BOOK REVIEW: Legion (Talon #4) by Julia Kagawa

BOOK REVIEW: Legion (Talon #4) by Julia KagawaLegion (Talon #4)
by Julie Kagawa
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The legions are about to be unleashed, and no human, rogue dragon or former dragon slayer can stand against the coming horde. Book 4 of 5 in The Talon Saga from New York Times bestselling author Julie Kagawa.

Dragon hatchling Ember Hill was never prepared to find love at all--dragons do not suffer human emotions--let alone the love of a human and a former dragonslayer, at that. With ex-soldier Garret dying at her feet after sacrificing his freedom and his life to expose the deepest of betrayals, Ember knows only that nothing she was taught by dragon organization Talon is true. About humans, about rogue dragons, about herself and what she's capable of doing and feeling.

In the face of great loss, Ember vows to stand with rogue dragon Riley against the dragon-slaying Order of St. George and her own twin brother Dante--the heir apparent to all of Talon, and the boy who will soon unleash the greatest threat and terror dragonkind has ever known.

Talon is poised to take over the world, and the abominations they have created will soon take to the skies, darkening the world with the promise of blood and death to those who refuse to yield.


“Make no mistake. You will serve Talon, one way or another. We just have to find that breaking point.”

It’s no secret I’m one of the few people (among those I know or follow) who are still deeply involved with this series. I cherish and am obsessed with Garret, adore Riley and the rest of the crew, have a love/hate relationship with Ember, and generally am knee-deep in Kagawa’s perilous fantasy story-telling abilities. The end of Soldier (and all of Soldier, really, in my opinion) was by far one of my favorite endings to a book-ever. But, even Kagawa can’t always be perfect.

Even with all the things I love about this series, this book felt, inevitably, like a filler to me. Not as much passion, not enough action, a little too much of that moron, Dante, and an overall overkill of some things. I say ‘some things’ lightly because I just don’t know how to explain what wasn’t right for me-it just wasn’t. I think there was too much background noise, too much buildup with not enough payoff.

“Though you are beautiful, you know that, right?” I think I blushed, and he smiled, leaning closer. “I didn’t fall in love with how you looked,” he murmured as his hand rose, gently brushing my cheek. “I fell in love with you.”

I liked so many things, as always with the Talon series, in this book, but I’m kind of in a place [with the content of the last book, Soldier] where I can’t say too much. I can say there was a lot of planning for an all-out war. I can say there was a decent amount of, ahem, romance. And I can even say the writing style wasn’t as strong as the last three books, in my opinion. But when you get down to it, I can’t say the things I REALLYYY want to say…because…spoilers lol.
But, hey, let’s recreate some dialogue like Joey from Friends and ALMOST accidentally spoil everything, while talking to Chandler and Ross:

J: Remember how that bastard cheated and went against the oath at the end of Soldier?
R/C: Riighhhttt, okay, so fun, I remember.
J: And then remember how Ember was begging him not to die and…you know…
R/C: Ooohh yeahhh, so cool.
J: And it just ended with Garret View Spoiler » ?!
Rachel: JOEY!!!

HA. Sorry, but I can’t not talk about him!!!!! I JUST CANNOT. WHAT WORLD WOULD I BE LIVING IN IF I DIDN’T GUSH ABOUT ONE OF MY TOP BBF’S FOR LIFE??? Not a good one, that’s for sure.
So, anyway. Take what you will from this review, but just remember these key things:

-By far my least favorite book of the series
-Not my favorite dialogues, almost bordering on cheesy, which Kagawa has never done so I may be overstepping, I don’t know
-Lots of Dante…a big downside for me, because:


-Not as much action as I remember from the others
-Not as emotional, if you ask me


-Still some heart-wrenching moments
-Still some swoon
-Still butterflies in my belly
-Still Kagawa…and you ain’t doin’ half bad readin’ a Kagawa book, mmmkaaaaaayyy?

So…whatever. If you read it, read it. If you don’t, don’t. But I’ve done as good as I can keepin’ it real. Go with God.

View Spoiler »

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OMG THE COVER OMG MY BOY AHHHH-I LOVE IT *smiling devil face emoji*


Ugly Crying like…

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My heart and soul were ripped to shreds at the end of Soldier….and with my horrible book slump, this is the ONLY story that could ease my wounded soul.

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I’m so obsessed with Garret it’s not even funny.

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Which is why I am still a blubbering mess when I think of him…

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and this story…and it’s end…

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and this evil author that I am obsessed with and adore…..

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But I suppose I’ll be fine (UNTIL 2017) ARGHHHHHHH UGHHHHH

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Seriously-Kagawa, you are evil. You wound me.

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  1. Theresa Hernandez

    You’re love for this series and this author has sucked me in. Just bought Talon.
    Theresa Hernandez recently posted…Cover Reveal – RIGHT GIFT WRONG DAY (Offsides) by Natalie DeckerMy Profile

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Ahhh thank you!!!! I love when I ‘influence’ to try one of my absolute favorites! AND GARRET IS DIVINE. Have you read any of her other series? I’d say this is her least liked series…but I adore it, regardless lol

      • Theresa Hernandez

        Nope, not yet. This will be my first.

        • Chelsea (Peril Please)

          Ahhh well I hope you enjoy! *holds breath while awaiting your thoughts*

  2. Amanda

    I laughed a little too hard at the gif images. Adorable review Chelsea!
    Amanda recently posted…25 Most Touching Quotes about LoveMy Profile

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Awww thank you so much!!!! I definitely have a flair for the dramatic when it comes to books I am obsessed with-and this series is no exception!

      Lol, they are ridiculous aren’t they?

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