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To all of my wonderful, awesome GR friends, I am in no way attempting to degrade or belittle this story you all have grown to love so much-I just couldn’t connect with Sparrow or the format of the story.
All kisses before this have been mere child’s play. I drink him in and know my fate is sealed: I am his.
I have been (not so patiently) waiting to read this story for over a month-a story that has been praised by almost every single one of my GR friends, I have been trying to find time to fit this story into my schedule so I could fall in love with another rock star God and the angst that seems to always come with dating them in these stories. What started out as a strong first chapter slowly started to decline and take a nosedive almost instantly after the ’5 months later’ cue.
Not one for living in the past, I immediately felt less connected to the story, because, well, didn’t it just imply what we all knew already happened? What’s the point?
He reaches over and grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. “You’re going to break my heart, Sparrow Fisher.”
And I think, Not before you break mine.
I don’t intend to be harsh with any of my reviews….EVER….but some of the miscalculations that took place in this book really didn’t resonate with me. I think it’s inevitable with some of these new adult books. The naivety with which the main character lives day-to-day is almost always a factor, but not always as brazen as miss Sparrow Fisher.
”…When I’m with you, though, I can’t see past you. I just want you and no one else, and I don’t want anyone else to have you either. That’s not fair.–Ian
When Sparrow and Ian first meet, the sparks fly, and that’s no joke. I was totally immersed into their story and was so excited to see what would happen between the two of them. He was sex-walking and she was the innocent virgin…I was eating it up. But then…then…we just wait. And wait. And wait some more. I’m all for a slow build-up, but when the guy you are infatuated with, and he you, goes away for months on tour or whatever he is doing, you don’t just let him disappear off the radar without so much as a goodbye…do you?? I sure as hell wouldn’t. I was innocent too, people, and I would never have not attempted contact in one way or another. It’s just human nature: you’re interested, why not initiate ‘the big talk’ or just a ‘hello’? That was my first major problem with the story-It’s not completely his job. Ok, ok, I understand it the first time, but when things start to change between you two, do you just leave it as it is?
Single life????
Can I just say one thing??View Spoiler »
The idiocy and immaturity with which Sparrow handled herself was laughable at best. This is where everyone will lynch me, I just know it. There was absolutely no angst I felt…AT ALL. The story had a predictability that had me guessing the finale from page one, and I wasn’t surprised about anything. Well, that’s a lie, I was surprised that View Spoiler » > on my radar, but he made it on. He was sweet, attentive, doting, and everything a girl could ask for, and I loved every time he was in the story (when he wasn’t, the story dragged and became extremely, you guessed it, corny). I loved the progression from when he first met Sparrow to the very end, even when things were crumbling apart. He drew the most emotion out of me the story possibly could, and my heart broke for him with each View Spoiler » > passing page.
You are my first
And last
And only
True Love-
All in all, I am glad I read TLS. I’m glad to get it out of my system, off my radar, and on my shelf. It’s a decent story and this author has so much potential-5 star ratings spewing off every book review page, she has a bright future, indeed. It didn’t wholly work for me as it did many others, but I won’t forget Ian and I won’t forget the way they met and the beautiful ending I couldn’t help but hope for, despite my lack of love for the story. I will suggest it to many readers and many more will fall head over heels for this totally fun and not-so-light read, it just didn’t completely resonate with me.
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