BOOK REVIEW – The Bet (The Bet #1) by Rachel Van Dyken

BOOK REVIEW – The Bet (The Bet #1) by Rachel Van DykenThe Bet (The Bet #1)
by Rachel Van Dyken
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"I have a proposition for you." Kacey should have run the minute those words left Seattle millionaire Jake Titus's mouth. It's been years since Kacey's seen her childhood friend Jake, but the minute Jake mentions his ill grandmother, Kacey is ready to do anything for the sweet old woman. And if that means pretending they're engaged for her sake-so be it.

But Kacey wasn't counting on Jake's older brother Travis still being there. She calls him "Satan" for a reason: she's never forgotten the way he teased and taunted her. Yet when they meet again, Travis's gorgeous smile is a direct hit to her heart . . . and Kacey's more confused than ever. As the days pass, only one thing starts to become alarmingly clear-she never should have accepted Jake's deal . . .


The Bet was hilariously addicting!  I loved that the characters charmed their way into my heart, that the pages were filled with tons of fun drama and that the ending left me excited to read the next book in this series.  This was my first book by Rachel Van Dyken and I’m definitely kicking myself that I didn’t pick up one of her books sooner!

Jake’s thumb rubbed across her fingers delicately.
Another involuntary shiver ran down her spine.  
It’s not real, Kacey.  Just remember it’s not real.  He doesn’t really like you in that way.  Do it for Grandma!

Jake Titus propositioned Kacey to pretend to be his fiance.  They were childhood friends, but after a falling out they hadn’t spoken in a few years.  Jake was feeling pressure from his family’s company to change his playboy persona and his Grandma, who loved Kacey and had been sick, wanted to see her.  So by bringing Kacey back home, he’d be back in his family and company’s good graces and he would help Kacey out with her college expenses in return. It sounded like the perfect win win situation.  Yet nothing could prepare Kacey for being back in the Titus’ house, especially with Travis there.  He was Jake’s older brother who was horrific to Kacey as a child.

He’d be a fool to let her go.
Again . – Jake

I was definitely confused at first.  Was I supposed to love Kacey with Jake or Travis?  But over time we got to see who deserved Kacey’s heart.  In the beginning, Kacey and Jake’s interactions were adorable.  They had a friendship that was definitely complicated and filled with some hurt.  But it also felt strong and true, or at least it use to be that way. You see, we got to hear lots of stories referencing Kacey and Jake’s past and I laughed so hard I cried.  Their past was hysterical!  But the more I saw who Jake was, I wasn’t the biggest fan of him.  He would come across as a self centered asshole. He could make the worst choices and it all seemed to center on instant gratification.  And he never thought about how the ramifications would affect others. But Jake seemed like the type where if he really wanted something, he’d find a way to make it happen.

Travis held up his wine.  “To conquering old fears?”
Something shifted between them.  His eyes, though it was dark, seemed to he hiding something, as if he were talking about more than her stupid phobia.  She leaned in, now completely relaxed from drowning half of her wine already, and whispered, “To conquering old fears.”

Now Travis and Kacey?  They made me laugh so hard too, but each moment had something else coursing through it.  There was a tension between them that was always crackling and it left me with the hugest grin on my face.  Travis and Kacey’s moments together were so hot.  Even when they were throwing jabs at each other.  They could also be ridiculously immature and it was so much fun.  I loved their teasing and their weird obsession with food fights. It made my heart smile and I couldn’t stop laughing!

He wondered if she could hear his heart hammering in his chest.  “Because of you, Kace. Everything I do, everything I’ve done in my life it’s all because of you.” – Travis

Travis was definitely book boyfriend material!  He looked out for Kacey and he thought about her happiness first.  Yeah he would screw up from time to time, but ultimately he was her biggest protector and champion.  So I kept my fingers crossed that that was who Kacey would end up with, because sometimes it didn’t feel as though it’d pan out in that direction.  So be careful with your hearts! Speaking of my heart…. ohhhhh I have to say I think everyone will love Grandma!! She was funny, smart, devious and I’m looking forward to seeing what she’s up to in the next book!

Both brothers.
One a friend, the other something so much more.

So I definitely recommend The Bet!  It’s for everyone who adores NA stories that have tension running through them.  And if you love drama that’s fun, with sillier moments laced through it, then this is definitely your book!  The next book is about the brother who wasn’t meant for Kacey and I’m so excited to see what happens to him!

PS So here’s a weird confession.  Usually I don’t read books with the name Travis.  It’s my brothers name and yeah it just feels weird.  But I call my brother Trav and I heard that wasn’t used in this book, thank goodness!!

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  1. T.H. Hernandez

    I’ve only read one of her books and I didn’t much are for it. That’s the problem when the first thing you read by an author isn’t their best stuff; you give up before you read the good stuff. I have this on my Kindle, I will have to give it a try.
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    • Jen

      I’m sure I have a few authors who I’ve read one book and then didn’t read anymore, and maybe their other books would have worked better for me. Although I have given a few authors two tries because it seems like their books would work for me and then they didn’t lol. But I’m going to try a lot more of Rachel Van Dyken’s books….I’ll let you know what my fave ends up being. 🙂

  2. ambsreads

    Great review! This one sounds so fun! I’ll definitely be adding it to my TBR 😊

    • Jen

      I’m so happy to hear that!

  3. Raven@dreamy addictions

    It’s been a long time since I’ve read a RVD’s book. This sounds pretty good! I’m adding it to my TBR! Thanks for the wonderful review! ☺️
    Raven@dreamy addictions recently posted…Whisper of the Tide(Song Of The Current#2) By Sarah Tolcser [Review]My Profile

    • Jen

      I’m soooooo late to the game since this is my first RVD book but I definitely need to go back and binge a lot of her prior books. I adore her writing, it’s so hilarious and a lot of fun!

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