Tag: Thriller (Page 9 of 16)

BOOK REVIEW – A Drink Before the War (Kenzie & Gennaro #1) by Dennis Lehane

BOOK REVIEW – A Drink Before the War (Kenzie & Gennaro #1) by Dennis LehaneA Drink Before the War (Kenzie & Gennaro #1)
by Dennis Lehane
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Patrick Kenzie and Angie Gennaro know their home, rough neighborhoods of South Boston. Their first PI job seems simple - find Jenna, a black cleaner, and confidential state documents she stole. Extortion, assassination, and child prostitution extend from the ghetto to the government. The worst atrocities are closest to home, and committed in the name of love.

Dark and addictive, A Drink Before the War is probably one of the best thrillers I’ve ever read, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the other books in the series.

With none of the stereotypical crap I’ve learnt to dread, the characterization constitutes the greatest achievement of A Drink Before the War. Indeed I’m so tired of the one-dimensional archetypes which are often served to us on a silver platter. None of that here, but more nuances : none of them can be described in one word, and that’s for the best, trust me.

Patrick : what a sarcastic little shit (of course I love him) : His nonconformist and dark humor had me giggling at every page, balancing perfectly the darkness lurking at every turn. Smart-ass an arrogant but strangely endearing, he isn’t perfect but faces his flaws with a lucidity I adored. Wandering through his cutting inner comments was simply fantastic. He’s conflicted, scarred, and so, so loyal to his partner, Angie. Oh, and he’s badass with a gun.

Let me 2 seconds to smile weakly okay? Sigh. I loved the guy.

Angie : Despite the difficulties she faces in her marriage (her husband is a violent asshole, so yes, that’s an understatement) by no means can she be defined by them. Don’t you know persons who are strong in every aspect of their lives except when it comes to their love relationships? I do. Trapped in her memories of better times and her love for her husband, Angie, as kickass as she is, struggles to escape from this situation and yes, it was heartbreaking. I found that the way Lehane pictured domestic abuse was sadly realistic and can I say? The moment she acted on it was fucking GLORIOUS.

The friendship between the two of them gave me so many heart-warming feels (of course I ship them, duh).

As for the secondary characters, I grandly appreciated that none of them was one-dimensional. Really, a wonderful characterization in my opinion.

(Oh, and there’s a panda.)

“Once that ugliness has been forced into you, it becomes part of your blood, dilutes it, race through your heart and back out again, staining everything as it goes. The ugliness never goes away, never comes out, no matter what you do. Anyone who thinks otherwise is naive. All you can hope to do is control it, to force it all into one tight ball in one tight place and keep it there, a constant weight.”

Patrick and Angie’s investigation leads to the depiction of a dark and realistic world, whose undercurrent of hopelessness reminded me of Dos Passos at some points.

Racism. Hypocrisy. Politician corruption. Prostitution. Just name it. Between justice and self-preservation, what will you choose?

Every issue is dealt with without never simplifying it into snap judgments. So much depth and shades. Patrick is neither knight in shining armor nor selfish asshole, but his behavior embraces everything in between, and if it can be uncomfortable, it stays really believable and realistic.

You should know that the issues dealt with are pretty heavy, and more than once I felt like Lehane took my heart and squeezed it forcefully : all in all, this book isn’t for the faint of heart, and it seemed important to notice it to possible readers. Violence is everywhere, sometimes lurking, sometimes graphic.

But in the end, I thought that A Drink Before the War asked the right questions and showed how much our opinions can be biased by our prejudices. Do we all see life through double standards, depending on the subject in question? Are we sure that we’d realize it if that was the case? For example, I had a discussion with people about the way some music lyrics can appear to condone sexual violence and violence against women in general. Everybody could quote some hip-hop song and … that was it. When I quoted Alt-J, an Indi-rock band for their (repeatedly) violent songs nobody agreed and people told me that the group wrote pieces of art and nothing else (Fitzpleasure, for example, is based on a gang-rape scene from Last Exit to Brooklyn). I’m sorry but no. If you don’t want your lyrics being interpreted as glorifying abuse like these :

She may contain the urge to run away
But hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks
Germolene, disinfect the scene
My love, my love, love, love
But please don’t go, I love you so, my lovely

or these :

She bruises, coughs, she splutters pistol shots
Hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks
She’s morphine, queen of my vaccine
My love, my love, love, love, la, la, la, la


… You take the time to publish a public statement to condemn it AT THE VERY LEAST, because I’m not private to your mind and I don’t have a clue if you’re glorifying or denouncing that kind of behavior as it is. Sorry, I digress, but all of that is to say that without even realizing it, people assumed that this catchy song written by a rock band was a piece of art and that the only problematic songs were from hip-hop. I don’t agree and find it hypocritical, for crying out loud. The world isn’t a simple place, and Lehane shows it perfectly.

As for the writing, what can I say except that it was addictive? Indeed after a rather slow beginning, the story picked up and became a real page-turner for me. Moreover, as I said earlier, I absolutely adored the sarcastic tone of the book.

Concerning the settings, I thought that they were splendidly described : rarely authors manage to bring a city to life as Lehane does with Boston here – making it almost as if the city itself was a character. Each neighborhood, each slice of life appear tainted with too much distrust and hopelessness – even when it comes to ‘rich’ ones, which ambience is less claustrophobic but just as dark.

► Next one, please?

BOOK REVIEW – The Last Town (Wayward Pines #3) by Blake Crouch

BOOK REVIEW – The Last Town (Wayward Pines #3) by Blake CrouchThe Last Town (Wayward Pines #3)
by Blake Crouch
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Absolutely NOT.

How many series made you want to read each book back to back? How often are you willing to accept the flaws as they are and still treasure the story you read? In my reading experience, it’s a rarity.

: I won’t spoil the series for you, but DO NOT read the blurb of this third book, otherwise you’d find unsolicited information. You don’t want to do that, trust me.

When you read a book, you need a ending that :
A. wraps everything up
B. lets some loose ends
C. I don’t know, I don’t care this is crazy!!! Love it love it LOVE IT!

[embracing the madness]

Do you need to understand all the characters’ intention?
A. of course yes
B. I don’t understand the question : you mean that they must act coherently at any time? Why?
C. no I don’t give a damn

As for the pacing, you expect:
A. a fast-paced, action-packed page-turner where pausing to breathe is – really – overrated
B. a slow and insightful story with many descriptions of stuff as clothes, food, furniture…

You love your main characters :
A. fundamentally good, I can’t deal with unlikeable characters
B. [insert evil laugh] what was the question?
C. Realistic characters as in : neither fully bad nor good but complex

Among these possible sources of annoyance, which one is a lesser evil in your opinion?
A. to be frozen to death by boredom
B. to wander clueless and accept to suspend your disbelief sometimes
C. to predict every one of the outcomes

What would you say about your favorite characters?
A. They smirk and stare and glare. But they’re so fucking HAWT.
B. They’re so wise and clever that you could quote them as a rule of life. Actually, you do.
C. They fuck up. They make mistakes. They doubt. They fear. They live.

Now, a subsidiary question :

After reading this book, you thought that something was useless and annoying. What was it?
A. the love-triangle
B. the love-triangle
C. the love-triangle

(Don’t worry though, it doesn’t last long at all and makes sense)

Ps. Many reviews explained perfectly why this series is filled with plot holes and inaccuracies and I can’t say that they’re wrong. However, I enjoyed every moment and I would still recommend these books in a heartbeat.

Actual rating for this book : 3.5 stars
Rating for the series as a whole : 4 stars

BOOK REVIEW – Wayward (Wayward Pines #2) by Blake Crouch

BOOK REVIEW – Wayward (Wayward Pines #2) by Blake CrouchWayward (Wayward Pines #2)
by Blake Crouch
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Again, NO. Don't read it.

These books are like thrillers on crack, and again the story pulled me in from the very first page. So. Much. Win.

First of all, what you need to know is ________________. Indeed, while the ending of Pines offered us some answers, I have to admit that I wasn’t completely convinced by _____________________. In that aspect, Wayward turned out to be a strong and satisfying sequel because _______________________. As for the twists and turns the story takes, didn’t you love when _______________ ? It was by far my favorite part, because even though I guessed that ________________ and that _________________ (yes I did!! Okay! It was obvious! Whatever! Don’t give a damn!), I couldn’t help but feel stunned by ______________ . Not to mention the ____________________ : incredible idea, right? As for ___________________, his __________ was revealed to be even more crazy than I thought it was.

Haha. You really thought that I was going to review this book?

I can’t, people, I can’t! WHY?!

WAIT – is it good then? Well, let’s see…

If a :
☑ A captivating page-turner…
☑ … with complex and multi-layered characters…
☑ … nobody to be trusted…
☑ … hard choices to make…
☑ … with the boundaries between right and wrong more and more blurred …
☑ … and a killer ending…

… is a good book for you…

Yes it is.

Sorry, I did say that my review would be without any spoilers. I never said that it’d be useful, though. Oops.

BOOK REVIEW: How to Lead a Life of Crime by Kirsten Miller

BOOK REVIEW: How to Lead a Life of Crime by Kirsten MillerHow to Lead a Life of Crime by Kirsten Miller
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A meth dealer. A prostitute. A serial killer.

Anywhere else, they’d be vermin. At the Mandel Academy, they’re called prodigies. The most exclusive school in New York City has been training young criminals for over a century. Only the most ruthless students are allowed to graduate. The rest disappear.

Flick, a teenage pickpocket, has risen to the top of his class. But then Mandel recruits a fierce new competitor who also happens to be Flick’s old flame. They’ve been told only one of them will make it out of the Mandel Academy. Will they find a way to save each other—or will the school destroy them both?



“What takes more guts? To fight for your own life at any cost-or prove that you’re willing to lose it?”


Well, well, well….I am so beyond happy. <<< Eew that sentence, but it’s so true! Months ago, I read a series that I absolutely cherished, adored, obsessed over-I Hunt Killers. It took me a long time to get over my Jazz boy, and anyone that didn’t grasp my level of obsession over him would have to have been blind or wholly disinterested. But what do you do when you can’t make extra books appear out of thin air when your favorite series of the year ends? You find similar books.



I don’t care about Ghosts or girls anymore. I don’t give a damn about proof. This monster is just waiting for a chance to kill it’s creator. One way or another, I’ll get out. And then I’m going to destroy him.


But, as it was, when I started this, I couldn’t stop thinking of my wonderful Jazzy boy. So, this was put on hold until I could get my head out of that world and I could focus on this one. My long winded story ends here, I promise-This weekend I couldn’t get into my book, so I scoured my e-library and saw this beauty. It suited my mood, it reminded me of a favorite, had an addicting and compelling story, and it had an amazing male lead that had me rooting for him from beginning to end. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this book…but, in the end, it was a thrilling page turner that kept me on the edge of my seat.

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I would sacrifice almost anything to stay here with her. And that’s exactly why I have to leave. She will keep me from becoming what I need to be. And if she tries to save me, I will end up destroying her.


And that’s the best part-It wasn’t extremely fast-paced, it wasn’t action on each and every page, and it wasn’t what you’d expect. But, with all that being said, it was so much better. It was chilling, intense, underhanded, and brutal in it’s subtlety. I didn’t need non-stop action, nor did I need millions of things to happen at once. This story was so manipulative and gripping that I never once was thinking about anything but what was happening in front of my face-that is so rare for me. I am always thinking to the next chapter, the next page, the next problem, but because this was so intense I was so worried for our main character that I only cared what was happening to him in the here and now.
I thought this time, I was willing to do anything. Now Mandel will know that it’s all just an act. Because there’s one thing that I will not do. Not even to save the world from a monster. I won’t let Joi die.


I don’t know what I was expecting when I went into this, but I never expected for it to have The Testing vibes mixed with an I Hunt Killers theme I so immensely craved. And, even more than that, it was sad. Our poor boy, who had lived an inexplicably sad and undeserved life, was hurting-and rightfully so. More than once my heart ached for him and was torn to shreds as he imagined his little brother right beside him, even though he never truly could be again.

I’m not a lost boy, and I’m too old for a Wendy. But I want to remember her once before I let her go. All I get is a faint whiff of jasmine before my dream’s interrupted. And then the last person I’ll love is gone for good.

I choked on tears, wished for a better life than what he got, and hoped for him to make it out of Mandel Academy alive….but that’s hard to accomplish when you set out to make enemies.


Second period just started, and I already have five enemies, a pretty blond stalker, and zero friends. It’s a record, even for me.

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Flick (No, that’s not his real name) is a thief, a boy so good at pick-pocketing on the streets that all it takes is a flick of his wrist and he has your license, your money, your life in his hands-clever, eh?? His humor is exactly what I love in these books. Thrown into a world he’d have never wanted after losing his mother and almost identical brother, the only two happy things in his life, and being beaten for the most minuscule things (I mean it-like, being beaten to a bloody pulp) by his father, Flick is what you could probably call a ‘tortured’ male lead.
When I was younger, I’d make Jude stand beside me in front of my mother’s closet mirror. We looked so much alike. I couldn’t see what the difference was-I couldn’t understand how my father could love one of us and loathe the other.

So, when he is offered a chance to go to Mandel Academy in exchange for information that will help him take down his father, the reason for all the bad things in his life, he accepts….but at a price-he must leave Joi, his last happy thing, behind without a word or notice.


Suddenly I see the problem with Jude’s brilliant advice. Be who you want to be, he said. Well, the person I’d like to be would save View Spoiler ». But that would be dangerous. I could die trying-and there’s only one of me to sacrifice.


I’ll be quick-Joi is who makes him strive to be better, what keeps him from flipping his switch and turning into a monster. She helps anyone and everyone, never turning down even the most lost of souls, and she is a ray of sunshine in his-and many other children’s-bleak world. But don’t be mistaken-Joi can be a badass, too. But I don’t want to spoil that for you ;).


Maybe he’s not going to give me the choice to trade my life for hers. Maybe he’s found another way to force me to watch the girl I love be destroyed.

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All in all, I never expected much from this story. I didn’t know where it was going or when the blurb would come into play-but I was never bored. And the minute the blurb does kick in? Wow. The things Flick has to do, the intense, multi-layered cast of CRAZY characters he has to encounter and go through….Wow. Keep your eye on a certain…yeah, never mind. Just watch out, ‘K? It’s never safe. Never trust anyone. And don’t do anything you can’t live with. This chilling cast of characters will make your head spin…..and I still am thinking about it, even a day after finishing.


This is how it feels to lose your last hope. To stop treading water. To unplug life support.

BOOK REVIEW – Pines (Wayward Pines #1) by Blake Crouch

BOOK REVIEW – Pines (Wayward Pines #1) by Blake CrouchPines (Wayward Pines #1)
by Blake Crouch
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Haha, NO. Don't read the blurb. 

Fast-paced, gripping, Pines let me begging for more – I am in awe. READ IT. READ IT. READ IT. This book is fabulous.

The plot… fascinated and surprised me. The male lead (let’s call him “he”) wakes up in an unknown town, badly bruised, penniless, and without any memories of his life.

Now, this is a situation that would scare the shit out of anyone, don’t you agree? From page one my brain was reeling, faced with so many unanswered questions that I couldn’t help but strongly sympathize with him : what defines who you are? Who would you be if every knowledge about yourself had been ripped off your mind? To what degree can you trust your instincts? Can they be right? Or are you going completely out of line? And even if your memories come back, how can you survive when you’re surrounded by secrets?

“Are you losing your mind?
I sometimes think I’m still in that torture room. I never left.
Are you losing your mind?
You tell me.
I can’t.
Because I am you.”

Who is to be believed? Who is to be trusted?

The characters… are interesting and intriguing. When it comes to thrillers, I’ve drawn this conclusion : more the author keeps us in the dark, characters wise, more my interest is piqued, because the lack of knowledge adds tension to the story and you know what? I NEED TENSION. He isn’t a likeable character, not flawless by any means, but I cared for his quest of answers, even more because the layers of his life aren’t immediately unraveled. I won’t say much about him… Because obviously : if my enjoyment was linked to the fact that I had no idea of what I could expect, I won’t be the person that screw your read^^ As for the other characters we meet…

What, though?

The settings … are quite ominous.

Imagine a little town lost between mountains, with no escape in sight. Creepy, right? I mean, probably wonderful if you’ve planned a trip with friends, but to wake up there alone and in a bad shape? I’d probably turn hysterical. Nobody wants to see that, trust me. Even more when we realize, along the male-lead, that something isn’t quite right there… The people… The places… Everything appears intriguing and yes, more and more frightening…

The writing… is all kinds of amazing : indeed the alternative use of short and long sentences compelled me to read more and more and more, not to mention that some vivid descriptions (including smells! Thank you!) are straight on beautiful. I know many readers complained about the fragmented sentences and I can understand their struggles but… I think it’s only a matter of taste : I love that kind of writing when it’s well-done and it was perfect to express the changes in the rythm in my opinion.

From start to finish, Pines never gets dull and ends with a punch, leaving me eager for more.

So, Anna, you’re telling us that this book is perfect ?

Huh, NO. Plot holes, anyone? Obviously, I won’t talk about them because spoilers, but know that there are several of them and I. Don’t. Care. I don’t want to analyze : I was mesmerized, I was surprised, I am in love and I don’t give a damn if some things don’t quite make sense. You’ve been warned.

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