BOOK REVIEW: The King by Jennifer L. Armentrout

BOOK REVIEW: The King by Jennifer L. ArmentroutThe King by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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As Caden and Brighton's attraction grows despite the odds stacked against a happily ever after, they must work together to stop an Ancient fae from releasing the Queen, who wants nothing more than to see Caden become the evil Prince once feared by fae and mortals alike.


The King was action packed, emotional and there was even more sexual tension between Brighton and Caden *fans face*.  When I finished that last page, I was shocked again that I read a novella.  At almost 200 pages, there was so much packed into this book and I even found myself crying because I was so emotionally invested.   The King was definitely a phenomenal follow up to The Prince!  So if you’re a fan of The Wicked Trilogy, fae or Jennifer Armentrout then you have to pick this one up!

The King was quiet for several moments, and then he looked at me. “If you knew that someone you…you looked fondly upon was doing something that would surely lead to their demise, would you not try to stop them?”
“Are you saying you look fondly upon me, King?”
His head tilted, and then he looked away.

The story started two years after The Prince ended.  Brighton was focused on hunting down the fae who killed her mother and nearly killed her too.  It didn’t matter that she had never hunt fae for The Order, she’d been trained just like everyone else.  So while Brighton was out for revenge and redemption, Caden seemed to turn up wherever Brighton was. 

Part of me hated how my body responded to him, how my heart swelled and raced whenever he was near. All of me wanted him, though, and I loathed that most of all.

Caden and Brighton traveled down a forbidden path that had me absolutely addicted.  He’s fae, she’s in The Order.  They should not be together, but their story was oh so seductive and sexy.  And when we learned both of their secrets, ohhhhhh it was so good!  With twists and turns, it was impossible to put this book down.  Especially since you can binge it in one sitting.  While one of the twists hurt my heart, the other one I saw coming!  But hold on because there are also some dark and twisted moments that left me horrified to read what unfold next.

This was insane. I was mad at him, and he was beyond frustrated with me, but this… God, this felt right, and I was so full of raw, painful need that I didn’t care what came next.

With lots of angst, my emotions were through the roof.  And while this story pulled at my heart, there was also moments of lightness since we got to spend time with our favorites.  Tink was hilarious as ever with his Amazon addiction and his antics with Dixon.  Ren, Ivy and so many others we cared for from The Wicked Trilogy were in the story too.  Plus I loved watching how much Brighton grew emotionally and physically.  And Caden.  Sigh.  He stole my heart even more.  Caden was beyond protective and while I knew he had to have a huge heart, well, I can’t say more other than he easily became one of my book boyfriends!

“Duty should never supersede what is right,” he said. “No matter the cost.”

So yes, I definitely recommend this book!  But start with The Prince.  And if you even want to go further back, then you can pick up The Wicked Trilogy.  They’re all so amazing!  Now I’m counting down the days until I can read the third and final book about Caden and Brighton.  That ending has me desperately wanting to know what happens next but also left me screaming and smiling I Knew It!!  Enjoy!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers) & iBooks (click on titles)

The Prince   #1


The King #2


The Queen   #3



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  1. Raven @ Dreamy Addictions

    This series didn’t work out for me, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it to so far! Love your review! Maybe I should give this series another chance!
    Raven @ Dreamy Addictions recently posted…Don’t Date Rosa Santos By Nina Moreno [Review]My Profile

    • Jen

      I actually love this spin-off series more than the original *shhhhhh lol*. There’s just something about a tortured male that calls to me. Every. Single. Time. HA!

  2. Sophie

    Great review Jen! I only read the last oen in that series and it seems that I do everything out of order LOL

    • Jen

      Oh no lol! Yeah it’s definitely a series that builds with each book, so that would be confusing, I’m so sorry!

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