to control it. We’re supposed to handle those emotions without hurting anyone. But throw out the word ‘love’ and everyone thinks all the rules should go right out the window and who can help it if someone gets hurt?

I’ll go ahead and admit that this is the first book of the year-and in a long fucking time, I assure you-that made me bawl like a baby. That’s right-2016 is here, bitch, and it’s taking my soul with it. I bet most of you that have read this find that hilarious and highly unbelievable-Well, I’ll tell you this: I was expecting butterflies and rainbows, candy and sunshine….and there was. It was kissing in the rain and spontaneous messaging that encouraged a smile that couldn’t be stifled. It was flirting and supporting each other when things became unbearable. It was friendship and unbreakable bonds and lasting laughs. It was everything love should be, and it was what dreams were made of. And that, my lovely friends, is why I’m tearing up, becoming emotional, and trying to ignore the tightness in my throat even as I type up this review. Their love was something that blinded me from the fire-hot passion they shared…and that’s why I lost it, emotionally speaking…I just couldn’t handle when the fire turned to embers in the ashes.

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But enough about the seriousness with which this novel was underhandedly constructed (it took my breath away like a thief in the night, the smug bastard), I want to talk about all the good things-and believe me, there were too many to count (about 90% perfection, for real). I mean, just look at the previous paragraph!! I obviously adored almost every minute of the story…I just had my issues like the next person.

You’ve Got Mail could only be the name of a romantic comedy in the 90s,” I said. “The only thing I like about my inbox is the delete button.”
David took a handful of popcorn. “You. Need. To. Get. Laid.”
“I need to get a job.” I said. “And a haircut. And new eyes. Have you seen this? My eyes are different sizes.”
He looked at my eyes. “It’s ’cause you’re tired. So, close them. And stop talking. And go to sleep.”

One of my favorite parts I’m going to start with, hold your horses, everyone and their brother knows I will most definitely get to Jack (Jack, don’t let me go, Jack-shout out to Anna lol), is the friendship between David and Hadley. I can’t say the first chapter drew me in like it did everyone else, but once the second chapter hit, I was completely and utterly obsessed-And I hadn’t even met Jack yet. David was the typical clichéd gay best friend…except he wasn’t. I was expecting something often seen in romance books-I’m not complaining about this issue in books, by the way-the best friend being placed in a very important position for the main character in the beginning, but then slowly becoming as important as background music in a crowded bar. But here, this wasn’t the case-David may have swayed a little, every relationship is tested in life and not at all for the same reasons, but in the end he was as sturdy as a rock and never once lost sight of who his best friend was.

Nobody should drink alcohol at eleven in the morning. It’s a recipe for disaster. Nigel was slurring his words by noon and David was trying to cut my hair and I was singing Ke$ha at the top of my lungs.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I demanded when he came at me with scissors.
“You need a haircut.”
“Trust me.”
He pouted. “But, Hadley, I’m dying to cut somebody’s hair.”
“Cut your own damn hair.”

Their banter was hilarious and much like my favorite duo from The Middle (one of my favorite television shows ever), Sue Heck and Brad. I’m not kidding-from the moment I read one of their interactions, I was laughing out loud (this was a common theme throughout, me barking laughs and giggling like a psycho in a quiet room) and smiling so big that I swear my husband thought something was wrong with me. ’What are you laughing at?’ he asked. ’Nothing, my book,’ I said. *Giggles* *continued staring at me* ‘Nothing. Really’ *still staring at me* ‘YOU WOULDN’T UNDERSTAND, OKAY???’ At this point I think it needs to be declared that I was mostly giggling at Jack and how fucking cute he is. For real. So….yeah, I guess that’s my cue to start heading over that way. But to sum up for these two friends: they cared more deeply about one another than many romantic relationships I know of in real life here, and that is truly saying something…even if its only a book.

“You’re scared that our third conversation will devolve? Into what? Silence? That would be awkward, but I bet we could survive it.”
“I really don’t have the time to date anyone right now,” I said. That sounded believable. It was certainly true.
“Aw, I’m not going to give up that easily,” he smiled. “You’re the one who started it. You shouldn’t have kissed me like that if you wanted to be left alone.”
“I’m going to swing by,” he said adamantly. “We can hang out. That’s a good idea. No dinner. Anti-date date.”

Ahhh and finally, my boy JACK!!! I will admit that the crazy alien amazing friend who forced me to read this reccd this to me staked a claim on this wonderful, adorable, loyal, smitten, obsessed, protective, jealous, and loving boy beforehand. In fact, she was quite clear about this such issue because she just knew this problem would arise. You know, where we both want to marry Jack and lock him up for the rest of eternity? (Or maybe that’s just me…oops, here comes your lovable GR psycho!! Come out come out wherever you arrreeee) Yeah, we had lengthy conversations about this boy I’d never even heard of….but I guess I just don’t give a flying fuck.

“I mean, maybe.”
“What are you doing tonight?”
“Nothing, but-“
“Great. I’ll swing by tonight.”
“No, I don’t think you understand. I said dinner wasn’t good for me.”
“I thought you said dating wasn’t good for you. We won’t have dinner. It’ll be a non-dinner, non-date hangout session.”
“I don’t even know what that means.”
“I just want to talk to you,” he said casually.
He laughed.
“I think you’re fascinating,” he said, the same wry amusement coursing through his voice. “I’ll stop by tonight.” He hung up before I could say anything else.

Jack is, and always will be, a definite top book boy for me, and if anyone has a problem with that (cough, ahem, Bananaaaaaaaaa), then I guess they’ll just have to go through me, won’t they??? Have you seen my list? Could it be any more huge??? (bahahah Friends references, oh boy, I am getting TIRED)

“What are you doing next year?” I asked Jack.
“I’m going to try to find a way not to work,” Jack said. “Which I’m actually pretty good at, so I don’t foresee any problems.”
“Good plan,” Xander said sarcastically.
“I think it’s a great plan,” Jack said simply. “They always tell you to do what you love. And I love not working.”

But let’s cut to the GD chase-When I met Jack, in the rain, out of nowhere, completely blind-sided…my breath was stolen in the span of less than 10 seconds. I’d venture to say I was beyond completely and utterly obsessed-I was a fucking ravenous madwoman. He became an instant book boyfriend and I ached to see him even when he couldn’t possibly be a part of the story. And then, as if by magic, he’d appear again-laughing, smiling, ogling, fantasizing, and falling in love with Hadley a little bit more each and every time he saw her. I swear to God, you could literally, literally feeling him falling harder and harder with each passing chapter.

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And it’s just…it’s so much more than that, and it’s so hard to explain. This kid, this boy that has no clue what he wants to do with his life, finds a girl that is opposite of him in each and every way, career wise, life-choice wise, and he just…he falls. Hard.

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He falls and he doesn’t brace himself and he crashes, he crashes so hard into this sea of emotions he wasn’t prepared for and fights drowning at each and every turn. But resistance is futile, because he drowns anyway.

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“I was ready to go. But you were all like stay,” he whispered in a breathy imitation of me.
I laughed. “I was not.”
“It was like when the Titanic was sinking and the redhead was all like, oh my god, I’m so cold, let’s hold hands.”
“It was not like that.”
Jack, never let go. I mean, what was I supposed to do?”

But for each breach of surface from the sea of Hadley, he finds a breath of life that makes him feel whole, makes him believe things can be different, that the rules are meant to be broken and one day she’ll realize she loves him as much as he loves her…

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but time and again she pushes him back under, only for him to keep kicking and pushing to the surface once again for that next chance of everlasting life in the form of Hadley fucking Arrington-his most suffocating and deadly weakness.

I rolled my eyes. “Yes. In my own bed.” I kissed him briefly and he reached for my wrist. I held the book he’d given me in one hand and looked into his brown eyes. And I leaned in for another kiss.
I loved the way he kissed me. But this felt more serious, deeper and longer, and we held each other’s eyes for a long moment before I cleared my throat and felt a flush rushing to my face.

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Jack was the most loyal guy ever, and I’m not just saying that. Lots of guys are loyal-tons. But in this sense, I have to say it’s rare. Its rare that a guy as attractive, kind, and popular as Jack would wait for a girl who only wants to play the friends with benefits card. And I really did like Hadley from chapter two on-she is a fucking badass chick who would do anything for the people she loves. But that’s my thing: as soon as she needed to do something for the person who would literally die for her-even went so far as to imply he’d give his kidney for her (yes, dramatics on my part, I know, but it makes it no less true)-she just couldn’t fucking do it.

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And that’s when I kind of lost my undying (apparently it’s not so undying, because, hey, look, it’s dead) love for her. And to clarify, because I see a French frown forming-View Spoiler ». And to also clarify in a non-spoilery manner-He could have done a little more, too. Duh. But Jack’s perfect….so…..no. He did no wrong. Obviously.

“Are you seriously hurt?”
“What happened?”
“My knees went out.”
“I made you weak at the knees?”
“I’m serious. It hurts,” I growled.
“Alright, alright, alright,” he said. “Hey!” He shouted to one of the instructors. “She hurt her leg. Can you…” They started running over and he looked back down at me. “Babe, can you stand up?”
This is supposed to be my section on Hadley…but I am a stubborn ass and don’t feel like wasting any more time on her. She’s top dog of the newspaper. She wants to do combat journalism. Her dream job is to work for the NYT. Yada yada. Smart smart. Fierce Fierce. We get it. Later douche.

Anyone who tells you that you should wait for that guy who makes you weak at the knees should be shot.

And there you go. That’s it. Lordy Lordy I could keep going on and boy was that a lot, but some things just need to be said, and Jack deserves every minute of my time. Did you guys know, so conversational I am at this wonderfully late hour on a work night, that I had NO time for a review??? That I should have posted a mini review and said, eh, it’s okay, I know I loved it and that’s all that matters. But no. It was 10 pm when I picked this bad boy up and I sucked it the hell up when hubs started whining because he wanted to hang and when the dogs wanted to cuddle and snuggle (such heinous crimes, the lot of them, whatever am I supposed to do with them??). I did those things while I typed this out (Why yes, I did type a lot of this one-handed, and yes, it was a fucking treat). Jack deserved so much more than he got at one point in this book, and he deserves a long-winded Chelsea review that freaks everyone out as it always does. He is my first BBF of the year and I will send him off right-even at the cost of my own sleep. This was going to be an absolute favorite-hell, it still might be-but when certain things transpired and ripped my heart to shreds, it made it hard to reconcile my turbulent feelings and emotions (which were like a tidal wave, thank you). I’d like to say I’ll get over it completely-I really mostly have-but it did leave a sour taste in my mouth and I think the HEA could have been more epic. But who am I to say??? This book was fucking amazing, and if something had been changed, maybe it would have altered the course of events for the worst and made this a POS novel. Everything happens for a reason and I’m willing to believe that this book will be read by me on numerous occasions to lift my mood and give me the best BBF ever (aka JACCKKKKK) fix. Now I’ll go on my merry way and try to forget the boy (Jack! Don’t let go….Don’t let go, Jack) who gave me instant butterflies the moment I met him (this NEVER happens…SO RARE!!!!!!) and became and instant win. God the fucking feels. They hurt. I love him. Okay. For real. Bye. JACK!!!

BOOK REVIEW: Be my Hero (Forbidden Men #3) by Linda Kage

BOOK REVIEW: Be my Hero (Forbidden Men #3) by Linda KageBe My Hero (Forbidden Men #3)
by Linda Kage
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Once upon a time, there was this pampered rich girl who was kind of full of herself. She really only cared about appearances and hiding all her dark, ugly secrets under the guise of an opinionated snob. But then Eva Mercer got pregnant, shot by a psycho, and kicked out of the only home she knew. Now she’s broke, unemployed, and has to start anew with a newborn to raise. But how?

On the other side of town, sexy, tattooed orphan, Patrick Ryan, can’t get a break. He’s out on parole for defending the last damsel in distress while trying to help her support her child, but all he wants is to find his one true love. He knows this woman by scent, smile, and laugh, but he’s never actually met her. He doesn’t even know her name. He just knows she’s the key to fixing everything.

One kind of hero can save you from physical harm. Another can rescue you from a different kind of doom. To reach their dreams, Eva and Pick can save each other. But first, they must open their hearts and learn how to trust.

“You’re the best man I’ve ever met, Patrick Ryan. Thank you for choosing me.”

“I’ll always choose you.”

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Ahhh and here I am again, back in one of my most favorite worlds from 2015. I won’t say it wasn’t a shock when I picked this series up, knowing it was cheesy as hell, and immediately fell for not only the forbidden men it touts…but for the wonderful dynamics each and every character share together. Whether they are frenemies (however you spell that lol), lovers, friends, or co-workers, each person fits into the group perfectly. And I guess you can say that this is one of my favorite literary families ever. They are all so utterly loyal, behind all the ribbing, and they would do anything for one another.

“…I’d say the fact he’s already shared a woman with….well, you, isn’t something he needs to find out about.”
“Wow, now wait a sec. What’s wrong with me?” Ten pointed to himself, clearly insulted. “I’m fucking flawless.”
I snickered and lifted my hands. “No offense, but I certainly wouldn’t want to stick my dick in anything you’ve already had yours in.”
“Amen,” Mason seconded.
“Hey.” Ten scowled at us.

Every story I pick up, no matter the content, I know I am going to be swooning after one of my favorite men and their relationship even if I hate the story. And hey!!! I have only hated one book….some side characters just don’t need to exist-they can literally obliterate even the sweetest of men’s stories. But all that aside, it comes down to one thing: No matter what type of mood I’m in when I pick up these books, I always have the best time reading them and the most abundant warm fuzzies after.

“Tink, you are the most flirt-worthy girl I know,” Pick spoke up, striding over with his arms open. “Here. I’ll hold Skylar while you get yourself something to eat. Then come back and sit by me. I’d be happy to hit on you.”

And here’s the thing: THEY ALL CRY. All of them. I mean…..I can’t…I just…*takes some odd breaths*…WHERE THE FUCK ARE THESE MEN IN MY LIFE??? I’m married you say?? Yeah, well, technicalities. I love my guy, I truly do, but if Mason Lowe or Noel Gamble, Pick, Quinn, hell, even fucking Ten walked into my life…..okay, I won’t finish that horribly presumptuous sentence lest I burst into flames, but you get my point, yes??? These men, they are just something else.

No, we weren’t going to lose Eva tonight. She was going to be okay. The baby was going to be okay. Everyone was going to be okay, except maybe her baby daddy. I kind of hoped he died.

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And that’s all there is to it. I come to these books not because they are believable, without cheese, nor are they written in the best way. But the fact of the matter is, when I open a Forbidden Men story, I do, in fact, get a sexy forbidden and tortured man….and the author actually follows through with it. She doesn’t dick around and find technicalities-she goes balls to the wall and makes her men (almost) every woman’s wet dream (god I’m being disgusting in this review):

-Forbidden (duh)
-Utterly (and most often inexplicably) into the female lead
-Passionate about her
-Fiercely protective
-Willing to sacrifice it all for her

My point? These men are one page away from selling their left nut to be with these women, no matter the cost…and I find it, not-so-inexplicably, addictive as hell.

My lips fluttered with amusement. “You’re never going to get over that nickname, are you? A girl wears Tinker Bell on her shirt one time-“
“Embrace it.” He grinned before nuzzling his nose against my temple. “Not everyone can pull off the Tink image.”

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I think it goes without saying, or maybe it doesn’t-I don’t know who reads my reviews if you aren’t in my immediate text circle-I have always, always been a sucker for romantic books with peril. And, hey, no matter how brief, how dramatic, how cheesy these perilous scenes are…they tend to pop up in these stories so…yeah….I love….because….boy saves girl. Yeah. I mean, what else do you need (okay, besides poetic, beautiful writing and some actual solidarity that these things could happen in real life-but hey, we don’t want to live in reality-that’s why we  read)?? Drama, angst, peril….no matter how cheesy or forced…they are always around. And, for me, that’s a wonderful combo after a long day at work. And yeah, yeah, it’s all somewhat horrid but…sue me…I need my tortured man fix every now and again (ALWAYS).

His gray eyes glittered silver as he grinned at me. “My lips are sealed. But only because I owe you one.” Then he glanced toward the doorway leading into the hall, which lead to his and Reese’s bedroom. “You think it’s been two minutes yet?”
“I think it’s only been thirty seconds, you big horn ball.”
Scowling, he shoved his hands into his pockets and grumbled around a moment before muttering, “Well, I can’t wait anymore.” Then he was off, hurrying down the hall in pursuit of his View Spoiler ».

So, before I go and disappear, let’s talk about the story and why I almost didn’t read it. For one, and don’t smack me here, I hate pregnancy romances-I have to say I’m not sorry, as well. I want a guy and girl to fall in love and for it to be new and fresh and squeaky clean, not burdened by another man’s discrepancies. That sounds harsh, but it’s one of my book rule no-no’s and it just is what it is. And, you know, I hated Eva in Reese and Mason’s story. She was childish and had no reason to be the way she was (so I thought, and really, she didn’t, but we had to make her story juicy, now didn’t we??). All she did was cause my boy Mason problems. So why my sudden change of heart? Well…there are multiple reasons, but two really stick out:

1. I adore this series, and I knew I would smack myself if I didn’t get more time with these addicting characters
2. Mason. I. Am. Obsessed. With him. He is, without a doubt, my favorite boy (okay ugh and Noel) and when I figured out Eva lived with them in this story…?? I immediately decided to read it because…Mason. Need I say more? MASON.

And I really had heard a ton about this Pick fella who, by the way, really is the f’ing sweetest guy ever, in the generic sense of the word. I mean, he just really does put everyone else ahead of himself and it’s the most selfless thing.

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And when he decides he’s guna go for his Tinker Bell??? No one can stop him. He would do anything for her, no matter what it cost him (see above). And even caring for his child-which really isn’t his own-is above caring for himself. And honestly?? He’s hilarious-


A small cry rent the air, and I immediately spun toward the sound. But Pick was already holding up a hand as he cradled Skylar in the other arm. “We’re good,” he called. “Ten just looked at her. That mug’ll make any girl cry.”
I arched an eyebrow at Ten. He lifted his hands in surrender. “I didn’t even touch her.”
“I think it was his awful breath,” Pick offered casually.

I don’t know. I just really loved everything about him. But to those who said I’d love Pick more than my men? You were dead wrong. I’m a stubborn little shit, so don’t feel bad. Almost every series I read I have people saying who I’m ‘going to love more’ and 99% of the time they are wrong (unless they know me really really well). Exhibit A? This series. Exhibit B? The Calloway Sister series. No one-and I do mean no onewill ever touch my dear Connor and his icy Rose.

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“Honestly, though,” I told him, my voice winded. “The wet shirt look is totally working for you. You sure you want this dull, old dry one?”
Surprise filled his brown eyes before he gave a slow, hooded smile. Using the shirt we were both holding onto to rein me in closer, he lowered his voice. “Why, Eva Tinker Bell Mercer,” he murmured, his tone a teasing scold. “Are you flirting with me?”

That’s not to say I didn’t adore him-this book actually is up there with my favorite ones, if not right below, and there was one consolation prize: I had heard Eva is better and that I’d understand her more….and everyone was right! But even better than that? I adored her.

She skipped up on her tiptoes and slapped a quick kiss to his cheek, right where she’d just patted it. Then she waved goodbye to me. “Toodles, Tinker Bell. Love ya.”
I rolled my eyes. “Bye, Sweet Pea. Love you, too.”

Gone was the whiney, whorish (sorry not sorry all those who find that offensive) girl who pushed herself on Mason to prove a point (and yeah, she just ‘wanted to prove a point’, riiiiight..it’s not because Mason is fucking amazing…). She is kind, considerate, willing to do anything to help Mason and Reese (mostly Reese because she loves her so much)

“And then…” She nodded, as if coming to the best part of the story. “While the car’s lying on top of her and the only things poking out are her glittery red Christian Louboutins, I say we steal her shoes and run.”
Wow, what was this, the homicidal version of
The Wizard of Oz?

and even nudges something along-THAT I WOULD HAVE LIKED TO HAVE SEEEEEEN THANK YOU VERY MUCH, LINDA KAGE GRRR- that made my heart soar. So, to say the mother to be was still a loser party girl would be a lie. And I just really enjoyed seeing the mature woman she grew up to be. Really. I didn’t even hate the baby stuff-It was actually adorable and endearing and totally fit the embodiment of what makes Eva and Pick…well…Eva and Pick lol.

“Whatever,” I snapped, sending her an incredulous glower. There wasn’t a single wild thing about him. And besides, “He’s way hotter than Mason.”

Reese didn’t seem to notice the panic on my face; she was too busy choking on her disagreement. “Not even possible. No one-I mean, no one-is hotter than Mason.”
I patted her hand sympathetically. “Yeah, just keep telling yourself that, sweetie.”

So, you know, another beautiful, smutty book gone. It makes me sad I only have a couple more left. And to think, who knows how many are even going to be released??? I sure don’t know. But what I do know is, it’s been a long time since I have wanted a book more than my next breath, and that book is Noel’s Brother/Mason’s sister’s story. I. CAN’T. WAIT. UNTIL. [undisclosed date] LATE 2016 (being totally hopeful and pushy with that). I just….I can’t….I mean…brain overload. My two FAVORITE men who made me fall for this series are going to be in it NON STOP and the people they love most, besides their women, are going to fall in love. I mean….COME ON!!!! PERFECTION!!!! ARGHHH!!!!! COME ON COME ON ALREADY! Phew. Now that I got that over with , it’s admission time: While I adored seeing Pick and Eva’s story unfold, and me falling for yet another forbidden man in this series, I fell the hardest for this story when Reese and Mason were a part of it. They just….have my heart. And they were in it…A LOT.

“Wow.” Pick shook his head, stunned. “You are the complete opposite of your boyfriend, aren’t you?”
Reese scowled. “What do you mean?”
“At work, that boy avoids women like the plague, never checks them out, and he never shares details about you two…I mean, other than the jelly thing.”
Reese gasped, turning a bright tomato red. “I am so going to kill him for that. Now if you two will excuse me, I need to go home and…punish my man, probably with a nice strawberry or grape.” She touched her chin thoughtfully. “Though he does have an affinity for peach jam.”

So…..my fantasies were fulfilled and, frankly, they are the main reason I read this one anyway. I would say I’m a filthy Mason-loving-whore….but you already knew that. ONTO THE NEXT! ♥

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BOOK REVIEW: Attraction (Elements of Chemistry #1; Hypothesis #1.1) by Penny Reid

BOOK REVIEW: Attraction (Elements of Chemistry #1; Hypothesis #1.1) by Penny ReidAttraction by Penny Reid
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One week.
Private beach.
Invisible girl.
Jerk-faced bully.
What’s the worst that could happen?

Kaitlyn Parker has no problem being the invisible girl, which is why she finds herself hiding in various cabinets and closets all over her college campus. Despite her best efforts, she can’t escape the notice of Martin Sandeke—bad boy, jerkface bully, and the universe’s hottest, wealthiest, and most unobtainable bachelor—who also happens to be Kaitlyn’s chemistry lab partner.

Kaitlyn might be the only girl who isn’t interested in exploiting his stunning rower’s build, chiseled features, and family's billionaire fortune. Kaitlyn wants Martin for his brain, specifically to tabulate findings of trace elements in surface water.

When Kaitlyn saves Martin from a nefarious plot, Martin uses the opportunity to push Kaitlyn out of her comfort zone: spring break, one week, house parties, bathing suits, and suntan lotion. Can she overcome her aversion to being noticed? Will he be able grow beyond his self-centered nature? Or, despite their obvious chemistry, will Martin be the one to drive Kaitlyn into the science cabinet of obscurity for good?

A beautiful man is the devil’s most potent weapon.



irritating, infuriating, exasperating, maddening, trying, tiresome…

Martin (Really? Lol):


assertive, pushy, forceful..

Yet…I enjoyed. At least, in some parts. In many ways, this was a VERY short book. it was meant to be-it’s a three part novella…for some odd reason that I don’t get-Yet it took me almost a full week to read it. Not good. This story-and author, for that matter-holds all the components to an excellent NA romance. Literally, it has everything going for it. Specifically, it has a hot, swoony male lead that is tortured and feels like no one sees him as anything other than a cash cow. He is lonely and has fallen for his lab partner who sees him for who he really might be, not just a label. She doesn’t give him much credit and often judges him even though he says he only wants her.

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It’s [her] name is Parker *lets out frustrated growl (a verb our author is practically obsessed with)* the closet hiding, synonym loving, virgin chemist enthusiast. Yeah…a mouthful indeed…she’s a lot to take, for sure.



immature, babyish, infantile, juvenile, puerile..



cruel, savage, dictatorial…

Like i said-that first chapter??? It hooked me. I loved it. Really. It seemed like this was really for me. But then we got deeper inside Parker’s headache inducing mind. Good god, this chick. I mean.. A lot of times she made me smile and huff out a reluctant laugh, you know?? She’s cute and quirky. Really. But then it’s like…how fucking naive can you really be???

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I don’t believe it, or rather, I didn’t care for it. I was as naive as a freshman in high school could be, and even I wouldn’t be as neurotic as this chick. I’m not kidding-naivety was my middle name. Hello, mortifying-I-never-want-to-remember-you-again memories. They’re just ghastly. But as a college freshman I don’t believe for one second she couldn’t have been more mature for Martin or that she couldn’t have produced more adult-like conversions than she provided. She didn’t do too bad, I’ll give her that, but her decision making certainly left something to be desired. I don’t know. Aren’t you glad the blurry, indecisive Bitch is back?? Lol

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And, for once, she wasn’t my only problem. I loved Martin-God he has BBF tattooed all over him. However…I think the author blurred that line of sexy, tortured, and persistent, with sexy, tortured, and forceful. Ugh, that’s not the right word, perhaps, but even I, the girl who loves all men in her books, found Martin to be a bit too pushy at times. But here’s the kicker!!! It’s Parker’s fault, too. If she doesn’t want to be with him (her reasons are ruh-tarded, by the way), say so. Like, UGH. But she obviously is extremely attracted to him, fantasizes about him, and dreams of being the girl he wants forever like any normal hot-blooded female would in books and in real life…so…I blame her a lot. Her indecisiveness is sure to confuse not only us, but the male she’s obsessed with as well. So. Again. I don’t know. Boo, Parker. Boo. Figure your shit out, you indecisive cow.

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I must say, I only liked the book when Martin was around. I don’t quite get the authors style of writing-it’s like she can be excellent…but is missing something that makes her so. It’s almost childish, but then some passages really gripped me and seemed super intellectual. They were far and fleeting, but that’s where Martin filled the gaps. 😉

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A cute little book, but missing some key components that could have made it addictive. When I put it down, I didn’t think of it. When I picked it up, I either pined for Martin to return or was fantasizing about my next read (woo buddy I can’t wait!). But, for some reason, I still enjoyed this enough to try for book two. This was a thoughtful gift from a wonderful, best friend, and I know there was a reason she bought this with me in mind. And I agree-it seems Martin and Parker are about to get some shit worked out-I do so hate stupid, childish misunderstandings. So, here soon I will start novella two and see where they are in their relationship. I hope they can finally move forward and Parker will stop with her indecisive relationship fears and misconceptions. Just…sigh. I can’t help but like her sometimes-

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figure it out, little girl, for all of us.


Sweet; (and non-judge mental, for that matter)

nice, kind, thoughtful, considerate, friendly…



hot-blooded, loving, sexy, sensual, amorous, ardent…

A wonderful Christmas gift from my Jenny!!

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