BOOK REVIEW: Forever Starts Now by Stefanie London

BOOK REVIEW: Forever Starts Now by Stefanie London Forever Starts Now by Stefanie London
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What happens when two people who’ve given up on forever find it in each other…?

Single men are as scarce in Forever Falls as a vegetarian at a barbecue. That is, until Ethan Hammersmith moves in. After his fiancée gave him an ultimatum, he left Australia and never looked back. He isn’t in America to find a new girlfriend, though. He’s searching for the father he never knew. But now it’s like he has a flashing sign above his head that says “available.” Thankfully, the manager of the local diner is willing to give him cover―if only she weren’t so distractingly adorable.

Monroe Roberts, town misanthrope and divorcée, knocked “forever” permanently off her wish list ever since the love of her life skipped town with the cliché yoga instructor. And good riddance. She’s got this struggling diner to keep her busy, trying anything to boost sales…until a hot Australian strolls in and changes everything. Monroe’s restaurant is packed full of women who aren’t there to order food, unless Ethan is on the menu. This could sink her business faster than ever. So―light bulb―what if they pretend to be together?

It sounds like the perfect plan. Until they realize there is some very real chemistry in this fake relationship. But is it enough to heal two hearts that have been so deeply wounded?


“Sometimes it takes the right person to shine a light on us so we can see who we’ve become.”

Forever Starts Now was a heartwarming tale of love and finding your way in life.  I absolutely loved the romance and the small town this story took place.  With a story line and characters that quickly hooked me, I couldn’t stop smiling.  If you’re a fan of the fake dating trope, which is one of my favorites!, then you definitely need to add this one to your tbr.

“I know you said I wasn’t your type, but maybe you could fake being attracted to me.”
If only he wasn’t her type. Hell, Monroe would chance it and say that Ethan might be the “type” of every living being with a pulse and a preference for men. Universal hotness, at its finest.

While Monroe Roberts worked at the local Sunshine Diner, her true passion in life was baking.  She had even won a national tv show baking competition.   But with a jaded past involving an ex-husband, trying to help a struggling diner and caring for her dad, Monroe never got to put herself first.  When a stranger walked into town that looked like Chris Hemsworth, her life got even busier.  With women stealing spots at her diner to catch a glance of the movie star doppelganger, and not ordering meals, the diner seemed to struggle even more.

“You’re a little too good at this, you know. Am I your first fake girlfriend? Be honest now.”
His smile was pure sunshine and warmth. Damn.

I heart Ethan Hammersmith.  He was sexy, kind, honest and when he opened up, it was impossible not to fall completely head over heels in love with him.  He too came from a jaded past, and his was filled with lies.  Ethan had been searching the U.S. for the dead father he never knew existed until now.  But with everyone trying to get up in his business or capture a date with the new bachelor, he wasn’t able to discreetly dig for info on his father.  So when Ethan suggested to Monroe that they fake date, so the diner could thrive and he could stop being bothered, I was utterly giddy!

“You’re beautiful,” he said quietly. There was something about the way he said it, low enough that maybe it wasn’t for show. For their act. Or maybe it was the way he looked at her— like he really saw who she was underneath it all. “Inside and out.”

 The story alternated between Monroe and Ethan and they had so much in common.  And from the moment they were near one another, there was instant chemistry.  Flirting and banter was so seamless between them.  So when they started to pretend dating, of course that electricity was still there.  With touches, whispering secret words to each other and even kissing…..this book was SO much fun!  Some of their moments together were hot and I couldn’t get enough of it!  All the while they were fake dating, it sure didn’t look or feel like it!

“For something that’s supposed to be fake, I’m having a hard time drawing a line in my head.”
Her breath caught in her throat.

Forever Starts Now was a sexy and sweet story that was so easy to devour!  With a story line that flowed effortlessly and characters that were a piece of cake to adore, I loved this story!  There were also side characters that felt so real to me!  So if you’re a fan of romance or the fake dating trope, then I can’t recommend this one enough!  Now I need to go check out London’s other books ♥.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*


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  1. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    What a sweet story! I’m not typically a fan of the fake dating/relationship trope, but there are so many other things you mention that I do like. Ethan sounds like such a sweetheart – and I love seeing two characters come together who have both been wronged and can find solace and understanding in one another.
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…Review: Truly Mine by Kennedy FoxMy Profile

    • Jen

      Yes, Ethan was a total sweetheart and I love finding the good guys in books who also have a tragic past, I’m such a sucker for them!

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